Master the Versatility of Spanish Words Starting with “Ap”

You know that feeling when you learn something totally new and cool about a language you love? Well, get ready for that awesome sense of discovery!

Today, we’re going to explore a fun little corner of the Spanish language world – words that kick off with those two snazzy letters: “ap.” Yeah, you heard me right… “ap” words!

Now, I know what you’re thinking – “Ap? That’s it? Boring!” But just wait until you see some of the gems we’ve got in store. We’re talking tasty food words like “apio” (celery) and “ápice” (apex or tip). Or what about more abstract concepts like “apariencia” (appearance) and “aptitud” (aptitude or skill)?

These “ap” amigos might seem simple at first glance, but many of them have fascinating backstories. Some trace their roots back through history and across cultures in really intriguing ways. And let’s not forget how darn fun some of them are to say out loud!

So loosen up those lips and get those language muscles ready, mis amigos. Diving into the wonderful world of Spanish “ap” words is gonna be a wild (yet educational) ride. Let’s get this fiesta started!

How to Pronounce “AP” in Spanish

When it comes to saying those two little letters “AP” in Spanish, it can throw some people for a loop. In English, we’re used to saying “ey-pee,” but in Spanish, it’s a different story.

Think of it this way – in Spanish, vowels have a very distinct sound. The “A” is always pronounced like the “a” in “father.” And the “P” sounds like the “p” in “paper,” but with a little extra emphasis on that “eh” sound at the end.

So when you put those two together, “AP” becomes “ah-peh.” That’s right, “ah” like you’re at the doctor’s office, and “peh” like you’re imitating a sheep.

Now, this might seem strange at first, especially if you’re used to the English way. But once you get the hang of it, it’ll start to feel natural.

It’s kind of like learning a secret handshake or a new dance move – at first, you might feel a little silly, but once you’ve practiced it a few times, you’ll be an “ah-peh” pro!

And don’t worry if you hear some slight variations in how people say it. In different Spanish-speaking regions, that “p” sound might be a little softer or more pronounced. It’s all part of the rich tapestry of the Spanish language.

So whether you’re talking about the Associated Press (AP), or you’re just trying to impress your Spanish-speaking friends, remember: “ah-peh” is the way to go. Who knows, you might even start to think it’s kind of fun to say!

Spanish Nouns That Start with AP

When we think of these words, it’s easy to imagine that they are few and simple. But nothing could be further from the truth! The Spanish language offers us a wide range of “ap” nouns that encompass everything from abstract concepts to everyday objects, culinary terms, geographic locations, and even professions.

Each of these nouns has its own history and cultural richness behind it. Some come from Latin, others have Arabic origins, while others are indigenous words from various Hispanic regions. This diversity of origins makes each word unique and full of nuances.

But it’s not just about their meaning and origin – it’s also about their sound. Many of these nouns have a captivating cadence, with that open “a” and explosive “p” that invites you to savor them as you pronounce them.

So get ready to embark on a journey through Spanish “ap” nouns. You’ll discover familiar words and others you may have never heard before. But they all form part of the rich linguistic tapestry of the Spanish language.

And to help you enjoy this experience even more, here’s a table with 50 Spanish nouns that start with “ap”, along with their meaning in English and their pronunciation:

Spanish Names That Start with AP

Ever wondered about those Spanish names starting with “ap”? They’re like a treasure trove of history and culture, each with its own story to tell. Picture this: a mix of Latin, Greek, Arabic, and Hebrew influences all bundled up in these names, creating a colorful tapestry of meaning.

Take “Apolonia” for instance. It’s like a nod to the ancient Greek world, where Apollo, the god of music and poetry, reigned supreme. Naming your kid “Apolonia” is like saying, “Hey, let’s infuse a bit of artistic flair into our lives!”

Then there’s “Apolinar,” which is all about strength and protection, straight from the days of Roman mythology. Imagine a little Apolinar running around, full of vigor and ready to take on the world.

And how about “Apolonio”? It’s like a bridge to ancient wisdom and grace, channeling the spirit of Apollo himself. Think of it as a name that sets the stage for a life filled with creativity and enlightenment.

But wait, there’s more! These names aren’t just about the Greeks and Romans. Some have Arabic and Hebrew roots too. Take “Apricio,” for example. It’s like a burst of sunshine in a name, with its Latin origins meaning “sunny” or “bright.” Who wouldn’t want a little Apricio lighting up their world?

And then there’s “Apolinar” again, but this time with a twist. Its Hebrew roots bring a sense of peace and tranquility to the table. It’s like saying, “Let’s spread some calm vibes with this name.”

Okay, here we will delve into some of the common Spanish names for boys and girls starting with ‘ap’.

Common Spanish Boys Names Starting With “AP”

Spanish words that start with ap-1

  1. Apollonio – Derived from the Greek “apollonios,” meaning “of Apollo,” symbolizing grace and wisdom.
  2. Apolinar – From the Latin “apollinaris,” referring to the Roman deity Apollo, connoting strength and protection.
  3. Apricio – Latin origin meaning “sunny” or “bright,” bringing warmth and light.
  4. Apolo – Short form of Apollo, representing artistic and intellectual prowess.
  5. Apuleyo – Possibly derived from the Latin “apuleius,” suggesting intellect and curiosity.
  6. Apolodoro – Combining “apo” (from) and “doron” (gift) in Greek, signifying a gift from Apollo.
  7. Aproniano – Possibly related to the Latin “apronianus,” indicating nobility or honor.
  8. Apio – Meaning “parsley” in Spanish, symbolizing freshness and vitality.
  9. Apselmo – A unique name with uncertain origins, possibly evoking mystery or intrigue.
  10. Aparicio – From the Latin “apritius,” meaning “sunny” or “bright,” representing optimism and joy.
  11. Aponte – Possibly derived from the Latin “ad pontem,” meaning “at the bridge,” suggesting connection or transition.
  12. Apiano – Origin uncertain, but may suggest a connection to peace or harmony.
  13. Apulio – Possibly related to the region of Apulia in Italy, evoking a sense of heritage or tradition.
  14. Apiano – Variation of Apianus, with possible connotations of knowledge or wisdom.
  15. Apezar – Derived from the Spanish “a pesar,” meaning “in spite of,” suggesting resilience or determination.
  16. Apifanio – Unique name with uncertain origins, possibly evoking brightness or enlightenment.
  17. Apuley – Variant spelling of Apuleyo, possibly with similar connotations of intellect and curiosity.
  18. Apóstol – Spanish for “apostle,” representing devotion and faith.
  19. Apurimaco – Possibly derived from the Quechua language, with meanings related to bravery or courage.
  20. Apolonar – Variation of Apolinar, sharing its associations with strength and protection.
  21. Aper – Meaning “wild boar” in Spanish, symbolizing courage and resilience.
  22. Apuleio – Variant spelling of Apuleyo, suggesting intellect and curiosity.
  23. Apito – Possibly derived from the Spanish “pito,” meaning “whistle,” suggesting playfulness or charm.
  24. Apolón – Variant spelling of Apolónio, representing grace and wisdom.
  25. Apero – A unique name with uncertain origins, possibly evoking strength or vigor.
  26. Apurímac – Named after the Apurímac River in Peru, with meanings related to vitality and flow.
  27. Aplacio – Possibly derived from the Latin “aplatiare,” meaning “to appease,” suggesting peace or tranquility.
  28. Aponti – Unique name with uncertain origins, possibly evoking a sense of direction or purpose.
  29. Apuleyón – A variant of Apolónio, carrying similar meanings of grace and wisdom.
  30. Apín – Possibly derived from the Spanish “apio,” meaning “parsley,” symbolizing freshness and vitality.

Cute Spanish Girls Names Starting With “AP”

Spanish words that start with ap-2

  1. Aparicia:  A feminine form of the Roman family name Aparicius,  meaning “apparition” or “manifestation.”
  2. Apolonia: Derived from the Greek god Apollo, meaning “strength” or associated with notions of light and beauty.
  3. апреля (Aprilia): This name has both Latin and Russian origins. In Latin, it’s related to the word “aperire” (to open) and symbolizes the opening of spring. In Russian, it connects to the month of April.
  4. April:  A direct translation from the Latin “Aprilis”, signifying the opening of buds in springtime and representing new beginnings.
  5. Araceli: Of Latin origin, meaning “altar of the sky”.
  6. Aracely:  A variation of Araceli with the same meaning – “altar of the sky”.
  7. Ariadna:  From Greek mythology, Ariadne means “most holy.” She was the daughter of King Minos who helped Theseus escape the labyrinth.
  8. Ascensión: Meaning “ascension” in Spanish, it often has a religious connection.
  9. Asunción: Meaning “assumption” in Spanish, this name often refers to the Assumption of Mary in Catholic tradition.
  10. Azucena:  Meaning “lily” in Spanish, derived from the Arabic word for the flower.

You May Need: Discover Words Starting With ‘S’ in Spanish.

Spanish Verbs That Start with AP

Spanish is a beautiful language with a rich tapestry of words and expressions. While verbs starting with the letter “ap” might seem a bit unusual, they hold a certain charm and linguistic richness. Many of these verbs have their roots in Latin, reflecting the profound influence of this ancient language on the Spanish lexicon.

Let’s start with the delightful verb “apacentar,” which means “to graze” or “to pasture.” Doesn’t it just conjure up images of peaceful meadows and the age-old tradition of shepherding? With its melodic pronunciation, “ah-pah-sen-tar,” you can almost hear the tranquility of rural life.

Spanish Verbs That Start with AP-2

Next, we have “apaciguar,” which translates to “to calm” or “to pacify.” This verb embodies the notion of restoring peace and tranquility, making it a soothing addition to the Spanish language. When you pronounce it as “ah-pah-see-goo-ar,” you can’t help but feel a sense of serenity wash over you.

Then there’s “apagar,” a verb that holds particular significance. It means “to extinguish” or “to turn off,” and its pronunciation, “ah-pah-gar,” carries a sense of finality and resolution. Whether you’re dousing flames or switching off lights, this verb captures the act with a certain authority.

But that’s just the tip of the iceberg! To give you a better understanding of the diversity of Spanish verbs starting with “ap,” here’s a table with 50 examples, along with their English meanings and pronunciations:

Verb English Meaning Pronunciation
apacentar to graze, to pasture ah-pah-sen-tar
apaciguar to calm, to pacify ah-pah-see-goo-ar
apagar to extinguish, to turn off ah-pah-gar
apalancar to leverage ah-pah-lan-kar
apañar to take sides ah-pan-dar
apantallar to dazzle ah-pan-tal-yar
apantuflear to wear slippers ah-pan-too-flar
apañuscar to gather, to collect ah-pan-yoos-kar
apañar to manage, to get by ah-pan-yar
aparar to brace, to prop up ah-pah-rar
aparcar to park ah-par-kar
aparecer to appear ah-pah-reh-ser
aparenciar to pretend, to feign ah-pah-ren-tar
aparición to haunt, to appear as a ghost ah-pah-ree-see-oh-nar
apartar to separate, to set aside ah-par-tar
apasionar to passion, to excite ah-pah-see-oh-nar
apasturar to graze ah-pas-too-rar
apatar to cripple, to maim ah-pah-tar
apayasarse to rusticize ah-pah-yah-sar
apelar to appeal ah-peh-ah-lar
apear to dismount ah-peh-ar
apechar to burden, to charge ah-peh-char
apedrear to stone ah-peh-dreh-ar
apegar to stick, to adhere ah-peh-gar
apelar to appeal ah-peh-lar
apelotar to gather into a ball ah-peh-loh-tar
apelotonar to form into a ball ah-peh-loh-toh-nar
apenar to grieve, to sadden ah-peh-nar
apendicular to append ah-pen-dee-koo-lar
apeonzar to humiliate ah-peh-on-sar
apeperinar to pepper ah-peh-peh-ree-nar
aperador to tool, to prepare ah-peh-rah-dor
aperar to harrow ah-peh-rar
apercoillar to collar ah-per-kol-yar
aperdigar to train hunting dogs ah-per-dee-gar
apernar to fasten with pegs ah-per-nar
apertrechar to equip oneself ah-per-treh-char-seh
apesadumbrar to grieve, to sadden ah-peh-sah-doom-brar
apesgar to hook, to catch ah-pes-gar
apestañar to blink ah-pes-tan-yar
apestoso to stink ah-pes-tar
apetalado without petals ah-peh-tah-lah-doh
apetar to cling, to stick ah-peh-tar
apetencer to desire, to crave ah-peh-ten-ser
apetonar to form into a ball ah-peh-toh-nar
apetrechar to equip, to supply ah-peh-treh-char
apezar to grieve, to sadden ah-peh-sar
apezonar to fasten with pegs ah-peh-soh-nar
apianzar to gather, to collect ah-pee-an-yar
apiojar to delouse ah-pee-oh-har

As you can see, these verbs cover a wide range of meanings and actions, from the practical “aparcar” (to park) to the whimsical “apantuflar” (to wear slippers). Each one adds a unique flavor to the Spanish language, inviting you to explore the rich cultural and historical influences that have shaped its lexicon.

So, the next time you come across a Spanish verb starting with “ap,” don’t dismiss it as an oddity. Instead, embrace its charm and let it transport you to the vibrant world of this beautiful language.

Conjugation Patterns for Verbs Starting in “AP”

Verbs that start with “AP” in Spanish have different ways they change when we use them in sentences, like how they end or if they follow regular rules or not. Here’s a quick summary to help you understand them better.

Regular -ar Verbs

Many AP- verbs end in -ar and follow the regular -ar conjugation pattern. For example, the verb aplastar (to crush):

Subject Pronoun Aplastar (to crush)
yo aplasto
él/ella/usted aplasta
nosotros aplastamos
vosotros aplastáis
ellos/ellas aplastan

Regular -er Verbs

Verbs like aprender (to learn) use the -er conjugation:

Subject Pronoun Aprender (to learn)
yo aprendo
él/ella/usted aprende
nosotros aprendemos
vosotros aprendéis
ellos/ellas aprenden

Irregular Verbs

Some very common ap- verbs are irregular across multiple forms:

Subject Pronoun Agarrar (to grab) Aprobar (to approve) Apoyar (to support)
yo agarro apruebo apoyo
agarras apruebas apoyas
él/ella/usted agarra aprueba apoya
nosotros agarramos aprobamos apoyamos
vosotros agarráis aprobáis apoyáis
ellos/ellas agarran aprueban apoyan

Stem-Changing Verbs

Certain ap- verbs like almorzar (to have lunch) have stem changes in some forms:

Subject Pronoun Almorzar (to have lunch)
yo almuerzo
él/ella/usted almuerza
nosotros almorzamos
vosotros almorzáis
ellos/ellas almuerzan

The stem vowel changes from o→ue in some forms.

So in summary, regular ap- verbs use -ar, -er, -ir conjugations, while irregular verbs and stem-changers must be studied individually. The ap- root identifies the common infinitive meaning.

Spanish Adverbs Starting With AP

Spanish has many useful adverbs that begin with “ap” – these little words can really pack a punch when you want to add some extra detail or flair to your descriptions.

Some of the most common ones relate to quantity, speed, separation and how things appear. For example, “apenas” means barely or hardly, so you could say “Apenas pude terminar mi tarea” (I could barely finish my homework). “Aproximadamente” is approximately, “aprisa” is quickly, “aparte” is apart or separately, and “aparentemente” is apparently.

Other great “ap” adverbs deal with emotions and intentions. “Apenada or apesaradamente” conveys regret or sadness, like “Apenadamente, no podré asistir a tu fiesta” (Regrettably, I won’t be able to attend your party). “Aposta” means on purpose, and “apremiadamente” is urgently.

Spanish words that start with ap-4

Then you’ve got adverbs that vividly describe the manner or intensity of an action. “Aplaciblemente” is pleasantly, “aplomadamente” is calmly, “apresuradamente” is hurriedly or hastily, and “aplanadoramente” means overwhelmingly or overpoweringly.

While that’s not an exhaustive list, learning some versatile “ap” adverbs gives you extra tools to express yourself more clearly and naturally in Spanish. Just be sure not to overdo it with too many adverbs in one sentence!

The subtle shades of meaning they provide can make your Spanish sound much more authentic and flow better. With a little practice, you’ll be sprinkling in those handy “ap” words like a pro.


Adverb Meaning Example
apenas barely, hardly, scarcely I could barely finish the work on time.
aproximadamente approximately Approximately 50 people will come to the party.
aprisa quickly, hurriedly He was running quickly to not miss the bus.
aparte apart, separately, aside I set my things aside while cleaning.
apenada/apesaradamentemente regrettably, sadly Regrettably, I couldn’t attend your wedding.
aparentemente apparently, seemingly Apparently, there was a misunderstanding with the reservation.
aposta on purpose, intentionally I didn’t break the plate on purpose, it was an accident.
apremiadamente urgently We need to act urgently in this emergency.
apresuradamente hurriedly, hastily I left home hurriedly when the alarm went off.
apáticamente apathetically Juan answered all my questions apathetically.
aplaciblemente pleasantly The breeze was blowing pleasantly in the park.
aplomadamente calmly, composedly Despite the chaos, she spoke calmly.
aportadamente opportunely He arrived opportunely right before they closed.
apoyadamente supportively She looked at me supportively while I gave my speech.
apreciablemente considerably, appreciably Inflation increased considerably this year.
aprensivamente apprehensively He looked apprehensively into the darkness.
apremiantemente insistently, urgently She called me insistently to ask me for help.
aporreadadamente forcefully, violently He hit the door forcefully with his fists.
aplanadoramente overwhelmingly They won the elections overwhelmingly.
apocalípticamente apocalyptically The clouds moved apocalyptically in the sky.
apagadamente faintly, dully The radio was playing faintly in the distance.
apalancadamente leveraged The company grew leveraged with its loans.
apasionadamente passionately The artist painted passionately on his canvas.
apátricamente apathetically He answered the professor’s questions apathetically.
apetitosamente appetizingly The food looked appetizingly on the plate.
apeteciblemente desirably The job looked desirably.
aplaudidamente applaudedly The play was applaudedly by the critics.
apocadamente timidly, shyly He looked at me timidly from the corner.

Spanish Words That Start with “AP”

So, now you are already well-informed about all the essentials to identify the words starting with ‘ap’. Now it’s time for practice! Below, we have covered one-third of words that start with ap. If you need more related words, you can hit us through the “Contact Us’ form.
Although we continue to give content on such topics as Spanish Nouns That Start with E and many more, please stay with us for more!

Spanish words that start with ap-5

  • apantanar
    Pronunciation: ah-pahn-tah-NAHR
    English Meaning: to level, to smooth
    Spanish Sentence: El agricultor decidió apantanar el terreno para sembrar las semillas.
    English Sentence: The farmer decided to level the land to plant the seeds.
  • apantuflada
    Pronunciation: ah-pahn-too-FLAH-dah
    English Meaning: slipper blow, hit with a slipper
    Spanish Sentence: Le dio una apantuflada a su hermano por portarse mal.
    English Sentence: She gave her brother a slipper blow for misbehaving.
  • apantuflado
    Pronunciation: ah-pahn-too-FLAH-doh
    English Meaning: wearing slippers
    Spanish Sentence: Mi abuelo siempre está apantuflado cuando está en casa.
    English Sentence: My grandfather is always wearing slippers when he’s at home.
  • apapagayada
    Pronunciation: ah-pah-pah-GAH-yah-dah
    English Meaning: parrot-like, affectedly imitative
    Spanish Sentence: No soporto su risa apapagayada, suena completamente falso.
    English Sentence: I can’t stand her parrot-like laugh, it sounds completely fake.
  • apapagayado
    Pronunciation: ah-pah-pah-GAH-yah-doh
    English Meaning: parrot-like, affectedly imitative
    Spanish Sentence: Sus gestos apapagayados no le dan ninguna originalidad.
    English Sentence: His affectedly imitative gestures don’t give him any originality.
  • aparador
    Pronunciation: ah-pah-rah-DOHR
    English Meaning: sideboard, dresser
    Spanish Sentence: La vajilla fina se guardaba en el aparador de la sala.
    English Sentence: The fine china was kept in the dining room’s sideboard.
  • aparadora
    Pronunciation: ah-pah-rah-DOH-rah
    English Meaning: female dresser, female sideboard
    Spanish Sentence: La aparadora exhibía orgullosa sus colecciones de porcelana.
    English Sentence: The female dresser proudly displayed her porcelain collections.
  • aparadura
    Pronunciation: ah-pah-rah-DOO-rah
    English Meaning: stoppage, halt
    Spanish Sentence: La aparadura del proyecto se debió a problemas financieros.
    English Sentence: The halt of the project was due to financial issues.
  • aparamento
    Pronunciation: ah-pah-rah-MEHN-toh
    English Meaning: apartment, lodging
    Spanish Sentence: El aparamento en el centro de la ciudad era pequeño pero acogedor.
    English Sentence: The apartment in the city center was small but cozy.
  • aparar
    Pronunciation: ah-pah-RAHR
    English Meaning: to parry, to fend off
    Spanish Sentence: El espadachín logró aparar el golpe del adversario.
    English Sentence: The swordsman managed to parry the opponent’s strike.
  • aparasolada
    Pronunciation: ah-pah-rah-soh-LAH-dah
    English Meaning: shaded by an umbrella
    Spanish Sentence: Nos sentamos en la terraza aparasolada para protegernos del sol.
    English Sentence: We sat on the shaded terrace to protect ourselves from the sun.
  • aparasolado
    Pronunciation: ah-pah-rah-soh-LAH-doh
    English Meaning: shaded by an umbrella
    Spanish Sentence: La playa estaba llena de turistas aparasolados disfrutando del día.
    English Sentence: The beach was full of umbrella-shaded tourists enjoying the day.
  • aparatar
    Pronunciation: ah-pah-rah-TAHR
    English Meaning: to move aside, to clear the way
    Spanish Sentence: Los agentes de seguridad apararon a la multitud para dejar paso al presidente.
    English Sentence: The security agents moved aside the crowd to make way for the president.
  • aparatarse
    Pronunciation: ah-pah-rah-TAHR-seh
    English Meaning: to move apart, to separate
    Spanish Sentence: Los niños se apataron para dejar espacio a la maestra.
    English Sentence: The children moved apart to make room for the teacher.
  • aparatera
    Pronunciation: ah-pah-rah-TEH-rah
    English Meaning: person who sets up machinery
    Spanish Sentence: El técnico aparatera ajustó la máquina para que funcionara correctamente.
    English Sentence: The machinery setup technician adjusted the machine to work properly.
  • aparatero
    Pronunciation: ah-pah-rah-TEH-roh
    English Meaning: person who sets up machinery
    Spanish Sentence: El aparatero revisó todas las conexiones antes de encender la planta.
    English Sentence: The machinery setup technician checked all the connections before turning on the plant.
  • aparato
    Pronunciation: ah-pah-RAH-toh
    English Meaning: apparatus, device
    Spanish Sentence: El nuevo aparato de aire acondicionado consume menos energía que el antiguo.
    English Sentence: The new air conditioning apparatus consumes less energy than the old one.
  • aparatosa
    Pronunciation: ah-pah-rah-TOH-sah
    English Meaning: showy, ostentatious
    Spanish Sentence: Llevaba una joyería aparatosa que llamaba la atención de todos.
    English Sentence: She wore ostentatious jewelry that caught everyone’s attention.
  • aparatosidad
    Pronunciation: ah-pah-rah-toh-SEE-dahd
    English Meaning: showiness, ostentation
    Spanish Sentence: La aparatosidad de su vestuario contrastaba con su modesta personalidad.
    English Sentence: The showiness of her attire contrasted with her modest personality.
  • aparatoso
    Pronunciation: ah-pah-RAH-toh-soh
    English Meaning: showy, ostentatious
    Spanish Sentence: La fiesta fue muy aparatoso, con luces y decoraciones por todas partes.
    English Sentence: The party was very showy, with lights and decorations everywhere.
  • aparcamiento
    Pronunciation: ah-pahr-kah-MYEN-toh
    English Meaning: parking lot, parking
    Spanish Sentence: El aparcamiento del centro comercial estaba lleno de autos.
    English Sentence: The parking lot of the shopping mall was full of cars.
  • aparcar
    Pronunciation: ah-pahr-KAHR
    English Meaning: to park
    Spanish Sentence: Intenté aparcar en frente del restaurante, pero no había espacio.
    English Sentence: I tried to park in front of the restaurant, but there was no space.
  • aparcera
    Pronunciation: ah-pahr-SEH-rah
    English Meaning: sharecropper (female)
    Spanish Sentence: Mi abuela fue aparcera durante muchos años en esa finca.
    English Sentence: My grandmother was a sharecropper for many years on that farm.
  • aparcero
    Pronunciation: ah-pahr-SEH-roh
    English Meaning: sharecropper (male)
    Spanish Sentence: Los aparceros cultivaban la tierra a cambio de una parte de la cosecha.
    English Sentence: The sharecroppers cultivated the land in exchange for a portion of the harvest.
  • aparcionera
    Pronunciation: ah-pahr-thee-OH-neh-rah
    English Meaning: sharecropper (female)
    Spanish Sentence: La aparcionera trabajaba duro en el campo para mantener a su familia.
    English Sentence: The female sharecropper worked hard in the fields to support her family.
  • aparcionero
    Pronunciation: ah-pahr-thee-OH-neh-roh
    English Meaning: sharecropper (male)
    Spanish Sentence: El aparcionero cuidaba con esmero los cultivos para obtener una buena cosecha.
    English Sentence: The male sharecropper took care of the crops meticulously to get a good harvest.
  • apareamiento
    Pronunciation: ah-pah-reh-ah-MYEHN-toh
    English Meaning: mating, pairing
    Spanish Sentence: Durante la temporada de apareamiento, los machos luchan por el dominio.
    English Sentence: During mating season, males fight for dominance.
  • aparear
    Pronunciation: ah-pah-reh-AHR
    English Meaning: to mate, to pair
    Spanish Sentence: Los criadores seleccionaron los mejores ejemplares para
  • aparearlos.
    English Sentence: The breeders selected the best specimens to mate them.
  • aparecer
    Pronunciation: ah-pah-reh-SEHR
    English Meaning: to appear
    Spanish Sentence: El sol empezó a aparecer tras las nubes, iluminando el paisaje.
    English Sentence: The sun began to appear from behind the clouds, illuminating the landscape.
  • aparecida
    Pronunciation: ah-pah-REH-thee-dah
    English Meaning: apparition, appearance
    Spanish Sentence: La aparecida de la virgen atrajo a miles de fieles al santuario.
    English Sentence: The apparition of the Virgin Mary attracted thousands of faithful to the sanctuary.
  • aparecido
    Pronunciation: ah-pah-REH-thee-doh
    English Meaning: apparition, appearance
    Spanish Sentence: El aparecido en el bosque resultó ser un campesino perdido.
    English Sentence: The apparition in the forest turned out to be a lost peasant.
  • aparecimiento
    Pronunciation: ah-pah-reh-SEE-mee-ehn-toh
    English Meaning: appearance, manifestation
    Spanish Sentence: El aparecimiento de nuevos síntomas preocupó al médico.
    English Sentence: The appearance of new symptoms worried the doctor.
  • aparejada
    Pronunciation: ah-pah-reh-HAH-dah
    English Meaning: prepared, equipped
    Spanish Sentence: La barca estaba aparejada para la tormenta que se avecinaba.
    English Sentence: The boat was prepared for the approaching storm.
  • aparejadamente
    Pronunciation: ah-pah-reh-hah-dah-MEHN-teh
    English Meaning: skillfully, carefully
    Spanish Sentence: Construyó la maqueta aparejadamente, cuidando cada detalle.
    English Sentence: He built the model skillfully, paying attention to every detail.
  • aparejado
    Pronunciation: ah-pah-REH-hah-doh
    English Meaning: related, connected
    Spanish Sentence: El aumento de impuestos vino aparejado con una disminución en el gasto público.
    English Sentence: The tax increase came hand in hand with a decrease in public spending.
  • aparejador
    Pronunciation: ah-pah-reh-hah-DOHR
    English Meaning: building surveyor
    Spanish Sentence: El aparejador inspeccionó la estructura del edificio en construcción.
    English Sentence: The building surveyor inspected the structure of the building under construction.
  • aparejadora
    Pronunciation: ah-pah-reh-hah-DOH-rah
    English Meaning: building surveyor (female)
    Spanish Sentence: La aparejadora revisó los planos para asegurar el cumplimiento de las normativas.
    English Sentence: The female building surveyor reviewed the plans to ensure compliance with regulations.
  • aparejamiento
    Pronunciation: ah-pah-reh-hah-MYEHN-toh
    English Meaning: rigging, outfitting
    Spanish Sentence: El aparejamiento del barco llevó varias semanas de trabajo.
    English Sentence: The rigging of the ship took several weeks of work.
  • aparejar
    Pronunciation: ah-pah-reh-HAHR
    English Meaning: to rig, to outfit
    Spanish Sentence: Los marineros tuvieron que aparejar el velero antes de zarpar.
    English Sentence: The sailors had to rig the sailboat before setting sail.
  • aparejo
    Pronunciation: ah-pah-REH-hoh
    English Meaning: rigging, tackle
    Spanish Sentence: Revisaron el aparejo del barco para asegurarse de que todo estuviera en orden.
    English Sentence: They checked the rigging of the ship to make sure everything was in order.
  • aparejuelo
    Pronunciation: ah-pah-reh-HWEH-loh
    English Meaning: small tackle, small rigging
    Spanish Sentence: El aparejuelo del velero se dañó durante la tormenta.
    English Sentence: The small rigging of the sailboat was damaged during the storm.
  • aparencia
    Pronunciation: ah-pah-REHN-thee-ah
    English Meaning: appearance, semblance
    Spanish Sentence: Aunque intentaba ocultarlo, su aparencia delataba su nerviosismo.
    English Sentence: Although he tried to hide it, his appearance betrayed his nervousness.
  • aparencial
    Pronunciation: ah-pah-ren-SYAL
    English Meaning: relating to appearance
    Spanish Sentence: La investigación se centró en los cambios aparenciales del sujeto.
    English Sentence: The investigation focused on the subject’s appearance changes.
  • aparentador
    Pronunciation: ah-pah-rehn-tah-DOHR
    English Meaning: one who makes something appear
    Spanish Sentence: El mago era un hábil aparentador, lograba hacer desaparecer objetos frente a los ojos del público.
    English Sentence: The magician was a skilled one who made things appear, he managed to make objects disappear in front of the audience’s eyes.
  • aparentadora
    Pronunciation: ah-pah-rehn-tah-DOH-rah
    English Meaning: one who makes something appear (female)
    Spanish Sentence: La aparentadora deslumbró a todos con sus trucos de magia.
    English Sentence: The female one who makes something appear dazzled everyone with her magic tricks.
  • aparentar
    Pronunciation: ah-pah-rehn-TAHR
    English Meaning: to pretend, to appear
    Spanish Sentence: Intentaba aparentar calma, pero en realidad estaba muy nervioso.
    English Sentence: He tried to pretend to be calm, but he was actually very nervous.
  • aparente
    Pronunciation: ah-pah-REHN-teh
    English Meaning: apparent, evident
    Spanish Sentence: No hay una solución aparente para este problema.
    English Sentence: There is no apparent solution to this problem.
  • aparentemente
    Pronunciation: ah-pah-rehn-teh-MEHN-teh
    English Meaning: apparently, seemingly
    Spanish Sentence: Aparentemente, todo estaba en orden, pero algo no cuadraba.
    English Sentence: Apparently, everything was in order, but something didn’t add up.
  • aparicio
    Pronunciation: ah-pah-REE-thyoh
    English Meaning: apparition, appearance
    Spanish Sentence: La aparicio de la luna sobre el mar era un espectáculo impresionante.
    English Sentence: The appearance of the moon over the sea was a breathtaking sight.
  • apabilado
    Pronunciation: ah-pah-bee-lah-doh
    English Meaning: disoriented
    Spanish Sentence: Después del golpe, quedó apabilado y confundido.
    English Sentence: After the blow, he was disoriented and confused.
  • apabilar
    Pronunciation: ah-pah-bee-lahr
    English Meaning: to disorient, to confuse
    Spanish Sentence: La situación inesperada logró apabilarlo por completo.
    English Sentence: The unexpected situation managed to completely disorient him.
  • apabullamiento
    Pronunciation: ah-pah-boo-yah-mee-ehn-toh
    English Meaning: overwhelming, overpowering
    Spanish Sentence: Experimentó un apabullamiento al enfrentarse a la multitud.
    English Sentence: He experienced an overwhelming feeling when facing the crowd.
  • apabullante
    Pronunciation: ah-pah-boo-yahn-teh
    English Meaning: overwhelming, overpowering
    Spanish Sentence: La belleza del paisaje era apabullante.
    English Sentence: The beauty of the landscape was overwhelming.
  • apabullar
    Pronunciation: ah-pah-boo-yahr
    English Meaning: to overwhelm, to overpower
    Spanish Sentence: La noticia lo apabulló completamente.
    English Sentence: The news overwhelmed him completely.
  • apacar
    Pronunciation: ah-pah-kahr
    English Meaning: to pacify, to calm down
    Spanish Sentence: Intentó apacar los ánimos en la discusión.
    English Sentence: He tried to pacify the tempers in the argument.
  • apacibilidad
    Pronunciation: ah-pah-thee-bee-lee-dahd
    English Meaning: amiability, pleasantness
    Spanish Sentence: Su apacibilidad era conocida por todos.
    English Sentence: His amiability was known by everyone.
  • apacible
    Pronunciation: ah-pah-thee-bleh
    English Meaning: peaceful, tranquil
    Spanish Sentence: Disfrutaron de una tarde apacible en el campo.
    English Sentence: They enjoyed a peaceful afternoon in the countryside.
  • apaciblemente
    Pronunciation: ah-pah-thee-bleh-mehn-teh
    English Meaning: peacefully, calmly
    Spanish Sentence: Pudieron resolver el conflicto apaciblemente.
    English Sentence: They were able to resolve the conflict peacefull
  • apaciguador
    Pronunciation: ah-pah-thee-gwah-dohr
    English Meaning: pacifying, soothing
    Spanish Sentence: La música suave tiene un efecto apaciguador.
    English Sentence: Soft music has a soothing effect.
  • apaciguamiento
    Pronunciation: ah-pah-thee-gwah-mee-ehn-toh
    English Meaning: pacification, appeasement
    Spanish Sentence: El apaciguamiento de la situación evitó un conflicto mayor.
    English Sentence: The pacification of the situation prevented a larger conflict.
  • apaciguar
    Pronunciation: ah-pah-thee-gwahr
    English Meaning: to pacify, to calm down
    Spanish Sentence: Lograron apaciguar a la multitud con palabras de tranquilidad.
    English Sentence: They managed to pacify the crowd with words of reassurance.
  • apadrinador
    Pronunciation: ah-pah-dree-nah-dohr
    English Meaning: sponsor, godfather
    Spanish Sentence: El apadrinador del evento fue una figura importante en la comunidad.
    English Sentence: The sponsor of the event was an important figure in the community.
  • apadrinamiento
    Pronunciation: ah-pah-dree-nah-mee-ehn-toh
    English Meaning: sponsorship, godfathering
    Spanish Sentence: Agradecemos el apadrinamiento de nuestra organización.
    English Sentence: We appreciate the sponsorship of our organization.
  • apadrinar
    Pronunciation: ah-pah-dree-nahr
    English Meaning: to sponsor, to support
    Spanish Sentence: Decidieron apadrinar el proyecto para ayudar a su realización.
    English Sentence: They decided to sponsor the project to help its realization.
  • apagable
    Pronunciation: ah-pah-gah-bleh
    English Meaning: extinguishable, turn-off-able
    Spanish Sentence: La luz es apagable con un interruptor.
    English Sentence: The light is extinguishable with a switch.
  • apagada
    Pronunciation: ah-pah-gah-dah
    English Meaning: extinguished, turned off
    Spanish Sentence: La vela quedó apagada después de soplarla.
    English Sentence: The candle was extinguished after blowing it out.
  • apagadiza
    Pronunciation: ah-pah-gah-dee-thah
    English Meaning: quenchable, extinguishable
    Spanish Sentence: La sed es una necesidad apagadiza.
    English Sentence: Thirst is a quenchable need.
  • apagadizo
    Pronunciation: ah-pah-gah-dee-thoh
    English Meaning: quenchable, extinguishable
    Spanish Sentence: El fuego era apagadizo con agua.
    English Sentence: The fire was extinguishable with water.
  • apagado
    Pronunciation: ah-pah-gah-doh
    English Meaning: off, extinguished
    Spanish Sentence: El televisor estaba apagado cuando llegué a casa.
    English Sentence: The TV was off when I got home.
  • apagador
    Pronunciation: ah-pah-gah-dohr
    English Meaning: switch, extinguisher
    Spanish Sentence: Busca el apagador para apagar las luces.
    English Sentence: Look for the switch to turn off the lights.
  • apagadora
    Pronunciation: ah-pah-gah-doh-rah
    English Meaning: female switch, female extinguisher
    Spanish Sentence: La apagadora estaba rota y no podíamos apagar la luz.
    English Sentence: The switch was broken, and we couldn’t turn off the light.
  • apagamiento
    Pronunciation: ah-pah-gah-mee-ehn-toh
    English Meaning: extinction, quenching
    Spanish Sentence: El apagamiento de las llamas fue rápido gracias al sistema contra incendios.
    English Sentence: The extinction of the flames was quick thanks to the fire suppression system.
  • apagapenol
    Pronunciation: ah-pah-gah-peh-nohl
    English Meaning: painkiller
    Spanish Sentence: El médico le recetó un apagapenol para aliviar el dolor.
    English Sentence: The doctor prescribed a painkiller to relieve the pain.
  • apagar
    Pronunciation: ah-pah-gahr
    English Meaning: to turn off, to extinguish
    Spanish Sentence: Por favor, no olvides apagar las luces antes de salir.
    English Sentence: Please don’t forget to turn off the lights before leaving.
  • apagavelas
    Pronunciation: ah-pah-gah-veh-lahs
    English Meaning: snuffer
    Spanish Sentence: Utiliza el apagavelas para extinguir la vela.
    English Sentence: Use the snuffer to extinguish the candle.
  • apainelado
    Pronunciation: ah-pah-ee-neh-lah-doh
    English Meaning: panelled
    Spanish Sentence: La habitación tenía las paredes apaineladas.
    English Sentence: The room had panelled walls.
  • apaisada
    Pronunciation: ah-pah-ee-sah-dah
    English Meaning: calm, peaceful
    Spanish Sentence: La playa ofrecía una vista apaisada del océano.
    English Sentence: The beach offered a calm view of the ocean.
  • apaisado
    Pronunciation: ah-pah-ee-sah-doh
    English Meaning: calmed down, tranquil
    Spanish Sentence: Después de la tormenta, el mar se mantenía apaisado.
    English Sentence: After the storm, the sea remained tranquil.
  • apalabrar
    Pronunciation: ah-pah-lah-brahr
    English Meaning: to promise, to pledge
    Spanish Sentence: Ambos se comprometieron a apalabrar sus diferencias.
    English Sentence: They both promised to settle their differences.
  • apalambrar
    Pronunciation: ah-pah-lahm-brahr
    English Meaning: to wire, to fence
    Spanish Sentence: Decidieron apalambrar el jardín para mayor seguridad.
    English Sentence: They decided to fence the garden for added security.
  • apalancamiento
    Pronunciation: ah-pah-lahn-kah-mee-ehn-toh
    English Meaning: leverage
    Spanish Sentence: El apalancamiento financiero puede aumentar las ganancias.
    English Sentence: Financial leverage can increase profits.
  • apalancar
    Pronunciation: ah-pah-lahn-kahr
    English Meaning: to leverage, to prop up
    Spanish Sentence: Intentaban apalancar la economía local con inversiones extranjeras.
    English Sentence: They were trying to leverage the local economy with foreign investments.
  • apaleador
    Pronunciation: ah-pah-leh-ah-dohr
    English Meaning: beater, clubber
    Spanish Sentence: El apaleador golpeó con fuerza al tambor.
    English Sentence: The beater struck the drum with force.
  • apaleadora
    Pronunciation: ah-pah-leh-ah-doh-rah
    English Meaning: female beater, female clubber
    Spanish Sentence: La apaleadora utilizó un palo para golpear la piñata.
    English Sentence: The female beater used a stick to hit the piñata.
  • apaleamiento
    Pronunciation: ah-pah-leh-ah-mee-ehn-toh
    English Meaning: beating
    Spanish Sentence: El apaleamiento del terreno se realizó para nivelarlo.
    English Sentence: The beating of the ground was done to level it.
  • apalear
    Pronunciation: ah-pah-leh-ahr
    English Meaning: to beat, to thrash
    Spanish Sentence: Decidieron apalear la alfombra para limpiarla.
    English Sentence: They decided to beat the rug to clean it.
  • apaleo
    Pronunciation: ah-pah-leh-oh
    English Meaning: thrashing, beating
    Spanish Sentence: El apaleo del tambor resonaba en toda la sala.
    English Sentence: The thrashing of the drum echoed throughout the room.
  • apaliar
    Pronunciation: ah-pah-lyahr
    English Meaning: to alleviate, to mitigate
    Spanish Sentence: Tomó un analgésico para apaliar el dolor de cabeza.
    English Sentence: He took a painkiller to alleviate his headache.
  • apalmada
    Pronunciation: ah-pah-mah-dah
    English Meaning: slap, smack
    Spanish Sentence: Le dio una apalmada en la espalda como gesto de felicitación.
    English Sentence: She gave him a slap on the back as a congratulatory gesture.
  • apalpar
    Pronunciation: ah-pahl-pahr
    English Meaning: to feel, to palpate
    Spanish Sentence: El médico comenzó a apalpar el área afectada.
    English Sentence: The doctor started to palpate the affected area.
  • apambol
    Pronunciation: ah-pahm-bohl
    English Meaning: upset, confused
    Spanish Sentence: Estaba apambolado después de la noticia.
    English Sentence: He was upset after the news.
  • apanalada
    Pronunciation: ah-pah-nah-lah-dah
    English Meaning: framed, surrounded
    Spanish Sentence: La foto estaba apanalada por un marco dorado.
    English Sentence: The photo was framed by a golden frame.
  • apanalado
    Pronunciation: ah-pah-nah-lah-doh
    English Meaning: framed, surrounded
    Spanish Sentence: El cuadro estaba apanalado por cortinas rojas.
    English Sentence: The painting was surrounded by red curtains.
  • Apancora
    Pronunciation: ah-pahn-koh-rah
    English Meaning: anchor
    Spanish Sentence: The ship let go of the apancora and slid down the sea.
    English Sentence:
  • Apandar
    Pronunciation: ah-pahn-dahr
    English Meaning: to fatten up
    Spanish Sentence: Farmers Wanted to Pack Pigs Before They Could Be Killed
  • Apadanillar
    Pronunciation: ah-pahn-dee-yahr
    English Meaning: to gang up
    Spanish Sentence: Los niños se apandillaron para jugar juntos.
  • apaniaguada
    Pronunciation: ah-pah-nyah-gwah-dah
    English Meaning: pampered
    Spanish Sentence: The cat was an apaniaguada pampered by everyone.
  • apaniguado
    Pronunciation: ah-pah-nee-gwah-doh
    English Meaning: clustered, grouped
    Spanish Sentence: Los árboles estaban apaniguados en la parte trasera de la propiedad.
    English Sentence: The trees were clustered at the back of the property.
  • apaniguar
    Pronunciation: ah-pah-nee-gwahr
    English Meaning: to cluster, to group
    Spanish Sentence: Las aves se apaniguan durante el invierno para protegerse del frío.
    English Sentence: Birds cluster together during the winter to protect themselves from the cold.
  • apanojada
    Pronunciation: ah-pah-noh-hah-dah
    English Meaning: hooded, covered
    Spanish Sentence: La figura apanojada caminaba lentamente por la niebla.
    English Sentence: The hooded figure walked slowly through the fog.
  • apanojado
    Pronunciation: ah-pah-noh-hah-doh
    English Meaning: hooded, covered
    Spanish Sentence: El caballero apanojado cabalgaba en silencio.
    English Sentence: The hooded knight rode in silence.
  • apariencia
    Pronunciation: ah-pah-ree-ehn-syah
    English Meaning: appearance
    Spanish Sentence: La apariencia del lugar era engañosa.
    English Sentence: The appearance of the place was deceiving.
  • aparir
    Pronunciation: ah-pah-reer
    English Meaning: to appear (obsolete)
    Spanish Sentence: El sol comenzó a aparir entre las nubes.
    English Sentence: The sun began to appear through the clouds.
  • aparrada
    Pronunciation: ah-pahr-rah-dah
    English Meaning: packed, filled
    Spanish Sentence: La plaza estaba aparrada de gente.
    English Sentence: The square was packed with people.
  • aparrado
    Pronunciation: ah-pahr-rah-doh
    English Meaning: jammed, crowded
    Spanish Sentence: El autobús iba tan aparrado que apenas podía moverse.
    English Sentence: The bus was so crowded that it could barely move.
  • aparragar
    Pronunciation: ah-pahr-rah-gahr
    English Meaning: to stuff, to cram
    Spanish Sentence: Lograron aparragar todas las maletas en el maletero del coche.
    English Sentence: They managed to stuff all the suitcases into the car’s trunk.
  • aparragarse
    Pronunciation: ah-pahr-rah-gahr-seh
    English Meaning: to crowd together, to huddle up
    Spanish Sentence: Los niños se aparragaron alrededor del fuego para entrar en calor.
    English Sentence: The children huddled around the fire to warm up.
  • aparrar
    Pronunciation: ah-pahr-rahr
    English Meaning: to pack tightly, to jam
    Spanish Sentence: Tuvieron que aparrar la carga para que entrara en el camión.
    English Sentence: They had to pack the cargo tightly to fit it into the truck.
  • aparroquiada
    Pronunciation: ah-pahr-roh-keeah-dah
    English Meaning: parishioner
    Spanish Sentence: La comunidad estaba compuesta por fieles aparroquiados.
    English Sentence: The community was composed of parishioners.
  • aparroquiado
    Pronunciation: ah-pahr-roh-keeah-doh
    English Meaning: parishioner
    Spanish Sentence: Juan es un aparroquiado muy activo en la iglesia.
    English Sentence: Juan is a very active parishioner in the church.
  • aparroquiar
    Pronunciation: ah-pahr-roh-keeahr
    English Meaning: to parishion
    Spanish Sentence: La parroquia aparroquió a muchas familias del pueblo.
    English Sentence: The parish welcomed many families from the town.
  • apartada
    Pronunciation: ah-pahr-tah-dah
    English Meaning: isolated, remote
    Spanish Sentence: La cabaña estaba apartada de la civilización.
    English Sentence: The cabin was isolated from civilization.
  • apartadamente
    Pronunciation: ah-pahr-tah-dah-men-teh
    English Meaning: separately, distinctly
    Spanish Sentence: Los colores se distribuyen apartadamente en el espectro.
    English Sentence: The colors are distinctly distributed across the spectrum.
  • apartadero
    Pronunciation: ah-pahr-tah-deh-roh
    English Meaning: siding (railway)
    Spanish Sentence: El tren se detuvo en el apartadero para dejar pasar al tren de carga.
    English Sentence: The train stopped at the siding to let the freight train pass.
  • apartadijo
    Pronunciation: ah-pahr-tah-dee-hoh
    English Meaning: aside
    Spanish Sentence: Apartadijo sus problemas para concentrarse en el trabajo.
    English Sentence: He set aside his problems to focus on work.
  • apartadiza
    Pronunciation: ah-pahr-tah-dee-thah
    English Meaning: reserved, shy (female)
    Spanish Sentence: Ella es bastante apartadiza en reuniones sociales.
    English Sentence: She is quite reserved in social gatherings.
  • apartadizo
    Pronunciation: ah-pahr-tah-dee-thoh
    English Meaning: reserved, shy (male)
    Spanish Sentence: Él suele ser bastante apartadizo en las fiestas.
    English Sentence: He tends to be quite shy at parties.
  • apartado
    Pronunciation: ah-pahr-tah-doh
    English Meaning: separate, isolated
    Spanish Sentence: El apartado del periódico trataba sobre ciencia.
    English Sentence: The separate section of the newspaper dealt with science.
  • apartador
    Pronunciation: ah-pahr-tah-dohr
    English Meaning: separator
    Spanish Sentence: El apartador de libros mantenía ordenada la biblioteca.
    English Sentence: The book separator kept the library tidy.
  • apartadora
    Pronunciation: ah-pahr-tah-doh-rah
    English Meaning: (feminine form of “apartador”) separator
    Spanish Sentence: Ella era una excelente apartadora de documentos.
    English Sentence: She was an excellent document separator.
  • apartamento
    Pronunciation: ah-pahr-tah-mehn-toh
    English Meaning: apartment
    Spanish Sentence: El apartamento estaba amueblado y listo para mudarse.
    English Sentence: The apartment was furnished and ready to move in.
  • apartamiento
    Pronunciation: ah-pahr-tah-meehn-toh
    English Meaning: separation, isolation
    Spanish Sentence: El apartamiento de la sociedad le permitió reflexionar sobre su vida.
    English Sentence: The isolation from society allowed him to reflect on his life.
  • apartar
    Pronunciation: ah-pahr-tahr
    English Meaning: to separate, to move apart
    Spanish Sentence: Debes apartar las cosas que ya no necesitas.
    English Sentence: You should separate the things you no longer need.
  • aparte
    Pronunciation: ah-pahr-teh
    English Meaning: apart, aside
    Spanish Sentence: Puedes dejar el dinero en la mesa. Yo lo recogeré más tarde, aparte.
    English Sentence: You can leave the money on the table. I’ll pick it up later, separately.
  • apartidar
    Pronunciation: ah-pahr-tee-dahr
    English Meaning: to divide into factions
    Spanish Sentence: La disputa apartidó a la comunidad en dos grupos opuestos.
    English Sentence: The dispute divided the community into two opposing factions.
  • apartijo
    Pronunciation: ah-pahr-tee-hoh
    English Meaning: detached house
    Spanish Sentence: La familia vivía en un apartijo en las afueras de la ciudad.
    English Sentence: The family lived in a detached house on the outskirts of the city.
  • aparvadera
    Pronunciation: ah-pahr-vah-deh-rah
    English Meaning: shepherd’s staff
    Spanish Sentence: El pastor utilizaba una aparvadera para guiar a las ovejas.
    English Sentence: The shepherd used a shepherd’s staff to guide the sheep.
  • aparvadero
    Pronunciation: ah-pahr-vah-deh-roh
    English Meaning: pasture
    Spanish Sentence: Los campos verdes eran el aparvadero ideal para las ovejas.
    English Sentence: The green fields were the ideal pasture for the sheep.
  • aparvador
    Pronunciation: ah-pahr-vah-dohr
    English Meaning: grazier
    Spanish Sentence: El aparvador cuidaba del ganado en las colinas.
    English Sentence: The grazier looked after the cattle on the hills.
  • aparvar
    Pronunciation: ah-pahr-vahr
    English Meaning: to graze
    Spanish Sentence: Las ovejas aparvaban en los prados cercanos al pueblo.
    English Sentence: The sheep grazed in the meadows near the village.
  • apasionada
    Pronunciation: ah-pah-syoh-nah-dah
    English Meaning: passionate (female)
    Spanish Sentence: Ella es una artista apasionada por su trabajo.
    English Sentence: She is an artist passionate about her work.
  • apatanada
    Pronunciation: ah-pah-tah-nah-dah
    English Meaning: bored, indifferent (female)
    Spanish Sentence: Estaba apatanada durante la conferencia.
    English Sentence: She was bored during the conference.
  • apatanado
    Pronunciation: ah-pah-tah-nah-doh
    English Meaning: bored, indifferent (male)
    Spanish Sentence: Se mostraba apatanado ante las noticias.
    English Sentence: He appeared indifferent to the news.
  • apatrocinar
    Pronunciation: ah-pah-troh-thee-nahr
    English Meaning: to patronize, to sponsor
    Spanish Sentence: La empresa decidió apatrocinar el evento deportivo.
    English Sentence: The company decided to sponsor the sports event.
  • apatusca
    Pronunciation: ah-pah-toos-kah
    English Meaning: roughness, shabbiness (female)
    Spanish Sentence: La apatusca de la ropa indicaba que no tenía mucho dinero.
    English Sentence: The shabbiness of her clothes indicated she didn’t have much money.
  • apaular
    Pronunciation: ah-pah-oo-lahr
    English Meaning: to deceive, to trick
    Spanish Sentence: Intentaron apaularlo con promesas falsas.
    English Sentence: They tried to deceive him with false promises.
  • apaularse
    Pronunciation: ah-pah-oo-lahr-seh
    English Meaning: to be deceived, to be tricked
    Spanish Sentence: No te apaules con sus mentiras.
    English Sentence: Don’t be fooled by his lies.
  • apaulillar
    Pronunciation: ah-pah-oo-yee-yahr
    English Meaning: to prop up
    Spanish Sentence: Apaulillaron el árbol para evitar que se cayera.
    English Sentence: They propped up the tree to prevent it from falling.
  • apaulillarse
    Pronunciation: ah-pow-yee-yahr-seh
    English Meaning: to act bashfully or coyly
    Spanish Sentence: No te apaulilles ahora, es momento de defender tus ideas.
    English Sentence: Don’t act bashfully now, it’s time to stand up for your ideas.
  • apayasar
    Pronunciation: ah-pah-yah-sahr
    English Meaning: to make rustic, to give a country touch
    Spanish Sentence: Vamos a apayasar el jardín con unas luces rústicas.
    English Sentence: Let’s give the garden a country touch with some rustic lights.
  • apazguada
    Pronunciation: ah-pahs-gwah-dah
    English Meaning: dazed, confused
    Spanish Sentence: Después del golpe, quedó apazguada durante unos minutos.
    English Sentence: After the blow, she was dazed for a few minutes.
  • apazguado
    Pronunciation: ah-pahs-gwah-doh
    English Meaning: dazed, confused
    Spanish Sentence: El ruido repentino dejó a Juan apazguado por un momento.
    English Sentence: The sudden noise left Juan dazed for a moment.
  • apea
    Pronunciation: ah-peh-ah
    English Meaning: descent, lowering
    Spanish Sentence: La apea del puente se realizó con cuidado para evitar daños.
    English Sentence: The lowering of the bridge was done carefully to avoid damage.
  • apeadero
    Pronunciation: ah-peh-ah-deh-roh
    English Meaning: train station, halt
    Spanish Sentence: Esperamos en el apeadero hasta que llegara el tren.
    English Sentence: We waited at the train station until the train arrived.
  • apeador
    Pronunciation: ah-peh-ah-dohr
    English Meaning: someone who alights
    Spanish Sentence: El apeador nos indicó que podíamos bajar del tren.
    English Sentence: The person who alights signaled us that we could get off the train.
  • apeadora
    Pronunciation: ah-peh-ah-doh-rah
    English Meaning: someone who alights
    Spanish Sentence: La apeadora nos ayudó a bajar con nuestras maletas.
    English Sentence: The woman who alights helped us get off with our suitcases.
  • apealar
    Pronunciation: ah-peh-ah-lahr
    English Meaning: to prop, to shore up
    Spanish Sentence: Tuvimos que apealar el muro para evitar su derrumbe.
    English Sentence: We had to shore up the wall to prevent it from collapsing.
  • apeamiento
    Pronunciation: ah-peh-ah-mee-ehn-toh
    English Meaning: taking down, dismantling
    Spanish Sentence: El apeamiento de la estructura se llevó a cabo con maquinaria especializada.
    English Sentence: The dismantling of the structure was carried out with specialized machinery.
  • apear
    Pronunciation: ah-peh-ahr
    English Meaning: to dismount, to alight
    Spanish Sentence: Los pasajeros comenzaron a apearse del autobús en la parada.
    English Sentence: The passengers started to alight from the bus at the stop.
  • apechar
    Pronunciation: ah-peh-chahr
    English Meaning: to endure, to face
    Spanish Sentence: Tenemos que apechar con las consecuencias de nuestras decisiones.
    English Sentence: We have to endure the consequences of our decisions.
  • apechugar
    Pronunciation: ah-peh-choo-gahr
    English Meaning: to endure, to face
    Spanish Sentence: Hay que apechugar con los retos que la vida nos presenta.
    English Sentence: We have to face the challenges that life presents us with.
  • apedazar
    Pronunciation: ah-peh-dah-thahr
    English Meaning: to break into pieces
    Spanish Sentence: El golpe fuerte apedazó la ventana.
    English Sentence: The strong blow broke the window into pieces.
  • apedernalada
    Pronunciation: ah-peh-dehr-nah-lah-dah
    English Meaning: strike with a stone
    Spanish Sentence: El sonido de la apedernalada resonó en todo el valle.
    English Sentence: The sound of the stone strike resonated throughout the valley.
  • apedernalado
    Pronunciation: ah-peh-dehr-nah-lah-doh
    English Meaning: strike with a stone
    Spanish Sentence: Con una apedernalada, logró romper la cerradura.
    English Sentence: With a stone strike, he managed to break the lock.

Spanish Words That Start with “AP” & 5 Letters

Spanish words that start with ap-6

  • apedgar
    Pronunciation: ah-peh-dgahr
    English Meaning: to hang
    Spanish Sentence: Las cortinas apedgaban pesadamente sobre la ventana.
    English Sentence: The curtains hung heavily over the window.
  • apedrar
    Pronunciation: ah-peh-drahr
    English Meaning: to pelt with stones
    Spanish Sentence: La multitud enfurecida empezó a apedrar el edificio.
    English Sentence: The enraged crowd began to pelt the building with stones.
  • apedrea
    Pronunciation: ah-peh-dreh-ah
    English Meaning: pelting with stones
    Spanish Sentence: Los niños lanzaron piedras en un juego de apedrea.
    English Sentence: The children threw stones in a game of pelting.
  • apedreada
    Pronunciation: ah-peh-dreh-ah-dah
    English Meaning: pelting with stones
    Spanish Sentence: La apedreada alarma despertó a todos en el vecindario.
    English Sentence: The pelting alarm woke everyone in the neighborhood.
  • apedreadero
    Pronunciation: ah-peh-dreh-ah-deh-roh
    English Meaning: stoning place
    Spanish Sentence: La plaza solía ser el apedreadero de los castigos públicos.
    English Sentence: The square used to be the stoning place for public punishments.
  • apedreado
    Pronunciation: ah-peh-dreh-ah-doh
    English Meaning: pelting with stones
    Spanish Sentence: El apedreado vehículo quedó destrozado en la carretera.
    English Sentence: The vehicle, pelted with stones, was destroyed on the road.
  • apedreador
    Pronunciation: ah-peh-dreh-ah-dohr
    English Meaning: one who pelts with stones
    Spanish Sentence: El apedreador huyó cuando la policía llegó al lugar.
    English Sentence: The one who pelts with stones fled when the police arrived at the scene.
  • apedreadora
    Pronunciation: ah-peh-dreh-ah-doh-rah
    English Meaning: one who pelts with stones
    Spanish Sentence: La multitud enfurecida tenía varias apedreadoras entre sus filas.
    English Sentence: The enraged crowd had several people who pelted with stones among its ranks.
  • apedreamiento
    Pronunciation: ah-peh-dreh-ah-mee-ehn-toh
    English Meaning: act of pelting with stones
    Spanish Sentence: El apedreamiento del edificio causó daños irreparables.
    English Sentence: The act of pelting the building with stones caused irreparable damage.
  • apedrear
    Pronunciation: ah-peh-dreh-ahr
    English Meaning: to pelt with stones
    Spanish Sentence: La turba enojada comenzó a apedrear el coche.
    English Sentence: The angry mob started to pelt the car with stones.
  • apelde
    Pronunciation: ah-pehl-deh
    English Meaning: to name, to call
    Spanish Sentence: No me apeldeas así, prefiero mi nombre completo.
    English Sentence: Don’t call me that, I prefer my full name.
  • apelgarar
    Pronunciation: ah-pehl-gah-rahr
    English Meaning: to damage, to ruin
    Spanish Sentence: La lluvia apelgaró los cultivos.
    English Sentence: The rain damaged the crops.
  • apelgararse
    Pronunciation: ah-pehl-gah-rahr-seh
    English Meaning: to become damaged, to deteriorate
    Spanish Sentence: La madera se apelgaró con el tiempo.
    English Sentence: The wood became damaged over time.
  • apeligrar
    Pronunciation: ah-peh-lee-grahr
    English Meaning: to endanger, to jeopardize
    Spanish Sentence: Saltarse el semáforo en rojo puede apeligrar tu vida.
    English Sentence: Running a red light can jeopardize your life.
  • apellar
    Pronunciation: ah-peh-yahr
    English Meaning: to appeal, to call upon
    Spanish Sentence: Decidió apellar al público para obtener apoyo.
    English Sentence: He decided to appeal to the public for support.
  • apellidador
    Pronunciation: ah-peh-yee-dah-dohr
    English Meaning: namer, one who gives surnames
    Spanish Sentence: El apellidador registró el apellido de la familia en el censo.
    English Sentence: The namer registered the family surname in the census.
  • apellidadora
    Pronunciation: ah-peh-yee-dah-doh-rah
    English Meaning: fem. form of “apellidador”
    Spanish Sentence: La apellidadora revisó los documentos para asignar apellidos.
    English Sentence: The namer reviewed the documents to assign surnames.
  • apellidamiento
    Pronunciation: ah-peh-yee-dah-mee-ehn-toh
    English Meaning: assigning of surnames
    Spanish Sentence: El apellidamiento de los recién nacidos se realiza en el registro civil.
    English Sentence: The assigning of surnames to newborns is done at the civil registry.
  • apellidante
    Pronunciation: ah-peh-yee-dahn-teh
    English Meaning: one who gives surnames
    Spanish Sentence: El apellidante anotó cuidadosamente los apellidos de los nuevos ciudadanos.
    English Sentence: The namer carefully noted the surnames of the new citizens.
  • apellidar
    Pronunciation: ah-peh-yee-dahr
    English Meaning: to surname, to give a surname to
    Spanish Sentence: El juez apellidó al niño adoptivo con el apellido de su nueva familia.
    English Sentence: The judge gave the adopted child the surname of his new family.
  • apellidero
    Pronunciation: ah-peh-yee-deh-roh
    English Meaning: surname
    Spanish Sentence: El apellidero de esta familia es García.
    English Sentence: The surname of this family is García.
  • apellido
    Pronunciation: ah-peh-yee-doh
    English Meaning: surname, last name
    Spanish Sentence: ¿Cuál es tu apellido materno?
    English Sentence: What is your mother’s surname?
  • apelmazada
    Pronunciation: ah-pehl-mah-sah-dah
    English Meaning: mashed, compressed
    Spanish Sentence: La masa quedó apelmazada después de amasarla varias veces.
    English Sentence: The dough became mashed after kneading it several times.
  • apelmazadamente
    Pronunciation: ah-pehl-mah-sah-dah-men-teh
    English Meaning: in a mashed or compressed manner
    Spanish Sentence: La nieve cayó apelmazadamente sobre el suelo.
    English Sentence: The snow fell in a mashed manner onto the ground.
  • apelmazado
    Pronunciation: ah-pehl-mah-sah-doh
    English Meaning: mashed, compressed
    Spanish Sentence: El barro apelmazado dificultaba el paso de los vehículos.
    English Sentence: The compressed mud made it difficult for vehicles to pass.
  • apelmazar
    Pronunciation: ah-pehl-mah-sahr
    English Meaning: to mash, to compress
    Spanish Sentence: Tuve que apelmazar la ropa en la maleta para que cupiera todo.
    English Sentence: I had to mash the clothes in the suitcase to fit everything.
  • apelotonar
    Pronunciation: ah-peh-loh-toh-nahr
    English Meaning: to crowd, to bunch up
    Spanish Sentence: Los fans se apelotonaron frente al escenario para ver al cantante.
    English Sentence: The fans crowded in front of the stage to see the singer.
  • apena
    Pronunciation: ah-peh-nah
    English Meaning: sorrow, grief
    Spanish Sentence: La pérdida del perro causó mucha pena en la familia.
    English Sentence: The loss of the dog caused a lot of grief in the family.
  • apenamiento
    Pronunciation: ah-peh-nah-mee-ehn-toh
    English Meaning: sorrow, affliction
    Spanish Sentence: El apenamiento por la enfermedad de su amigo fue evidente en su rostro.
    English Sentence: The affliction over his friend’s illness was evident on his face.
  • apenar
    Pronunciation: ah-peh-nahr
    English Meaning: to grieve, to sadden
    Spanish Sentence: Nos apena ver tanta injusticia en el mundo.
    English Sentence: It saddens us to see so much injustice in the world.
  • apenas
    Pronunciation: ah-peh-nahs
    English Meaning: barely, hardly
    Spanish Sentence: Apenas había luz en la habitación cuando llegué.
    English Sentence: There was barely any light in the room when I arrived.
  • apencar
    Pronunciation: ah-pehn-kahr
    English Meaning: to bend down, to bow
    Spanish Sentence: Tuvo que apencar para pasar por la puerta baja.
    English Sentence: He had to bend down to pass through the low door.
  • apendencia
    Pronunciation: ah-pehn-dehn-syah
    English Meaning: appendage, attachment
    Spanish Sentence: La apendencia del documento estaba mal redactada.
    English Sentence: The attachment to the document was poorly written.
  • apendicitis
    Pronunciation: ah-pehn-dee-see-tees
    English Meaning: appendicitis
    Spanish Sentence: Mi primo tuvo que ser operado de apendicitis de urgencia.
    English Sentence: My cousin had to undergo emergency surgery for appendicitis.
  • apendicular
    Pronunciation: ah-pehn-dee-koo-lahr
    English Meaning: appendicular
    Spanish Sentence: El apéndice es una parte del sistema apendicular del cuerpo humano.
    English Sentence: The appendix is part of the appendicular system in the human body.
  • apensionar
    Pronunciation: ah-pehn-syoh-nahr
    English Meaning: to pension off, to retire
    Spanish Sentence: Después de muchos años de trabajo, decidió apensionarse.
    English Sentence: After many years of work, he decided to retire.
  • apeonar
    Pronunciation: ah-peh-oh-nahr
    English Meaning: to prop up, to support
    Spanish Sentence: Apeonaron la pared para evitar su derrumbe.
    English Sentence: They propped up the wall to prevent it from collapsing.
  • apepsia
    Pronunciation: ah-peh-pee-syah
    English Meaning: absence of digestion
    Spanish Sentence: La afección causaba apepsia crónica en el paciente.
    English Sentence: The condition caused chronic absence of digestion in the patient.
  • aperada
    Pronunciation: ah-peh-rah-dah
    English Meaning: equipped, prepared
    Spanish Sentence: La tripulación estaba aperada para la tormenta que se avecinaba.
    English Sentence: The crew was prepared for the upcoming storm.
  • aperado
    Pronunciation: ah-peh-rah-doh
    English Meaning: equipped, prepared
    Spanish Sentence: Con todo el equipo aperado, partieron hacia la montaña.
    English Sentence: With all the equipment prepared, they set off for the mountain.
  • aperador
    Pronunciation: ah-peh-rah-dohr
    English Meaning: equipper, preparer
    Spanish Sentence: El aperador del barco aseguró que no faltara nada para el viaje.
    English Sentence: The equipper of the ship made sure that nothing was missing for the journey.
  • aperar
    Pronunciation: ah-peh-rahr
    English Meaning: to equip, to prepare
    Spanish Sentence: Aperaron el laboratorio con todo lo necesario para la investigación.
    English Sentence: They equipped the laboratory with everything necessary for the research.
  • apercebimiento
    Pronunciation: ah-pehr-seh-bee-mee-ehn-toh
    English Meaning: awareness, perception
    Spanish Sentence: Con el apercebimiento de los peligros, tomaron medidas de seguridad.
    English Sentence: With awareness of the dangers, they took safety measures.
  • apercebir
    Pronunciation: ah-pehr-seh-beer
    English Meaning: to perceive, to become aware of
    Spanish Sentence: Tras apercebir el peligro, decidieron regresar al campamento.
    English Sentence: After perceiving the danger, they decided to return to the camp.
  • apercibo
    Pronunciation: ah-pehr-see-boh
    English Meaning: I perceive
    Spanish Sentence: Me apercibo de tu presencia en la habitación.
    English Sentence: I perceive your presence in the room.
  • apercollar
    Pronunciation: ah-pehr-koh-yahr
    English Meaning: to collar
    Spanish Sentence: El perro se dejó apercollar sin problemas.
    English Sentence: The dog allowed itself to be collared without any issues.
  • apergaminada
    Pronunciation: ah-pehr-gah-mee-nah-dah
    English Meaning: parchment-like
    Spanish Sentence: La carta estaba escrita en papel apergaminado.
    English Sentence: The letter was written on parchment-like paper.
  • apergaminado
    Pronunciation: ah-pehr-gah-mee-nah-doh
    English Meaning: parchment-like
    Spanish Sentence: El diploma tenía un aspecto apergaminado.
    English Sentence: The diploma had a parchment-like appearance.
  • apergaminar
    Pronunciation: ah-pehr-gah-mee-nahr
    English Meaning: to make parchment-like
    Spanish Sentence: Prefiero apergaminar el papel para un efecto más antiguo.
    English Sentence: I prefer to make the paper parchment-like for a more antique effect.
  • apergaminarse
    Pronunciation: ah-pehr-gah-mee-nahr-seh
    English Meaning: to become parchment-like
    Spanish Sentence: Con el tiempo, el papel se apergaminó debido a la humedad.
    English Sentence: Over time, the paper became parchment-like due to humidity.
  • aperitiva
    Pronunciation: ah-peh-ree-tee-vah
    English Meaning: aperitif (feminine)
    Spanish Sentence: Nos sirvieron una bebida aperitiva antes de la cena.
    English Sentence: We were served an aperitif before dinner.
  • aperitivo
    Pronunciation: ah-peh-ree-tee-voh
    English Meaning: aperitif (masculine)
    Spanish Sentence: Tomamos unos aperitivos en el bar antes de la comida.
    English Sentence: We had some appetizers at the bar before lunch.
  • aperlado
    Pronunciation: ah-pehr-lah-doh
    English Meaning: pearl-like
    Spanish Sentence: El esmalte de uñas tiene un acabado aperlado.
    English Sentence: The nail polish has a pearl-like finish.
  • apernador
    Pronunciation: ah-pehr-nah-dohr
    English Meaning: one who fastens with pins
    Spanish Sentence: El apernador aseguró la tela al marco con precisión.
    English Sentence: The one who fastens with pins secured the fabric to the frame with precision.
  • apernadora
    Pronunciation: ah-pehr-nah-doh-rah
    English Meaning: one who fastens with pins (feminine)
    Spanish Sentence: La apernadora terminó de fijar las cortinas al riel.
    English Sentence: The female one who fastens with pins finished securing the curtains to the rail.
  • apernar
    Pronunciation: ah-pehr-nahr
    English Meaning: to fasten with pins
    Spanish Sentence: Aperna bien la tela antes de coserla.
    English Sentence: Fasten the fabric securely with pins before sewing it.
  • apero
    Pronunciation: ah-peh-roh
    English Meaning: gear, equipment
    Spanish Sentence: Necesito revisar el apero antes de comenzar el trabajo.
    English Sentence: I need to check the gear before starting the job.
  • aperreada
    Pronunciation: ah-pehr-reh-ah-dah
    English Meaning: rushed, hasty (feminine)
    Spanish Sentence: La reunión fue una experiencia muy aperreada.
    English Sentence: The meeting was a very rushed experience.
  • aperreado
    Pronunciation: ah-pehr-reh-ah-doh
    English Meaning: rushed, hasty (masculine)
    Spanish Sentence: Estaba aperreado por llegar a tiempo al aeropuerto.
    English Sentence: He was rushed to get to the airport on time.
  • aperreador
    Pronunciation: ah-pehr-reh-ah-dohr
    English Meaning: one who rushes, one who is rushed
    Spanish Sentence: Mi jefe es un aperreador que siempre está apurando a todos.
    English Sentence: My boss is a rusher who is always hurrying everyone.
  • aperreadora
    Pronunciation: ah-pehr-reh-ah-doh-rah
    English Meaning: one who rushes, one who is rushed (feminine)
    Spanish Sentence: La aperreadora nos presionaba constantemente para terminar el proyecto.
    English Sentence: The female rusher constantly pressured us to finish the project.
  • aperrear
    Pronunciation: ah-pehr-reh-ahr
    English Meaning: to rush, to hurry
    Spanish Sentence: No me gusta aperrear a los demás, prefiero tomar mi tiempo.
    English Sentence: I don’t like to rush others; I prefer to take my time.
  • aperréo
    Pronunciation: ah-pehr-reh-oh
    English Meaning: rushing, hurrying
    Spanish Sentence: El aperréo constante afectó la calidad del trabajo.
    English Sentence: The constant rushing affected the quality of the work.
  • apersogar
    Pronunciation: ah-pehr-soh-gahr
    English Meaning: to subjugate, to dominate
    Spanish Sentence: La dictadura intentaba apersogar a la población con represión.
    English Sentence: The dictatorship sought to subjugate the population through repression.
  • apersonada
    Pronunciation: ah-pehr-soh-nah-dah
    English Meaning: personified, characterized (feminine)
    Spanish Sentence: La película está apersonada por el amor y la tragedia.
    English Sentence: The movie is personified by love and tragedy.
  • apersonado
    Pronunciation: ah-pehr-soh-nah-doh
    English Meaning: personified, characterized (masculine)
    Spanish Sentence: El discurso estuvo apersonado por la sinceridad y la emoción.
    English Sentence: The speech was characterized by sincerity and emotion.
  • apersonamiento
    Pronunciation: ah-pehr-soh-nah-mee-ehn-toh
    English Meaning: personification, characterization
    Spanish Sentence: El apersonamiento de los personajes es clave en la novela.
    English Sentence: The personification of the characters is key in the novel.
  • apersonar
    Pronunciation: ah-pehr-soh-nahr
    English Meaning: to personify, to characterize
    Spanish Sentence: El actor logra apersonar al personaje de manera excepcional.
    English Sentence: The actor manages to personify the character exceptionally well.
  • apersonarse
    Pronunciation: ah-pehr-soh-nahr-seh
    English Meaning: to appear, to show up
    Spanish Sentence: Los vecinos se apersonaron en la reunión para discutir el problema.
    English Sentence: The neighbors showed up at the meeting to discuss the issue.
  • apertar
    Pronunciation: ah-pehr-tahr
    English Meaning: to tighten, to squeeze
    Spanish Sentence: Debes apertar bien el tornillo para que no se afloje.
    English Sentence: You must tighten the screw well so it doesn’t come loose.
  • aperto
    Pronunciation: ah-pehr-toh
    English Meaning: tight, squeezed
    Spanish Sentence: El nudo estaba aperto y no se podía desatar fácilmente.
    English Sentence: The knot was tight and couldn’t be untied easily.
  • apertura
    Pronunciation: ah-pehr-too-rah
    English Meaning: opening, aperture
    Spanish Sentence: La apertura del nuevo centro comercial será mañana.
    English Sentence: The opening of the new shopping center will be tomorrow.
  • apesadumbrar
    Pronunciation: ah-peh-sah-doom-brahr
    English Meaning: to grieve, to sadden
    Spanish Sentence: La noticia de su partida nos apesadumbró a todos.
    English Sentence: The news of his departure saddened all of us.
  • apesaradamente
    Pronunciation: ah-peh-sah-rah-dah-mehn-teh
    English Meaning: sorrowfully
    Spanish Sentence: Lo miró apesaradamente antes de despedirse para siempre.
    English Sentence: She looked at him sorrowfully before saying goodbye forever.
  • apesarar
    Pronunciation: ah-peh-sah-rahr
    English Meaning: to weigh down, to sadden
    Spanish Sentence: Su ausencia nos apesaraba constantemente.
    English Sentence: His absence weighed us down constantly.
  • apesgamiento
    Pronunciation: ah-peh-sgah-mee-ehn-toh
    English Meaning: heaviness, sadness
    Spanish Sentence: El apesgamiento en la atmósfera era palpable después de la noticia.
    English Sentence: The heaviness in the atmosphere was palpable after the news.
  • apesgar
    Pronunciation: ah-pehs-gahr
    English Meaning: to weigh down, to sadden
    Spanish Sentence: La enfermedad de su padre lo apesgaba día y noche.
    English Sentence: His father’s illness weighed him down day and night.
  • apestante
    Pronunciation: ah-pehs-tahn-teh
    English Meaning: stinking, foul-smelling
    Spanish Sentence: El vertedero era una zona apestante que nadie quería visitar.
    English Sentence: The landfill was a foul-smelling area that nobody wanted to visit.
  • apestar
    Pronunciation: ah-pehs-tahr
    English Meaning: to stink, to reek
    Spanish Sentence: El olor a podrido apesta en este lugar.
    English Sentence: The smell of rotting stinks in this place.

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