Discover Words Starting With ‘S’ in Spanish| Expand Your Vocabulary!

In all languages, the basic unit of written communication is the letter. It represents the sound of language, sets a standard, and helps in facilitating effective written correspondence.

From many, the ‘S’ letter in Spanish, also plays a crucial role in pronunciation and spelling. And in this post, we will delve into all the common Spanish words starting with ‘S’!

Here, you will have a proper guide on nouns, adjectives, verbs, adverbs, pronouns, prepositions, and conjunctions. Obviously, it will enhance your learning Spanish easily!

Fundamentals of the Letter “S” in Spanish

The ‘S’ letter in Spanish always adds a beautiful variation in speaking and writing. It follows multiple ways to be written or spoken! From the very beginning, this might seem tough, but with proper guidance and practice, this will be easier too!

Words Starting With 'S' in Spanish-5

So let’s furnish the fundamentals of this Spanish letter before going further, okay?

Let’s carefully look at the important basics of this Spanish letter before going ahead, okay?


In most cases, you have to pronounce the letter ‘S’ as a voiceless alveolar fricative. It is very similar to the English ‘S’ sounds in words like “sit” or “see.” However, the pronunciation can vary depending on its position within a word or adjacent to certain consonants.

For example:

  • Sol (sun)
  • Salud (health)
  • Silla (chair)
  • Seguro (safe)
  • Saber (to know)

Following these words, try to pronounce them based on this rule!

Word-initial Position

When “S” appears at the beginning of a word, it is typically pronounced as a strong “s” sound. For example-

  • Sábado (Saturday)
  • Sombra (shadow)
  • Sueño (dream)
  • Salsa (sauce)
  • Siguiente (next)

Word-medial Position

In the middle of a word, the pronunciation of “S” stays the same, except when it’s between two vowels where it can sound softer, like the English “z”. Here’s an example-

  • Casa (house)
  • Mesa (table)
  • Vasija (vessel)
  • Risa (laughter)
  • Beso (kiss)

Word-final Position

The pronunciation of “S” can vary at the end of a word. In some regions, it’s pronounced as a clear “s” sound, while in others, it might be dropped entirely, especially in Latin American Spanish dialects.

You can take these words for example-

  • Más (more)
  • Tres (three)

Consonant Cluster “S” + Consonant

Sometimes “S” is followed by certain consonants like “t” or “p,” which often produces unique sounds. For instance, in words like “estar” (to be) or “especial” (special), the “s” takes on a slightly different sound due to the consonant cluster.

  • Estar (to be)
  • Especial (special)
  • Escuela (school)
  • Estrella (star)
  • Despacio (slowly)

Orthographic Rules

The letter “S” is used in various combinations with other letters to form different sounds and spellings. For example, “SC” often produces the “sk” sound as in “escuela” (school), while “ST” typically creates the “st” sound as in “estar” (to be).

  • Escuchar (to listen)
  • Escalera (staircase)
  • Aspecto (aspect)
  • Estudiar (to study)
  • Escribir (to write)

Grammatical Functions

You will notice a bunch of words in Spanish that are forming verb conjugations, plural nouns, and possessive pronouns. For instance, conjugating verbs in the present tense often involves adding different endings to the verb stem, which may include forms with “S.

  • Hablas (you speak)
  • Comemos (we eat)
  • Sales (you leave)
  • Cantas (you sing)
  • Bebes (you drink)

Common Spanish Nouns(sustantivos) Starting with S

The noun also has the same definition in Spanish that does it in English! So any names regarding people, locations, objects, or ideas will maintain their meaning.

As Spanish is a very vibrant language, it has a huge quantity of nouns. From them, here we will talk about only those that start with “S”!

No. Verbs English Meanings
1 sacar to take out, to remove
2 saber to know
3 sacudir to shake
4 saludar to greet
5 saltar to jump, to leap
6 salvar to save, to rescue
7 sangrar to bleed
8 satisfacer to satisfy
9 seccionar to section, to divide
10 secuestrar to kidnap
11 seducir to seduce
12 seguir to follow
13 seleccionar to select
14 sellar to seal
15 sembrar to sow, to plant
16 sentar to sit, to seat
17 sentir to feel
18 separar to separate
19 ser to be
20 servir to serve
21 silbar to whistle
22 simular to simulate
23 sobresalir to stand out
24 socorrer to help, to aid
25 sofocar to stifle, to smother
26 soler to be accustomed to
27 soltar to release, to let go
28 sonar to sound, to ring
29 sonreír to smile
30 soplar to blow
31 sorprender to surprise
32 suavizar to soften
33 subir to go up, to ascend
34 subyugar to subdue
35 suceder to happen, to occur
36 sudar to sweat
37 sufrir to suffer
38 sugerir to suggest
39 sujetar to hold, to fasten
40 sumar to add
41 suministrar to supply
42 suplicar to beg, to implore
43 suponer to suppose, to assume
44 suprimir to suppress, to remove
45 surgir to arise, to emerge
46 suspender to suspend, to hold up
47 sustentar to sustain, to support
48 sustituir to substitute, to replace
49 sustraer to subtract, to take away
50 surtir to supply, to stock
51 suscribir to subscribe
52 suspirar to sigh
53 sustentar to sustain, to maintain
54 susurrar to whisper
55 someter to submit, to subdue
56 sobrevivir to survive
57 sorber to sip, to suck
58 sospechar to suspect
59 soportar to endure, to bear
60 sortear to draw lots, to overcome
61 sobresaltar to startle, to surprise
62 sobrevalorar to overvalue
63 sobrealimentar to overfeed
64 sobrellevar to bear, to endure
65 sobrepasar to exceed, to go beyond
66 sobreponer to overcome, to prevail
67 sobresalir to stand out, to excel
68 sobresaturar to oversaturate
69 sobrevenir to happen unexpectedly
70 sobrevolar to fly over
71 socavar to undermine, to erode
72 solazar to delight, to amuse
73 soldar to solder, to weld
74 soliviantar to stir up, to rouse
75 soltar to release, to let go
76 someter to submit, to subject
77 sonar to dream, to fantasize
78 soñar to dream
79 sopar to sup, to have supper
80 soportar to bear, to endure
81 sorprender to surprise
82 sortear to draw lots, to overcome
83 soslayar to evade, to avoid
84 sostener to sustain, to support
85 subir to go up, to ascend
86 sublevar to rebel, to revolt
87 sublimar to sublimate
88 subordinar to subordinate
89 subrayar to underline, to emphasize
90 subsanar to rectify, to correct
91 substraer to subtract, to take away
92 subsumir to subsume, to include
93 subvencionar to subsidize
94 subvertir to subvert, to overthrow
95 sucumbir to succumb, to yield
96 sudar to sweat
97 sufrir to suffer
98 sufragar to defray, to pay for
99 sugerir to suggest
100 suicidarse to commit suicide

Spanish Words That Start With S Adjectives

The Adjetivos are generally used for describing nouns in Spanish. It helps to make the communication and sentences easier to understand and read.

Below, we have listed the most common Spanish adjectives in Spanish.

No. Adjetivos English Meanings
1 sabio wise
2 sabroso tasty, delicious
3 sano healthy
4 sagrado sacred
5 salado salty
6 salvaje wild, savage
7 sencillo simple
8 serio serious
9 severo severe
10 silencioso silent
11 sólido solid
12 solo alone, only
13 sordo deaf
14 sorprendente surprising
15 suave soft, smooth
16 sublime sublime
17 sutil subtle
18 suculento succulent
19 suave soft, gentle
20 sudoroso sweaty
21 sufrido long-suffering
22 sumiso submissive
23 superficial superficial
24 superior superior
25 supremo supreme
26 suspicaz suspicious
27 susurrante whispering
28 sutil subtle
29 soberbio arrogant
30 sobrio sober
31 sobresaliente outstanding
32 soez obscene
33 solitario solitary
34 solvente solvent
35 sombrío gloomy
36 sonriente smiling
37 sonrosado rosy
38 soportable bearable
39 soso bland, insipid
40 sospechoso suspicious

Spanish Verbs(verbos) Starting with S

Verbos and verbs are the same thing; they both refer to actions or states of being within a sentence. Here is a short list of nice words that start with s in Spanish

Words Starting With 'S' in Spanish-6

No. Verbos English Meanings
1 sacar to take out, to remove, to extract
2 saber to know
3 sacudir to shake
4 saludar to greet
5 saltar to jump, to leap
6 salvar to save, to rescue
7 sangrar to bleed
8 satisfacer to satisfy
9 seccionar to section, to divide
10 secuestrar to kidnap
11 seducir to seduce
12 seguir to follow
13 seleccionar to select
14 sellar to seal
15 sembrar to sow, to plant
16 sentar to sit, to seat
17 sentir to feel
18 separar to separate
19 ser to be
20 servir to serve
21 silbar to whistle
22 simular to simulate
23 sobresalir to stand out
24 socorrer to help, to aid
25 sofocar to stifle, to smother
26 soler to be accustomed to
27 soltar to release, to let go
28 sonar to sound, to ring
29 sonreír to smile
30 soplar to blow
31 sorprender to surprise
32 suavizar to soften
33 subir to go up, to ascend
34 subyugar to subdue
35 suceder to happen, to occur
36 sudar to sweat
37 sufrir to suffer
38 sugerir to suggest
39 sujetar to hold, to fasten
40 sumar to add
41 suministrar to supply
42 suplicar to beg, to implore
43 suponer to suppose, to assume
44 suprimir to suppress, to remove
45 surgir to arise, to emerge
46 suspender to suspend, to hold up
47 sustentar to sustain, to support
48 sustituir to substitute, to replace
49 sustraer to subtract, to take away
50 surtir to supply, to stock

Also Read: 500+ Common Spanish Words Ending in “ción”.

Words Starting With ‘S’ in Spanish

Above, we have extensively discussed all the different aspects related to the topic. Now, let’s shift our focus to exploring a variety of delightful and optimistic Spanish words that begin with the letter “s”. In this section, we have compiled a comprehensive list of these words with definitions and translations.

Words Starting With 'S' in Spanish-1

  • Pronunciation: see
    English Meaning: yes
    Spanish Sentence: Sí, quiero ir contigo al cine.
    English Sentence: Yes, I want to go with you to the movies.
  • s
    Pronunciation: es
    English Meaning: s (letter “s”)
    Spanish Sentence: La palabra “sol” empieza con la letra s.
    English Sentence: The word “sun” starts with the letter s.
  • -s
    Pronunciation: des
    English Meaning: -s (plural marker)
    Spanish Sentence: Los pájaros vuelan en grupos grandes.
    English Sentence: The birds fly in large groups.
  • S.
    Pronunciation: es
    English Meaning: S. (abbreviation for “santo” or “santa” in names)
    Spanish Sentence: La calle Juana de Arco lleva el nombre de una santa.
    English Sentence: Juana de Arco street is named after a saint.
  • S.A.
    Pronunciation: ess-ah
    English Meaning: S.A. (abbreviation for “sociedad anónima” – public limited company)
    Spanish Sentence: Mi padre es accionista de una S.A. importante.
    English Sentence: My father is a shareholder in an important S.A.
  • saña
    Pronunciation: sah-nyah
    English Meaning: malice
    Spanish Sentence: El crimen fue cometido con saña y brutalidad.
    English Sentence: The crime was committed with malice and brutality.
  • sabana
    Pronunciation: sah-bah-nah
    English Meaning: savannah
    Spanish Sentence: Los leones cazan en la sabana africana.
    English Sentence: Lions hunt in the African savannah.
  • sabandija
    Pronunciation: sah-bahn-dee-hah
    English Meaning: vermin
    Spanish Sentence: Hay una sabandija en la cocina.
    English Sentence: There’s a vermin in the kitchen.
  • sabádico
    Pronunciation: sah-bah-dee-koh
    English Meaning: Sabbath
    Spanish Sentence: La observancia sabádica es importante para algunas religiones.
    English Sentence: Sabbath observance is important in some religions.
  • sabedor
    Pronunciation: sah-beh-dor
    English Meaning: knowledgeable person
    Spanish Sentence: Mi abuelo era sabedor de muchas historias antiguas.
    English Sentence: My grandfather was a knowledgeable person about many ancient stories.
  • sabelotodo
    Pronunciation: sah-beh-loh-toh-doh
    English Meaning: know-it-all
    Spanish Sentence: No soporto a ese sabelotodo que siempre tiene una respuesta para todo.
    English Sentence: I can’t stand that know-it-all who always has an answer for everything.
  • saber
    Pronunciation: sah-behr
    English Meaning: to know
    Spanish Sentence: Es importante saber la verdad.
    English Sentence: It’s important to know the truth.
  • sabia
    Pronunciation: sah-byah
    English Meaning: wise woman
    Spanish Sentence: La anciana era una sabia consejera.
    English Sentence: The old woman was a wise advisor.
  • sabiamente
    Pronunciation: sah-byah-men-teh
    English Meaning: wisely
    Spanish Sentence: Tomó la decisión sabiamente.
    English Sentence: He made the decision wisely.
  • sabido
    Pronunciation: sah-bee-doh
    English Meaning: known
    Spanish Sentence: Es un secreto sabido por todos.
    English Sentence: It’s a known secret by everyone.
  • sabiduría
    Pronunciation: sah-bee-doo-ree-ah
    English Meaning: wisdom
    Spanish Sentence: La sabiduría es el conocimiento aplicado con prudencia.
    English Sentence: Wisdom is knowledge applied with prudence.
  • sabiendas
    Pronunciation: sah-byen-dahs
    English Meaning: knowledge
    Spanish Sentence: Actuó con pleno conocimiento de las sabiendas del caso.
    English Sentence: He acted with full knowledge of the facts of the case.
  • sabina
    Pronunciation: sah-bee-nah
    English Meaning: juniper
    Spanish Sentence: En la montaña crece mucha sabina.
    English Sentence: There’s a lot of juniper growing in the mountains.
  • sabio
    Pronunciation: sah-byoh
    English Meaning: wise
    Spanish Sentence: El anciano era sabio y respetado por todos.
    English Sentence: The old man was wise and respected by all.
  • sable
    Pronunciation: sah-bleh
    English Meaning: saber
    Spanish Sentence: El caballero desenvainó su sable.
    English Sentence: The knight unsheathed his saber.
  • sablear
    Pronunciation: sah-bleh-ahr
    English Meaning: to saber (fencing term)
    Spanish Sentence: Los esgrimistas están sableando en la competencia.
    English Sentence: The fencers are saber fencing in the competition.
  • sabor
    Pronunciation: sah-bohr
    English Meaning: flavor
    Spanish Sentence: Esta sopa tiene un sabor delicioso.
    English Sentence: This soup has a delicious flavor.
  • saborear
    Pronunciation: sah-boh-reh-ahr
    English Meaning: to savor
    Spanish Sentence: Me encanta saborear cada bocado de este postre.
    English Sentence: I love savoring every bite of this dessert.
  • sabotaje
    Pronunciation: sah-boh-tah-heh
    English Meaning: sabotage
    Spanish Sentence: El sabotaje afectó gravemente la producción.
    English Sentence: The sabotage severely affected production.
  • saboteador
    Pronunciation: sah-boh-teh-ah-dohr
    English Meaning: saboteur
    Spanish Sentence: El saboteador fue arrestado por dañar la maquinaria.
    English Sentence: The saboteur was arrested for damaging the machinery.
  • sabotear
    Pronunciation: sah-boh-teh-ahr
    English Meaning: to sabotage
    Spanish Sentence: Intentaron sabotear el proyecto, pero fracasaron.
    English Sentence: They tried to sabotage the project, but they failed.
  • sabroso
    Pronunciation: sah-broh-soh
    English Meaning: tasty
    Spanish Sentence: Este plato está muy sabroso.
    English Sentence: This dish is very tasty.
  • sabático
    Pronunciation: sah-bee-koh
    English Meaning: sabbatical
    Spanish Sentence: El profesor está disfrutando de su año sabático.
    English Sentence: The professor is enjoying his sabbatical year.
  • sabueso
    Pronunciation: sah-bweh-soh
    English Meaning: bloodhound
    Spanish Sentence: El sabueso siguió el rastro del criminal.
    English Sentence: The bloodhound followed the trail of the criminal.
  • Sabueso Lituano
    Pronunciation: sah-bweh-soh lee-tuah-noh
    English Meaning: Lithuanian Hound
    Spanish Sentence: El Sabueso Lituano es conocido por su excelente olfato.
    English Sentence: The Lithuanian Hound is known for its excellent sense of smell.
  • sacabocados
    Pronunciation: sah-kah-boh-kah-dohs
    English Meaning: punch
    Spanish Sentence: Necesito un sacabocados para hacer agujeros en el cuero.
    English Sentence: I need a punch to make holes in the leather.
  • sacabotas
    Pronunciation: sah-kah-boh-tahs
    English Meaning: boot puller
    Spanish Sentence: El sacabotas ayudaba a quitar las botas.
    English Sentence: The boot puller helped with removing boots.
  • sacaclavos
    Pronunciation: sah-kah-klah-vohs
    English Meaning: nail puller
    Spanish Sentence: Utilicé un sacaclavos para sacar los clavos de la pared.
    English Sentence: I used a nail puller to remove the nails from the wall.
  • sacacorazones
    Pronunciation: sah-kah-koh-rah-thoh-nehs
    English Meaning: heartbreaker
    Spanish Sentence: Es un auténtico sacacorazones.
    English Sentence: He’s a real heartbreaker.
  • sacacorchos
    Pronunciation: sah-kah-kohr-chohs
    English Meaning: corkscrew
    Spanish Sentence: No encuentro el sacacorchos para abrir la botella.
    English Sentence: I can’t find the corkscrew to open the bottle.
  • sacamantecas
    Pronunciation: sah-kah-mahn-teh-kahs
    English Meaning: body snatcher
    Spanish Sentence: En la antigüedad, se temía a los sacamantecas.
    English Sentence: In ancient times, people feared body snatchers.
  • sacamuelas
    Pronunciation: sah-kah-mweh-lahs
    English Meaning: tooth puller
    Spanish Sentence: El sacamuelas extrajo el diente con cuidado.
    English Sentence: The tooth puller extracted the tooth carefully.
  • sacapuntas
    Pronunciation: sah-kah-poon-tahs
    English Meaning: pencil sharpener
    Spanish Sentence: No olvides sacar el sacapuntas antes del examen.
    English Sentence: Don’t forget to bring the pencil sharpener before the exam.
  • sacar
    Pronunciation: sah-kahr
    English Meaning: to take out
    Spanish Sentence: Voy a sacar la basura.
    English Sentence: I’m going to take out the trash.
  • sacarasa
    Pronunciation: sah-kah-rah-sah
    English Meaning: saccharase
    Spanish Sentence: La sacarasa es una enzima que descompone la sacarosa.
    English Sentence: Saccharase is an enzyme that breaks down sucrose.
  • sacar de quicio
    Pronunciation: sah-kahr deh kee-thyoh
    English Meaning: to drive crazy
    Spanish Sentence: Su actitud me saca de quicio.
    English Sentence: His attitude drives me crazy.
  • sacar el quite
    Pronunciation: sah-kahr el kee-teh
    English Meaning: to avoid responsibility
    Spanish Sentence: Intentó sacar el quite, pero no funcionó.
    English Sentence: He tried to avoid responsibility, but it didn’t work.
  • sacarosa
    Pronunciation: sah-kah-roh-sah
    English Meaning: sucrose
    Spanish Sentence: La sacarosa se encuentra en muchos alimentos dulces.
    English Sentence: Sucrose is found in many sweet foods.
  • Sacatepéquez
    Pronunciation: sah-kah-teh-peh-kes
    English Meaning: Sacatepequez (Guatemalan department)
    Spanish Sentence: Sacatepéquez es conocido por sus hermosas artesanías.
    English Sentence: Sacatepequez is known for its beautiful handicrafts.
  • sacerdocio
    Pronunciation: sah-sehr-doh-syoh
    English Meaning: priesthood
    Spanish Sentence: Decidió dedicar su vida al sacerdocio.
    English Sentence: He decided to dedicate his life to the priesthood.
  • sacerdota
    Pronunciation: sah-sehr-doh-tah
    English Meaning: priestess
    Spanish Sentence: La sacerdota realizaba ceremonias sagradas en el templo.
    English Sentence: The priestess performed sacred ceremonies in the temple.
  • sacerdote
    Pronunciation: sah-sehr-doh-teh
    English Meaning: priest
    Spanish Sentence: El sacerdote bendijo a los fieles.
    English Sentence: The priest blessed the faithful.
  • sacerdotisa
    Pronunciation: sah-sehr-doh-tee-sah
    English Meaning: priestess
    Spanish Sentence: La sacerdotisa presidía los rituales religiosos.
    English Sentence: The priestess presided over the religious rituals.
  • saciar
    Pronunciation: sah-syahr
    English Meaning: to satisfy
    Spanish Sentence: Beber agua sacia la sed.
    English Sentence: Drinking water satisfies thirst.
  • sacio
    Pronunciation: sah-syoh
    English Meaning: satiated
    Spanish Sentence: Después de la comida, me siento sacio.
    English Sentence: After the meal, I feel satiated.
  • saco
    Pronunciation: sah-koh
    English Meaning: sack
    Spanish Sentence: Lleva ese saco de patatas al almacén.
    English Sentence: Take that sack of potatoes to the warehouse.
  • saúco
    Pronunciation: sah-oo-koh
    English Meaning: elderberry
    Spanish Sentence: El saúco se utiliza en la elaboración de jarabes.
    English Sentence: Elderberry is used in the making of syrups.
  • sacramental
    Pronunciation: sah-krah-mehn-tahl
    English Meaning: sacramental
    Spanish Sentence: El vino es un elemento sacramental en la misa.
    English Sentence: Wine is a sacramental element in the mass.
  • sacramento
    Pronunciation: sah-krah-mehn-toh
    English Meaning: sacrament
    Spanish Sentence: El matrimonio es un sacramento en la iglesia católica.
    English Sentence: Marriage is a sacrament in the Catholic Church.
  • Sacramento
    Pronunciation: sah-krah-mehn-toh
    English Meaning: Sacramento (city in California)
    Spanish Sentence: Sacramento es la capital del estado de California.
    English Sentence: Sacramento is the capital of the state of California.
  • sacárico
    Pronunciation: sah-kah-ree-koh
    English Meaning: saccharic
    Spanish Sentence: El ácido sacárico se utiliza en la industria alimentaria.
    English Sentence: Saccharic acid is used in the food industry.
  • sacrificador
    Pronunciation: sah-kree-fee-kah-dor
    English Meaning: sacrificer
    Spanish Sentence: El sacerdote era el sacrificador en el ritual.
    English Sentence: The priest was the sacrificer in the ritual.
  • sacrificadora
    Pronunciation: sah-kree-fee-kah-doh-rah
    English Meaning: sacrificer (feminine)
    Spanish Sentence: La sacerdotisa era la sacrificadora de los animales.
    English Sentence: The priestess was the sacrificer of the animals.
  • sacrificar
    Pronunciation: sah-kree-fee-kahr
    English Meaning: to sacrifice
    Spanish Sentence: Decidieron sacrificar al cordero en la ceremonia.
    English Sentence: They decided to sacrifice the lamb in the ceremony.
  • sacrificio
    Pronunciation: sah-kree-fee-thee-oh
    English Meaning: sacrifice
    Spanish Sentence: El sacrificio del héroe salvó al pueblo.
    English Sentence: The sacrifice of the hero saved the people.
  • sacrilegio
    Pronunciation: sah-kree-leh-hyo
    English Meaning: sacrilege
    Spanish Sentence: Profanar un templo es un sacrilegio.
    English Sentence: Profaning a temple is a sacrilege.
  • sacristía
    Pronunciation: sah-krees-tee-ah
    English Meaning: sacristy
    Spanish Sentence: Los monaguillos prepararon los ornamentos en la sacristía.
    English Sentence: The altar boys prepared the ornaments in the sacristy.
  • sacristán
    Pronunciation: sah-krees-tahn
    English Meaning: sacristan
    Spanish Sentence: El sacristán cuidaba de la iglesia.
    English Sentence: The sacristan took care of the church.
  • sacrílego
    Pronunciation: sah-kree-leh-goh
    English Meaning: sacrilegious
    Spanish Sentence: Es sacrílego profanar un lugar sagrado.
    English Sentence: It’s sacrilegious to desecrate a sacred place.
  • sacro
    Pronunciation: sah-kroh
    English Meaning: sacred
    Spanish Sentence: El lugar era sacro para la tribu.
    English Sentence: The place was sacred to the tribe.
  • sacudido
    Pronunciation: sah-koo-dee-doh
    English Meaning: shaken
    Spanish Sentence: El edificio quedó sacudido por el terremoto.
    English Sentence: The building was shaken by the earthquake.
  • sacudir
    Pronunciation: sah-koo-deer
    English Meaning: to shake
    Spanish Sentence: Debes sacudir bien el polvo del tapete.
    English Sentence: You should shake the dust off the rug well.
  • S.A. de C.V.
    Pronunciation: ess-ah deh seh-veh
    English Meaning: S.A. de C.V. (abbreviation for “sociedad anónima de capital variable” – variable capital corporation)
    Spanish Sentence: La empresa se constituyó como una S.A. de C.V.
    English Sentence: The company was formed as a variable capital corporation.
  • saeta
    Pronunciation: sah-eh-tah
    English Meaning: arrow
    Spanish Sentence: La saeta voló hacia su objetivo.
    English Sentence: The arrow flew toward its target.
  • Safo
    Pronunciation: sah-foh
    English Meaning: Sappho
    Spanish Sentence: Safo fue una famosa poetisa de la Antigua Grecia.
    English Sentence: Sappho was a famous poetess from Ancient Greece.
  • safranina
    Pronunciation: sah-frah-nee-nah
    English Meaning: safranin
    Spanish Sentence: La safranina se utiliza como colorante en microbiología.
    English Sentence: Safranin is used as a dye in microbiology.
  • safrol
    Pronunciation: sah-frohl
    English Meaning: safrole
    Spanish Sentence: El safrol se utiliza en la fabricación de perfumes.
    English Sentence: Safrole is used in perfume manufacturing.
  • sagú
    Pronunciation: sah-goo
    English Meaning: sago
    Spanish Sentence: En Asia se consume mucho sagú.
    English Sentence: Sago is consumed a lot in Asia.
  • SAG
    Pronunciation: ess-ah-heh
    English Meaning: SAG (abbreviation for “Servicio de Administración y Gestión”)
    Spanish Sentence: El SAG se encarga de regular la agricultura en el país.
    English Sentence: The SAG is responsible for regulating agriculture in the country.
  • saga
    Pronunciation: sah-gah
    English Meaning: saga
    Spanish Sentence: La saga de Harry Potter es muy popular.
    English Sentence: The Harry Potter saga is very popular.
  • sagacidad
    Pronunciation: sah-gah-thee-dahd
    English Meaning: sagacity
    Spanish Sentence: Su sagacidad le ayudó a resolver el problema.
    English Sentence: His sagacity helped him solve the problem.
  • sagaz
    Pronunciation: sah-gahs
    English Meaning: shrewd
    Spanish Sentence: El detective fue muy sagaz en su investigación.
    English Sentence: The detective was very shrewd in his investigation.
  • sagazmente
    Pronunciation: sah-gahs-men-teh
    English Meaning: shrewdly
    Spanish Sentence: Actuó sagazmente para evitar ser descubierto.
    English Sentence: He acted shrewdly to avoid being discovered.
  • sagrado
    Pronunciation: sah-grah-doh
    English Meaning: sacred
    Spanish Sentence: El templo era un lugar sagrado para los creyentes.
    English Sentence: The temple was a sacred place for the believers.
  • sagrario
    Pronunciation: sah-grah-ree-oh
    English Meaning: tabernacle
    Spanish Sentence: El sagrario contiene las hostias consagradas.
    English Sentence: The tabernacle contains the consecrated hosts.
  • sah
    Pronunciation: sah
    English Meaning: sah (unit of measure)
    Spanish Sentence: El grano se vendía a tres sahs por moneda.
    English Sentence: The grain was sold at three sahs per coin.
  • sahumerio
    Pronunciation: sah-oo-meh-ree-oh
    English Meaning: incense
    Spanish Sentence: Encendieron un sahumerio en la ceremonia religiosa.
    English Sentence: They lit incense in the religious ceremony.
  • sahumo
    Pronunciation: sah-oo-moh
    English Meaning: smoke
    Spanish Sentence: El sahumo del incienso llenó la iglesia.
    English Sentence: The smoke of the incense filled the church.
  • saiga
    Pronunciation: sah-ee-gah
    English Meaning: saiga
    Spanish Sentence: La saiga es un antílope que habita en Eurasia.
    English Sentence: The saiga is an antelope that inhabits Eurasia.
  • Saigón
    Pronunciation: sah-ee-gohn
    English Meaning: Saigon
    Spanish Sentence: Saigón es la ciudad más grande de Vietnam.
    English Sentence: Saigon is the largest city in Vietnam.
  • sajar
    Pronunciation: sah-hahr
    English Meaning: to cut
    Spanish Sentence: El carnicero sajó la carne en trozos pequeños.
    English Sentence: The butcher cut the meat into small pieces.
  • sajón
    Pronunciation: sah-hohn
    English Meaning: Saxon
    Spanish Sentence: Los sajones invadieron Gran Bretaña en el siglo V.
    English Sentence: The Saxons invaded Britain in the 5th century.
  • Sajonia
    Pronunciation: sah-hoh-nee-ah
    English Meaning: Saxony
    Spanish Sentence: Sajonia es un estado federado en Alemania.
    English Sentence: Saxony is a federal state in Germany.
  • sake
    Pronunciation: sah-keh
    English Meaning: sake
    Spanish Sentence: El sake es una bebida alcohólica tradicional japonesa.
    English Sentence: Sake is a traditional Japanese alcoholic beverage.
  • sal
    Pronunciation: sahl
    English Meaning: salt
    Spanish Sentence: La sal se utiliza para sazonar la comida.
    English Sentence: Salt is used to season food.
  • Saúl
    Pronunciation: sah-ool
    English Meaning: Saul
    Spanish Sentence: Saúl fue el primer rey de Israel.
    English Sentence: Saul was the first king of Israel.
  • sala
    Pronunciation: sah-lah
    English Meaning: living room
    Spanish Sentence: Vamos a ver televisión a la sala.
    English Sentence: Let’s watch TV in the living room.
  • salacidad
    Pronunciation: sah-lah-thee-dahd
    English Meaning: lewdness
    Spanish Sentence: El cómic fue criticado por su salacidad.
    English Sentence: The comic book was criticized for its lewdness.
  • saladero
    Pronunciation: sah-lah-deh-roh
    English Meaning: slaughterhouse
    Spanish Sentence: Los animales son sacrificados en el saladero.
    English Sentence: Animals are slaughtered in the slaughterhouse.
  • salado
    Pronunciation: sah-lah-doh
    English Meaning: salty
    Spanish Sentence: Este plato está demasiado salado.
    English Sentence: This dish is too salty.
  • salamandra
    Pronunciation: sah-lah-mahn-drah
    English Meaning: salamander
    Spanish Sentence: La salamandra es un anfibio muy interesante.
    English Sentence: The salamander is a very interesting amphibian.
  • salamantino
    Pronunciation: sah-lah-mahn-tee-noh
    English Meaning: from Salamanca
    Spanish Sentence: Los productos salamantinos son muy valorados.
    English Sentence: Products from Salamanca are highly valued.
  • salami
    Pronunciation: sah-lah-mee
    English Meaning: salami
    Spanish Sentence: Me encanta el sabor del salami.
    English Sentence: I love the taste of salami.
  • salar
    Pronunciation: sah-lahr
    English Meaning: to salt
    Spanish Sentence: Debes salar la carne antes de cocinarla.
    English Sentence: You should salt the meat before cooking it.
  • salario
    Pronunciation: sah-lah-ree-oh
    English Meaning: salary
    Spanish Sentence: El salario mínimo aumentó este año.
    English Sentence: The minimum salary increased this year.
  • salaz
    Pronunciation: sah-lahth
    English Meaning: salty
    Spanish Sentence: El mar tiene un sabor salaz.
    English Sentence: The sea has a salty taste.
  • Salazar
    Pronunciation: sah-lah-thahr
    English Meaning: Salazar (surname)
    Spanish Sentence: Los Salazar son una familia muy influyente en el pueblo.
    English Sentence: The Salazars are a very influential family in the town.
  • salbutamol
    Pronunciation: sahl-boo-tah-mohl
    English Meaning: salbutamol
    Spanish Sentence: El salbutamol se utiliza como broncodilatador.
    English Sentence: Salbutamol is used as a bronchodilator.
  • salchicha
    Pronunciation: sahl-chee-chah
    English Meaning: sausage
    Spanish Sentence: Me encanta la salchicha en el desayuno.
    English Sentence: I love sausage for breakfast.
  • salchichón
    Pronunciation: sahl-chee-chohn
    English Meaning: salami
    Spanish Sentence: Compré un buen salchichón para la fiesta.
    English Sentence: I bought a good salami for the party.
  • sal común
    Pronunciation: sahl koh-moon
    English Meaning: common salt
    Spanish Sentence: El sal común es un condimento básico en la cocina.
    English Sentence: Common salt is a basic seasoning in cooking.
  • saldar
    Pronunciation: sahl-dahr
    English Meaning: to settle
    Spanish Sentence: Pagué la deuda para saldar la cuenta.
    English Sentence: I paid the debt to settle the account.
  • sal de mesa
    Pronunciation: sahl deh meh-sah
    English Meaning: table salt
    Spanish Sentence: Pon un poco de sal de mesa en la comida.
    English Sentence: Put some table salt on the food.
  • saldo
    Pronunciation: sahl-doh
    English Meaning: balance
    Spanish Sentence: Revisé el saldo de mi cuenta bancaria.
    English Sentence: I checked the balance of my bank account.
  • sale
    Pronunciation: sah-leh
    English Meaning: he/she/it goes out
    Spanish Sentence: Ella sale a pasear todas las tardes.
    English Sentence: She goes out for a walk every afternoon.
  • salero
    Pronunciation: sah-leh-roh
    English Meaning: salt shaker
    Spanish Sentence: El salero está vacío, ¿dónde está la sal?
    English Sentence: The salt shaker is empty, where’s the salt?
  • salicilato
    Pronunciation: sah-lee-see-lah-toh
    English Meaning: salicylate
    Spanish Sentence: El salicilato de metilo se utiliza como analgésico.
    English Sentence: Methyl salicylate is used as an analgesic.
  • salicílico
    Pronunciation: sah-lee-see-lee-koh
    English Meaning: salicylic
    Spanish Sentence: El ácido salicílico es efectivo contra el acné.
    English Sentence: Salicylic acid is effective against acne.
  • salida
    Pronunciation: sah-lee-dah
    English Meaning: exit
    Spanish Sentence: La salida de emergencia está al final del pasillo.
    English Sentence: The emergency exit is at the end of the hallway.
  • salida
    Pronunciation: sah-lee-dah
    English Meaning: departure
    Spanish Sentence: El vuelo tiene su salida a las 10 de la mañana.
    English Sentence: The flight has its departure at 10 in the morning.
  • salida de auxilio
    Pronunciation: sah-lee-dah deh ow-ksee-lee-oh
    English Meaning: emergency exit
    Spanish Sentence: Busca la salida de auxilio en caso de emergencia.
    English Sentence: Look for the emergency exit in case of emergency.
  • saliente
    Pronunciation: sah-lee-ehn-teh
    English Meaning: protruding
    Spanish Sentence: El saliente de la montaña sobresale en el horizonte.
    English Sentence: The protruding of the mountain stands out on the horizon.
  • salina
    Pronunciation: sah-lee-nah
    English Meaning: salt flat
    Spanish Sentence: En las salinas se extrae sal del agua de mar.
    English Sentence: Salt is extracted from seawater in salt flats.
  • salina
    Pronunciation: sah-lee-nah
    English Meaning: salt mine
    Spanish Sentence: La salina es una importante fuente de empleo en la región.
    English Sentence: The salt mine is an important source of employment in the region.
  • salinas
    Pronunciation: sah-lee-nahs
    English Meaning: saltworks
    Spanish Sentence: Las salinas son una parte importante de la economía local.
    English Sentence: The saltworks are an important part of the local economy.
  • Salinas
    Pronunciation: sah-lee-nahs
    English Meaning: Salinas (city in California)
    Spanish Sentence: Salinas es conocida como la capital mundial de la lechuga.
    English Sentence: Salinas is known as the lettuce capital of the world.
  • salinidad
    Pronunciation: sah-lee-nee-dahd
    English Meaning: salinity
    Spanish Sentence: La salinidad del agua afecta a la vida marina.
    English Sentence: The salinity of water affects marine life.
  • salino
    Pronunciation: sah-lee-noh
    English Meaning: saline
    Spanish Sentence: El suelo es salino y no permite el crecimiento de ciertas plantas.
    English Sentence: The soil is saline and does not allow the growth of certain plants.
  • salir
    Pronunciation: sah-leer
    English Meaning: to go out
    Spanish Sentence: Vamos a salir a caminar al parque.
    English Sentence: Let’s go out for a walk in the park.
  • salir
    Pronunciation: sah-leer
    English Meaning: to leave
    Spanish Sentence: Los invitados empezaron a salir de la fiesta.
    English Sentence: The guests began to leave the party.
  • salir
    Pronunciation: sah-leer
    English Meaning: to come out
    Spanish Sentence: Las estrellas comienzan a salir en el cielo.
    English Sentence: The stars start to come out in the sky.
  • salir
    Pronunciation: sah-leer
    English Meaning: to come from
    Spanish Sentence: La leche sale de la vaca.
    English Sentence: Milk comes from the cow.
  • salir
    Pronunciation: sah-leer
    English Meaning: to appear
    Spanish Sentence: El sol sale por el horizonte cada mañana.
    English Sentence: The sun appears on the horizon every morning.
  • salir
    Pronunciation: sah-leer
    English Meaning: to result
    Spanish Sentence: El experimento salió mal.
    English Sentence: The experiment resulted in failure.
  • salir
    Pronunciation: sah-leer
    English Meaning: to get out
    Spanish Sentence: ¡Sal de mi habitación ahora mismo!
    English Sentence: Get out of my room right now!
  • salir del cascarón
    Pronunciation: sah-leer del kahs-kah-ron
    English Meaning: to come out of one’s shell
    Spanish Sentence: Desde que fue al campamento, ha salido más del cascarón.
    English Sentence: Since he went to camp, he’s come out of his shell more.
  • saliste de Guatemala y te metiste en Guatepeor
    Pronunciation: sah-lees-teh deh gwah-teh-mah-lah ee teh meh-tees-teh en gwah-teh-peh-ohr
    English Meaning: you left Guatemala and ended up in Guatepeor (you went from bad to worse)
    Spanish Sentence: ¡Saliste de Guatemala y te metiste en Guatepeor! ¡No puedo creer lo que hiciste!
    English Sentence: You left Guatemala and ended up in Guatepeor! I can’t believe what you did!
  • salitre
    Pronunciation: sah-lee-treh
    English Meaning: saltpeter
    Spanish Sentence: El salitre se utiliza en la fabricación de explosivos.
    English Sentence: Saltpeter is used in the manufacture of explosives.
  • saliva
    Pronunciation: sah-lee-vah
    English Meaning: saliva
    Spanish Sentence: La saliva ayuda en el proceso de digestión.
    English Sentence: Saliva helps in the digestion process.
  • salival
    Pronunciation: sah-lee-vahl
    English Meaning: salivary
    Spanish Sentence: Las glándulas salivales producen saliva.
    English Sentence: The salivary glands produce saliva.
  • salivar
    Pronunciation: sah-lee-bahr
    English Meaning: to salivate
    Spanish Sentence: Los perros comienzan a salivar cuando ven comida.
    English Sentence: Dogs start to salivate when they see food.
  • salmantino
    Pronunciation: sahl-mahn-tee-noh
    English Meaning: from Salamanca
    Spanish Sentence: El traje típico salmantino es muy colorido.
    English Sentence: The typical dress from Salamanca is very colorful.
  • salmón
    Pronunciation: sahl-mohn
    English Meaning: salmon
    Spanish Sentence: El río está lleno de salmones en esta época del año.
    English Sentence: The river is full of salmon at this time of year.
  • salmón
    Pronunciation: sahl-mohn
    English Meaning: salmon-colored
    Spanish Sentence: Me gusta el color salmón para las paredes de la habitación.
    English Sentence: I like salmon-colored walls for the room.
  • salmón del Danubio
    Pronunciation: sahl-mohn del dah-noo-byoh
    English Meaning: Danube salmon
    Spanish Sentence: El salmón del Danubio es una especie en peligro de extinción.
    English Sentence: Danube salmon is an endangered species.
  • salmón zancado
    Pronunciation: sahl-mohn sahn-kah-doh
    English Meaning: sockeye salmon
    Spanish Sentence: El salmón zancado es conocido por su color rojo intenso.
    English Sentence: Sockeye salmon is known for its intense red color.
  • salmo
    Pronunciation: sahl-moh
    English Meaning: psalm
    Spanish Sentence: Leí un salmo durante la ceremonia religiosa.
    English Sentence: I read a psalm during the religious ceremony.
  • salmodia
    Pronunciation: sahl-moh-dee-ah
    English Meaning: psalmody
    Spanish Sentence: La salmodia es una parte importante de la liturgia.
    English Sentence: Psalmody is an important part of the liturgy.
  • salmodiar
    Pronunciation: sahl-moh-dee-ahr
    English Meaning: to chant or intone religious verses
    Spanish Sentence: El monje solía salmodiar los salmos en la capilla.
    English Sentence: The monk used to chant the psalms in the chapel.
  • salmorejo
    Pronunciation: sahl-moh-reh-hoh
    English Meaning: a cold Spanish soup made from tomatoes, bread, garlic, and olive oil
    Spanish Sentence: Hoy voy a preparar salmorejo para la cena.
    English Sentence: Today I’m going to make salmorejo for dinner.
  • salmuera
    Pronunciation: sahl-mweh-eh-rah
    English Meaning: brine (water saturated with salt)
    Spanish Sentence: Sumergieron la carne en salmuera para conservarla.
    English Sentence: They submerged the meat in brine to preserve it.
  • salón
    Pronunciation: sah-lohn
    English Meaning: living room or large reception room
    Spanish Sentence: Los invitados se reunieron en el salón para la fiesta.
    English Sentence: The guests gathered in the living room for the party.
  • Salón de Reino
    Pronunciation: sah-lohn deh reh-noh
    English Meaning: Kingdom Hall (place of worship for Jehovah’s Witnesses)
    Spanish Sentence: Los Testigos de Jehová se congregan en el Salón de Reino.
    English Sentence: Jehovah’s Witnesses gather at the Kingdom Hall.
  • salobre
    Pronunciation: sah-loh-breh
    English Meaning: brackish, slightly salty
    Spanish Sentence: El agua del mar es salobre debido a su contenido de sal.
    English Sentence: Sea water is brackish due to its salt content.
  • Salomón
    Pronunciation: sah-loh-mohn
    English Meaning: Solomon (biblical name)
    Spanish Sentence: Salomón fue conocido por su sabiduría.
    English Sentence: Solomon was known for his wisdom.
  • salomonense
    Pronunciation: sah-loh-moh-nehn-seh
    English Meaning: of or relating to Solomon
    Spanish Sentence: Los relatos salomonenses se encuentran en la Biblia.
    English Sentence: The accounts related to Solomon are found in the Bible.
  • salpicadero
    Pronunciation: sahl-pee-kah-deh-roh
    English Meaning: dashboard (of a vehicle)
    Spanish Sentence: El conductor revisó los indicadores en el salpicadero.
    English Sentence: The driver checked the indicators on the dashboard.
  • salpicar
    Pronunciation: sahl-pee-kahr
    English Meaning: to splash or spatter
    Spanish Sentence: Ten cuidado, no vayas a salpicar agua en el suelo.
    English Sentence: Be careful, don’t splash water on the floor.
  • salpicón
    Pronunciation: sahl-pee-kohn
    English Meaning: a Spanish dish of chopped meat or fish with vegetables and vinaigrette
    Spanish Sentence: El salpicón de mariscos es mi plato favorito en verano.
    English Sentence: Seafood salpicón is my favorite dish in summer.
  • salpimientar
    Pronunciation: sahl-pee-mee-ehn-tahr
    English Meaning: to season with pepper
    Spanish Sentence: Para hacer la salsa, primero debes salpimientar la carne.
    English Sentence: To make the sauce, you must first season the meat with pepper.
  • salpresar
    Pronunciation: sahl-preh-sahr
    English Meaning: to salt, to preserve with salt
    Spanish Sentence: Antiguamente, se salpresaba la carne para conservarla.
    English Sentence: In the past, meat was preserved with salt.
  • salsa
    Pronunciation: sahl-sah
    English Meaning: sauce
    Spanish Sentence: Esta salsa picante es perfecta para tacos.
    English Sentence: This spicy sauce is perfect for tacos.
  • salsa barbacoa
    Pronunciation: sahl-sah bahr-bah-koh-ah
    English Meaning: barbecue sauce
    Spanish Sentence: Vamos a untar la carne con salsa barbacoa antes de asarla.
    English Sentence: Let’s coat the meat with barbecue sauce before grilling it.
  • salsera
    Pronunciation: sahl-seh-rah
    English Meaning: sauceboat, gravy boat
    Spanish Sentence: Pasa la salsera, por favor, quiero un poco más de salsa.
    English Sentence: Pass the gravy boat, please, I want a little more sauce.
  • salso
    Pronunciation: sahl-soh
    English Meaning: salty
    Spanish Sentence: Este plato está demasiado salso, ¿puedes arreglarlo?
    English Sentence: This dish is too salty, can you fix it?
  • saltabanco
    Pronunciation: sahl-tah-bahn-koh
    English Meaning: turnstile
    Spanish Sentence: Tienes que pasar por el saltabanco para entrar al estadio.
    English Sentence: You have to go through the turnstile to enter the stadium.
  • saltador
    Pronunciation: sahl-tah-dohr
    English Meaning: jumper, leaper
    Spanish Sentence: El saltador olímpico estableció un nuevo récord mundial.
    English Sentence: The Olympic jumper set a new world record.
  • saltamontes
    Pronunciation: sahl-tah-mohn-tehs
    English Meaning: grasshopper
    Spanish Sentence: Los niños estaban atrapando saltamontes en el jardín.
    English Sentence: The children were catching grasshoppers in the garden.
  • saltar
    Pronunciation: sahl-tahr
    English Meaning: to jump
    Spanish Sentence: El perro logró saltar la cerca para escaparse.
    English Sentence: The dog managed to jump over the fence to escape.
  • saltarín
    Pronunciation: sahl-tah-reen
    English Meaning: jumper, bouncer
    Spanish Sentence: El niño era un verdadero saltarín, no se quedaba quieto.
    English Sentence: The boy was a real bouncer, he wouldn’t stay still.
  • saltear
    Pronunciation: sahl-teh-ahr
    English Meaning: to sauté
    Spanish Sentence: Primero, debes saltear las verduras antes de agregar la carne.
    English Sentence: First, you should sauté the vegetables before adding the meat.
  • saltillense
    Pronunciation: sahl-tee-yehn-seh
    English Meaning: from Saltillo (a city in Mexico)
    Spanish Sentence: Los saltillenses están orgullosos de su gastronomía.
    English Sentence: People from Saltillo are proud of their cuisine.
  • salto
    Pronunciation: sahl-toh
    English Meaning: jump
    Spanish Sentence: El atleta realizó un salto impresionante en la competencia.
    English Sentence: The athlete made an impressive jump in the competition.
  • salto BASE
    Pronunciation: sahl-toh bah-seh
    English Meaning: BASE jumping
    Spanish Sentence: Practicar salto BASE es extremadamente peligroso.
    English Sentence: BASE jumping is extremely dangerous.
  • salto con pértiga
    Pronunciation: sahl-toh kohn pehr-tee-gah
    English Meaning: pole vault
    Spanish Sentence: El joven atleta ganó la medalla de oro en salto con pértiga.
    English Sentence: The young athlete won the gold medal in pole vault.
  • salto de agua
    Pronunciation: sahl-toh deh ah-gwah
    English Meaning: waterfall
    Spanish Sentence: El salto de agua era impresionante por su altura.
    English Sentence: The waterfall was impressive for its height.
  • salto de altura
    Pronunciation: sahl-toh deh ahlt-oo-rah
    English Meaning: high jump
    Spanish Sentence: El saltador de altura estableció un nuevo récord nacional.
    English Sentence: The high jumper set a new national record.
  • salto de longitud
    Pronunciation: sahl-toh deh lohn-gee-tood
    English Meaning: long jump
    Spanish Sentence: La competencia de salto de longitud fue muy reñida.
    English Sentence: The long jump competition was very close.
  • salto de potro
    Pronunciation: sahl-toh deh poh-troh
    English Meaning: vault (gymnastics)
    Spanish Sentence: La gimnasta realizó un elegante salto de potro en la competencia.
    English Sentence: The gymnast performed an elegant vault in the competition.
  • salto ecuestre
    Pronunciation: sahl-toh eh-kwes-treh
    English Meaning: show jumping
    Spanish Sentence: El salto ecuestre es una disciplina impresionante en los Juegos Olímpicos.
    English Sentence: Show jumping is an impressive discipline at the Olympic Games.
  • salto elástico
    Pronunciation: sahl-toh eh-lahs-tee-koh
    English Meaning: bungee jumping
    Spanish Sentence: Me encantaría probar el salto elástico alguna vez.
    English Sentence: I would love to try bungee jumping sometime.
  • saltos
    Pronunciation: sahl-tohs
    English Meaning: jumps
    Spanish Sentence: Los saltos de los bailarines dejaron al público asombrado.
    English Sentence: The dancers’ jumps left the audience amazed.
  • salto triple
    Pronunciation: sahl-toh tree-pleh
    English Meaning: triple jump
    Spanish Sentence: El atleta batió el récord nacional en salto triple.
    English Sentence: The athlete broke the national record in triple jump.
  • salubre
    Pronunciation: sah-loo-breh
    English Meaning: wholesome, healthy
    Spanish Sentence: El aire salubre de la montaña nos hizo sentir revitalizados.
    English Sentence: The wholesome mountain air made us feel revitalized.
  • salubridad
    Pronunciation: sah-loo-bree-dahd
    English Meaning: healthiness, sanitation
    Spanish Sentence: La salubridad del agua es fundamental para prevenir enfermedades.
    English Sentence: The sanitation of water is crucial for preventing diseases.
  • salud
    Pronunciation: sah-loohd
    English Meaning: health
    Spanish Sentence: La salud es el bien más preciado que tenemos.
    English Sentence: Health is the most precious asset we have.
  • saludable
    Pronunciation: sah-loo-dah-bleh
    English Meaning: healthy
    Spanish Sentence: Es importante mantener una dieta saludable para sentirnos bien.
    English Sentence: It’s important to maintain a healthy diet to feel good.
  • saludar
    Pronunciation: sah-loo-dahr
    English Meaning: to greet
    Spanish Sentence: Cuando llegues a la fiesta, no te olvides de saludar a todos.
    English Sentence: When you arrive at the party, don’t forget to greet everyone.
  • saludazo
    Pronunciation: sah-loo-dah-thoh
    English Meaning: a hearty greeting
    Spanish Sentence: Le mandó un saludazo a su amigo por su cumpleaños.
    English Sentence: He sent his friend a hearty greeting for his birthday.
  • salud mental
    Pronunciation: sah-loohd mehn-tahl
    English Meaning: mental health
    Spanish Sentence: Es importante cuidar de nuestra salud mental tanto como de la física.
    English Sentence: It’s important to take care of our mental health as much as our physical health.
  • saludo
    Pronunciation: sah-loo-doh
    English Meaning: greeting
    Spanish Sentence: Le di un saludo cordial a mi vecino cuando lo encontré.
    English Sentence: I gave my neighbor a friendly greeting when I ran into him.
  • salvabarros
    Pronunciation: sahl-vah-bahr-rohs
    English Meaning: mudguard, fender
    Spanish Sentence: Los salvabarros del coche estaban cubiertos de barro después de la lluvia.
    English Sentence: The car’s mudguards were covered in mud after the rain.
  • salvación
    Pronunciation: sahl-vah-syohn
    English Meaning: salvation
    Spanish Sentence: El pastor habló sobre la importancia de la salvación en la homilía.
    English Sentence: The pastor spoke about the importance of salvation in the sermon.
  • salvado
    Pronunciation: sahl-vah-doh
    English Meaning: bran (outer layer of cereal grains)
    Spanish Sentence: El pan integral está hecho con harina de trigo con salvado.
    English Sentence: Whole wheat bread is made with flour containing bran.
  • salvador
    Pronunciation: sahl-vah-dohr
    English Meaning: savior
    Spanish Sentence: El héroe fue aclamado como el salvador del pueblo.
    English Sentence: The hero was acclaimed as the savior of the people.
  • Salvador
    Pronunciation: sahl-vah-dohr
    English Meaning: Salvador (given name)
    Spanish Sentence: Mi abuelo se llamaba Salvador en honor a su abuelo.
    English Sentence: My grandfather was named Salvador in honor of his grandfather.
  • salvadoreño
    Pronunciation: sahl-vah-doh-reh-nyoh
    English Meaning: Salvadoran
    Spanish Sentence: Los salvadoreños son conocidos por su calidez y hospitalidad.
    English Sentence: Salvadorans are known for their warmth and hospitality.
  • salvaguarda
    Pronunciation: sahl-vah-gwahr-dah
    English Meaning: safeguard
    Spanish Sentence: El tratado internacional es una salvaguarda de la paz entre las naciones.
    English Sentence: The international treaty is a safeguard for peace among nations.
  • salvaguardar
    Pronunciation: sahl-vah-gwahr-dahr
    English Meaning: to safeguard, to protect
    Spanish Sentence: Es responsabilidad del gobierno salvaguardar los derechos humanos.
    English Sentence: It’s the government’s responsibility to safeguard human rights.
  • salvaje
    Pronunciation: sahl-bah-heh
    English Meaning: wild, savage
    Spanish Sentence: Los lobos son animales salvajes que viven en la montaña.
    English Sentence: Wolves are wild animals that live in the mountains.
  • salvajemente
    Pronunciation: sahl-bah-heh-mehn-teh
    English Meaning: wildly, savagely
    Spanish Sentence: Los vientos soplaron salvajemente durante la tormenta.
    English Sentence: The winds blew wildly during the storm.
  • salvamanteles
    Pronunciation: sahl-vah-mahn-teh-lehs
    English Meaning: table mat, placemat
    Spanish Sentence: Puedes poner los platos calientes en el salvamanteles para proteger la mesa.
    English Sentence: You can put hot dishes on the table mat to protect the table.
  • salvapantallas
    Pronunciation: sahl-vah-pahn-tah-yahs
    English Meaning: screensaver
    Spanish Sentence: Configuré el salvapantallas para que se active después de cinco minutos de inactividad.
    English Sentence: I set the screensaver to activate after five minutes of inactivity.
  • salvaplatos
    Pronunciation: sahl-vah-plah-tohs
    English Meaning: dishwasher (machine)
    Spanish Sentence: Mi madre puso los platos sucios en el salvaplatos.
    English Sentence: My mother put the dirty dishes in the dishwasher.
  • salvar
    Pronunciation: sahl-bahr
    English Meaning: to save
    Spanish Sentence: Los bomberos lograron salvar a la familia atrapada en el incendio.
    English Sentence: The firefighters managed to save the family trapped in the fire.
  • salvavidas
    Pronunciation: sahl-bah-vee-dahs
    English Meaning: lifebuoy, lifeguard
    Spanish Sentence: El salvavidas lanzó el flotador al nadador que se estaba ahogando.
    English Sentence: The lifeguard threw the buoy to the swimmer who was drowning.
  • salvia
    Pronunciation: sahl-vee-ah
    English Meaning: sage (herb)
    Spanish Sentence: La salvia se utiliza en la cocina mediterránea para dar sabor a los platos.
    English Sentence: Sage is used in Mediterranean cuisine to flavor dishes.
  • salvo
    Pronunciation: sahl-voh
    English Meaning: except, save
    Spanish Sentence: Todos llegaron a tiempo, salvo Juan, que tuvo un contratiempo.
    English Sentence: Everyone arrived on time, except Juan, who had an issue.
  • salvoconducto
    Pronunciation: sahl-voh-kohn-doo-ktoh
    English Meaning: safe-conduct, permit
    Spanish Sentence: El diplomático llevaba un salvoconducto para atravesar la zona de conflicto.
    English Sentence: The diplomat carried a permit to cross the conflict zone.
  • salzmimbre
    Pronunciation: sahlz-mee-mbreh
    English Meaning: saline (adjective)
    Spanish Sentence: El lago tiene aguas salzmimbres que no son aptas para el consumo.
    English Sentence: The lake has saline waters that are not suitable for consumption.
  • samario
    Pronunciation: sah-mah-ryoh
    English Meaning: samarium (chemical element)
    Spanish Sentence: El samario se utiliza en la fabricación de imanes permanentes.
    English Sentence: Samarium is used in the production of permanent magnets.
  • Samoa
    Pronunciation: sah-moh-ah
    English Meaning: Samoa (country in the South Pacific)
    Spanish Sentence: Samoa es conocida por sus playas de arena blanca y aguas cristalinas.
    English Sentence: Samoa is known for its white sandy beaches and crystal-clear waters.
  • samoano
    Pronunciation: sah-mwah-noh
    English Meaning: Samoan (pertaining to Samoa or its people)
    Spanish Sentence: El baile samoano es una expresión cultural importante en la isla.
    English Sentence: Samoan dance is an important cultural expression on the island.
  • sampi
    Pronunciation: sahm-pee
    English Meaning: sampi (letter of the Greek alphabet)
    Spanish Sentence: En griego antiguo, el sampi se usaba como la última letra del alfabeto.
    English Sentence: In ancient Greek, sampi was used as the final letter of the alphabet.
  • SAMU
    Pronunciation: sah-moo
    English Meaning: Emergency Medical Services (SAMU in Spanish)
    Spanish Sentence: El SAMU llegó rápidamente al lugar del accidente para atender a los heridos.
    English Sentence: The Emergency Medical Services quickly arrived at the scene of the accident to attend to the injured.
  • Samuel
    Pronunciation: sah-mwehl
    English Meaning: Samuel (given name)
    Spanish Sentence: Mi primo se llama Samuel en honor a mi abuelo.
    English Sentence: My cousin’s name is Samuel in honor of my grandfather.
  • samurái
    Pronunciation: sah-moo-rah-ee
    English Meaning: samurai (Japanese warrior)
    Spanish Sentence: Los samuráis eran la clase guerrera en el Japón feudal.
    English Sentence: Samurai were the warrior class in feudal Japan.
  • san
    Pronunciation: sahn
    English Meaning: saint
    Spanish Sentence: San Jorge es el patrón de Cataluña.
    English Sentence: Saint George is the patron saint of Catalonia.
  • San
    Pronunciation: sahn
    English Meaning: Saint
    Spanish Sentence: El día de San Valentín se celebra el 14 de febrero.
    English Sentence: Saint Valentine’s Day is celebrated on February 14th.
  • Saná
    Pronunciation: sah-nah
    English Meaning: Sana’a (capital of Yemen)
    Spanish Sentence: Saná es una ciudad antigua con una rica historia cultural.
    English Sentence: Sana’a is an ancient city with a rich cultural history.
  • sanar
    Pronunciation: sah-nahr
    English Meaning: to heal, to recover
    Spanish Sentence: Las hierbas medicinales ayudaron a sanar la herida.
    English Sentence: Medicinal herbs helped heal the wound.
  • San Carlos
    Pronunciation: sahn kahr-lohs
    English Meaning: San Carlos (various places named San Carlos)
    Spanish Sentence: San Carlos es una ciudad costera famosa por sus playas.
    English Sentence: San Carlos is a coastal city famous for its beaches.
  • Sancho
    Pronunciation: sahn-choh
    English Meaning: Sancho (given name)
    Spanish Sentence: El personaje de Sancho Panza es el fiel escudero de Don Quijote.
    English Sentence: The character of Sancho Panza is the faithful squire of Don Quixote.
  • sanción
    Pronunciation: sahn-see-ohn
    English Meaning: sanction, penalty
    Spanish Sentence: La sanción por exceso de velocidad fue una multa de 100 euros.
    English Sentence: The penalty for speeding was a fine of 100 euros.
  • sancionar
    Pronunciation: sahn-see-oh-nahr
    English Meaning: to sanction, to penalize
    Spanish Sentence: El árbitro decidió sancionar al jugador por conducta antideportiva.
    English Sentence: The referee decided to penalize the player for unsportsmanlike conduct.
  • sancochar
    Pronunciation: sahn-koh-chahr
    English Meaning: to parboil
    Spanish Sentence: Antes de freír las papas, es mejor sancocharlas un poco.
    English Sentence: Before frying the potatoes, it’s better to parboil them a bit.
  • sancocho
    Pronunciation: sahn-koh-choh
    English Meaning: a traditional Caribbean stew
    Spanish Sentence: En la República Dominicana, el sancocho es un plato típico muy popular.
    English Sentence: In the Dominican Republic, sancocho is a very popular traditional dish.
  • San Cristóbal y Nieves
    Pronunciation: sahn krees-toh-bahl ee nyeh-vehss
    English Meaning: Saint Kitts and Nevis
    Spanish Sentence: San Cristóbal y Nieves es un pequeño país insular en el Caribe.
    English Sentence: Saint Kitts and Nevis is a small island nation in the Caribbean.
  • sancristobaleño
    Pronunciation: sahn-krees-toh-bah-leh-nyoh
    English Meaning: from San Cristóbal (adjective)
    Spanish Sentence: Los sancristobaleños están orgullosos de sus tradiciones.
    English Sentence: People from San Cristóbal are proud of their traditions.
  • sanctasanctórum
    Pronunciation: sahnk-tah-sahnk-toh-rohm
    English Meaning: holy of holies
    Spanish Sentence: El santuario era considerado el sanctasanctórum del templo.
    English Sentence: The sanctuary was considered the holy of holies of the temple.
  • sandía
    Pronunciation: sahn-dee-ah
    English Meaning: watermelon
    Spanish Sentence: En verano, me encanta comer sandía para refrescarme.
    English Sentence: In summer, I love eating watermelon to cool off.
  • sandalia
    Pronunciation: sahn-dah-lee-ah
    English Meaning: sandal
    Spanish Sentence: Me compré unas sandalias nuevas para el verano.
    English Sentence: I bought some new sandals for the summer.
  • sandez
    Pronunciation: sahn-dehs
    English Meaning: absurdity, nonsense
    Spanish Sentence: No prestes atención a la sandez que dijo, no tiene sentido.
    English Sentence: Don’t pay attention to the nonsense he said, it makes no sense.
  • sandiar
    Pronunciation: sahn-dyah
    English Meaning: to become like a watermelon (slang)
    Spanish Sentence: Después de tanto tomar el sol, ¡te vas a sandiar!
    English Sentence: After so much sunbathing, you’re going to become like a watermelon!
  • San Diego
    Pronunciation: sahn dyeh-goh
    English Meaning: San Diego (city in California)
    Spanish Sentence: San Diego tiene un clima cálido y playas hermosas.
    English Sentence: San Diego has a warm climate and beautiful beaches.
  • Sandra
    Pronunciation: sahn-drah
    English Meaning: Sandra (given name)
    Spanish Sentence: Sandra es una excelente pianista, toca desde muy joven.
    English Sentence: Sandra is an excellent pianist; she has been playing since she was very young.
  • saneamiento
    Pronunciation: sah-neh-ah-mee-ehn-toh
    English Meaning: sanitation, sewerage
    Spanish Sentence: El proyecto de saneamiento mejorará la calidad del agua en la ciudad.
    English Sentence: The sanitation project will improve the water quality in the city.
  • sanear
    Pronunciation: sah-neh-ahr
    English Meaning: to clean up, to sanitize
    Spanish Sentence: Hay que sanear la zona contaminada antes de construir allí.
    English Sentence: The contaminated area must be cleaned up before building there.
  • San Francisco
    Pronunciation: sahn frahn-thees-koh
    English Meaning: San Francisco (city in California)
    Spanish Sentence: San Francisco es famoso por su puente Golden Gate y sus colinas.
    English Sentence: San Francisco is famous for its Golden Gate Bridge and its hills.
  • sangría
    Pronunciation: sahn-gree-ah
    English Meaning: sangria (Spanish alcoholic beverage)
    Spanish Sentence: En verano, nos gusta tomar sangría bien fría.
    English Sentence: In summer, we like to drink sangria nice and cold.
  • sangrante
    Pronunciation: sahn-grahn-teh
    English Meaning: bleeding, hemorrhaging
    Spanish Sentence: La herida estaba sangrante y necesitaba atención médica urgente.
    English Sentence: The wound was bleeding and needed urgent medical attention.
  • sangrar
    Pronunciation: sahn-grahr
    English Meaning: to bleed
    Spanish Sentence: No toques la herida para evitar que siga sangrando.
    English Sentence: Don’t touch the wound to prevent it from bleeding further.
  • sangre
    Pronunciation: sahn-greh
    English Meaning: blood
    Spanish Sentence: La sangre es vital para transportar oxígeno por todo el cuerpo.
    English Sentence: Blood is vital for transporting oxygen throughout the body.
  • sangre y carne
    Pronunciation: sahn-greh ee kahr-neh
    English Meaning: blood and flesh
    Spanish Sentence: Este plato está hecho con sangre y carne de cerdo.
    English Sentence: This dish is made with pork blood and flesh.
  • sangrientamente
    Pronunciation: sahn-gree-ehn-tah-mehn-teh
    English Meaning: bloodily
    Spanish Sentence: La batalla terminó sangrientamente, con muchas bajas.
    English Sentence: The battle ended bloodily, with many casualties.
  • sangriento
    Pronunciation: sahn-gree-ehn-toh
    English Meaning: bloody
    Spanish Sentence: Después del accidente, el vendaje estaba muy sangriento.
    English Sentence: After the accident, the bandage was very bloody.
  • sanguijuela
    Pronunciation: sahn-gwee-heh-lah
    English Meaning: leech
    Spanish Sentence: Las sanguijuelas se adhieren a la piel para chupar la sangre.
    English Sentence: Leeches attach themselves to the skin to suck blood.
  • sanguinariamente
    Pronunciation: sahn-gwee-nah-ree-ah-mehn-teh
    English Meaning: bloodily, savagely
    Spanish Sentence: Los rebeldes fueron reprimidos sanguinariamente por el gobierno.
    English Sentence: The rebels were brutally suppressed by the government.
  • sanguinario
    Pronunciation: sahn-gwee-nah-ree-oh
    English Meaning: bloodthirsty, savage
    Spanish Sentence: El dictador era conocido por su régimen sanguinario.
    English Sentence: The dictator was known for his bloodthirsty regime.
  • sanguinolento
    Pronunciation: sahn-gwee-noh-lehn-toh
    English Meaning: gory, bloodstained
    Spanish Sentence: La escena del crimen era sanguinolenta y perturbadora.
    English Sentence: The crime scene was gory and disturbing.
  • sanguja
    Pronunciation: sahn-goo-hah
    English Meaning: bloodsucker, leech (figurative)
    Spanish Sentence: El empresario era considerado una sanguja por su explotación laboral.
    English Sentence: The businessman was considered a bloodsucker for his labor exploitation.
  • sanguíneo
    Pronunciation: sahn-gwee-neh-oh
    English Meaning: sanguine, bloody
    Spanish Sentence: El flujo sanguíneo es fundamental para el funcionamiento del cuerpo humano.
    English Sentence: Blood flow is fundamental for the functioning of the human body.
  • sanidad
    Pronunciation: sah-nee-dahd
    English Meaning: health, sanitation
    Spanish Sentence: La sanidad pública es un derecho fundamental de los ciudadanos.
    English Sentence: Public health is a fundamental right of citizens.
  • sanitaria
    Pronunciation: sah-nee-tah-ree-ah
    English Meaning: sanitary
    Spanish Sentence: La crisis sanitaria requiere medidas urgentes para proteger a la población.
    English Sentence: The sanitary crisis requires urgent measures to protect the population.
  • sanitario
    Pronunciation: sah-nee-tah-ree-oh
    English Meaning: sanitary, toilet
    Spanish Sentence: Por favor, recuerda lavarte las manos en el sanitario.
    English Sentence: Please remember to wash your hands in the toilet.
  • sanjar
    Pronunciation: sahn-hahr
    English Meaning: to settle, to resolve
    Spanish Sentence: Los abogados lograron sanjar el conflicto entre las partes.
    English Sentence: The lawyers managed to settle the conflict between the parties.
  • San José
    Pronunciation: sahn ho-seh
    English Meaning: San Jose (various places named San Jose)
    Spanish Sentence: San José es la capital de Costa Rica.
    English Sentence: San Jose is the capital of Costa Rica.
  • San Juan
    Pronunciation: sahn hwan
    English Meaning: San Juan (various places named San Juan)
    Spanish Sentence: San Juan es una ciudad histórica con una arquitectura colonial impresionante.
    English Sentence: San Juan is a historic city with impressive colonial architecture.
  • San Juan Bautista
    Pronunciation: sahn hwan baw-tees-tah
    English Meaning: Saint John the Baptist
    Spanish Sentence: La fiesta de San Juan Bautista se celebra el 24 de junio.
    English Sentence: The feast of Saint John the Baptist is celebrated on June 24th.
  • San Luis Potosí
    Pronunciation: sahn lwees poh-toh-see
    English Meaning: San Luis Potosi (city in Mexico)
    Spanish Sentence: San Luis Potosí es famoso por sus minas de plata.
    English Sentence: San Luis Potosi is famous for its silver mines.
  • San Marcos
    Pronunciation: sahn mahr-kohs
    English Meaning: San Marcos (various places named San Marcos)
    Spanish Sentence: San Marcos es un municipio conocido por su feria anual.
    English Sentence: San Marcos is a municipality known for its annual fair.
  • sanmarinense
    Pronunciation: sahn-mah-ree-nehn-seh
    English Meaning: Sammarinese (of or relating to San Marino)
    Spanish Sentence: El equipo sanmarinense de fútbol compite en la liga nacional.
    English Sentence: The Sammarinese football team competes in the national league.
  • San Marino
    Pronunciation: sahn mah-ree-noh
    English Meaning: San Marino (microstate in Europe)
    Spanish Sentence: San Marino es uno de los países más pequeños del mundo.
    English Sentence: San Marino is one of the smallest countries in the world.
  • sano
    Pronunciation: sah-noh
    English Meaning: healthy
    Spanish Sentence: Hacer ejercicio regularmente es importante para mantenerse sano.
    English Sentence: Exercising regularly is important to stay healthy.
  • San Pablo
    Pronunciation: sahn pah-bloh
    English Meaning: San Pablo (various places named San Pablo)
    Spanish Sentence: San Pablo es una ciudad industrial importante en Brasil.
    English Sentence: San Pablo is an important industrial city in Brazil.
  • San Sebastián
    Pronunciation: sahn se-bahs-tee-ahn
    English Meaning: San Sebastian (city in Spain)
    Spanish Sentence: San Sebastián es conocida por su playa de La Concha y su gastronomía.
    English Sentence: San Sebastian is known for its La Concha beach and its cuisine.
  • Santa Clara
    Pronunciation: sahn-tah klah-rah
    English Meaning: Santa Clara (various places named Santa Clara)
    Spanish Sentence: Santa Clara es una ciudad universitaria en California.
    English Sentence: Santa Clara is a college town in California.
  • Santa Cruz
    Pronunciation: sahn-tah kroos
    English Meaning: Santa Cruz (various places named Santa Cruz)
    Spanish Sentence: Santa Cruz tiene un clima cálido y playas hermosas.
    English Sentence: Santa Cruz has a warm climate and beautiful beaches.
  • Santa Fe de Bogotá
    Pronunciation: sahn-tah feh deh boh-goh-tah
    English Meaning: Santa Fe de Bogota (former name of Bogota, Colombia)
    Spanish Sentence: Santa Fe de Bogotá fue el nombre original de la capital colombiana.
    English Sentence: Santa Fe de Bogota was the original name of the Colombian capital.
  • Santa Lucía
    Pronunciation: sahn-tah loo-thee-ah
    English Meaning: Saint Lucia (country in the Caribbean)
    Spanish Sentence: Santa Lucía es conocida por sus playas de arena blanca y aguas turquesa.
    English Sentence: Saint Lucia is known for its white sandy beaches and turquoise waters.
  • santalucense
    Pronunciation: sahn-tah-loo-sehn-seh
    English Meaning: Saint Lucian (of or relating to Saint Lucia)
    Spanish Sentence: La cultura santalucense tiene una fuerte influencia africana.
    English Sentence: Saint Lucian culture has a strong African influence.
  • Santana
    Pronunciation: sahn-tah-nah
    English Meaning: Santana (surname and given name)
    Spanish Sentence: Carlos Santana es un famoso guitarrista de rock latino.
    English Sentence: Carlos Santana is a famous Latin rock guitarist.
  • santanderino
    Pronunciation: sahn-tahn-deh-ree-noh
    English Meaning: from Santander (adjective)
    Spanish Sentence: Los pescados y mariscos santanderinos son famosos por su frescura.
    English Sentence: Fish and seafood from Santander are famous for their freshness.
  • Santa Rosa
    Pronunciation: sahn-tah roh-sah
    English Meaning: Saint Rose
    Spanish Sentence: Santa Rosa es la patrona de las enfermeras.
    English Sentence: Saint Rose is the patron saint of nurses.
  • santería
    Pronunciation: sahn-teh-ree-ah
    English Meaning: Santeria (Afro-Caribbean religion)
    Spanish Sentence: La santería es una religión afrocubana que combina elementos africanos y católicos.
    English Sentence: Santeria is an Afro-Cuban religion that combines African and Catholic elements.
  • Santi
    Pronunciation: sahn-tee
    English Meaning: Santi (shortened form of Santiago)
    Spanish Sentence: Santi es un apodo común para los niños llamados Santiago.
    English Sentence: Santi is a common nickname for boys named Santiago.
  • Santiago
    Pronunciation: sahn-tee-ah-goh
    English Meaning: Santiago (given name), Saint James
    Spanish Sentence: Santiago es el patrón de España y de los peregrinos.
    English Sentence: Santiago is the patron saint of Spain and of pilgrims.
  • Santiago de Chile
    Pronunciation: sahn-tee-ah-goh deh chee-leh
    English Meaning: Santiago de Chile (capital of Chile)
    Spanish Sentence: Santiago de Chile es una ciudad vibrante con una rica vida cultural.
    English Sentence: Santiago de Chile is a vibrant city with a rich cultural life.
  • santidad
    Pronunciation: sahn-tee-dahd
    English Meaning: holiness, sanctity
    Spanish Sentence: La santidad es un atributo divino que se atribuye a los santos.
    English Sentence: Holiness is a divine attribute attributed to saints.
  • santificado
    Pronunciation: sahn-tee-fee-kah-doh
    English Meaning: sanctified
    Spanish Sentence: El agua bendita se considera santificada por el sacerdote.
    English Sentence: Holy water is considered sanctified by the priest.
  • santificar
    Pronunciation: sahn-tee-fee-kahr
    English Meaning: to sanctify
    Spanish Sentence: La ceremonia religiosa tiene como objetivo santificar el matrimonio.
    English Sentence: The religious ceremony aims to sanctify the marriage.
  • santo
    Pronunciation: sahn-toh
    English Meaning: saint, holy
    Spanish Sentence: El día de Todos los Santos se celebra el 1 de noviembre.
    English Sentence: All Saints’ Day is celebrated on November 1st.
  • Santo Domingo de Guzmán
    Pronunciation: sahn-toh doh-meen-goh deh goos-mahn
    English Meaning: Saint Dominic
    Spanish Sentence: Santo Domingo de Guzmán fundó la Orden de los Dominicos.
    English Sentence: Saint Dominic founded the Order of Preachers.
  • santotomense
    Pronunciation: sahn-toh-toh-mehn-seh
    English Meaning: São Toméan (of or relating to São Tomé and Príncipe)
    Spanish Sentence: La gastronomía santotomense incluye platos con influencia africana y portuguesa.
    English Sentence: São Toméan cuisine includes dishes with African and Portuguese influence.
  • santotomense
    Pronunciation: sahn-toh-toh-men-seh
    English Meaning: Santo Tomean (relating to Santo Tomé and Príncipe)
    Spanish Sentence: El idioma santotomense es una mezcla de portugués y lenguas africanas.
    English Sentence: Santotomense language is a blend of Portuguese and African languages.
  • santo y seña
    Pronunciation: sahn-toh ee seh-nyah
    English Meaning: Password, secret sign
    Spanish Sentence: Para acceder al club necesitas saber el santo y seña.
    English Sentence: To access the club, you need to know the password.
  • santuario
    Pronunciation: sahn-tu-ah-ree-oh
    English Meaning: Sanctuary
    Spanish Sentence: Los refugiados encontraron santuario en la iglesia.
    English Sentence: The refugees found sanctuary in the church.
  • San Vicente y las Granadinas
    Pronunciation: sahn bee-sehn-te ee lahs grah-nah-dee-nahs
    English Meaning: Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
    Spanish Sentence: San Vicente y las Granadinas es un país insular en el Caribe.
    English Sentence: Saint Vincent and the Grenadines is an island nation in the Caribbean.
  • sanvicentino
    Pronunciation: sahn-vee-sehn-tee-noh
    English Meaning: Vincentian (relating to Saint Vincent)
    Spanish Sentence: El plato típico sanvicentino es el pescado frito con plátanos.
    English Sentence: The typical Vincentian dish is fried fish with plantains.
  • sapa
    Pronunciation: sah-pah
    English Meaning: Sap
    Spanish Sentence: El árbol goteaba sapa por una herida en el tronco.
    English Sentence: The tree was dripping sap from a wound in the trunk.
  • sapiencia
    Pronunciation: sah-pee-ehn-see-ah
    English Meaning: Wisdom
    Spanish Sentence: La sapiencia de los ancianos es invaluable.
    English Sentence: The wisdom of the elders is invaluable.
  • sapo
    Pronunciation: sah-poh
    English Meaning: Toad
    Spanish Sentence: Encontramos un sapo en el jardín después de la lluvia.
    English Sentence: We found a toad in the garden after the rain.
  • saponificable
    Pronunciation: sah-poh-nee-fee-kah-bleh
    English Meaning: Saponifiable
    Spanish Sentence: El aceite de oliva es saponificable, lo que lo hace útil para hacer jabón.
    English Sentence: Olive oil is saponifiable, which makes it useful for making soap.
  • saponificación
    Pronunciation: sah-poh-nee-fee-kah-see-ohn
    English Meaning: Saponification
    Spanish Sentence: La saponificación es el proceso químico de hacer jabón.
    English Sentence: Saponification is the chemical process of making soap.
  • saponificar
    Pronunciation: sah-poh-nee-fee-kahr
    English Meaning: To saponify
    Spanish Sentence: Para hacer jabón, necesitas saponificar el aceite.
    English Sentence: To make soap, you need to saponify the oil.
  • saponina
    Pronunciation: sah-poh-nee-nah
    English Meaning: Saponin
    Spanish Sentence: Las saponinas se encuentran en algunas plantas y tienen propiedades espumantes.
    English Sentence: Saponins are found in some plants and have foaming properties.
  • saque
    Pronunciation: sah-keh
    English Meaning: Ace (in sports)
    Spanish Sentence: El tenista logró un saque imposible de devolver.
    English Sentence: The tennis player made an ace that was impossible to return.
  • saquear
    Pronunciation: sah-keh-ahr
    English Meaning: To loot, to plunder
    Spanish Sentence: Los vikingos solían saquear pueblos costeros.
    English Sentence: The Vikings used to loot coastal villages.
  • saqueo
    Pronunciation: sah-keh-oh
    English Meaning: Looting, plundering
    Spanish Sentence: El saqueo de la ciudad dejó a sus habitantes en la pobreza.
    English Sentence: The looting of the city left its inhabitants in poverty.
  • Sara
    Pronunciation: sah-rah
    English Meaning: Sara
    Spanish Sentence: Sara es una de las figuras principales en la Biblia.
    English Sentence: Sara is one of the main figures in the Bible.

Spanish Words That Start with ‘S’ 5 Letters

In Spanish, there are a bunch of words that start with S as well as contain 5 letters. Here is the full list!

Words Starting With 'S' in Spanish-2

  • Sarai
    Pronunciation: sah-rah-ee
    English Meaning: Sarai
    Spanish Sentence: Sarai fue la esposa de Abraham en la Biblia.
    English Sentence: Sarai was the wife of Abraham in the Bible.
  • sarampión
    Pronunciation: sah-rahm-pyohn
    English Meaning: Measles
    Spanish Sentence: El sarampión es una enfermedad altamente contagiosa.
    English Sentence: Measles is a highly contagious disease.
  • sarcasmo
    Pronunciation: sahr-kahs-moh
    English Meaning: Sarcasm
    Spanish Sentence: Su sarcasmo a menudo no es bien recibido.
    English Sentence: His sarcasm is often not well received.
  • sarcófago
    Pronunciation: sahr-koh-fah-goh
    English Meaning: Sarcophagus
    Spanish Sentence: El sarcófago del faraón estaba ricamente decorado.
    English Sentence: The pharaoh’s sarcophagus was richly decorated.
  • sarcoplasma
    Pronunciation: sahr-koh-plahs-mah
    English Meaning: Sarcoplasm
    Spanish Sentence: El sarcoplasma es la parte de la célula muscular que rodea las fibras.
    English Sentence: Sarcoplasm is the part of the muscle cell that surrounds the fibers.
  • sarcásticamente
    Pronunciation: sahr-kahs-tee-kah-men-teh
    English Meaning: Sarcastically
    Spanish Sentence: Habló sarcásticamente, pero nadie entendió su humor.
    English Sentence: He spoke sarcastically, but nobody understood his humor.
  • sarcástico
    Pronunciation: sahr-kahs-tee-koh
    English Meaning: Sarcastic
    Spanish Sentence: Su comentario fue tan sarcástico que nadie supo si estaba bromeando.
    English Sentence: His comment was so sarcastic that nobody knew if he was joking.
  • sardina
    Pronunciation: sahr-dee-nah
    English Meaning: Sardine
    Spanish Sentence: Las sardinas en lata son una buena fuente de ácidos grasos omega-3.
    English Sentence: Canned sardines are a good source of omega-3 fatty acids.
  • sardo
    Pronunciation: sahr-doh
    English Meaning: Sardinian
    Spanish Sentence: El queso pecorino sardo es famoso en Italia.
    English Sentence: Sardinian pecorino cheese is famous in Italy.
  • sargento
    Pronunciation: sahr-hehn-toh
    English Meaning: Sergeant
    Spanish Sentence: El sargento lideró a su pelotón con valentía.
    English Sentence: The sergeant led his platoon with bravery.
  • sari
    Pronunciation: sah-ree
    English Meaning: Sari
    Spanish Sentence: Las mujeres hindúes suelen usar sari en ocasiones especiales.
    English Sentence: Hindu women often wear saris on special occasions.
  • Sarita
    Pronunciation: sah-ree-tah
    English Meaning: Sarita
    Spanish Sentence: Sarita es un diminutivo cariñoso para el nombre Sara.
    English Sentence: Sarita is an affectionate diminutive for the name Sara.
  • sarmentar
    Pronunciation: sahr-mehn-tahr
    English Meaning: To vine-dress
    Spanish Sentence: El viticultor comenzó a sarmentar las vides en primavera.
    English Sentence: The viticulturist started to vine-dress the grapevines in spring.
  • sarmentosa
    Pronunciation: sahr-mehn-toh-sah
    English Meaning: Rambling
    Spanish Sentence: La planta sarmentosa cubría todo el muro de la casa.
    English Sentence: The rambling plant covered the entire wall of the house.
  • sarna
    Pronunciation: sahr-nah
    English Meaning: Scabies, mange
    Spanish Sentence: El perro fue tratado por sarna y ahora está sano.
    English Sentence: The dog was treated for mange and now is healthy.
  • sarrio
    Pronunciation: sahr-ree-oh
    English Meaning: Chamois
    Spanish Sentence: Los cazadores avistaron un sarrio en las montañas.
    English Sentence: The hunters spotted a chamois in the mountains.
  • sarro
    Pronunciation: sahr-roh
    English Meaning: Tartar (dental), scale (in pipes)
    Spanish Sentence: El sarro en los dientes puede causar problemas de salud bucal.
    English Sentence: Tartar on teeth can cause oral health problems.
  • sartal
    Pronunciation: sahr-tahl
    English Meaning: String, thread
    Spanish Sentence: Compré un sartal de cuentas para hacer un collar.
    English Sentence: I bought a string of beads to make a necklace.
  • sartenazo
    Pronunciation: sahr-teh-nah-soh
    English Meaning: A hit with a frying pan
    Spanish Sentence: Le dio un sartenazo al ladrón que entró en su casa.
    English Sentence: She gave a hit with a frying pan to the thief who entered her house.
  • sartén
    Pronunciation: sahr-tehn
    English Meaning: Frying pan
    Spanish Sentence: Calienta el aceite en la sartén antes de freír los huevos.
    English Sentence: Heat the oil in the frying pan before frying the eggs.
  • sartorio
    Pronunciation: sahr-toh-ree-oh
    English Meaning: Sartorius (muscle)
    Spanish Sentence: El músculo sartorio es importante para la flexión de la pierna.
    English Sentence: The sartorius muscle is important for leg flexion.
  • sasafrás
    Pronunciation: sah-sah-frahs
    English Meaning: Sassafras
    Spanish Sentence: El sasafrás se utiliza a menudo como saborizante en la cocina.
    English Sentence: Sassafras is often used as a flavoring in cooking.
  • sastra
    Pronunciation: sahs-trah
    English Meaning: Seamstress
    Spanish Sentence: La sastra estaba ocupada cosiendo vestidos para la boda.
    English Sentence: The seamstress was busy sewing dresses for the wedding.
  • sastre
    Pronunciation: sahs-treh
    English Meaning: Tailor
    Spanish Sentence: El sastre ajustó el traje para que le quedara perfecto.
    English Sentence: The tailor adjusted the suit to fit him perfectly.
  • sastrería
    Pronunciation: sahs-treh-ree-ah
    English Meaning: Tailor’s shop
    Spanish Sentence: En la sastrería del barrio hacen trajes a medida.
    English Sentence: They make tailor-made suits at the neighborhood tailor’s shop.
  • satanás
    Pronunciation: sah-tah-nahs
    English Meaning: Satan
    Spanish Sentence: Se cree que Satanás es el adversario de Dios en la religión cristiana.
    English Sentence: Satan is believed to be the adversary of God in the Christian religion.
  • satelital
    Pronunciation: sah-teh-lee-tahl
    English Meaning: Satellite (adj.)
    Spanish Sentence: Las imágenes satelitales muestran el cambio climático en tiempo real.
    English Sentence: Satellite images show climate change in real time.
  • satinar
    Pronunciation: sah-tee-nahr
    English Meaning: To satin (to give a smooth, glossy finish)
    Spanish Sentence: Después de pintar, decidieron satinar la superficie para un acabado brillante.
    English Sentence: After painting, they decided to satin the surface for a glossy finish.
  • satirizar
    Pronunciation: sah-tee-ree-zahr
    English Meaning: To satirize
    Spanish Sentence: La película satiriza la vida política de una manera hilarante.
    English Sentence: The movie satirizes political life in a hilarious way.
  • satisfacción
    Pronunciation: sah-tees-fahk-see-ohn
    English Meaning: Satisfaction
    Spanish Sentence: El chef miró con satisfacción cómo sus clientes disfrutaban de la comida.
    English Sentence: The chef watched with satisfaction as his customers enjoyed the food.
  • satisfacer
    Pronunciation: sah-tees-fah-sehr
    English Meaning: To satisfy
    Spanish Sentence: La comida del restaurante no logró satisfacer su apetito.
    English Sentence: The restaurant food failed to satisfy his appetite.
  • satisfactoriamente
    Pronunciation: sah-tees-fahk-toh-ree-ah-men-teh
    English Meaning: Satisfactorily
    Spanish Sentence: El proyecto se completó satisfactoriamente dentro del plazo previsto.
    English Sentence: The project was completed satisfactorily within the expected timeframe.
  • satisfactorio
    Pronunciation: sah-tees-fahk-toh-ree-oh
    English Meaning: Satisfactory
    Spanish Sentence: El desempeño del estudiante en el examen fue satisfactorio.
    English Sentence: The student’s performance on the exam was satisfactory.
  • satisfecho
    Pronunciation: sah-teess-feh-choh
    English Meaning: Satisfied
    Spanish Sentence: Después de la comida, quedé completamente satisfecho.
    English Sentence: After the meal, I was completely satisfied.
  • satélite
    Pronunciation: sah-teh-lee-teh
    English Meaning: Satellite (noun)
    Spanish Sentence: El satélite orbita la Tierra varias veces al día.
    English Sentence: The satellite orbits the Earth several times a day.
  • Satán
    Pronunciation: sah-tahn
    English Meaning: Satan
    Spanish Sentence: En la Biblia, Satán es retratado como el adversario de Dios.
    English Sentence: In the Bible, Satan is portrayed as the adversary of God.
  • sato
    Pronunciation: sah-toh
    English Meaning: Sato (mixed-breed dog)
    Spanish Sentence: Adoptamos un sato del refugio de animales.
    English Sentence: We adopted a mixed-breed dog from the animal shelter.
  • satíricamente
    Pronunciation: sah-tee-ree-kah-men-teh
    English Meaning: Satirically
    Spanish Sentence: El comediante habló satíricamente sobre la política en su monólogo.
    English Sentence: The comedian spoke satirically about politics in his monologue.
  • satírico
    Pronunciation: sah-tee-ree-koh
    English Meaning: Satirical
    Spanish Sentence: La novela ofrece una visión satírica de la sociedad contemporánea.
    English Sentence: The novel provides a satirical view of contemporary society.
  • saturación
    Pronunciation: sah-too-rah-syohn
    English Meaning: Saturation
    Spanish Sentence: La saturación del mercado llevó a una caída en los precios.
    English Sentence: Market saturation led to a drop in prices.
  • saturado
    Pronunciation: sah-too-rah-doh
    English Meaning: Saturated
    Spanish Sentence: El mercado está saturado de productos similares.
    English Sentence: The market is saturated with similar products.
  • saturar
    Pronunciation: sah-too-rahr
    English Meaning: To saturate
    Spanish Sentence: La publicidad en línea puede saturar a los consumidores con mensajes.
    English Sentence: Online advertising can saturate consumers with messages.
  • saturnal
    Pronunciation: sah-toohr-nahl
    English Meaning: Saturnine
    Spanish Sentence: Su expresión saturnal reflejaba su melancolía.
    English Sentence: His saturnine expression reflected his melancholy.
  • saturnino
    Pronunciation: sah-toohr-nee-noh
    English Meaning: Saturnine
    Spanish Sentence: Su actitud saturnina lo hacía parecer siempre preocupado.
    English Sentence: His saturnine attitude made him always seem worried.
  • Saturno
    Pronunciation: sah-toor-noh
    English Meaning: Saturn
    Spanish Sentence: Los anillos de Saturno son uno de sus rasgos más distintivos.
    English Sentence: Saturn’s rings are one of its most distinctive features.
  • sauce
    Pronunciation: sah-oo-seh
    English Meaning: Willow (tree)
    Spanish Sentence: Los sauces bordeaban el río, creando una vista pintoresca.
    English Sentence: Willows lined the river, creating a picturesque view.
  • saudí
    Pronunciation: sah-oo-dee
    English Meaning: Saudi
    Spanish Sentence: El príncipe saudí visitó varios países en una gira diplomática.
    English Sentence: The Saudi prince visited several countries on a diplomatic tour.
  • saudita
    Pronunciation: sah-oo-dee-tah
    English Meaning: Saudi
    Spanish Sentence: Arabia Saudita es conocida por sus reservas de petróleo.
    English Sentence: Saudi Arabia is known for its oil reserves.
  • Saulo
    Pronunciation: sah-oo-loh
    English Meaning: Saul
    Spanish Sentence: Saulo de Tarso, también conocido como Pablo, fue un importante apóstol cristiano.
    English Sentence: Saul of Tarsus, also known as Paul, was an important Christian apostle.
  • -saurio
    Pronunciation: -sow-ree-oh
    English Meaning: -saur (suffix denoting lizard or reptile)
    Spanish Sentence: El estegosaurio fue un dinosaurio herbívoro que vivió durante el período Jurásico.
    English Sentence: The stegosaurus was a herbivorous dinosaur that lived during the Jurassic period.
  • sauzal
    Pronunciation: sah-oo-sahl
    English Meaning: Willow grove
    Spanish Sentence: Los pájaros anidan en el sauzal junto al río.
    English Sentence: Birds nest in the willow grove by the river.
  • savia
    Pronunciation: sah-byah
    English Meaning: Sap
    Spanish Sentence: La savia de los árboles es vital para su crecimiento.
    English Sentence: Sap from trees is vital for their growth.
  • saxófono
    Pronunciation: sahk-soh-foh-noh
    English Meaning: Saxophone
    Spanish Sentence: El saxófono es un instrumento de viento muy popular.
    English Sentence: The saxophone is a very popular wind instrument.
  • saxofón
    Pronunciation: sahk-soh-fohn
    English Meaning: Saxophone
    Spanish Sentence: Aprendió a tocar el saxofón en la escuela de música.
    English Sentence: He learned to play the saxophone at the music school.
  • saxofonista
    Pronunciation: sahk-soh-foh-nee-stah
    English Meaning: Saxophonist
    Spanish Sentence: El saxofonista tocó una melodía suave y melancólica.
    English Sentence: The saxophonist played a soft and melancholic melody.
  • saya
    Pronunciation: sah-yah
    English Meaning: Skirt, dress (especially one worn by women)
    Spanish Sentence: La bailarina movía la saya con gracia durante su actuación.
    English Sentence: The dancer gracefully moved her skirt during her performance.
  • sayal
    Pronunciation: sah-yahl
    English Meaning: Sackcloth
    Spanish Sentence: Los monjes solían vestir sayal como un signo de penitencia.
    English Sentence: Monks used to wear sackcloth as a sign of penance.
  • sayonara
    Pronunciation: sah-yoh-nah-rah
    English Meaning: Goodbye (Japanese)
    Spanish Sentence: Dijeron “sayonara” a sus amigos antes de partir hacia Japón.
    English Sentence: They said “sayonara” to their friends before leaving for Japan.
  • sazón
    Pronunciation: sah-sohn
    English Meaning: Seasoning, flavor
    Spanish Sentence: El chef añadió la última sazón a la sopa antes de servirla.
    English Sentence: The chef added the final seasoning to the soup before serving it.
  • sazonar
    Pronunciation: sah-soh-nahr
    English Meaning: To season
    Spanish Sentence: Es importante sazonar la carne antes de cocinarla.
    English Sentence: It’s important to season the meat before cooking it.
  • sábado
    Pronunciation: sah-bah-doh
    English Meaning: Saturday
    Spanish Sentence: El sábado es un día para relajarse y pasar tiempo con la familia.
    English Sentence: Saturday is a day to relax and spend time with family.
  • sábalo
    Pronunciation: sah-bah-loh
    English Meaning: Shad (fish)
    Spanish Sentence: Los pescadores atraparon un sábalo grande en el río.
    English Sentence: The fishermen caught a large shad in the river.
  • sábana
    Pronunciation: sah-bah-nah
    English Meaning: Sheet
    Spanish Sentence: Cambié las sábanas de mi cama esta mañana.
    English Sentence: I changed the sheets on my bed this morning.
  • súbdita
    Pronunciation: soob-dee-tah
    English Meaning: Female subject (of a monarch)
    Spanish Sentence: La princesa era súbdita de su padre, el rey.
    English Sentence: The princess was a subject of her father, the king.
  • súbdito
    Pronunciation: soob-dee-toh
    English Meaning: Subject (of a monarch)
    Spanish Sentence: Los súbditos del reino se reunieron para celebrar el jubileo del rey.
    English Sentence: The subjects of the kingdom gathered to celebrate the king’s jubilee.
  • súbitamente
    Pronunciation: soob-ee-tah-men-teh
    English Meaning: Suddenly
    Spanish Sentence: El dolor desapareció súbitamente.
    English Sentence: The pain disappeared suddenly.
  • súbito
    Pronunciation: soob-ee-toh
    English Meaning: Sudden
    Spanish Sentence: El cambio climático puede provocar cambios súbitos en el clima.
    English Sentence: Climate change can cause sudden changes in the weather.
  • sácate
    Pronunciation: sah-kah-teh
    English Meaning: Get out
    Spanish Sentence: ¡Sácate de mi casa ahora mismo!
    English Sentence: Get out of my house right now!
  • súchil
    Pronunciation: soo-cheel
    English Meaning: Marigold
    Spanish Sentence: El súchil es una flor muy común en México.
    English Sentence: Marigold is a very common flower in Mexico.

Spanish Words That Start With ‘S’ English Translation

Words Starting With 'S' in Spanish-3

  • -sco
    Pronunciation: -skoh
    English Meaning: -sco (suffix indicating abundance or augmentation)
    Spanish Sentence: El plato estaba cubierto de queso fresco, un delicioso manjar.
    English Sentence: The plate was covered in fresh cheese, a delicious delicacy.
  • -scopia
    Pronunciation: -skoh-pee-ah
    English Meaning: -scopy (suffix indicating examination or viewing)
    Spanish Sentence: La colonoscopia es un examen importante para detectar problemas intestinales.
    English Sentence: Colonoscopy is an important examination to detect intestinal problems.
  • -scopio
    Pronunciation: -skoh-pee-oh
    English Meaning: -scope (suffix indicating an instrument for viewing)
    Spanish Sentence: El microscopio es esencial en el estudio de la biología celular.
    English Sentence: The microscope is essential in the study of cell biology.
  • Sócrates
    Pronunciation: soh-krah-tehs
    English Meaning: Socrates
    Spanish Sentence: Sócrates fue un filósofo griego conocido por su método de interrogatorio.
    English Sentence: Socrates was a Greek philosopher known for his method of questioning.
  • SD
    Pronunciation: es-deh
    English Meaning: SD (abbreviation for Secure Digital, a type of memory card)
    Spanish Sentence: La cámara utiliza tarjetas SD para almacenar fotos y videos.
    English Sentence: The camera uses SD cards to store photos and videos.
  • sádicamente
    Pronunciation: sah-dee-kah-men-teh
    English Meaning: Sadistically
    Spanish Sentence: El villano disfrutaba sádicamente del sufrimiento de sus víctimas.
    English Sentence: The villain sadistically enjoyed the suffering of his victims.
  • sádico
    Pronunciation: sah-dee-koh
    English Meaning: Sadistic
    Spanish Sentence: El sádico torturaba a sus prisioneros con crueldad.
    English Sentence: The sadistic person tortured his prisoners with cruelty.
  • sódico
    Pronunciation: soh-dee-koh
    English Meaning: Sodium (related to sodium)
    Spanish Sentence: El cloruro sódico es otra forma de referirse a la sal común.
    English Sentence: Sodium chloride is another way to refer to common salt.
  • se
    Pronunciation: seh
    English Meaning: Himself, herself, itself, oneself
    Spanish Sentence: Se miró en el espejo y sonrió.
    English Sentence: He looked at himself in the mirror and smiled.
  • seña
    Pronunciation: seh-nyah
    English Meaning: Sign, mark
    Spanish Sentence: Dejó una seña en la puerta para que supieran que había pasado por allí.
    English Sentence: He left a mark on the door so they would know he had been there.
  • seaborgio
    Pronunciation: seh-ah-bohr-hee-oh
    English Meaning: Seaborgium
    Spanish Sentence: El seaborgio es un elemento sintético creado en laboratorio.
    English Sentence: Seaborgium is a synthetic element created in the laboratory.
  • señal
    Pronunciation: seh-nyahl
    English Meaning: Sign, signal
    Spanish Sentence: La señal indicaba que debíamos girar a la derecha.
    English Sentence: The sign signaled that we should turn right.
  • señalamiento
    Pronunciation: seh-nyah-lah-mee-ehn-toh
    English Meaning: Indication, pointing out
    Spanish Sentence: El señalamiento de los errores en el informe fue crucial para mejorar el trabajo.
    English Sentence: Pointing out the errors in the report was crucial to improving the work.
  • señalar
    Pronunciation: seh-nyah-lahr
    English Meaning: To point out, to signal
    Spanish Sentence: El profesor señaló los errores en el examen para que los estudiantes los corrigieran.
    English Sentence: The teacher pointed out the mistakes in the exam so that the students could correct them.
  • señalización
    Pronunciation: seh-nyah-lee-sah-syohn
    English Meaning: Signaling, signage
    Spanish Sentence: La señalización vial ayuda a mantener la seguridad en las carreteras.
    English Sentence: Road signage helps maintain safety on highways.
  • señalizar
    Pronunciation: seh-nyah-lee-sahr
    English Meaning: To signal, to indicate
    Spanish Sentence: Es importante señalizar los peligros en el lugar de trabajo.
    English Sentence: It’s important to signal the hazards in the workplace.
  • Sebastián
    Pronunciation: se-bahs-tyahn
    English Meaning: Sebastian
    Spanish Sentence: Sebastián ganó el premio al mejor actor por su interpretación en la película.
    English Sentence: Sebastian won the award for best actor for his performance in the movie.
  • sebáceo
    Pronunciation: seh-bah-seh-oh
    English Meaning: Sebaceous
    Spanish Sentence: Las glándulas sebáceas producen aceite para lubricar la piel.
    English Sentence: Sebaceous glands produce oil to lubricate the skin.
  • sebo
    Pronunciation: seh-boh
    English Meaning: Tallow, suet
    Spanish Sentence: El sebo se utiliza en la fabricación de jabones y velas.
    English Sentence: Tallow is used in the manufacture of soaps and candles.
  • secado
    Pronunciation: seh-kah-doh
    English Meaning: Drying
    Spanish Sentence: El secado al sol es una forma natural de preservar alimentos.
    English Sentence: Sun drying is a natural way to preserve food.
  • secador
    Pronunciation: seh-kah-dohr
    English Meaning: Hair dryer
    Spanish Sentence: Necesito usar el secador para secar mi cabello antes de salir.
    English Sentence: I need to use the hair dryer to dry my hair before going out.
  • secadora
    Pronunciation: seh-kah-doh-rah
    English Meaning: Dryer (appliance)
    Spanish Sentence: La secadora de ropa facilita el proceso de secado después de lavarla.
    English Sentence: The clothes dryer makes the drying process easier after washing.
  • secamanos
    Pronunciation: seh-kah-mah-nohs
    English Meaning: Hand dryer
    Spanish Sentence: El secamanos automático ayuda a mantener la higiene en los baños públicos.
    English Sentence: The automatic hand dryer helps maintain hygiene in public restrooms.
  • secante
    Pronunciation: seh-kahn-teh
    English Meaning: Drying agent, secant
    Spanish Sentence: El secante se utiliza para acelerar el proceso de secado de la pintura.
    English Sentence: The drying agent is used to speed up the paint drying process.
  • sección
    Pronunciation: sehk-syohn
    English Meaning: Section
    Spanish Sentence: La sección de deportes del periódico tiene las últimas noticias sobre fútbol.
    English Sentence: The sports section of the newspaper has the latest soccer news.
  • sección cónica
    Pronunciation: seh-k-syohn koh-nee-kah
    English Meaning: Conic section
    Spanish Sentence: Las secciones cónicas incluyen círculos, elipses, parábolas y hipérbolas.
    English Sentence: Conic sections include circles, ellipses, parabolas, and hyperbolas.
  • sección transversal
    Pronunciation: seh-k-syohn trahn-sehhr-sahl
    English Meaning: Cross-section
    Spanish Sentence: El ingeniero diseñó la sección transversal del puente para garantizar su resistencia.
    English Sentence: The engineer designed the cross-section of the bridge to ensure its strength.
  • seccionar
    Pronunciation: sehk-syoh-nahr
    English Meaning: To section, to cut
    Spanish Sentence: El cirujano tuvo que seccionar el tejido dañado durante la operación.
    English Sentence: The surgeon had to section the damaged tissue during the operation.
  • secesión
    Pronunciation: seh-seh-syohn
    English Meaning: Secession
    Spanish Sentence: La secesión del país provocó un conflicto político prolongado.
    English Sentence: The secession of the country caused a prolonged political conflict.
  • seco
    Pronunciation: seh-koh
    English Meaning: Dry
    Spanish Sentence: El clima seco del desierto hace que la vida sea difícil para las plantas.
    English Sentence: The dry climate of the desert makes life difficult for plants.
  • secoya
    Pronunciation: seh-koy-ah
    English Meaning: Sequoia
    Spanish Sentence: Las secoyas son los árboles más altos del mundo.
    English Sentence: Sequoias are the tallest trees in the world.
  • secreción
    Pronunciation: seh-kreh-syohn
    English Meaning: Secretion
    Spanish Sentence: La secreción de insulina regula el nivel de azúcar en la sangre.
    English Sentence: Insulin secretion regulates blood sugar levels.
  • secretamente
    Pronunciation: seh-kreh-tah-men-teh
    English Meaning: Secretly
    Spanish Sentence: Los amantes se encontraban secretamente en el parque todas las noches.
    English Sentence: The lovers met secretly in the park every night.
  • secretar
    Pronunciation: seh-kreh-tahr
    English Meaning: To secrete
    Spanish Sentence: Las glándulas secretan hormonas que regulan diversas funciones del cuerpo.
    English Sentence: Glands secrete hormones that regulate various body functions.
  • secretaría
    Pronunciation: seh-kreh-tah-ree-ah
    English Meaning: Secretary’s office
    Spanish Sentence: Deja el paquete en la secretaría y ellos lo enviarán por correo.
    English Sentence: Leave the package at the secretary’s office, and they will send it by mail.
  • secretaria
    Pronunciation: seh-kreh-tah-ree-ah
    English Meaning: Secretary
    Spanish Sentence: La secretaria del jefe maneja la correspondencia y agenda del día.
    English Sentence: The boss’s secretary handles correspondence and schedules for the day.
  • secretario
    Pronunciation: seh-kreh-tah-ryoh
    English Meaning: Secretary
    Spanish Sentence: El secretario de Estado se reunió con líderes extranjeros para discutir la política internacional.
    English Sentence: The Secretary of State met with foreign leaders to discuss
  • secretina
    Pronunciation: seh-kreh-tee-nah
    English Meaning: Secretin
    Spanish Sentence: La secretina es una hormona que estimula la producción de jugos pancreáticos.
    English Sentence: Secretin is a hormone that stimulates the production of pancreatic juices.
  • secreto
    Pronunciation: seh-kreh-toh
    English Meaning: Secret
    Spanish Sentence: No puedo revelar el secreto que me confió mi amigo.
    English Sentence: I can’t reveal the secret my friend confided in me.
  • secreto a voces
    Pronunciation: seh-kreh-toh ah boh-sehs
    English Meaning: Open secret
    Spanish Sentence: Su romance era un secreto a voces en la oficina.
    English Sentence: Their romance was an open secret in the office.
  • secta
    Pronunciation: sehktah
    English Meaning: Sect, cult
    Spanish Sentence: La secta religiosa celebraba reuniones clandestinas en las montañas.
    English Sentence: The religious sect held clandestine meetings in the mountains.
  • sector
    Pronunciation: sehktor
    English Meaning: Sector
    Spanish Sentence: El sector de la tecnología está experimentando un rápido crecimiento.
    English Sentence: The technology sector is experiencing rapid growth.
  • secuaz
    Pronunciation: seh-kwahth
    English Meaning: Henchman, follower
    Spanish Sentence: El criminal siempre estaba rodeado de sus secuaces.
    English Sentence: The criminal was always surrounded by his henchmen.
  • secuela
    Pronunciation: seh-kweh-lah
    English Meaning: Sequel, consequence
    Spanish Sentence: La secuela de la película fue aún más exitosa que la original.
    English Sentence: The sequel to the movie was even more successful than the original.
  • secuencia
    Pronunciation: seh-kwehn-syah
    English Meaning: Sequence
    Spanish Sentence: La secuencia de ADN determina las características genéticas de un organismo.
    English Sentence: The DNA sequence determines the genetic characteristics of an organism.
  • secuencial
    Pronunciation: seh-kwehn-syahl
    English Meaning: Sequential
    Spanish Sentence: La narración se presenta en orden secuencial, desde el principio hasta el final.
    English Sentence: The narrative is presented in sequential order, from beginning to end.
  • secuenciar
    Pronunciation: seh-kwehn-syahr
    English Meaning: To sequence
    Spanish Sentence: Los científicos están tratando de secuenciar el genoma humano completo.
    English Sentence: Scientists are trying to sequence the entire human genome.
  • secuestrado
    Pronunciation: seh-kwes-trah-doh
    English Meaning: Abducted, kidnapped
    Spanish Sentence: El secuestrado fue liberado después de pagar un rescate.
    English Sentence: The kidnapped person was released after paying a ransom.
  • secuestrador
    Pronunciation: seh-kwes-trah-dohr
    English Meaning: Kidnapper
    Spanish Sentence: La policía detuvo al secuestrador y liberó a la víctima.
    English Sentence: The police arrested the kidnapper and freed the victim.
  • secuestradora
    Pronunciation: seh-kwes-trah-doh-rah
    English Meaning: Kidnapper (female)
    Spanish Sentence: La secuestradora fue capturada y enfrentará cargos por su delito.
    English Sentence: The kidnapper was captured and will face charges for her crime.
  • secuestrar
    Pronunciation: seh-kwes-trahr
    English Meaning: To kidnap, to abduct
    Spanish Sentence: Los criminales intentaron secuestrar al hijo del empresario.
    English Sentence: The criminals attempted to kidnap the businessman’s son.
  • secuestro
    Pronunciation: seh-kwes-troh
    English Meaning: Kidnapping, abduction
    Spanish Sentence: El secuestro de un diplomático extranjero causó una crisis internacional.
    English Sentence: The kidnapping of a foreign diplomat caused an international crisis.
  • secundar
    Pronunciation: seh-koon-dahr
    English Meaning: To second, to support
    Spanish Sentence: Decidieron secundar la propuesta del presidente para aumentar los impuestos.
    English Sentence: They decided to second the president’s proposal to increase taxes.
  • secundaria
    Pronunciation: seh-koon-dah-ree-ah
    English Meaning: secondary
    Spanish Sentence: La educación secundaria es obligatoria en muchos países.
    English Sentence: Secondary education is mandatory in many countries.
  • secundariamente
    Pronunciation: seh-koon-dah-ree-ah-men-teh
    English Meaning: secondarily
    Spanish Sentence: La información se presenta secundariamente en el documento.
    English Sentence: The information is presented secondarily in the document.
  • secundario
    Pronunciation: seh-koon-dah-ree-oh
    English Meaning: secondary
    Spanish Sentence: Los efectos secundarios del medicamento pueden ser graves.
    English Sentence: The secondary effects of the medication can be serious.
  • secuoya
    Pronunciation: seh-kwoy-ah
    English Meaning: sequoia
    Spanish Sentence: Los bosques de secuoyas son impresionantes.
    English Sentence: Sequoia forests are impressive.
  • securina
    Pronunciation: seh-koo-ree-nah
    English Meaning: security guard
    Spanish Sentence: La securina patrulla el área durante la noche.
    English Sentence: The security guard patrols the area at night.
  • sed
    Pronunciation: sed
    English Meaning: thirst
    Spanish Sentence: Después de correr, sentí mucha sed.
    English Sentence: After running, I felt very thirsty.
  • seda
    Pronunciation: seh-dah
    English Meaning: silk
    Spanish Sentence: El vestido estaba hecho de seda.
    English Sentence: The dress was made of silk.
  • seda
    Pronunciation: seh-dah
    English Meaning: filament
    Spanish Sentence: El gusano de seda produce seda para hacer capullos.
    English Sentence: The silkworm produces filament to make cocoons.
  • SEDA
    Pronunciation: seh-dah
    English Meaning: SEDA (acronym for “Servicio de Estudios y Documentación de Andalucía”)
    Spanish Sentence: El SEDA es un centro de investigación en Andalucía.
    English Sentence: The SEDA is a research center in Andalusia.
  • sedal
    Pronunciation: seh-dahl
    English Meaning: fishing line
    Spanish Sentence: Cortó un trozo de sedal para pescar.
    English Sentence: He cut a piece of fishing line to fish.
  • sedante
    Pronunciation: seh-dahn-teh
    English Meaning: sedative
    Spanish Sentence: Tomó un sedante para poder dormir.
    English Sentence: He took a sedative to be able to sleep.
  • sedar
    Pronunciation: seh-dahr
    English Meaning: to sedate
    Spanish Sentence: El veterinario tuvo que sedar al perro antes de la operación.
    English Sentence: The veterinarian had to sedate the dog before the surgery.
  • sede
    Pronunciation: seh-deh
    English Meaning: headquarters
    Spanish Sentence: La sede de la empresa está en Madrid.
    English Sentence: The headquarters of the company are in Madrid.
  • sede
    Pronunciation: seh-deh
    English Meaning: seat
    Spanish Sentence: Buscamos una sede para el evento.
    English Sentence: We are looking for a seat for the event.
  • sede
    Pronunciation: seh-deh
    English Meaning: thirst
    Spanish Sentence: La sede del atleta era evidente después de la carrera.
    English Sentence: The athlete’s thirst was evident after the race.
  • sedentariamente
    Pronunciation: seh-den-tah-ree-ah-men-teh
    English Meaning: sedentarily
    Spanish Sentence: Vivir sedentariamente puede causar problemas de salud.
    English Sentence: Living sedentarily can cause health problems.
  • sedentariamente
    Pronunciation: seh-den-tah-ree-ah-men-teh
    English Meaning: sedentarily
    Spanish Sentence: Trabajar sedentariamente frente al ordenador puede afectar la postura.
    English Sentence: Working sedentarily in front of the computer can affect posture.
  • sedición
    Pronunciation: seh-dee-see-ohn
    English Meaning: sedition
    Spanish Sentence: La sedición fue sofocada por las fuerzas del orden.
    English Sentence: The sedition was suppressed by law enforcement.
  • sediciosamente
    Pronunciation: seh-dee-see-oh-sah-men-teh
    English Meaning: seditiously
    Spanish Sentence: Los rebeldes actuaron sediciosamente contra el gobierno.
    English Sentence: The rebels acted seditiously against the government.
  • sedicioso
    Pronunciation: seh-dee-see-oh-soh
    English Meaning: seditious
    Spanish Sentence: Fue acusado de discurso sedicioso.
    English Sentence: He was accused of seditious speech.
  • sediento
    Pronunciation: seh-dee-ehn-toh
    English Meaning: thirsty
    Spanish Sentence: Después de tanto caminar, estaba sediento.
    English Sentence: After so much walking, I was thirsty.
  • sedimentable
    Pronunciation: seh-dee-men-tah-bleh
    English Meaning: sedimentable
    Spanish Sentence: El agua turbia es sedimentable con el tiempo.
    English Sentence: Turbid water is sedimentable over time.
  • sedimento
    Pronunciation: seh-dee-men-toh
    English Meaning: sediment
    Spanish Sentence: El sedimento en el fondo del vaso indicaba que el agua no estaba limpia.
    English Sentence: The sediment at the bottom of the glass indicated that the water wasn’t clean.
  • sedoheptulosa
    Pronunciation: seh-doh-ehp-too-loh-sah
    English Meaning: sedoheptulose
    Spanish Sentence: La sedoheptulosa es un azúcar raro encontrado en algunas plantas.
    English Sentence: Sedoheptulose is a rare sugar found in some plants.
  • seducción
    Pronunciation: seh-dook-see-ohn
    English Meaning: seduction
    Spanish Sentence: Utilizó su encanto para llevar a cabo la seducción.
    English Sentence: He used his charm to carry out the seduction.
  • seducir
    Pronunciation: seh-doo-seer
    English Meaning: to seduce
    Spanish Sentence: Intentaron seducirlo con promesas falsas.
    English Sentence: They tried to seduce him with false promises.
  • seductor
    Pronunciation: seh-dook-tor
    English Meaning: seductive
    Spanish Sentence: Su mirada era seductora y misteriosa.
    English Sentence: His gaze was seductive and mysterious.
  • seductor
    Pronunciation: seh-dook-tor
    English Meaning: seducer
    Spanish Sentence: Es un seductor nato, siempre conquista a las mujeres.
    English Sentence: He’s a natural seducer, he always charms women.
  • seductora
    Pronunciation: seh-dook-toh-rah
    English Meaning: seductive (feminine)
    Spanish Sentence: La música de fondo creaba una atmósfera seductora.
    English Sentence: The background music created a seductive atmosphere.
  • segar
    Pronunciation: seh-gahr
    English Meaning: to harvest
    Spanish Sentence: En otoño, es tiempo de segar el trigo.
    English Sentence: In autumn, it’s time to harvest the wheat.
  • segar
    Pronunciation: seh-gahr
    English Meaning: to cut
    Spanish Sentence: Segaron las ramas del árbol para darle forma.
    English Sentence: They cut the branches of the tree to give it shape.
  • segar
    Pronunciation: seh-gahr
    English Meaning: to mow
    Spanish Sentence: Antes de la fiesta, segaron el césped del jardín.
    English Sentence: Before the party, they mowed the lawn in the garden.
  • seglar
    Pronunciation: seh-glar
    English Meaning: layperson
    Spanish Sentence: La educación religiosa no está limitada a los seglares.
    English Sentence: Religious education is not limited to laypersons.
  • segmento
    Pronunciation: seh-men-toh
    English Meaning: segment
    Spanish Sentence: Dividieron el proyecto en segmentos más pequeños.
    English Sentence: They divided the project into smaller segments.
  • según
    Pronunciation: seh-goon
    English Meaning: according to
    Spanish Sentence: Según el informe, la economía está en crecimiento.
    English Sentence: According to the report, the economy is growing.
  • según
    Pronunciation: seh-goon
    English Meaning: as
    Spanish Sentence: Actúa según las reglas establecidas.
    English Sentence: Act according to the established rules.
  • según
    Pronunciation: seh-goon
    English Meaning: depending on
    Spanish Sentence: Puedes venir a la fiesta según tu disponibilidad.
    English Sentence: You can come to the party depending on your availability.
  • segoviano
    Pronunciation: seh-goh-byah-noh
    English Meaning: Segovian
    Spanish Sentence: El cochinillo asado es una especialidad segoviana.
    English Sentence: Roast suckling pig is a Segovian specialty.
  • segoviano
    Pronunciation: seh-goh-byah-noh
    English Meaning: person from Segovia
    Spanish Sentence: Los segovianos son conocidos por su hospitalidad.
    English Sentence: People from Segovia are known for their hospitality.
  • segregar
    Pronunciation: seh-greh-gar
    English Meaning: to segregate
    Spanish Sentence: No deberíamos segregar a las personas por su origen étnico.
    English Sentence: We shouldn’t segregate people based on their ethnic origin.
  • segregar
    Pronunciation: seh-greh-gar
    English Meaning: to secrete
    Spanish Sentence: Las glándulas segregan hormonas importantes para el cuerpo.
    English Sentence: Glands secrete hormones important for the body.
  • seguidilla
    Pronunciation: seh-gwee-dee-yah
    English Meaning: short Spanish verse form
    Spanish Sentence: Los poetas usaban la seguidilla en sus composiciones.
    English Sentence: Poets used the seguidilla in their compositions.
  • seguido
    Pronunciation: seh-gwee-doh
    English Meaning: continuous
    Spanish Sentence: Lleva una racha de días seguidos sin dormir bien.
    English Sentence: He’s had a streak of consecutive days without sleeping well.
  • seguidor
    Pronunciation: seh-gwee-dor
    English Meaning: follower
    Spanish Sentence: Tiene muchos seguidores en las redes sociales.
    English Sentence: He has many followers on social media.
  • seguidora
    Pronunciation: seh-gwee-dor-ah
    English Meaning: follower (feminine)
    Spanish Sentence: Ella es una seguidora fiel de las tendencias de moda.
    English Sentence: She’s a faithful follower of fashion trends.
  • seguimiento
    Pronunciation: seh-gwee-mee-en-toh
    English Meaning: follow-up
    Spanish Sentence: El seguimiento del proyecto será crucial para su éxito.
    English Sentence: The follow-up of the project will be crucial for its success.
  • seguir
    Pronunciation: seh-gweer
    English Meaning: to follow
    Spanish Sentence: Vamos a seguir el camino marcado en el mapa.
    English Sentence: Let’s follow the path marked on the map.
  • seguir
    Pronunciation: seh-gweer
    English Meaning: to continue
    Spanish Sentence: El espectáculo seguirá después del intermedio.
    English Sentence: The show will continue after the intermission.
  • segund
    Pronunciation: seh-goon
    English Meaning: No commonly recognized English meaning
    Spanish Sentence: No entendí lo que dijo, fue muy segund.
    English Sentence: I didn’t understand what he said, it was very segund.
  • Segunda Guerra Mundial
    Pronunciation: seh-goon-dah gweh-rah moon-dee-ahl
    English Meaning: Second World War
    Spanish Sentence: La Segunda Guerra Mundial tuvo un impacto global.
    English Sentence: The Second World War had a global impact.
  • segunda intención
    Pronunciation: seh-goon-dah een-ten-see-ohn
    English Meaning: ulterior motive
    Spanish Sentence: Actuaba con una segunda intención que no quedaba clara.
    English Sentence: He acted with an ulterior motive that wasn’t clear.
  • segunda intención
    Pronunciation: seh-goon-dah een-ten-see-ohn
    English Meaning: second meaning
    Spanish Sentence: El poema tiene una segunda intención más allá de su superficie.
    English Sentence: The poem has a second meaning beyond its surface.
  • segundariamente
    Pronunciation: seh-goon-dah-ree-ah-men-teh
    English Meaning: secondarily
    Spanish Sentence: Trataremos estos temas segundariamente.
    English Sentence: We will address these issues secondarily.
  • segundario
    Pronunciation: seh-goon-dah-ree-oh
    English Meaning: secondary
    Spanish Sentence: Los personajes secundarios también son importantes en la historia.
    English Sentence: Secondary characters are also important in the story.
  • segundo
    Pronunciation: seh-goon-doh
    English Meaning: second
    Spanish Sentence: Llegó en segundo lugar en la competición.
    English Sentence: He arrived in second place in the competition.
  • segundo
    Pronunciation: seh-goon-doh
    English Meaning: second (time unit)
    Spanish Sentence: Faltan diez segundos para que empiece el espectáculo.
    English Sentence: Ten seconds left until the show starts.
  • Segundo
    Pronunciation: seh-goon-doh
    English Meaning: Second (male given name)
    Spanish Sentence: Segundo siempre fue un buen amigo.
    English Sentence: Segundo was always a good friend.
  • seguramente
    Pronunciation: seh-goo-rah-men-teh
    English Meaning: surely
    Spanish Sentence: Seguramente encontrarás lo que buscas en la tienda.
    English Sentence: Surely you will find what you are looking for in the store.
  • seguramente
    Pronunciation: seh-goo-rah-men-teh
    English Meaning: certainly
    Spanish Sentence: Estaremos allí seguramente, no te preocupes.
    English Sentence: We will definitely be there, don’t worry.
  • seguridad
    Pronunciation: seh-goo-ree-dahd
    English Meaning: security
    Spanish Sentence: La seguridad del aeropuerto es muy estricta.
    English Sentence: Airport security is very strict.
  • seguridad
    Pronunciation: seh-goo-ree-dahd
    English Meaning: safety
    Spanish Sentence: La seguridad de los niños es lo más importante.
    English Sentence: The safety of the children is the most important thing.
  • seguridad
    Pronunciation: seh-goo-ree-dahd
    English Meaning: certainty
    Spanish Sentence: Habló con seguridad sobre sus planes futuros.
    English Sentence: He spoke with certainty about his future plans.
  • segurina
    Pronunciation: seh-goo-ree-nah
    English Meaning: security guard (colloquial)
    Spanish Sentence: Los estudiantes contrataron a una segurina para la fiesta.
    English Sentence: The students hired a security guard for the party.
  • seguro
    Pronunciation: seh-goo-roh
    English Meaning: safe
    Spanish Sentence: Este es un lugar seguro para los niños.
    English Sentence: This is a safe place for children.
  • seguro
    Pronunciation: seh-goo-roh
    English Meaning: sure
    Spanish Sentence: Estoy seguro de que ganaremos el partido.
    English Sentence: I’m sure we will win the match.
  • seguro
    Pronunciation: seh-goo-roh
    English Meaning: insurance
    Spanish Sentence: Contrató un seguro de vida para proteger a su familia.
    English Sentence: He bought life insurance to protect his family.
  • seguro
    Pronunciation: seh-goo-roh
    English Meaning: surely
    Spanish Sentence: Seguro encontrarás lo que buscas en la tienda.
    English Sentence: Surely you will find what you are looking for in the store.
  • seguro
    Pronunciation: seh-goo-roh
    English Meaning: certainly
    Spanish Sentence: Lo dijo con una voz segura, como si no hubiera dudas.
    English Sentence: He said it with a confident voice, as if there were no doubts.
  • se habla español
    Pronunciation: seh ah-blah es-pahn-yol
    English Meaning: Spanish spoken
    Spanish Sentence: En esta tienda se habla español.
    English Sentence: Spanish is spoken in this store.
  • se habla inglés
    Pronunciation: seh ah-blah een-gles
    English Meaning: English spoken
    Spanish Sentence: En la recepción del hotel se habla inglés.
    English Sentence: English is spoken at the hotel reception.
  • seis
    Pronunciation: seh-ees
    English Meaning: six
    Spanish Sentence: Tengo seis hermanos.
    English Sentence: I have six siblings.
  • seiscientas
    Pronunciation: seh-eese-yen-tahs
    English Meaning: six hundred (feminine)
    Spanish Sentence: Hay seiscientas páginas en este libro.
    English Sentence: There are six hundred pages in this book.
  • seiscientos
    Pronunciation: seh-eese-yen-tos
    English Meaning: six hundred (masculine)
    Spanish Sentence: Pagó seiscientos euros por el teléfono.
    English Sentence: He paid six hundred euros for the phone.
  • Seúl
    Pronunciation: seh-ool
    English Meaning: Seoul
    Spanish Sentence: Seúl es la capital de Corea del Sur.
    English Sentence: Seoul is the capital of South Korea.
  • Sela
    Pronunciation: seh-lah
    English Meaning: Sela (biblical place)
    Spanish Sentence: En la antigua ciudad de Sela se encuentran ruinas impresionantes.
    English Sentence: Impressive ruins are found in the ancient city of Sela.
  • selección
    Pronunciation: seh-lek-see-ohn
    English Meaning: selection
    Spanish Sentence: Hizo una buena selección de vinos para la cena.
    English Sentence: He made a good selection of wines for dinner.
  • selección
    Pronunciation: seh-lek-see-ohn
    English Meaning: team
    Spanish Sentence: La selección nacional de fútbol está entrenando para el campeonato.
    English Sentence: The national soccer team is training for the championship.
  • seleccionado
    Pronunciation: seh-lek-see-oh-nah-doh
    English Meaning: selected
    Spanish Sentence: Este producto ha sido seleccionado cuidadosamente.
    English Sentence: This product has been carefully selected.
  • seleccionador
    Pronunciation: seh-lek-see-oh-nah-dor
    English Meaning: selector (coach)
    Spanish Sentence: El seleccionador nacional está buscando nuevos talentos.
    English Sentence: The national selector is looking for new talents.
  • seleccionador
    Pronunciation: seh-lek-see-oh-nah-dor
    English Meaning: selecting (adjective)
    Spanish Sentence: Los criterios seleccionadores deben ser claros y justos.
    English Sentence: The selecting criteria must be clear and fair.
  • seleccionar
    Pronunciation: seh-lek-see-oh-nar
    English Meaning: to select
    Spanish Sentence: Tienes que seleccionar la opción correcta del menú.
    English Sentence: You have to select the correct option from the menu.
  • selectividad
    Pronunciation: se-lek-tee-vee-dahd
    English Meaning: selectivity
    Spanish Sentence: La selectividad del proceso es crucial para el éxito.
    English Sentence: The selectivity of the process is crucial for success.
  • selectivo
    Pronunciation: seh-lek-tee-boh
    English Meaning: selective
    Spanish Sentence: Es importante ser selectivo al elegir a nuestros amigos.
    English Sentence: It’s important to be selective when choosing our friends.
  • selecto
    Pronunciation: seh-lek-toh
    English Meaning: select
    Spanish Sentence: Solo se admite a un grupo muy selecto en este club.
    English Sentence: Only a very select group is admitted to this club.
  • Selena
    Pronunciation: seh-leh-nah
    English Meaning: Selena (female given name)
    Spanish Sentence: Selena fue una cantante muy talentosa.
    English Sentence: Selena was a very talented singer.
  • selenio
    Pronunciation: seh-leh-nee-oh
    English Meaning: selenium
    Spanish Sentence: El selenio es un mineral esencial para el cuerpo humano.
    English Sentence: Selenium is an essential mineral for the human body.
  • selenita
    Pronunciation: seh-leh-nee-tah
    English Meaning: selenite
    Spanish Sentence: Encontraron selenita en la cueva.
    English Sentence: They found selenite in the cave.
  • seleniuro
    Pronunciation: seh-leh-nyoo-roh
    English Meaning: selenide
    Spanish Sentence: La formación de seleniuro se da en condiciones específicas.
    English Sentence: The formation of selenide occurs under specific conditions.
  • selenocisteína
    Pronunciation: seh-leh-noh-sees-teh-een-ah
    English Meaning: selenocysteine
    Spanish Sentence: La selenocisteína es un aminoácido esencial para ciertas proteínas.
    English Sentence: Selenocysteine is an amino acid essential for certain proteins.
  • sellado
    Pronunciation: seh-yah-doh
    English Meaning: sealed
    Spanish Sentence: El sobre estaba sellado con cera roja.
    English Sentence: The envelope was sealed with red wax.
  • sellar
    Pronunciation: seh-yar
    English Meaning: to seal
    Spanish Sentence: Sellar la carta con cera era una tradición antigua.
    English Sentence: Sealing the letter with wax was an old tradition.
  • sellar
    Pronunciation: seh-yar
    English Meaning: to close
    Spanish Sentence: Se sellaron los acuerdos con un apretón de manos.
    English Sentence: The agreements were sealed with a handshake.
  • sello
    Pronunciation: seh-yoh
    English Meaning: stamp
    Spanish Sentence: Pusieron un sello en el sobre antes de enviarlo.
    English Sentence: They put a stamp on the envelope before sending it.
  • sello
    Pronunciation: seh-yoh
    English Meaning: seal
    Spanish Sentence: El sello del notario garantizaba la autenticidad del documento.
    English Sentence: The notary’s seal guaranteed the authenticity of the document.
  • sello
    Pronunciation: seh-yoh
    English Meaning: hallmark
    Spanish Sentence: El sello de calidad asegura la excelencia del producto.
    English Sentence: The hallmark of quality ensures the excellence of the product.
  • sello
    Pronunciation: seh-yoh
    English Meaning: imprint
    Spanish Sentence: El sello en la arena indicaba que alguien había estado allí antes.
    English Sentence: The imprint in the sand indicated that someone had been there before.
  • sello postal
    Pronunciation: seh-yoh pohs-tahl
    English Meaning: postage stamp
    Spanish Sentence: Coleccionaba sellos postales de todo el mundo.
    English Sentence: He collected postage stamps from all over the world.
  • selva
    Pronunciation: sehl-vah
    English Meaning: jungle
    Spanish Sentence: La selva tropical alberga una gran diversidad de especies.
    English Sentence: The rainforest houses a great diversity of species.
  • Sem
    Pronunciation: sem
    English Meaning: Sem (biblical character)
    Spanish Sentence: En la Biblia, Sem era uno de los hijos de Noé.
    English Sentence: In the Bible, Sem was one of Noah’s sons.
  • semana
    Pronunciation: seh-mah-nah
    English Meaning: week
    Spanish Sentence: Voy a visitar a mis abuelos la próxima semana.
    English Sentence: I’m going to visit my grandparents next week.
  • semanal
    Pronunciation: seh-mah-nahl
    English Meaning: weekly
    Spanish Sentence: Recibo un periódico semanalmente en casa.
    English Sentence: I receive a newspaper weekly at home.
  • semanalmente
    Pronunciation: seh-mah-nahl-men-teh
    English Meaning: weekly
    Spanish Sentence: La limpieza profunda se realiza semanalmente.
    English Sentence: Deep cleaning is done on a weekly basis.
  • semanario
    Pronunciation: seh-mah-nah-ree-oh
    English Meaning: weekly (publication)
    Spanish Sentence: El semanario contiene artículos de interés general.
    English Sentence: The weekly magazine contains articles of general interest.
  • semanario
    Pronunciation: seh-mah-nah-ree-oh
    English Meaning: weekly (adjective)
    Spanish Sentence: Organizan una reunión semanaria para revisar el progreso del proyecto.
    English Sentence: They hold a weekly meeting to review the project’s progress.
  • Semana Santa
    Pronunciation: seh-mah-nah sahn-tah
    English Meaning: Holy Week
    Spanish Sentence: La Semana Santa es una celebración importante en España.
    English Sentence: Holy Week is an important celebration in Spain.
  • semblante
    Pronunciation: sem-blahn-teh
    English Meaning: countenance
    Spanish Sentence: No me gustó su semblante cuando le conté la noticia.
    English Sentence: I didn’t like his countenance when I told him the news.
  • sembrador
    Pronunciation: sem-brah-dor
    English Meaning: sower
    Spanish Sentence: El sembrador esparció las semillas en el campo.
    English Sentence: The sower scattered the seeds in the field.
  • sembrador
    Pronunciation: sem-brah-dor
    English Meaning: planter
    Spanish Sentence: Los sembradores dejan su huella en la tierra con cada cosecha.
    English Sentence: Planters leave their mark on the land with each harvest.
  • sembrador
    Pronunciation: sem-brah-dor
    English Meaning: sower (figuratively)
    Spanish Sentence: El maestro es un sembrador de conocimiento en las mentes de sus alumnos.
    English Sentence: The teacher is a sower of knowledge in the minds of his students.
  • sembradura
    Pronunciation: sem-brah-doo-rah
    English Meaning: sowing
    Spanish Sentence: La sembradura se hace en primavera para que crezcan las plantas.
    English Sentence: Sowing is done in spring so that plants grow.
  • sembradura
    Pronunciation: sem-brah-doo-rah
    English Meaning: planting
    Spanish Sentence: Las sembraduras se realizan con cuidado para asegurar una buena cosecha.
    English Sentence: Planting is done carefully to ensure a good harvest.
  • sembrar
    Pronunciation: sem-brahr
    English Meaning: to sow
    Spanish Sentence: Sembraron semillas en el jardín y esperaron a que crecieran.
    English Sentence: They sowed seeds in the garden and waited for them to grow.
  • sembrar
    Pronunciation: sem-brahr
    English Meaning: to plant
    Spanish Sentence: Decidieron sembrar flores en el jardín delantero.
    English Sentence: They decided to plant flowers in the front yard.

Spanish Words That Start With ‘S’ Consonante

Words Starting With 'S' in Spanish-4

  • semejante
    Pronunciation: seh-meh-hahn-teh
    English Meaning: similar
    Spanish Sentence: No he visto nada semejante a esto antes.
    English Sentence: I have never seen anything similar to this before.
  • semejante
    Pronunciation: seh-meh-hahn-teh
    English Meaning: such
    Spanish Sentence: No esperaba encontrar semejante belleza en este lugar.
    English Sentence: I didn’t expect to find such beauty in this place.
  • semejante
    Pronunciation: seh-meh-hahn-teh
    English Meaning: like that
    Spanish Sentence: No me gustaría vivir en una ciudad semejante.
    English Sentence: I wouldn’t like to live in a city like that.
  • semejanza
    Pronunciation: seh-meh-hahn-sah
    English Meaning: similarity
    Spanish Sentence: Hay una gran semejanza entre los hermanos.
    English Sentence: There is a great similarity between the siblings.
  • semejar
    Pronunciation: seh-meh-hahr
    English Meaning: to resemble
    Spanish Sentence: El retrato se parece tanto a mi abuela que parece semejarla.
    English Sentence: The portrait resembles my grandmother so much that it seems to resemble her.
  • semen
    Pronunciation: seh-mehn
    English Meaning: semen
    Spanish Sentence: Los espermatozoides se encuentran en el semen.
    English Sentence: Sperm is found in semen.
  • semental
    Pronunciation: seh-mehn-tahl
    English Meaning: breeding (adj.)
    Spanish Sentence: El toro semental es muy valorado por su descendencia.
    English Sentence: The breeding bull is highly valued for its offspring.
  • semental
    Pronunciation: seh-mehn-tahl
    English Meaning: stud (male animal)
    Spanish Sentence: El semental es el encargado de cubrir a las hembras en el criadero.
    English Sentence: The stud is responsible for mating with the females in the breeding facility.
  • semental
    Pronunciation: seh-mehn-tahl
    English Meaning: sire (male animal)
    Spanish Sentence: El semental tiene una descendencia impresionante.
    English Sentence: The sire has an impressive offspring.
  • semental
    Pronunciation: seh-mehn-tahl
    English Meaning: breeding (noun)
    Spanish Sentence: La calidad del semental influye en la calidad de la cría.
    English Sentence: The quality of the breeding male influences the quality of the offspring.
  • semestre
    Pronunciation: seh-mehs-treh
    English Meaning: semester
    Spanish Sentence: Este semestre tengo muchas asignaturas.
    English Sentence: I have a lot of subjects this semester.
  • semáforo
    Pronunciation: seh-mah-foh-roh
    English Meaning: traffic light
    Spanish Sentence: Espera a que el semáforo se ponga en verde.
    English Sentence: Wait for the traffic light to turn green.
  • semental
    Pronunciation: seh-mehn-tahl
    English Meaning: breeding (noun)
    Spanish Sentence: La calidad del semental influye en la calidad de la cría.
    English Sentence: The quality of the breeding male influences the quality of the offspring.
  • semicircular
    Pronunciation: seh-mee-sehr-koo-lahr
    English Meaning: semicircular
    Spanish Sentence: La ventana tenía un arco semicircular.
    English Sentence: The window had a semicircular arch.
  • semiconductor
    Pronunciation: seh-mee-kohn-doo-ktohr
    English Meaning: semiconductor
    Spanish Sentence: El silicio es un material semiconductor comúnmente utilizado en la electrónica.
    English Sentence: Silicon is a semiconductor material commonly used in electronics.
  • semicírculo
    Pronunciation: seh-mee-seer-koo-loh
    English Meaning: semicircle
    Spanish Sentence: Dibujaron un semicírculo en la pizarra.
    English Sentence: They drew a semicircle on the chalkboard.
  • semifinal
    Pronunciation: seh-mee-fee-nahl
    English Meaning: semifinal
    Spanish Sentence: El equipo ganó su lugar en la semifinal.
    English Sentence: The team secured their spot in the semifinal.
  • semileptónico
    Pronunciation: seh-mee-lehp-toh-nee-koh
    English Meaning: semileptonic
    Spanish Sentence: El proceso semileptónico es importante en la física de partículas.
    English Sentence: The semileptonic process is important in particle physics.
  • semilla
    Pronunciation: seh-mee-yah
    English Meaning: seed
    Spanish Sentence: Plantaron semillas de flores en el jardín.
    English Sentence: They planted flower seeds in the garden.
  • semióloga
    Pronunciation: seh-mee-oh-loh-gah
    English Meaning: semiotician (female)
    Spanish Sentence: La semióloga analizó el significado de los símbolos en la publicidad.
    English Sentence: The semiotician analyzed the meaning of symbols in advertising.
  • semiólogo
    Pronunciation: seh-mee-oh-loh-goh
    English Meaning: semiotician
    Spanish Sentence: El semiólogo estudia los sistemas de signos y su significado.
    English Sentence: The semiotician studies sign systems and their meaning.
  • seminario
    Pronunciation: seh-mee-nah-ree-oh
    English Meaning: seminar
    Spanish Sentence: Asistí a un seminario sobre literatura latinoamericana.
    English Sentence: I attended a seminar on Latin American literature.
  • seminifero
    Pronunciation: seh-mee-nee-feh-roh
    English Meaning: seed-bearing
    Spanish Sentence: Los conos son estructuras seminíferas en algunas plantas.
    English Sentence: Cones are seed-bearing structures in some plants.
  • semiológico
    Pronunciation: seh-mee-oh-loh-hee-koh
    English Meaning: semiotic
    Spanish Sentence: El análisis semiológico reveló múltiples capas de significado.
    English Sentence: The semiotic analysis revealed multiple layers of meaning.
  • semiológico
    Pronunciation: seh-mee-oh-loh-hee-koh
    English Meaning: semiotical
    Spanish Sentence: La investigación tiene un enfoque semiológico.
    English Sentence: The research has a semiotical approach.
  • semiología
    Pronunciation: seh-mee-oh-loh-hee-ah
    English Meaning: semiotics
    Spanish Sentence: La semiología estudia los signos y sus significados.
    English Sentence: Semiotics studies signs and their meanings.
  • semiárido
    Pronunciation: seh-mee-ah-ree-doh
    English Meaning: semiarid
    Spanish Sentence: La región tiene un clima semiárido.
    English Sentence: The region has a semiarid climate.
  • semirural
    Pronunciation: seh-mee-roo-rahl
    English Meaning: semirural
    Spanish Sentence: El pueblo tiene una atmósfera semirural.
    English Sentence: The town has a semirural atmosphere.
  • semis
    Pronunciation: seh-meess
    English Meaning: seedlings
    Spanish Sentence: Los semis crecen rápido en este suelo fértil.
    English Sentence: The seedlings grow quickly in this fertile soil.
  • semisintético
    Pronunciation: seh-mee-seen-teh-tee-koh
    English Meaning: semisynthetic
    Spanish Sentence: La penicilina es un antibiótico semisintético.
    English Sentence: Penicillin is a semisynthetic antibiotic.
  • semita
    Pronunciation: seh-mee-tah
    English Meaning: unleavened bread
    Spanish Sentence: En Pascua, comemos semita en mi familia.
    English Sentence: At Easter, we eat unleavened bread in my family.
  • semita
    Pronunciation: seh-mee-tah
    English Meaning: semitic (adj.)
    Spanish Sentence: La cultura semita tiene una larga historia.
    English Sentence: Semitic culture has a long history.
  • semita
    Pronunciation: seh-mee-tah
    English Meaning: Semite (noun)
    Spanish Sentence: Los semitas son un grupo étnico de Oriente Medio.
    English Sentence: Semites are an ethnic group from the Middle East.
  • semiterrestre
    Pronunciation: seh-mee-tehr-reh-streh
    English Meaning: half-terrestrial
    Spanish Sentence: La tortuga marina es un animal semiterrestre.
    English Sentence: The sea turtle is a half-terrestrial animal.
  • semiótica
    Pronunciation: seh-mee-oh-tee-kah
    English Meaning: semiotics
    Spanish Sentence: La semiótica estudia los sistemas de signos y su significado.
    English Sentence: Semiotics studies sign systems and their meaning.
  • semiótico
    Pronunciation: seh-mee-oh-tee-koh
    English Meaning: semiotic
    Spanish Sentence: El análisis semiótico revela las estructuras de significado en el texto.
    English Sentence: The semiotic analysis reveals the structures of meaning in the text.
  • semitono
    Pronunciation: seh-mee-toh-noh
    English Meaning: semitone
    Spanish Sentence: El semitono es la mitad de un tono musical.
    English Sentence: The semitone is half of a musical tone.
  • semitransparente
    Pronunciation: seh-mee-trahns-pah-rehn-teh
    English Meaning: semitransparent
    Spanish Sentence: La cortina era semitransparente, dejando entrar la luz del sol.
    English Sentence: The curtain was semitransparent, letting in the sunlight.
  • semántica
    Pronunciation: seh-mahn-tee-kah
    English Meaning: semantics
    Spanish Sentence: La semántica estudia el significado de las palabras.
    English Sentence: Semantics studies the meaning of words.
  • semántico
    Pronunciation: seh-mahn-tee-koh
    English Meaning: semantic
    Spanish Sentence: El análisis semántico reveló ambigüedades en el texto.
    English Sentence: The semantic analysis revealed ambiguities in the text.
  • sempasúchil
    Pronunciation: sem-pah-soo-cheel
    English Meaning: marigold
    Spanish Sentence: Los sempasúchiles son flores tradicionales en el Día de los Muertos.
    English Sentence: Marigolds are traditional flowers on the Day of the Dead.
  • sempiterno
    Pronunciation: sem-pee-tehr-noh
    English Meaning: eternal
    Spanish Sentence: La esperanza es un sentimiento sempiterno en el corazón humano.
    English Sentence: Hope is an eternal feeling in the human heart.
  • sen
    Pronunciation: sehn
    English Meaning: sin
    Spanish Sentence: Es importante arrepentirse de los pecados.
    English Sentence: It’s important to repent of sins.
  • Sena
    Pronunciation: seh-nah
    English Meaning: Seine (river)
    Spanish Sentence: El Sena atraviesa la ciudad de París.
    English Sentence: The Seine River runs through the city of Paris.
  • senado
    Pronunciation: seh-nah-doh
    English Meaning: senate
    Spanish Sentence: El senado aprobó la nueva ley por mayoría.
    English Sentence: The senate approved the new law by majority vote.
  • senador
    Pronunciation: seh-nah-dor
    English Meaning: senator
    Spanish Sentence: El senador presentó un proyecto de ley para mejorar la educación.
    English Sentence: The senator introduced a bill to improve education.
  • senadora
    Pronunciation: seh-nah-dor-ah
    English Meaning: senator (female)
    Spanish Sentence: La senadora habló en contra de la corrupción en el gobierno.
    English Sentence: The senator spoke out against corruption in the government.
  • sencillamente
    Pronunciation: sen-see-yahn-teh-men-teh
    English Meaning: simply
    Spanish Sentence: Resolvió el problema sencillamente cambiando una pieza.
    English Sentence: He solved the problem simply by changing one part.
  • sencillez
    Pronunciation: sen-thee-yehs
    English Meaning: simplicity
    Spanish Sentence: La sencillez de sus palabras conmovió a todos.
    English Sentence: The simplicity of his words moved everyone.
  • sencillo
    Pronunciation: sen-thee-yoh
    English Meaning: simple
    Spanish Sentence: Prefiero un diseño sencillo y funcional.
    English Sentence: I prefer a simple and functional design.
  • sencillo
    Pronunciation: sen-thee-yoh
    English Meaning: single
    Spanish Sentence: Lanzaron un sencillo que se convirtió en un éxito instantáneo.
    English Sentence: They released a single that became an instant hit.
  • sencillo
    Pronunciation: sen-thee-yoh
    English Meaning: change (money)
    Spanish Sentence: ¿Tienes un sencillo para el autobús?
    English Sentence: Do you have change for the bus?
  • senda
    Pronunciation: sen-dah
    English Meaning: path
    Spanish Sentence: La senda del bosque estaba cubierta de hojas secas.
    English Sentence: The forest path was covered with dry leaves.
  • senderismo
    Pronunciation: sen-deh-reez-moh
    English Meaning: hiking
    Spanish Sentence: El senderismo es una actividad popular en las montañas.
    English Sentence: Hiking is a popular activity in the mountains.
  • sendero
    Pronunciation: sen-deh-roh
    English Meaning: path
    Spanish Sentence: Siguió el sendero marcado en el mapa.
    English Sentence: He followed the path marked on the map.
  • sendero
    Pronunciation: sen-deh-roh
    English Meaning: trail
    Spanish Sentence: El sendero lleva a una cascada escondida.
    English Sentence: The trail leads to a hidden waterfall.
  • senectud
    Pronunciation: seh-nehk-tood
    English Meaning: old age
    Spanish Sentence: En su senectud, disfrutaba de la tranquilidad de la vida rural.
    English Sentence: In her old age, she enjoyed the tranquility of rural life.
  • Senegal
    Pronunciation: seh-neh-gahl
    English Meaning: Senegal
    Spanish Sentence: Senegal es un país de África occidental.
    English Sentence: Senegal is a country in West Africa.
  • senegalés
    Pronunciation: seh-neh-gah-lehs
    English Meaning: Senegalese
    Spanish Sentence: La cultura senegalés es rica y diversa.
    English Sentence: Senegalese culture is rich and diverse.
  • senescal
    Pronunciation: seh-nehs-kahl
    English Meaning: steward
    Spanish Sentence: El senescal supervisaba el funcionamiento del castillo.
    English Sentence: The steward oversaw the operation of the castle.
  • senescalía
    Pronunciation: seh-nehs-kah-lee-ah
    English Meaning: stewardship
    Spanish Sentence: La senescalía del reino era una posición de gran responsabilidad.
    English Sentence: The stewardship of the kingdom was a position of great responsibility.
  • senil
    Pronunciation: seh-neel
    English Meaning: senile
    Spanish Sentence: Su abuelo estaba mostrando signos de demencia senil.
    English Sentence: His grandfather was showing signs of senile dementia.
  • seno
    Pronunciation: seh-noh
    English Meaning: breast
    Spanish Sentence: El bebé se alimenta del seno de su madre.
    English Sentence: The baby feeds from his mother’s breast.
  • seno
    Pronunciation: seh-noh
    English Meaning: bosom
    Spanish Sentence: Le dio un abrazo estrecho en su seno.
    English Sentence: She gave him a tight hug to her bosom.
  • seno
    Pronunciation: seh-noh
    English Meaning: sinus
    Spanish Sentence: La infección le causaba dolor en el seno derecho.
    English Sentence: The infection was causing pain in the right sinus.
  • seno
    Pronunciation: seh-noh
    English Meaning: fold
    Spanish Sentence: El viento creó senos en las sábanas tendidas.
    English Sentence: The wind created folds in the sheets hung out to dry.
  • seno verso
    Pronunciation: seh-noh vehr-soh
    English Meaning: inverse sine
    Spanish Sentence: Calculó el seno verso del ángulo para encontrar su altura.
    English Sentence: He calculated the inverse sine of the angle to find its height.
  • sensación
    Pronunciation: sehn-sah-syohn
    English Meaning: sensation
    Spanish Sentence: El masaje le produjo una sensación de alivio instantáneo.
    English Sentence: The massage gave him a sensation of instant relief.
  • sensacional
    Pronunciation: sehn-sah-syoh-nahl
    English Meaning: sensational
    Spanish Sentence: El periódico publicó una noticia sensacionalista.
    English Sentence: The newspaper published a sensationalist story.
  • sensatez
    Pronunciation: sehn-sah-tehs
    English Meaning: common sense
    Spanish Sentence: Actuó con sensatez y evitó el conflicto.
    English Sentence: He acted with common sense and avoided the conflict.
  • sensato
    Pronunciation: sehn-sah-toh
    English Meaning: sensible
    Spanish Sentence: Es sensato llevar un paraguas en caso de lluvia.
    English Sentence: It’s sensible to carry an umbrella in case of rain.
  • sensibilidad
    Pronunciation: sehn-see-lee-dahd
    English Meaning: sensitivity
    Spanish Sentence: Su sensibilidad ante la injusticia lo impulsaba a actuar.
    English Sentence: His sensitivity to injustice drove him to act.
  • sensibilidad
    Pronunciation: sehn-see-lee-dahd
    English Meaning: sensibility
    Spanish Sentence: La obra de arte apelaba a su sensibilidad estética.
    English Sentence: The artwork appealed to his aesthetic sensibility.
  • sensibilizar
    Pronunciation: sehn-see-lee-sahr
    English Meaning: to sensitize
    Spanish Sentence: La campaña buscaba sensibilizar a la población sobre el cambio climático.
    English Sentence: The campaign aimed to sensitize the population about climate change.
  • sensible
    Pronunciation: sehn-see-bleh
    English Meaning: sensitive
    Spanish Sentence: Es muy sensible a las críticas.
    English Sentence: He is very sensitive to criticism.
  • sensiblemente
    Pronunciation: sehn-see-bleh-men-teh
    English Meaning: sensibly
    Spanish Sentence: Actuaron sensiblemente y encontraron una solución rápida al problema.
    English Sentence: They acted sensibly and found a quick solution to the problem.
  • sensiblemente
    Pronunciation: sehn-see-bleh-men-teh
    English Meaning: sensitively
    Spanish Sentence: Abordaron el tema sensiblemente para no herir sentimientos.
    English Sentence: They approached the subject sensitively to avoid hurting feelings.
  • sensiblería
    Pronunciation: sehn-see-bleh-ree-ah
    English Meaning: sentimentality
    Spanish Sentence: No me gusta la sensiblería en las películas.
    English Sentence: I don’t like sentimentality in movies.
  • sensitiva
    Pronunciation: sehn-see-tee-vah
    English Meaning: sensitive plant
    Spanish Sentence: La sensitiva reacciona al tacto cerrando sus hojas.
    English Sentence: The sensitive plant reacts to touch by closing its leaves.
  • sensitivo
    Pronunciation: sehn-see-tee-voh
    English Meaning: sensitive
    Spanish Sentence: Los seres humanos son muy sensitivos al dolor.
    English Sentence: Humans are very sensitive to pain.
  • sensitivo
    Pronunciation: sehn-see-tee-voh
    English Meaning: sensuous
    Spanish Sentence: La música tenía un efecto sensitivo en ella.
    English Sentence: The music had a sensuous effect on her.
  • sensor
    Pronunciation: sehn-sohr
    English Meaning: sensor
    Spanish Sentence: El sensor detecta movimientos en la habitación.
    English Sentence: The sensor detects movements in the room.
  • sensorial
    Pronunciation: sehn-soh-ryahl
    English Meaning: sensory
    Spanish Sentence: La experiencia sensorial incluía sonidos y olores.
    English Sentence: The sensory experience included sounds and smells.
  • sensorio
    Pronunciation: sehn-soh-ryoh
    English Meaning: sensorium
    Spanish Sentence: El sensorio humano es capaz de percibir una amplia gama de estímulos.
    English Sentence: The human sensorium is capable of perceiving a wide range of stimuli.
  • sensorio
    Pronunciation: sehn-soh-ryoh
    English Meaning: sensorium
    Spanish Sentence: El sensorio del niño estaba saturado de información en el parque de diversiones.
    English Sentence: The child’s sensorium was overloaded with information at the amusement park.
  • sensual
    Pronunciation: sehn-soo-ahl
    English Meaning: sensual
    Spanish Sentence: La música tenía un ritmo sensual que los invitaba a bailar.
    English Sentence: The music had a sensual rhythm that invited them to dance.
  • sensual
    Pronunciation: sehn-soo-ahl
    English Meaning: sensuous
    Spanish Sentence: Disfrutaron de una cena sensual a la luz de las velas.
    English Sentence: They enjoyed a sensuous dinner by candlelight.
  • sensualidad
    Pronunciation: sehn-soo-ahl-ee-dahd
    English Meaning: sensuality
    Spanish Sentence: Su sensualidad era evidente en cada gesto y mirada.
    English Sentence: Her sensuality was evident in every gesture and look.
  • sensualismo
    Pronunciation: sehn-soo-ahl-ees-moh
    English Meaning: sensualism
    Spanish Sentence: El sensualismo es una corriente filosófica que enfatiza los placeres sensoriales.
    English Sentence: Sensualism is a philosophical movement that emphasizes sensory pleasures.
  • sensualmente
    Pronunciation: sehn-soo-ahl-men-teh
    English Meaning: sensually
    Spanish Sentence: Se movía sensualmente al ritmo de la música.
    English Sentence: She moved sensually to the rhythm of the music.
  • sentada
    Pronunciation: sehn-tah-dah
    English Meaning: sitting (feminine)
    Spanish Sentence: Se quedó sentada en el banco del parque durante horas.
    English Sentence: She sat on the park bench for hours.
  • sentadero
    Pronunciation: sehn-tah-deh-roh
    English Meaning: stool
    Spanish Sentence: El sentadero estaba cubierto con un cojín suave.
    English Sentence: The stool was covered with a soft cushion.
  • sentadilla
    Pronunciation: sehn-tah-dee-yah
    English Meaning: squat
    Spanish Sentence: Hizo varias repeticiones de sentadillas en el gimnasio.
    English Sentence: He did several repetitions of squats at the gym.
  • sentado
    Pronunciation: sehn-tah-doh
    English Meaning: sitting (masculine)
    Spanish Sentence: Estaba sentado en el parque disfrutando del sol.
    English Sentence: He was sitting in the park enjoying the sun.
  • sentado
    Pronunciation: sehn-tah-doh
    English Meaning: seated
    Spanish Sentence: El público permaneció sentado durante la ceremonia.
    English Sentence: The audience remained seated during the ceremony.
  • sentado
    Pronunciation: sehn-tah-doh
    English Meaning: settled
    Spanish Sentence: El polvo se había asentado sobre los muebles después de semanas de abandono.
    English Sentence: Dust had settled on the furniture after weeks of neglect.
  • sentamiento
    Pronunciation: sehn-tah-mee-ehn-toh
    English Meaning: settling
    Spanish Sentence: La construcción del puente requiere un sentamiento adecuado del terreno.
    English Sentence: The construction of the bridge requires proper settling of the ground.
  • sentar
    Pronunciation: sehn-tahr
    English Meaning: to sit
    Spanish Sentence: Por favor, siéntate y hablemos.
    English Sentence: Please, sit down and let’s talk.
  • sentar
    Pronunciation: sehn-tahr
    English Meaning: to seat
    Spanish Sentence: Sentaron a los invitados en la mesa principal.
    English Sentence: They seated the guests at the head table.
  • sentar
    Pronunciation: sehn-tahr
    English Meaning: to settle
    Spanish Sentence: El aceite se sentó en la superficie del agua.
    English Sentence: The oil settled on the surface of the water.
  • sentar
    Pronunciation: sehn-tahr
    English Meaning: to suit
    Spanish Sentence: Ese color te sienta muy bien.
    English Sentence: That color suits you very well.
  • sentar
    Pronunciation: sehn-tahr
    English Meaning: to establish
    Spanish Sentence: Querían sentar las bases para una colaboración duradera.
    English Sentence: They wanted to establish the foundations for a lasting collaboration.
  • sentar
    Pronunciation: sehn-tahr
    English Meaning: to make sit
    Spanish Sentence: Sentaron al niño en la silla alta para que pudiera comer.
    English Sentence: They made the child sit in the high chair so he could eat.
  • sentarse
    Pronunciation: sehn-tahr-seh
    English Meaning: to sit down
    Spanish Sentence: Por favor, siéntate y descansa un momento.
    English Sentence: Please, sit down and rest for a moment.
  • sentarse
    Pronunciation: sehn-tahr-seh
    English Meaning: to settle down
    Spanish Sentence: Después de la mudanza, se sentaron en su nuevo hogar.
    English Sentence: After the move, they settled down in their new home.
  • sentencia
    Pronunciation: sehn-ten-syah
    English Meaning: sentence (judicial)
    Spanish Sentence: El juez dictó sentencia después del juicio.
    English Sentence: The judge pronounced the sentence after the trial.
  • sentencia
    Pronunciation: sehn-ten-syah
    English Meaning: saying
    Spanish Sentence: Esa sentencia es muy sabia.
    English Sentence: That saying is very wise.
  • sentenciador
    Pronunciation: sehn-ten-syah-dohr
    English Meaning: sentencer
    Spanish Sentence: El sentenciador leyó la sentencia en voz alta.
    English Sentence: The sentencer read the sentence aloud.
  • sentenciador
    Pronunciation: sehn-ten-syah-dohr
    English Meaning: judge (figurative)
    Spanish Sentence: La vida a menudo actúa como sentenciadora implacable.
    English Sentence: Life often acts as an unforgiving judge.
  • sentenciar
    Pronunciation: sehn-ten-syahr
    English Meaning: to sentence
    Spanish Sentence: El tribunal lo sentenció a diez años de prisión.
    English Sentence: The court sentenced him to ten years in prison.
  • sentenciar
    Pronunciation: sehn-ten-syahr
    English Meaning: to judge
    Spanish Sentence: No deberíamos sentenciar sin conocer todos los hechos.
    English Sentence: We shouldn’t judge without knowing all the facts.
  • sentencioso
    Pronunciation: sehn-ten-syoh-soh
    English Meaning: dogmatic
    Spanish Sentence: Era un hombre sentencioso que siempre creía tener la razón.
    English Sentence: He was a dogmatic man who always believed he was right.
  • senticar
    Pronunciation: sehn-tee-kahr
    English Meaning: to feel (Guatemala, Honduras)
    Spanish Sentence: ¿Cómo sientes el clima hoy?
    English Sentence: How do you feel the weather today?
  • sentido
    Pronunciation: sehn-tee-doh
    English Meaning: sense
    Spanish Sentence: El oído es uno de los cinco sentidos.
    English Sentence: Hearing is one of the five senses.
  • sentido
    Pronunciation: sehn-tee-doh
    English Meaning: meaning
    Spanish Sentence: No le encuentro sentido a lo que dices.
    English Sentence: I don’t find any meaning in what you’re saying.
  • sentido
    Pronunciation: sehn-tee-doh
    English Meaning: direction
    Spanish Sentence: Caminamos en sentido contrario al reloj.
    English Sentence: We walked counterclockwise.
  • sentido
    Pronunciation: sehn-tee-doh
    English Meaning: felt
    Spanish Sentence: Una profunda tristeza se apoderó de ella.
    English Sentence: A profound sadness overtook her.
  • sentido
    Pronunciation: sehn-tee-doh
    English Meaning: felt
    Spanish Sentence: Sentí el calor del sol en mi piel.
    English Sentence: I felt the warmth of the sun on my skin.
  • sentimental
    Pronunciation: sehn-tee-mehn-tahl
    English Meaning: sentimental
    Spanish Sentence: Guardo esta fotografía por razones sentimentales.
    English Sentence: I keep this photograph for sentimental reasons.
  • sentimentalmente
    Pronunciation: sehn-tee-mehn-tahl-men-teh
    English Meaning: sentimentally
    Spanish Sentence: Habló sentimentalmente sobre sus recuerdos de infancia.
    English Sentence: He spoke sentimentally about his childhood memories.
  • sentimiento
    Pronunciation: sehn-tee-mehn-toh
    English Meaning: feeling
    Spanish Sentence: El amor es un sentimiento universal.
    English Sentence: Love is a universal feeling.
  • sentir
    Pronunciation: sehn-teer
    English Meaning: to feel
    Spanish Sentence: Siento una gran tristeza por su partida.
    English Sentence: I feel a great sadness for his departure.
  • sentir
    Pronunciation: sehn-teer
    English Meaning: to sense
    Spanish Sentence: Siento que algo malo va a pasar.
    English Sentence: I sense that something bad is going to happen.
  • sentir
    Pronunciation: sehn-teer
    English Meaning: to regret
    Spanish Sentence: Siento haber llegado tarde.
    English Sentence: I regret having arrived late.
  • sentirse
    Pronunciation: sehn-teer-seh
    English Meaning: to feel
    Spanish Sentence: Me siento feliz de verte.
    English Sentence: I feel happy to see you.
  • sentirse
    Pronunciation: sehn-teer-seh
    English Meaning: to feel
    Spanish Sentence: Se sentía abrumado por la responsabilidad.
    English Sentence: He felt overwhelmed by the responsibility.
  • senzonte
    Pronunciation: sehn-sohn-teh
    English Meaning: great-tailed grackle
    Spanish Sentence: El senzonte es un ave común en la región.
    English Sentence: The great-tailed grackle is a common bird in the region.
  • señor
    Pronunciation: sehn-yohr
    English Meaning: Mr.; sir
    Spanish Sentence: Señor Pérez, ¿me permite pasar?
    English Sentence: Mr. Pérez, may I come in?
  • señor
    Pronunciation: sehn-yohr
    English Meaning: gentleman
    Spanish Sentence: Es todo un señor en el trato con los demás.
    English Sentence: He’s a true gentleman in dealing with others.
  • señor
    Pronunciation: sehn-yohr
    English Meaning: lord
    Spanish Sentence: El castillo pertenecía a un antiguo señor feudal.
    English Sentence: The castle belonged to an ancient feudal lord.
  • seor
    Pronunciation: sehn-yohr
    English Meaning: Mr.; sir (abbreviation)
    Spanish Sentence: Señor García, ¿podría ayudarme con esto?
    English Sentence: Mr. García, could you help me with this?
  • Señor
    Pronunciation: sehn-yohr
    English Meaning: Lord
    Spanish Sentence: Señor, ten piedad de nosotros.
    English Sentence: Lord, have mercy on us.
  • Señor
    Pronunciation: sehn-yohr
    English Meaning: God
    Spanish Sentence: ¡Alabado sea el Señor!
    English Sentence: Praise be to God!
  • señora
    Pronunciation: sehn-yoh-rah
    English Meaning: Mrs.; madam
    Spanish Sentence: Señora Martínez, ¿puedo ayudarla en algo?
    English Sentence: Mrs. Martínez, can I help you with something?
  • señora
    Pronunciation: sehn-yoh-rah
    English Meaning: lady
    Spanish Sentence: Era una señora muy elegante y distinguida.
    English Sentence: She was a very elegant and distinguished lady.
  • señoría
    Pronunciation: sehn-yoh-ree-ah
    English Meaning: lordship
    Spanish Sentence: Vuestra señoría, la acusación no tiene pruebas suficientes.
    English Sentence: Your lordship, the prosecution has insufficient evidence.
  • señoría
    Pronunciation: sehn-yoh-ree-ah
    English Meaning: your honor
    Spanish Sentence: Señoría, el testigo está mintiendo.
    English Sentence: Your honor, the witness is lying.
  • señoría
    Pronunciation: sehn-yoh-ree-ah
    English Meaning: your honor
    Spanish Sentence: Por favor, señoría, considere las circunstancias atenuantes.
    English Sentence: Please, your honor, consider the mitigating circumstances.
  • seora
    Pronunciation: sehn-yoh-rah
    English Meaning: Mrs.; madam (abbreviation)
    Spanish Sentence: Señora Gómez, ¿me permite hacerle una pregunta?
    English Sentence: Mrs. Gómez, may I ask you a question?
  • Señora
    Pronunciation: sehn-yoh-rah
    English Meaning: Lady
    Spanish Sentence: Señora, le ruego que se calme.
    English Sentence: Lady, I beg you to calm down.
  • señorial
    Pronunciation: sehn-yoh-ryahl
    English Meaning: stately
    Spanish Sentence: La casa señorial estaba rodeada de jardines exuberantes.
    English Sentence: The stately house was surrounded by lush gardens.
  • señorial
    Pronunciation: sehn-yoh-ryahl
    English Meaning: lordly
    Spanish Sentence: La familia señorial tenía una larga historia de poder y influencia.
    English Sentence: The lordly family had a long history of power and influence.
  • señorita
    Pronunciation: sehn-yoh-ree-tah
    English Meaning: Miss
    Spanish Sentence: Señorita García, ¿me puede ayudar con esto?
    English Sentence: Miss García, can you help me with this?
  • señorita
    Pronunciation: sehn-yoh-ree-tah
    English Meaning: young lady
    Spanish Sentence: La señorita estaba esperando el autobús en la parada.
    English Sentence: The young lady was waiting for the bus at the stop.
  • Señorita
    Pronunciation: sehn-yoh-ree-tah
    English Meaning: Miss
    Spanish Sentence: Señorita, su pedido está listo para ser recogido.
    English Sentence: Miss, your order is ready for pickup.
  • señorito
    Pronunciation: sehn-yoh-ree-toh
    English Meaning: young man
    Spanish Sentence: El señorito salió a pasear por el campo.
    English Sentence: The young man went for a walk in the countryside.
  • señorito
    Pronunciation: sehn-yoh-ree-toh
    English Meaning: mister (used sarcastically)
    Spanish Sentence: ¿Qué desea, señorito, que haga todo por usted?
    English Sentence: What do you want, mister, for me to do everything for you?
  • separación
    Pronunciation: seh-pah-rah-syohn
    English Meaning: separation
    Spanish Sentence: La separación de los continentes cambió la geografía del planeta.
    English Sentence: The separation of the continents changed the planet’s geography.
  • separadamente
    Pronunciation: seh-pah-rah-dah-men-teh
    English Meaning: separately
    Spanish Sentence: Cada elemento debe ser tratado separadamente.
    English Sentence: Each item must be treated separately.
  • separado
    Pronunciation: seh-pah-rah-doh
    English Meaning: separate
    Spanish Sentence: Los niños comieron en mesas separadas.
    English Sentence: The children ate at separate tables.
  • separador
    Pronunciation: seh-pah-rah-dohr
    English Meaning: separator
    Spanish Sentence: Utiliza los separadores para dividir los temas en el archivo.
    English Sentence: Use the separators to divide the topics in the file.
  • separar
    Pronunciation: seh-pah-rahr
    English Meaning: to separate
    Spanish Sentence: Separaron las cartas por destinatario.
    English Sentence: They separated the letters by recipient.
  • separarse
    Pronunciation: seh-pah-rahr-seh
    English Meaning: to separate (oneself)
    Spanish Sentence: Decidieron separarse temporalmente para reflexionar.
    English Sentence: They decided to separate temporarily to reflect.
  • separatista
    Pronunciation: seh-pah-rah-tees-tah
    English Meaning: separatist
    Spanish Sentence: El grupo separatista luchaba por la independencia de la región.
    English Sentence: The separatist group was fighting for the region’s independence.
  • separatista
    Pronunciation: seh-pah-rah-tees-tah
    English Meaning: separatist
    Spanish Sentence: El líder separatista fue arrestado por incitar a la rebelión.
    English Sentence: The separatist leader was arrested for inciting rebellion.
  • sepia faraón
    Pronunciation: seh-pee-ah fah-rah-ohn
    English Meaning: giant cuttlefish
    Spanish Sentence: El sepia faraón es un molusco marino de gran tamaño.
    English Sentence: The giant cuttlefish is a large marine mollusk.
  • septentrional
    Pronunciation: sehp-tehn-tryo-nahl
    English Meaning: northern
    Spanish Sentence: La región septentrional del país es muy fría en invierno.
    English Sentence: The northern region of the country is very cold in winter.
  • septeto
    Pronunciation: sehp-teh-toh
    English Meaning: septet
    Spanish Sentence: El septeto de jazz ofreció un concierto en el club nocturno.
    English Sentence: The jazz septet performed a concert at the nightclub.
  • septiembre
    Pronunciation: sehp-tyehm-breh
    English Meaning: September
    Spanish Sentence: Mi cumpleaños es en septiembre.
    English Sentence: My birthday is in September.
  • septingentésimo
    Pronunciation: sehp-teen-hehn-teh-see-moh
    English Meaning: seven hundredth
    Spanish Sentence: Celebramos el septingentésimo aniversario de la fundación de la ciudad.
    English Sentence: We celebrated the seven hundredth anniversary of the city’s founding.
  • Septuaginta
    Pronunciation: sehp-too-ah-heen-tah
    English Meaning: Septuagint
    Spanish Sentence: La Septuaginta es una antigua traducción griega del Antiguo Testamento.
    English Sentence: The Septuagint is an ancient Greek translation of the Old Testament.
  • septuagésimo
    Pronunciation: sehp-too-ah-heh-see-moh
    English Meaning: seventieth
    Spanish Sentence: Esta es la septuagésima edición del evento.
    English Sentence: This is the seventieth edition of the event.
  • septuagésimo
    Pronunciation: sehp-too-ah-heh-see-moh
    English Meaning: seventieth
    Spanish Sentence: La septuagésima página del libro contiene información importante.
    English Sentence: The seventieth page of the book contains important information.
  • sepulcro
    Pronunciation: seh-pool-kroh
    English Meaning: tomb
    Spanish Sentence: Visitamos el sepulcro del poeta durante nuestra estancia en la ciudad.
    English Sentence: We visited the poet’s tomb during our stay in the city.
  • sepultar
    Pronunciation: seh-pool-tahr
    English Meaning: to bury
    Spanish Sentence: Fueron a sepultar a su abuela en el cementerio familiar.
    English Sentence: They went to bury their grandmother in the family cemetery.
  • sepultura
    Pronunciation: seh-pool-too-rah
    English Meaning: grave
    Spanish Sentence: La sepultura estaba cubierta de flores frescas.
    English Sentence: The grave was covered with fresh flowers.
  • sepultura
    Pronunciation: seh-pool-too-rah
    English Meaning: burial
    Spanish Sentence: El entierro se realizó al atardecer.
    English Sentence: The burial took place at dusk.
  • sepultura
    Pronunciation: seh-pool-too-rah
    English Meaning: sepulture
    Spanish Sentence: La sepultura fue decorada con símbolos religiosos.
    English Sentence: The sepulture was decorated with religious symbols.
  • sepultura
    Pronunciation: seh-pool-too-rah
    English Meaning: sepulcher
    Spanish Sentence: Encontraron una antigua sepultura en las excavaciones arqueológicas.
    English Sentence: They found an ancient sepulcher in the archaeological excavations.
  • sepulturero
    Pronunciation: seh-pool-too-reh-roh
    English Meaning: gravedigger
    Spanish Sentence: El sepulturero preparaba las tumbas para el entierro.
    English Sentence: The gravedigger prepared the graves for burial.
  • sepulturero
    Pronunciation: seh-pool-too-reh-roh
    English Meaning: undertaker
    Spanish Sentence: El sepulturero ayudó a organizar el funeral.
    English Sentence: The undertaker helped organize the funeral.
  • sequía
    Pronunciation: seh-kee-ah
    English Meaning: drought
    Spanish Sentence: La sequía afectó seriamente los cultivos de la región.
    English Sentence: The drought seriously affected the region’s crops.
  • ser
    Pronunciation: sehr
    English Meaning: to be
    Spanish Sentence: Ser o no ser, esa es la cuestión.
    English Sentence: To be or not to be, that is the question.
  • serafín
    Pronunciation: sehr-ah-feen
    English Meaning: seraph
    Spanish Sentence: Los serafines rodeaban el trono divino.
    English Sentence: The seraphs surrounded the divine throne.
  • serape
    Pronunciation: sehr-ah-peh
    English Meaning: serape
    Spanish Sentence: Llevaba puesto un serape de colores vivos.
    English Sentence: He was wearing a brightly colored serape.
  • Serbia y Montenegro
    Pronunciation: sehr-byah ee mohn-teh-neh-groh
    English Meaning: Serbia and Montenegro
    Spanish Sentence: En 2006, Serbia y Montenegro se separaron y se convirtieron en países independientes.
    English Sentence: In 2006, Serbia and Montenegro split and became independent countries.
  • serbio
    Pronunciation: sehr-byoh
    English Meaning: Serbian
    Spanish Sentence: La gastronomía serbia es conocida por sus platos deliciosos.
    English Sentence: Serbian cuisine is known for its delicious dishes.
  • serenar
    Pronunciation: sehr-eh-nahr
    English Meaning: to calm down
    Spanish Sentence: La música suave logró serenar sus nervios.
    English Sentence: The soft music managed to calm down her nerves.
  • serenata
    Pronunciation: sehr-eh-nah-tah
    English Meaning: serenade
    Spanish Sentence: Le cantaron una serenata bajo su ventana.
    English Sentence: They sang a serenade under her window.

Final Line

If you are looking forward to enriching the vocabulary of Spanish words, this post will surely help you! As we covered all the possible aspects regarding the words starts with S.

We have kept the journey easy and readers friendly so that you can understand easily and remember all the words without any issues. Therefore, prepare yourself with a pen and paper to begin.

You also can take a look on our another content on Spanish Words Ending in “ción”.

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