Spanish is the fourth most spoken language in the world, and obviously, you will be on the list very soon! Besides, it is one of the growing languages that are very popular in the USA, Mexico, and most of Central and South America. Hence, it is a valuable skill to have!
One important aspect of Spanish is the specific set of words that end in “ción.” These words, typically nouns, are derived from verbs and play a crucial role in conveying meaning and shaping sentences.
Then let’s take a drive to grab all the essential Spanish words that ends with “cion”! Here, we are going to explore its characteristics, common examples, and rules of gender assignment.
Hope, these key aspects of Spanish grammar and vocabulary can boost up your proficiency and confidence.
Gender Assignment in Spanish Nouns
Having a comprehensive view of the Spanish nouns will surely benefit any language learner! In Spanish, all nouns are classified as either masculine or feminine, and this gender designation affects the way the noun is used in a sentence, particularly with articles and adjectives.
There are some common arbitrary endings for nouns to predict the gender of the word. Here, we will delve into the distinctions between masculine and feminine nouns.
Masculine Arbitrary
Some grammatical hacks help to predict the noun whether the word is masculine or not. Here is a full list for making your learning easier than ever!
Rule-1: Words that end in -o, are generally masculine. For example-
- libro (book)
- Zapato (shoe)
- perro (dog)
- baño (bathroom)
- Carro (car)
Rule-2: Words ending in “-e” or a consonant are typically masculine:
- Coche (car)
- Puente (bridge)
- Animal (animal)
- Televisor (television)
- Interés (interest)
Rule-3: Words referring to males, such as professions or titles, are usually masculine:
- Médico (doctor)
- Profesor (professor)
- Padre (father)
- Abogado (lawyer)
- Presidente (president)
Rule-4: Days of the week and months are masculine:
- Lunes (Monday)
- Enero (January)
- Martes (Tuesday)
- Abril (April)
- Domingo (Sunday)
Rule-5: Nouns ending in “-sor,” “-ma,” or “-pa” are usually masculine:
- Profesor (professor)
- Tema (theme)
- Mapa (map)
- Problema (problem)
- Copa (cup)
Rule-6: Most nouns referring to trees and rivers are masculine:
- Árbol (tree)
- Río (river)
- Bosque (forest)
- Pino (pine)
- Tronco (trunk)
Rule-7: Nouns of Greek origin ending in “-ma” are usually masculine:
- Teorema (theorem)
- Dilema (dilemma)
- Programa (program)
- Esquema (scheme)
- Síntoma (symptom)
Feminine Arbitrary
As with the masculine, there are a few rules for feminine nouns to detect them easily. Let’s get them!
Rule-1: Words ending in “-a” are often feminine:
- Casa (house)
- Mesa (table)
- Puerta (door)
- Gata (cat)
- Silla (chair)
Rule-2: Words referring to females, such as professions or titles, are usually feminine:
- Profesora (female professor)
- Doctora (female doctor)
- Actriz (actress)
- Reina (queen)
- Presidenta (female president)
Rule-3: Nouns referring to female family members are usually feminine:
- Madre (mother)
- Hermana (sister)
- Abuela (grandmother)
- Tía (aunt)
- Sobrina (niece)
Rule-4: Most nouns referring to female animals are feminine:
- Vaca (cow)
- Gallina (hen)
- Oveja (sheep)
- Gata (cat)
- Yegua (mare)
Rule-5: Words ending in “-ión,” “-dad,” “-tad,” “-tud,” “-umbre,” “-ie,” and “-sis” are usually feminine:
- Información (information)
- Libertad (freedom)
- Felicidad (happiness)
- Aptitud (aptitude)
- Costumbre (custom)
Rule-6: Nouns of Greek origin ending in “-a” are usually feminine:
- Idea (idea)
- Palabra (word)
- Tragedia (tragedy)
- Metamorfosis (metamorphosis)
- Acrópolis (acropolis)
Rule-7: Nouns that refer to female objects or concepts are usually feminine:
- Luna (moon)
- Flor (flower)
- Mar (sea)
- Tierra (earth)
- Noche (night)
Exception Rule of Spanish Nouns
There are some exceptions to both feminine and masculine nouns that can confuse you. No worries, we are here to help you navigate these exceptions and understand them better.
- Changing gender based on meaning: El día (the day) vs. la tarde (the afternoon): Although “día” ends in “-a,” it is masculine, while “tarde” is feminine.
- Gender-neutral endings: El arte (the art) vs. la parte (the part): Both end in “-e,” but “arte” is masculine, and “parte” is feminine.
- Diminutives and augmentatives: El problema (the problem) vs. la problemita (the little problem): The diminutive “-ita” changes the gender of “problema” from masculine to feminine.
- Geographical names: El Amazonas (the Amazon River) vs. la Amazonía (the Amazon region): While “Amazonas” is masculine, “Amazonía” is feminine.
- Compound nouns: El sacacorchos (the corkscrew): This compound noun consists of “saca” (masculine) and “corchos” (masculine), but the whole word is masculine.
- Certain abstract nouns: El agua (the water): Although ending in “-a,” “agua” is masculine. El aroma (the aroma): Similarly, “aroma” is masculine despite ending in “-a.”
- Foreign loanwords: El jazz (jazz): Even though “jazz” ends in “-z,” it is treated as masculine in Spanish. El rock (rock): Similarly, “rock” is masculine in Spanish.
That’s all about the gender assignment in the Spanish language. I hope this information has provided you with a better understanding of this linguistic feature.
Are Spanish Words Ending in ‘ción’ or ‘sión’ Feminine?
A unique aspect of Spanish nouns is their gender assignment. Unlike English, where nouns are gender-neutral, Spanish nouns are either masculine or feminine. But how do we determine the gender of words ending in “ción”?
Interestingly, most nouns ending in “ción” along with “sión” are feminine. However, there are exceptions, such as “el camión” (the truck), which is masculine. Understanding these exceptions adds depth to our linguistic journey.
The reason for this grammatical convention can be traced back to the linguistic origin of the “-ción” ending. It derives from the Latin “-tion” suffix, which was used to form feminine nouns. When Spanish evolved from Latin, this feminine noun ending was carried over and retained its gender association.
As a result, Spanish words like “acción” (action), “función” (function), “educación” (education), and “solución” (solution) are all considered feminine. The articles “la” and “una” are used with these nouns, and any adjectives that modify them must also take the feminine form.
There are, however, a small number of exceptions to this rule. Some Spanish words ending in “-ción” are masculine, such as “el camión” (the truck) or “el ration” (the ration). These exceptions tend to be less common, and Spanish learners need to be aware of them.
Overall, the general guideline is that Spanish words ending in “-ción” are feminine. Remembering this pattern can be very helpful for students as they navigate the gender associations of Spanish nouns.
Conjugation Patterns for Verbs Ending in “ción”
In the Spanish language, verbs that end in the suffix “-ción” are typically nouns derived from their verb counterparts. These noun forms play a vital role in expressing abstract concepts and describing various actions and processes.
When it comes to the conjugation of verbs ending in “-ción,” there are both regular and irregular patterns to consider:
Regular Conjugation
For verbs that follow the regular conjugation pattern, the “-ción” ending is simply added to the infinitive form of the verb to create the corresponding noun. For example:
Verb: Actuar (to act)
Noun: Actuación (action, performance)
Verb: Construir (to construct)
Noun: Construcción (construction)
Verb: Comunicar (to communicate)
Noun: Comunicación (communication)
Irregular Conjugation
However, there are some verbs that undergo irregular transformations when forming their “-ción” noun counterparts. These irregularities can involve changes to the stem or the addition of specific letters or syllables. For instance:
Verb: Traducir (to translate)
Noun: Traducción (translation)
Verb: Elegir (to choose)
Noun: Elección (election, choice)
Verb: Producir (to produce)
Noun: Producción (production)
Understanding the regular and irregular patterns for verb-to-noun conjugation involving the “-ción” suffix is essential for effectively using these words in Spanish. By mastering these conjugation rules, learners can confidently incorporate these important nouns into their Spanish vocabulary and sentence structures.
Spanish Words Ending in “ción”
There is the goldmine for you! In this section, you will get all the Spanish words that end with “cion”. You can explore all the words alphabetically, starting from A and going all the way to Z. Let’s embark on this enriching linguistic journey together!
Spanish Words Ending in “ción” & Start with A
Let’s begin the journey! Here, you will get all the most used and common Spanish Palabras. From abanación to aviación, we have covered a wide array of vocabulary. Explore and enjoy!
- abanación
Pronunciation: ah-bah-nah-see-ohn
English Meaning: banishment
Spanish Sentence: La abanación de los criminales fue un acto de justicia.
English Sentence: The banishment of the criminals was an act of justice. - abdicación
Pronunciation: ahb-dee-kah-see-ohn
English Meaning: abdication
Spanish Sentence: La abdicación del rey sorprendió a la nación.
English Sentence: The king’s abdication surprised the nation. - abducción
Pronunciation: ahb-dook-see-ohn
English Meaning: abduction
Spanish Sentence: La abducción del niño fue un crimen atroz.
English Sentence: The abduction of the child was a heinous crime. - aberración
Pronunciation: ah-beh-rah-see-ohn
English Meaning: aberration
Spanish Sentence: La aberración de la naturaleza dejó a todos perplejos.
English Sentence: The aberration of nature left everyone perplexed. - ablación
Pronunciation: ah-blah-see-ohn
English Meaning: ablation
Spanish Sentence: La ablación del tumor se realizó con éxito.
English Sentence: The tumor ablation was performed successfully. - ablución
Pronunciation: ah-bloo-see-ohn
English Meaning: ablution
Spanish Sentence: Antes de entrar al templo, realizaban una ablución.
English Sentence: Before entering the temple, they performed an ablution. - abnegación
Pronunciation: ahb-neh-gah-see-ohn
English Meaning: self-denial
Spanish Sentence: Su abnegación por el bienestar de otros era admirable.
English Sentence: Her self-denial for the welfare of others was admirable. - abolición
Pronunciation: ah-boh-lee-see-ohn
English Meaning: abolition
Spanish Sentence: La abolición de la esclavitud fue un hito en la historia.
English Sentence: The abolition of slavery was a milestone in history. - abominación
Pronunciation: ah-boh-mee-nah-see-ohn
English Meaning: abomination
Spanish Sentence: La crueldad del acto era una abominación para todos.
English Sentence: The cruelty of the act was an abomination to everyone. - abrenunciación
Pronunciation: ah-breh-noon-thyah-see-ohn
English Meaning: renunciation
Spanish Sentence: Su abrenunciación de la herencia sorprendió a su familia.
English Sentence: His renunciation of the inheritance surprised his family. - abreviación
Pronunciation: ah-breh-byah-see-ohn
English Meaning: abbreviation
Spanish Sentence: Ave. es la abreviación de “Avenida”.
English Sentence: Ave. is the abbreviation of “Avenida”. - abrogación
Pronunciation: ah-broh-gah-see-ohn
English Meaning: abrogation
Spanish Sentence: La abrogación de esa ley fue una victoria para los derechos humanos.
English Sentence: The abrogation of that law was a victory for human rights. - absolución
Pronunciation: ahb-soh-loo-see-ohn
English Meaning: absolution
Spanish Sentence: La absolución del acusado dejó a muchos perplejos.
English Sentence: The absolution of the accused left many perplexed. - absolución
Pronunciation: ahb-soh-loo-see-ohn
English Meaning: absolution
Spanish Sentence: El sacerdote otorgó absolución a los pecadores arrepentidos.
English Sentence: The priest granted absolution to the repentant sinners. - absorción
Pronunciation: ahb-sohr-see-ohn
English Meaning: absorption
Spanish Sentence: La absorción del agua por la tierra es un proceso natural.
English Sentence: The absorption of water by the soil is a natural process. - absorción
Pronunciation: ahb-sohr-see-ohn
English Meaning: absorption
Spanish Sentence: La absorción de conocimientos es fundamental para el aprendizaje.
English Sentence: The absorption of knowledge is fundamental for learning. - abstención
Pronunciation: ahb-sten-see-ohn
English Meaning: abstention
Spanish Sentence: Su abstención en la votación sorprendió a muchos.
English Sentence: His abstention in the vote surprised many. - abstracción
Pronunciation: ahb-strak-see-ohn
English Meaning: abstraction
Spanish Sentence: La abstracción del concepto es esencial para entenderlo mejor.
English Sentence: The abstraction of the concept is essential for better understanding. - abstracción
Pronunciation: ahb-strak-see-ohn
English Meaning: abstraction
Spanish Sentence: La abstracción artística puede tener múltiples interpretaciones.
English Sentence: Artistic abstraction can have multiple interpretations. - acción
Pronunciation: ahk-see-ohn
English Meaning: action
Spanish Sentence: La acción es más elocuente que las palabras.
English Sentence: Action speaks louder than words. - acción
Pronunciation: ahk-see-ohn
English Meaning: action
Spanish Sentence: Tomaron acción inmediata para resolver el problema.
English Sentence: They took immediate action to solve the problem. - aceleración
Pronunciation: ah-seh-leh-rah-see-ohn
English Meaning: acceleration
Spanish Sentence: La aceleración del vehículo fue impresionante.
English Sentence: The acceleration of the vehicle was impressive. - acentuación
Pronunciation: ah-sehn-too-ah-see-ohn
English Meaning: accentuation
Spanish Sentence: La acentuación incorrecta de una palabra puede cambiar su significado.
English Sentence: Incorrect accentuation of a word can change its meaning. - acepción
Pronunciation: ah-thehp-see-ohn
English Meaning: sense (of a word)
Spanish Sentence: Esa palabra tiene varias acepciones en el diccionario.
English Sentence: That word has several senses in the dictionary. - acepción
Pronunciation: ah-thehp-see-ohn
English Meaning: sense (of a word)
Spanish Sentence: La acepción de “banco” puede referirse a una institución financiera o a un asiento.
English Sentence: The sense of “banco” can refer to a financial institution or a seat. - aceptación
Pronunciation: ah-thehp-tah-see-ohn
English Meaning: acceptance
Spanish Sentence: La aceptación de la oferta fue un paso importante para el proyecto.
English Sentence: Acceptance of the offer was an important step for the project. - acidificación
Pronunciation: ah-thee-dee-fee-kah-see-ohn
English Meaning: acidification
Spanish Sentence: La acidificación de los océanos es una preocupación ambiental.
English Sentence: Ocean acidification is an environmental concern. - -ación
Pronunciation: ah-see-ohn
English Meaning: -ation (suffix)
Spanish Sentence: Muchas palabras en español terminan en el sufijo “-ación”.
English Sentence: Many words in Spanish end in the suffix “-ation”. - aclamación
Pronunciation: ah-klah-mah-see-ohn
English Meaning: acclaim
Spanish Sentence: La aclamación del público fue ensordecedora.
English Sentence: The acclaim from the audience was deafening. - aclaración
Pronunciation: ah-klah-rah-see-ohn
English Meaning: clarification
Spanish Sentence: Necesitamos una aclaración sobre los detalles del contrato.
English Sentence: We need clarification on the details of the contract. - aclimatación
Pronunciation: ah-klee-mah-tah-see-ohn
English Meaning: acclimatization
Spanish Sentence: La aclimatación a la altitud llevó varios días.
English Sentence: Acclimatization to the altitude took several days. - acotación
Pronunciation: ah-koh-tah-see-ohn
English Meaning: annotation
Spanish Sentence: Hizo una acotación en el margen de su libro.
English Sentence: He made an annotation in the margin of his book. - acreción
Pronunciation: ah-kreh-see-ohn
English Meaning: accretion
Spanish Sentence: La acreción de partículas formó una nueva estrella.
English Sentence: The accretion of particles formed a new star. - acreditación
Pronunciation: ah-kree-dee-tah-see-ohn
English Meaning: accreditation
Spanish Sentence: La acreditación del programa asegura su calidad.
English Sentence: Accreditation of the program ensures its quality. - activación
Pronunciation: ahk-tee-vah-see-ohn
English Meaning: activation
Spanish Sentence: La activación del sistema de seguridad fue accidental.
English Sentence: The activation of the security system was accidental. - actuación
Pronunciation: ahk-too-ah-see-ohn
English Meaning: performance
Spanish Sentence: Su actuación en la obra de teatro fue brillante.
English Sentence: His performance in the play was brilliant. - actuación
Pronunciation: ahk-too-ah-see-ohn
English Meaning: action (act)
Spanish Sentence: La actuación de la policía fue rápida y eficaz.
English Sentence: The police action was swift and effective. - actualización
Pronunciation: ahk-too-ah-lee-sah-see-ohn
English Meaning: update
Spanish Sentence: La actualización del software mejoró su funcionamiento.
English Sentence: The update of the software improved its performance. - acuñación
Pronunciation: ah-koo-nyah-see-ohn
English Meaning: coining
Spanish Sentence: La acuñación de nuevas palabras es común en el lenguaje.
English Sentence: The coining of new words is common in language. - aculturación
Pronunciation: ah-kool-too-rah-see-ohn
English Meaning: acculturation
Spanish Sentence: La aculturación puede ser un proceso complejo.
English Sentence: Acculturation can be a complex process. - acumulación
Pronunciation: ah-koo-moo-lah-see-ohn
English Meaning: accumulation
Spanish Sentence: La acumulación de riqueza no siempre conduce a la felicidad.
English Sentence: The accumulation of wealth does not always lead to happiness. - acusación
Pronunciation: ah-koo-sah-see-ohn
English Meaning: accusation
Spanish Sentence: La acusación de fraude causó un gran revuelo.
English Sentence: The accusation of fraud caused a great stir. - adaptación
Pronunciation: ah-dahp-tah-see-ohn
English Meaning: adaptation
Spanish Sentence: La adaptación de la novela al cine fue todo un éxito.
English Sentence: The adaptation of the novel to film was a great success. - adicción
Pronunciation: ah-dee-thyon
English Meaning: addiction
Spanish Sentence: La adicción al juego arruinó su vida.
English Sentence: Gambling addiction ruined his life. - adición
Pronunciation: ah-dee-thyon
English Meaning: addition
Spanish Sentence: La adición de nuevos elementos mejoró el diseño.
English Sentence: The addition of new elements improved the design. - adición
Pronunciation: ah-dee-thyon
English Meaning: addition
Spanish Sentence: La adición de agua hizo que la masa quedara más suave.
English Sentence: The addition of water made the dough smoother. - adivinación
Pronunciation: ah-dee-vee-nah-see-ohn
English Meaning: divination
Spanish Sentence: La adivinación del futuro es un tema de debate entre los estudiosos.
English Sentence: Divination of the future is a topic of debate among scholars. - administración
Pronunciation: ahd-meen-ees-trah-see-ohn
English Meaning: administration
Spanish Sentence: La administración del país enfrenta varios desafíos.
English Sentence: The administration of the country faces several challenges. - admiración
Pronunciation: ah-dee-mee-rah-see-ohn
English Meaning: admiration
Spanish Sentence: La admiración por su talento era evidente en la sala.
English Sentence: Admiration for his talent was evident in the room. - admonición
Pronunciation: ah-dmo-nee-SYOHN
English Meaning: admonition
Spanish Sentence: La admonición del maestro fue clara y directa.
English Sentence: The teacher’s admonition was clear and direct. - adopción
Pronunciation: ah-dohp-SYOHN
English Meaning: adoption
Spanish Sentence: La adopción de la ley fue celebrada por muchos.
English Sentence: The adoption of the law was celebrated by many. - adoración
Pronunciation: ah-doh-rah-SYOHN
English Meaning: worship
Spanish Sentence: La adoración en la iglesia fue emotiva.
English Sentence: The worship in the church was emotional. - adquisición
Pronunciation: ah-dee-kee-see-OHN
English Meaning: acquisition
Spanish Sentence: La adquisición de nuevas habilidades es crucial.
English Sentence: The acquisition of new skills is crucial. - aducción
Pronunciation: ah-dook-SYOHN
English Meaning: adduction
Spanish Sentence: La aducción del brazo es un movimiento hacia el cuerpo.
English Sentence: Adduction of the arm is a movement towards the body. - admonición
Pronunciation: ah-dmo-nee-THYOHN
English Meaning: admonition
Spanish Sentence: La admonición del maestro hizo reflexionar a los estudiantes.
English Sentence: The teacher’s admonition made the students reflect. - adopción
Pronunciation: ah-dohp-SYOHN
English Meaning: adoption
Spanish Sentence: La adopción de la ley fue bien recibida por la comunidad.
English Sentence: The adoption of the law was well received by the community. - adoración
Pronunciation: ah-doh-rah-SYOHN
English Meaning: adoration
Spanish Sentence: La adoración en la iglesia fue muy emotiva.
English Sentence: The adoration in the church was very emotional. - adquisición
Pronunciation: ah-dkee-see-SYOHN
English Meaning: acquisition
Spanish Sentence: La adquisición de nuevas habilidades es importante.
English Sentence: The acquisition of new skills is important. - aducción
Pronunciation: ah-dook-SYOHN
English Meaning: aduction
Spanish Sentence: La aducción del brazo es necesaria para ciertos movimientos.
English Sentence: The aduction of the arm is necessary for certain movements. - adulteración
Pronunciation: ah-dool-teh-rah-SYOHN
English Meaning: adulteration
Spanish Sentence: La adulteración de alimentos es un delito grave.
English Sentence: Adulteration of food is a serious offense. - afección
Pronunciation: ah-fehk-SYOHN
English Meaning: affection
Spanish Sentence: Su afección por los animales es evidente.
English Sentence: His affection for animals is evident. - afección
Pronunciation: ah-fehk-SYOHN
English Meaning: ailment, condition
Spanish Sentence: Tiene una afección crónica que requiere tratamiento.
English Sentence: He has a chronic ailment that requires treatment. - afectación
Pronunciation: ah-fehk-tah-SYOHN
English Meaning: affectation
Spanish Sentence: Su afectación por la moda es obvia.
English Sentence: Her affectation for fashion is obvious. - afición
Pronunciation: ah-fee-SYOHN
English Meaning: hobby, liking
Spanish Sentence: La afición por la lectura es algo que comparten muchos.
English Sentence: The hobby of reading is something many people share. - afición
Pronunciation: ah-fee-SYOHN
English Meaning: affection, liking
Spanish Sentence: Su afición por el arte se nota en cada obra que crea.
English Sentence: His affection for art is evident in every piece he creates. - afiliación
Pronunciation: ah-fee-lee-ah-SYOHN
English Meaning: affiliation
Spanish Sentence: Su afiliación política es conocida por todos.
English Sentence: His political affiliation is known by everyone. - afirmación
Pronunciation: ah-feer-mah-SYOHN
English Meaning: affirmation
Spanish Sentence: Su afirmación de inocencia convenció al jurado.
English Sentence: His affirmation of innocence convinced the jury. - aflicción
Pronunciation: ah-fleek-SYOHN
English Meaning: affliction
Spanish Sentence: La aflicción por la pérdida de su padre era evidente.
English Sentence: The affliction over the loss of her father was evident. - aflicción
Pronunciation: ah-fleek-SYOHN
English Meaning: grief
Spanish Sentence: Su aflicción era palpable en cada palabra que decía.
English Sentence: Her grief was palpable in every word she spoke. - agitación
Pronunciation: ah-hee-tah-SYOHN
English Meaning: agitation
Spanish Sentence: La agitación política preocupaba a la población.
English Sentence: Political agitation worried the population. - agitación
Pronunciation: ah-hee-tah-SYOHN
English Meaning: stirring, shaking
Spanish Sentence: La agitación del agua indicaba la presencia del pez.
English Sentence: The stirring of the water indicated the presence of fish. - agregación
Pronunciation: ah-greh-gah-SYOHN
English Meaning: aggregation
Spanish Sentence: La agregación de datos es crucial para el análisis.
English Sentence: Aggregation of data is crucial for analysis. - agrupación
Pronunciation: ah-groo-pah-SYOHN
English Meaning: grouping
Spanish Sentence: La agrupación de personas por edades facilitaba la organización.
English Sentence: Grouping people by age made organization easier. - aireación
Pronunciation: ah-ee-reh-AH-syohn
English Meaning: aeration
Spanish Sentence: La aireación del suelo es importante para el crecimiento de las plantas.
English Sentence: Aeration of the soil is important for plant growth. - aleación
Pronunciation: ah-leh-AH-syohn
English Meaning: alloy
Spanish Sentence: La aleación de metales produce materiales más resistentes.
English Sentence: Alloying metals produces more resistant materials. - aleación
Pronunciation: ah-leh-AH-syohn
English Meaning: blending
Spanish Sentence: La aleación de culturas enriquece nuestra sociedad.
English Sentence: Blending of cultures enriches our society. - alegación
Pronunciation: ah-leh-gah-SYOHN
English Meaning: allegation
Spanish Sentence: La alegación de fraude debe ser investigada a fondo.
English Sentence: The allegation of fraud must be thoroughly investigated. - alfabetización
Pronunciation: ahl-fah-beh-tee-sah-SYOHN
English Meaning: literacy
Spanish Sentence: La alfabetización es un derecho fundamental.
English Sentence: Literacy is a fundamental right. - alienación
Pronunciation: ah-lee-eh-nah-SYOHN
English Meaning: alienation
Spanish Sentence: La alienación de los trabajadores era evidente en la fábrica.
English Sentence: The alienation of the workers was evident in the factory. - alimentación
Pronunciation: ah-lee-mehn-tah-SYOHN
English Meaning: feeding
Spanish Sentence: La alimentación adecuada es esencial para la salud.
English Sentence: Proper feeding is essential for health. - alineación
Pronunciation: ah-lee-neh-AH-syohn
English Meaning: alignment
Spanish Sentence: La alineación de los planetas causó un fenómeno astronómico.
English Sentence: The alignment of the planets caused an astronomical phenomenon. - aliteración
Pronunciation: ah-lee-teh-rah-SYOHN
English Meaning: alliteration
Spanish Sentence: El poema utiliza aliteración para enfatizar el ritmo.
English Sentence: The poem uses alliteration to emphasize rhythm. - alocución
Pronunciation: ah-loh-koo-SYOHN
English Meaning: address
Spanish Sentence: La alocución del presidente fue transmitida en vivo.
English Sentence: The president’s address was broadcasted live. - alteración
Pronunciation: ahl-teh-rah-SYOHN
English Meaning: alteration
Spanish Sentence: La alteración del vestido lo hizo lucir diferente.
English Sentence: The alteration of the dress made it look different. - altercación
Pronunciation: ahl-tehr-kah-SYOHN
English Meaning: altercation
Spanish Sentence: La altercación entre los vecinos terminó en la policía.
English Sentence: The altercation between the neighbors ended up with the police. - alternación
Pronunciation: ahl-tehr-nah-SYOHN
English Meaning: alternation
Spanish Sentence: La alternación de los turnos es necesaria en este trabajo.
English Sentence: Alternation of shifts is necessary in this job. - alucinación
Pronunciation: ah-loo-see-nah-SYOHN
English Meaning: hallucination
Spanish Sentence: La alucinación fue el efecto secundario de la droga.
English Sentence: The hallucination was a side effect of the drug. - ambición
Pronunciation: ahm-bee-see-OHN
English Meaning: ambition
Spanish Sentence: Su ambición por el poder lo llevó a tomar decisiones drásticas.
English Sentence: His ambition for power led him to make drastic decisions. - americanización
Pronunciation: ah-meh-ree-kah-nee-sah-SYOHN
English Meaning: americanization
Spanish Sentence: La americanización de la cultura es evidente en la globalización.
English Sentence: Americanization of culture is evident in globalization. - amonestación
Pronunciation: ah-moh-nehs-tah-SYOHN
English Meaning: admonishment
Spanish Sentence: La amonestación del profesor fue justa pero firme.
English Sentence: The teacher’s admonishment was fair but firm. - amonestación
Pronunciation: ah-moh-nehs-tah-SYOHN
English Meaning: warning
Spanish Sentence: Recibieron una amonestación por llegar tarde al trabajo.
English Sentence: They received a warning for being late to work. - ampliación
Pronunciation: ahm-plee-ah-SYOHN
English Meaning: enlargement
Spanish Sentence: La ampliación del aeropuerto facilitará el flujo de pasajeros.
English Sentence: The enlargement of the airport will facilitate passenger flow. - amplificación
Pronunciation: ahm-plee-fee-kah-SYOHN
English Meaning: amplification
Spanish Sentence: La amplificación del sonido mejoró la calidad del concierto.
English Sentence: The amplification of sound improved the quality of the concert. - amputación
Pronunciation: ahm-poo-tah-SYOHN
English Meaning: amputation
Spanish Sentence: La amputación de la pierna fue necesaria después del accidente.
English Sentence: The amputation of the leg was necessary after the accident. - angulación
Pronunciation: ahn-goo-lah-SYOHN
English Meaning: angulation
Spanish Sentence: La angulación de la cámara capturó una vista única.
English Sentence: The angulation of the camera captured a unique view. - anidación
Pronunciation: ah-nee-dah-SYOHN
English Meaning: nesting
Spanish Sentence: La anidación de aves en los árboles es un espectáculo hermoso.
English Sentence: Bird nesting in trees is a beautiful spectacle. - animación
Pronunciation: ah-nee-mah-SYOHN
English Meaning: animation
Spanish Sentence: La animación de la película era impresionante.
English Sentence: The animation in the movie was impressive. - animación
Pronunciation: ah-nee-mah-SYOHN
English Meaning: excitement
Spanish Sentence: La animación de los niños era evidente en la fiesta.
English Sentence: The excitement of the children was evident at the party. - aniquilación
Pronunciation: ah-nee-kee-lah-SYOHN
English Meaning: annihilation
Spanish Sentence: La aniquilación de la especie fue un desastre ambiental.
English Sentence: The annihilation of the species was an environmental disaster. - anotación
Pronunciation: ah-noh-tah-SYOHN
English Meaning: annotation
Spanish Sentence: La anotación en el libro de texto facilitaba el estudio.
English Sentence: The annotation in the textbook made studying easier. - anotación
Pronunciation: ah-noh-tah-SYOHN
English Meaning: annotation
Spanish Sentence: Hizo una anotación en el margen para recordar ese punto.
English Sentence: She made an annotation in the margin to remember that point. - antelación
Pronunciation: ahn-teh-lah-SYOHN
English Meaning: advance
Spanish Sentence: La antelación de la reservación garantizó una buena mesa.
English Sentence: The advance reservation ensured a good table. - anticipación
Pronunciation: ahn-tee-see-pah-SYOHN
English Meaning: anticipation
Spanish Sentence: La anticipación del evento hizo que los días pasaran lentamente.
English Sentence: The anticipation of the event made the days pass slowly. - anticoncepción
Pronunciation: ahn-tee-kohn-sehps-yohn
English Meaning: Contraception
Spanish Sentence: La anticoncepción es importante para planificar la familia.
English Sentence: Contraception is important for family planning. - antropoformización
Pronunciation: ahn-troh-poh-fohr-mee-sah-syohn
English Meaning: Anthropomorphism
Spanish Sentence: La antropoformización atribuye características humanas a objetos no humanos.
English Sentence: Anthropomorphism attributes human characteristics to non-human objects. - anulación
Pronunciation: ah-noo-lah-syohn
English Meaning: Annulment
Spanish Sentence: La anulación del contrato fue necesaria debido a irregularidades.
English Sentence: The annulment of the contract was necessary due to irregularities. - aparición
Pronunciation: ah-pah-ree-syohn
English Meaning: Appearance
Spanish Sentence: La aparición repentina del actor sorprendió a los fanáticos.
English Sentence: The sudden appearance of the actor surprised the fans. - aparición
Pronunciation: ah-pah-ree-syohn
English Meaning: Appearance
Spanish Sentence: La aparición de nuevas tecnologías está revolucionando el mercado.
English Sentence: The appearance of new technologies is revolutionizing the market. - apelación
Pronunciation: ah-peh-lah-syohn
English Meaning: Appeal
Spanish Sentence: La apelación del veredicto se llevará a cabo la próxima semana.
English Sentence: The appeal of the verdict will take place next week. - apelación
Pronunciation: ah-peh-lah-syohn
English Meaning: Appeal
Spanish Sentence: La apelación a la generosidad de la comunidad fue exitosa.
English Sentence: The appeal to the community’s generosity was successful. - aplicación
Pronunciation: ah-plee-kah-syohn
English Meaning: Application
Spanish Sentence: La aplicación móvil facilita la comunicación entre los usuarios.
English Sentence: The mobile application facilitates communication among users. - aplicación
Pronunciation: ah-plee-kah-syohn
English Meaning: Application
Spanish Sentence: La aplicación de las nuevas reglas entrará en vigor mañana.
English Sentence: The application of the new rules will come into effect tomorrow. - aportación
Pronunciation: ah-pohr-tah-syohn
English Meaning: Contribution
Spanish Sentence: Su aportación al proyecto fue invaluable.
English Sentence: His contribution to the project was invaluable. - apreciación
Pronunciation: ah-preh-syah-syohn
English Meaning: Appreciation
Spanish Sentence: La apreciación del arte requiere sensibilidad y conocimiento.
English Sentence: Appreciation of art requires sensitivity and knowledge. - aprobación
Pronunciation: ah-proh-bah-syohn
English Meaning: Approval
Spanish Sentence: La aprobación del presupuesto fue unánime.
English Sentence: Approval of the budget was unanimous. - aprobación
Pronunciation: ah-proh-bah-syohn
English Meaning: Approval
Spanish Sentence: La aprobación de la ley fue celebrada por el público.
English Sentence: Approval of the law was celebrated by the public. - aproximación
Pronunciation: ah-proh-ksee-mah-syohn
English Meaning: Approximation
Spanish Sentence: La aproximación de la fecha límite está causando estrés.
English Sentence: The approximation of the deadline is causing stress. - araucanización
Pronunciation: ah-rah-oo-kah-nee-syah-syohn
English Meaning: Araucanization
Spanish Sentence: La araucanización del territorio fue un proceso largo y complejo.
English Sentence: The araucanization of the territory was a long and complex process. - argumentación
Pronunciation: ar-goo-mehn-tah-syohn
English Meaning: Argumentation
Spanish Sentence: La argumentación lógica es crucial para persuadir a otros.
English Sentence: Logical argumentation is crucial for persuading others. - aridización
Pronunciation: ah-ree-dee-sah-syohn
English Meaning: Aridization
Spanish Sentence: La aridización del clima está afectando a la agricultura.
English Sentence: Aridization of the climate is affecting agriculture. - articulación
Pronunciation: ahr-tee-koo-lah-syohn
English Meaning: Articulation
Spanish Sentence: La articulación clara de ideas es esencial en un discurso.
English Sentence: Clear articulation of ideas is essential in a speech. - asignación
Pronunciation: ah-seeg-nah-syohn
English Meaning: Allocation
Spanish Sentence: La asignación de recursos debe basarse en necesidades prioritarias.
English Sentence: Resource allocation should be based on priority needs. - asimilación
Pronunciation: ah-see-mee-lah-syohn
English Meaning: Assimilation
Spanish Sentence: La asimilación de la información puede requerir tiempo.
English Sentence: Assimilation of information may take time. - asociación
Pronunciation: ah-soh-syah-syohn
English Meaning: Association
Spanish Sentence: La asociación entre las dos empresas fue beneficiosa para ambas.
English Sentence: The association between the two companies was beneficial for both. - aspiración
Pronunciation: ah-spee-rah-syohn
English Meaning: Aspiration
Spanish Sentence: Su aspiración de convertirse en escritor es admirable.
English Sentence: His aspiration to become a writer is admirable. - asunción
Pronunciation: ah-soon-syohn
English Meaning: Assumption
Spanish Sentence: La asunción de riesgos es parte del proceso empresarial.
English Sentence: Risk assumption is part of the business process. - asunción
Pronunciation: ah-soon-syohn
English Meaning: Assumption
Spanish Sentence: La asunción del cargo de presidente será mañana.
English Sentence: The assumption of the presidency will be tomorrow. - Asunción
Pronunciation: ah-soon-syohn
English Meaning: Assumption
Spanish Sentence: La ciudad de Asunción es la capital de Paraguay.
English Sentence: The city of Asunción is the capital of Paraguay. - Asunción
Pronunciation: ah-soon-syohn
English Meaning: Assumption
Spanish Sentence: Asunción es una festividad religiosa importante.
English Sentence: Assumption is an important religious holiday. - atención
Pronunciation: ah-tehn-syohn
English Meaning: Attention
Spanish Sentence: Presta atención a las instrucciones para evitar errores.
English Sentence: Pay attention to the instructions to avoid mistakes. - atención
Pronunciation: ah-tehn-syohn
English Meaning: Attention
Spanish Sentence: La atención médica adecuada es fundamental para la recuperación.
English Sentence: Proper medical attention is crucial for recovery. - atestación
Pronunciation: ah-teh-stah-syohn
English Meaning: Attestation
Spanish Sentence: Su atestación del documento garantiza su autenticidad.
English Sentence: Your attestation of the document ensures its authenticity. - atracción
Pronunciation: ah-trahk-see-ohn
English Meaning: Attraction
Spanish Sentence: La atracción turística principal de la ciudad es su arquitectura.
English Sentence: The main tourist attraction of the city is its architecture. - atribución
Pronunciation: ah-tree-boo-syohn
English Meaning: Attribution
Spanish Sentence: La atribución de responsabilidad es parte del proceso de análisis.
English Sentence: Attribution of responsibility is part of the analysis process. - atrición
Pronunciation: ah-tree-syohn
English Meaning: Attrition
Spanish Sentence: La atrición de empleados puede ser costosa para una empresa.
English Sentence: Employee attrition can be costly for a company. - atrición
Pronunciation: ah-tree-syohn
English Meaning: Attrition
Spanish Sentence: La atrición de rocas puede ser causada por la erosión del agua.
English Sentence: Rock attrition can be caused by water erosion. - audición
Pronunciation: ow-dee-syohn
English Meaning: Audition
Spanish Sentence: La audición para la obra de teatro será la próxima semana.
English Sentence: The audition for the play will be next week. - audición
Pronunciation: ow-dee-syohn
English Meaning: Audition
Spanish Sentence: La audición de música clásica fue impresionante.
English Sentence: The classical music audition was impressive. - auscultación
Pronunciation: ow-skool-tah-syohn
English Meaning: Auscultation
Spanish Sentence: La auscultación médica reveló un soplo cardíaco.
English Sentence: Medical auscultation revealed a heart murmur. - autoafirmación
Pronunciation: ow-toh-ah-feer-mah-syohn
English Meaning: Self-affirmation
Spanish Sentence: La autoafirmación es importante para construir confianza.
English Sentence: Self-affirmation is important for building confidence. - autoaniquilación
Pronunciation: ow-toh-ah-nee-kee-lah-syohn
English Meaning: Self-annihilation
Spanish Sentence: La autoaniquilación de la mente es un tema recurrente en la literatura.
English Sentence: Self-annihilation of the mind is a recurring theme in literature. - autodestrucción
Pronunciation: ow-toh-dehs-troo-kyohn
English Meaning: Self-destruction
Spanish Sentence: La autodestrucción del edificio fue provocada por un incendio.
English Sentence: The self-destruction of the building was caused by a fire. - autodeterminación
Pronunciation: ow-toh-deh-tehr-mee-nah-syohn
English Meaning: Self-determination
Spanish Sentence: La autodeterminación es un derecho humano fundamental.
English Sentence: Self-determination is a fundamental human right. - automatización
Pronunciation: ow-taw-mah-tee-syah-syohn
English Meaning: Automation
Spanish Sentence: La automatización de procesos aumenta la eficiencia.
English Sentence: Process automation increases efficiency. - automutilación
Pronunciation: ow-toh-moo-tee-lah-syohn
English Meaning: Self-mutilation
Spanish Sentence: La automutilación es un comportamiento autodestructivo.
English Sentence: Self-mutilation is a self-destructive behavior. - autorización
Pronunciation: ow-too-ree-sah-syohn
English Meaning: Authorization
Spanish Sentence: La autorización para el proyecto fue otorgada por el comité.
English Sentence: Authorization for the project was granted by the committee. - aviación
Pronunciation: ah-byah-syohn
English Meaning: Aviation
Spanish Sentence: La aviación comercial ha transformado los viajes globales.
English Sentence: Commercial aviation has transformed global travel.
Spanish Words Ending in “ción” & Start with B
Spanish words that start with B and end with “cion” don’t have many words, and luckily here are all the possible words we have listed.
- bendición
Pronunciation: ben-dee-syohn
English Meaning: Blessing
Spanish Sentence: La bendición del sacerdote fue recibida con gratitud.
English Sentence: The priest’s blessing was received with gratitude. - bilocación
Pronunciation: bee-loh-kah-syohn
English Meaning: Bilocacion
Spanish Sentence: La bilocación es un fenómeno paranormal que implica estar en dos lugares a la vez.
English Sentence: Bilocation is a paranormal phenomenon involving being in two places at once. - biorremediación
Pronunciation: bee-oh-reh-meh-dee-ah-syohn
English Meaning: Bioremediation
Spanish Sentence: La biorremediación del suelo contaminado es un enfoque ambientalmente amigable.
English Sentence: Bioremediation of contaminated soil is an environmentally friendly approach. - biyección
Pronunciation: bee-yehk-syohn
English Meaning: Bijective
Spanish Sentence: La biyección es una relación uno a uno entre dos conjuntos.
English Sentence: A Bijective is a one-to-one relationship between two sets.
Spanish Words Ending in “ción” & Start with C
- calcinación
Pronunciation: kahl-see-nah-syohn
English Meaning: Calcination
Spanish Sentence: La calcinación del mineral se lleva a cabo a altas temperaturas.
English Sentence: Calcination of the mineral is carried out at high temperatures. - calefacción
Pronunciation: kah-leh-fahk-see-ohn
English Meaning: Heating
Spanish Sentence: La calefacción central mantiene la casa cálida durante el invierno.
English Sentence: Central heating keeps the house warm during winter. - calibración
Pronunciation: ka-lee-brah-see-OWN
English Meaning: calibration
Spanish Sentence: La calibración del equipo es necesaria.
English Sentence: Calibration of the equipment is necessary. - calificación
Pronunciation: kah-lee-fee-kah-see-OWN
English Meaning: qualification
Spanish Sentence: Su calificación en el examen fue alta.
English Sentence: His qualification in the exam was high. - campo de concentración
Pronunciation: KAHM-poh deh kohn-sehn-trah-SYOWN
English Meaning: concentration camp
Spanish Sentence: Muchos prisioneros murieron en el campo de concentración.
English Sentence: Many prisoners died in the concentration camp. - cancelación
Pronunciation: kahn-seh-lah-SYOWN
English Meaning: cancellation
Spanish Sentence: La cancelación del vuelo causó problemas.
English Sentence: The cancellation of the flight caused problems. - canción
Pronunciation: kahn-see-OWN
English Meaning: song
Spanish Sentence: Esta es una canción muy bonita.
English Sentence: This is a very beautiful song. - capacitación
Pronunciation: kah-pah-see-tah-see-OWN
English Meaning: training
Spanish Sentence: La capacitación laboral es importante.
English Sentence: Job training is important. - capitación
Pronunciation: kah-pee-tah-see-OWN
English Meaning: capitation
Spanish Sentence: La capitación es un método de financiamiento.
English Sentence: Capitation is a method of financing. - capitalización
Pronunciation: kah-pee-tah-lee-sah-SYOWN
English Meaning: capitalization
Spanish Sentence: La capitalización del mercado aumentó.
English Sentence: Market capitalization increased. - capitulación
Pronunciation: kah-pee-too-lah-SYOWN
English Meaning: capitulation
Spanish Sentence: La capitulación del enemigo fue inevitable.
English Sentence: The enemy’s capitulation was inevitable. - captación
Pronunciation: kahp-tah-SYOWN
English Meaning: collection
Spanish Sentence: La captación de fondos fue exitosa.
English Sentence: Fundraising was successful. - casación
Pronunciation: kah-sah-SYOWN
English Meaning: annulment
Spanish Sentence: La casación del matrimonio fue dolorosa.
English Sentence: The annulment of the marriage was painful. - castración
Pronunciation: kahs-trah-SYOWN
English Meaning: castration
Spanish Sentence: La castración de animales es controvertida.
English Sentence: Animal castration is controversial. - catalogación
Pronunciation: kah-tah-loh-gah-SYOWN
English Meaning: cataloging
Spanish Sentence: La catalogación de libros es importante.
English Sentence: Cataloging of books is important. - caución
Pronunciation: kah-oo-see-OWN
English Meaning: caution
Spanish Sentence: Deberías tener más caución al conducir.
English Sentence: You should exercise more caution when driving. - cauterización
Pronunciation: kah-oo-teh-ree-sah-SYOWN
English Meaning: cauterization
Spanish Sentence: La cauterización de la herida fue necesaria.
English Sentence: Cauterization of the wound was necessary. - cazarecolección
Pronunciation: kah-sah-reh-koh-lehk-SYOWN
English Meaning: hunting and gathering
Spanish Sentence: Los cazarecolecciones dependían de la naturaleza.
English Sentence: Hunter-gatherers relied on nature. - celebración
Pronunciation: seh-leh-brah-SYOWN
English Meaning: celebration
Spanish Sentence: La celebración del cumpleaños fue alegre.
English Sentence: The birthday celebration was joyful. - centralización
Pronunciation: sen-trah-lee-sah-SYOWN
English Meaning: centralization
Spanish Sentence: La centralización del poder es controvertida.
English Sentence: Centralization of power is controversial. - centrifugación
Pronunciation: sen-tree-foo-gah-SYOWN
English Meaning: centrifugation
Spanish Sentence: La centrifugación separa los componentes.
English Sentence: Centrifugation separates the components. - certificación
Pronunciation: sehr-tee-fee-kah-SYOWN
English Meaning: certification
Spanish Sentence: La certificación es necesaria para el trabajo.
English Sentence: Certification is necessary for the job. - cicatrización
Pronunciation: see-kah-tree-sah-SYOWN
English Meaning: healing
Spanish Sentence: La cicatrización de la herida tomó tiempo.
English Sentence: Healing of the wound took time. - -ción
Pronunciation: SYOWN
English Meaning: -tion
Spanish Sentence: La educación es importante para el desarrollo.
English Sentence: Education is important for development. - circulación
Pronunciation: sehr-koo-lah-see-OWN
English Meaning: circulation
Spanish Sentence: La circulación sanguínea es vital.
English Sentence: Blood circulation is vital. - circunnavegación
Pronunciation: sehr-koon-nah-veh-gah-SYOWN
English Meaning: circumnavigation
Spanish Sentence: La circunnavegación del mundo es una hazaña.
English Sentence: Circumnavigation of the world is a feat. - circunscripción
Pronunciation: sehr-koon-skreep-see-OHN
English Meaning: circumscription
Spanish Sentence: La circunscripción del área fue precisa.
English Sentence: The circumscription of the area was precise. - citación
Pronunciation: see-tah-SYOWN
English Meaning: citation
Spanish Sentence: Recibí una citación por exceso de velocidad.
English Sentence: I received a citation for speeding. - citorreducción
Pronunciation: see-tohr-reh-dook-see-OHN
English Meaning: cytoreduction
Spanish Sentence: La citorreducción es parte del tratamiento.
English Sentence: Cytoreduction is part of the treatment. - civilización
Pronunciation: see-bee-lee-sah-SYOWN
English Meaning: civilization
Spanish Sentence: La civilización antigua dejó muchas ruinas.
English Sentence: Ancient civilization left many ruins. - clarificación
Pronunciation: klah-ree-fee-kah-SYOWN
English Meaning: clarification
Spanish Sentence: La clarificación de las reglas era necesaria.
English Sentence: Clarification of the rules was necessary. - clasificación
Pronunciation: klahs-see-fee-kah-SYOWN
English Meaning: classification
Spanish Sentence: La clasificación de los documentos es importante.
English Sentence: Classification of documents is important. - clonación
Pronunciation: kloh-nah-SYOWN
English Meaning: cloning
Spanish Sentence: La clonación de animales es un tema polémico.
English Sentence: Animal cloning is a controversial topic. - coagulación
Pronunciation: koh-ah-goo-lah-see-OWN
English Meaning: coagulation
Spanish Sentence: La coagulación de la sangre es crucial.
English Sentence: Blood coagulation is crucial. - coalición
Pronunciation: koh-ah-lee-see-OWN
English Meaning: coalition
Spanish Sentence: La coalición política ganó las elecciones.
English Sentence: The political coalition won the elections. - colaboración
Pronunciation: koh-lah-boh-rah-see-OWN
English Meaning: collaboration
Spanish Sentence: La colaboración entre colegas es esencial.
English Sentence: Collaboration among colleagues is essential. - colación
Pronunciation: koh-lah-see-OWN
English Meaning: collation
Spanish Sentence: La colación de datos fue exhaustiva.
English Sentence: The collation of data was exhaustive. - colección
Pronunciation: koh-lehk-see-OWN
English Meaning: collection
Spanish Sentence: Mi colección de sellos es impresionante.
English Sentence: My stamp collection is impressive. - colocación
Pronunciation: koh-loh-kah-see-OWN
English Meaning: placement
Spanish Sentence: La colocación de muebles fue difícil.
English Sentence: Furniture placement was difficult. - colonización
Pronunciation: koh-loh-nee-sah-SYOWN
English Meaning: colonization
Spanish Sentence: La colonización trajo consigo conflictos.
English Sentence: Colonization brought conflicts. - combinación
Pronunciation: koh-mee-bah-see-OWN
English Meaning: combination
Spanish Sentence: La combinación de colores era perfecta.
English Sentence: The combination of colors was perfect. - comercialización
Pronunciation: koh-mehr-syah-lee-sah-SYOWN
English Meaning: commercialization
Spanish Sentence: La comercialización del producto fue exitosa.
English Sentence: The commercialization of the product was successful. - comparación
Pronunciation: kohm-pah-rah-see-OWN
English Meaning: comparison
Spanish Sentence: La comparación entre los dos es interesante.
English Sentence: The comparison between the two is interesting. - compensación
Pronunciation: kohm-pehn-sah-see-OWN
English Meaning: compensation
Spanish Sentence: La compensación por el daño fue justa.
English Sentence: The compensation for the damage was fair. - competición
Pronunciation: kohm-peh-tee-see-OWN
English Meaning: competition
Spanish Sentence: La competición deportiva fue intensa.
English Sentence: The sports competition was intense. - complicación
Pronunciation: kohm-plee-kah-see-OWN
English Meaning: complication
Spanish Sentence: La complicación surgió durante la cirugía.
English Sentence: The complication arose during the surgery. - composición
Pronunciation: kohm-poh-see-see-OHN
English Meaning: composition
Spanish Sentence: La composición musical era hermosa.
English Sentence: The musical composition was beautiful. - comprobación
Pronunciation: kohm-proh-bah-see-OWN
English Meaning: verification
Spanish Sentence: La comprobación de los datos fue necesaria.
English Sentence: Verification of the data was necessary. - computación
Pronunciation: kohm-poo-tah-see-OWN
English Meaning: computation
Spanish Sentence: La computación cuántica es fascinante.
English Sentence: Quantum computation is fascinating. - calibración
Pronunciation: kah-lee-brah-SYOHN
English Meaning: calibration
Spanish Sentence: La calibración del instrumento es precisa.
English Sentence: The calibration of the instrument is precise. - calificación
Pronunciation: kah-lee-feeh-kah-SYOHN
English Meaning: qualification, grading
Spanish Sentence: La calificación del examen fue excelente.
English Sentence: The qualification on the exam was excellent. - campo de concentración
Pronunciation: KAHM-poh deh kohn-sehn-trah-SYOHN
English Meaning: concentration camp
Spanish Sentence: Muchos prisioneros fueron llevados al campo de concentración.
English Sentence: Many prisoners were taken to the concentration camp. - cancelación
Pronunciation: kahn-seh-lah-SYOHN
English Meaning: cancellation
Spanish Sentence: La cancelación del vuelo causó molestias.
English Sentence: The cancellation of the flight caused inconvenience. - canción
Pronunciation: kahn-SYOHN
English Meaning: song
Spanish Sentence: La canción era hermosa y emotiva.
English Sentence: The song was beautiful and emotional. - capacitación
Pronunciation: kah-pah-see-tah-SYOHN
English Meaning: training
Spanish Sentence: La capacitación en la empresa es obligatoria.
English Sentence: Training at the company is mandatory. - capitación
Pronunciation: kah-pee-tah-SYOHN
English Meaning: per capita payment
Spanish Sentence: La capitación de recursos es equitativa.
English Sentence: Per capita resource allocation is equitable. - capitalización
Pronunciation: kah-pee-tah-lee-sah-SYOHN
English Meaning: capitalization
Spanish Sentence: La capitalización de la empresa aumentó.
English Sentence: The company’s capitalization increased. - capitulación
Pronunciation: kah-pee-too-lah-SYOHN
English Meaning: capitulation
Spanish Sentence: La capitulación del enemigo fue inminente.
English Sentence: The enemy’s capitulation was imminent. - captación
Pronunciation: kahp-tah-SYOHN
English Meaning: capture, collection
Spanish Sentence: La captación de fondos fue exitosa.
English Sentence: The fundraising was successful. - casación
Pronunciation: kah-sah-SYOHN
English Meaning: annulment, reversal
Spanish Sentence: La casación de la sentencia fue sorprendente.
English Sentence: The annulment of the sentence was surprising. - castración
Pronunciation: kahs-trah-SYOHN
English Meaning: castration
Spanish Sentence: La castración del animal fue necesaria.
English Sentence: The castration of the animal was necessary. - catalogación
Pronunciation: kah-tah-loh-gah-SYOHN
English Meaning: cataloging
Spanish Sentence: La catalogación de libros es importante.
English Sentence: Cataloging books is important. - caución
Pronunciation: kah-oo-SYOHN
English Meaning: caution, security
Spanish Sentence: Se requiere una caución para el préstamo.
English Sentence: A caution is required for the loan. - cauterización
Pronunciation: kow-tehr-ee-sah-SYOHN
English Meaning: cauterization
Spanish Sentence: La cauterización de la herida fue dolorosa.
English Sentence: The cauterization of the wound was painful. - cazarecolección
Pronunciation: kah-sah-reh-koh-lehk-SYOHN
English Meaning: hunting-gathering
Spanish Sentence: Los pueblos antiguos practicaban la cazarecolección.
English Sentence: Ancient peoples practiced hunting and gathering. - celebración
Pronunciation: seh-leh-brah-SYOHN
English Meaning: celebration
Spanish Sentence: La celebración del aniversario fue grandiosa.
English Sentence: The anniversary celebration was grand. - centralización
Pronunciation: sen-trah-lee-sah-SYOHN
English Meaning: centralization
Spanish Sentence: La centralización del poder es peligrosa.
English Sentence: Centralization of power is dangerous. - centrifugación
Pronunciation: sen-tree-foo-gah-SYOHN
English Meaning: centrifugation
Spanish Sentence: La centrifugación separa los componentes.
English Sentence: Centrifugation separates the components. - certificación
Pronunciation: sehr-tee-fee-kah-SYOHN
English Meaning: certification
Spanish Sentence: La certificación del producto es obligatoria.
English Sentence: Product certification is mandatory. - cicatrización
Pronunciation: see-kah-tree-sah-SYOHN
English Meaning: healing, scar formation
Spanish Sentence: La cicatrización de la herida fue rápida.
English Sentence: The wound healing was quick. - -ción
Pronunciation: SYOHN
English Meaning: -tion (suffix)
Spanish Sentence: La formación de palabras con -ción es común.
English Sentence: The formation of words with -tion is common. - circulación
Pronunciation: sehr-koo-lah-SYOHN
English Meaning: circulation
Spanish Sentence: La circulación sanguínea es importante.
English Sentence: Blood circulation is important. - circunnavegación
Pronunciation: sehr-koon-nah-veh-gah-SYOHN
English Meaning: circumnavigation
Spanish Sentence: La circunnavegación del globo llevó meses.
English Sentence: Circumnavigation of the globe took months. - circunscripción
Pronunciation: sehr-koon-skreep-see-OHN
English Meaning: circumscription
Spanish Sentence: La circunscripción del área fue precisa.
English Sentence: The circumscription of the area was precise. - citación
Pronunciation: see-tah-SYOHN
English Meaning: citation
Spanish Sentence: La citación del libro era necesaria.
English Sentence: The citation from the book was necessary. - citorreducción
Pronunciation: see-tohr-reh-dook-see-OHN
English Meaning: cytoreduction
Spanish Sentence: La citorreducción es parte del tratamiento.
English Sentence: Cytoreduction is part of the treatment. - civilización
Pronunciation: see-bee-lee-sah-SYOHN
English Meaning: civilization
Spanish Sentence: La civilización antigua dejó grandes legados.
English Sentence: Ancient civilization left great legacies. - clarificación
Pronunciation: klahr-ee-fee-kah-SYOHN
English Meaning: clarification
Spanish Sentence: La clarificación de la ley fue necesaria.
English Sentence: Clarification of the law was necessary. - clasificación
Pronunciation: klahs-ee-fee-kah-SYOHN
English Meaning: classification
Spanish Sentence: La clasificación de los documentos es crucial.
English Sentence: Document classification is crucial. - clonación
Pronunciation: kloh-nah-SYOHN
English Meaning: cloning
Spanish Sentence: La clonación de animales es controvertida.
English Sentence: Animal cloning is controversial. - coagulación
Pronunciation: koh-ah-goo-lah-SYOHN
English Meaning: coagulation
Spanish Sentence: La coagulación de la sangre es importante.
English Sentence: Blood coagulation is important. - coalición
Pronunciation: koh-ah-lee-SYOHN
English Meaning: coalition
Spanish Sentence: La coalición política ganó las elecciones.
English Sentence: The political coalition won the elections. - colaboración
Pronunciation: koh-lah-boh-rah-SYOHN
English Meaning: collaboration
Spanish Sentence: La colaboración entre colegas es esencial.
English Sentence: Collaboration among colleagues is essential. - colación
Pronunciation: koh-lah-SYOHN
English Meaning: snack, collation
Spanish Sentence: La colación consistía en frutas y agua.
English Sentence: The snack consisted of fruits and water. - colección
Pronunciation: koh-lehk-SYOHN
English Meaning: collection
Spanish Sentence: La colección de sellos era impresionante.
English Sentence: The stamp collection was impressive. - colocación
Pronunciation: koh-loh-kah-SYOHN
English Meaning: placement
Spanish Sentence: La colocación de muebles fue cuidadosa.
English Sentence: The placement of furniture was careful. - colonización
Pronunciation: koh-loh-nee-sah-SYOHN
English Meaning: colonization
Spanish Sentence: La colonización de América cambió la historia.
English Sentence: The colonization of America changed history. - combinación
Pronunciation: koh-mee-bah-syon
English Meaning: combination
Spanish Sentence: La combinación de colores era perfecta.
English Sentence: The combination of colors was perfect. - comercialización
Pronunciation: koh-mehr-see-ah-lee-sah-SYOHN
English Meaning: commercialization
Spanish Sentence: La comercialización del producto fue exitosa.
English Sentence: The commercialization of the product was successful. - comparación
Pronunciation: kohm-pah-rah-SYOHN
English Meaning: comparison
Spanish Sentence: La comparación entre los productos era inevitable.
English Sentence: Comparison between the products was inevitable. - compensación
Pronunciation: kohm-pehn-sah-SYOHN
English Meaning: compensation
Spanish Sentence: La compensación por el trabajo extra fue justa.
English Sentence: The compensation for extra work was fair. - competición
Pronunciation: kohm-peh-tee-see-OHN
English Meaning: competition
Spanish Sentence: La competición deportiva fue emocionante.
English Sentence: The sports competition was exciting. - complicación
Pronunciation: kohm-plee-kah-see-OHN
English Meaning: complication
Spanish Sentence: La complicación médica requiere atención.
English Sentence: The medical complication requires attention. - composición
Pronunciation: kohm-poh-see-SYOHN
English Meaning: composition
Spanish Sentence: La composición del cuadro era magnífica.
English Sentence: The composition of the painting was magnificent. - comprobación
Pronunciation: kohm-proh-bah-SYOHN
English Meaning: verification
Spanish Sentence: La comprobación de los datos es necesaria.
English Sentence: Verification of the data is necessary. - computación
Pronunciation: kohm-poo-tah-SYOHN
English Meaning: computation
Spanish Sentence: La computación cuántica es innovadora.
English Sentence: Quantum computation is innovative. - comunicación
Pronunciation: koh-moo-nee-kah-SYOHN
English Meaning: communication
Spanish Sentence: La comunicación efectiva es clave en cualquier relación.
English Sentence: Effective communication is key in any relationship. - concatenación
Pronunciation: kohn-kah-teh-nah-see-OHN
English Meaning: concatenation
Spanish Sentence: La concatenación de archivos fue exitosa.
English Sentence: The concatenation of files was successful. - concentración
Pronunciation: kohn-sehn-trah-SYOHN
English Meaning: concentration
Spanish Sentence: La concentración en el trabajo es importante.
English Sentence: Concentration at work is important. - concepción
Pronunciation: kohn-sehp-see-OHN
English Meaning: conception
Spanish Sentence: La concepción de la idea fue brillante.
English Sentence: The conception of the idea was brilliant. - Concepción
Pronunciation: kohn-sehp-see-OHN
English Meaning: Conception (city)
Spanish Sentence: Concepción es una ciudad hermosa en Chile.
English Sentence: Concepcion is a beautiful city in Chile. - concepción
Pronunciation: kohn-sehp-see-OHN
English Meaning: conception
Spanish Sentence: La concepción del bebé fue un milagro.
English Sentence: The conception of the baby was a miracle. - concertación
Pronunciation: kohn-sehr-tah-SYOHN
English Meaning: agreement, concertation
Spanish Sentence: La concertación entre las partes fue exitosa.
English Sentence: The agreement among the parties was successful. - conciliación
Pronunciation: kohn-seel-ee-ah-SYOHN
English Meaning: conciliation
Spanish Sentence: La conciliación puso fin al conflicto.
English Sentence: The conciliation put an end to the conflict. - concitación
Pronunciation: kohn-thee-tah-SYOHN
English Meaning: stimulation
Spanish Sentence: La concitación del debate fue evidente.
English Sentence: The stimulation of the debate was evident. - concreción
Pronunciation: kohn-kreh-see-OHN
English Meaning: concretion
Spanish Sentence: La concreción de la propuesta fue rápida.
English Sentence: The concretion of the proposal was quick. - condensación
Pronunciation: kohn-dehn-sah-SYOHN
English Meaning: condensation
Spanish Sentence: La condensación del vapor en la ventana era evidente.
English Sentence: The condensation of vapor on the window was evident. - condición
Pronunciation: kohn-dee-SYOHN
English Meaning: condition
Spanish Sentence: La condición del enfermo era estable.
English Sentence: The condition of the patient was stable. - conducción
Pronunciation: kohn-doohk-see-OHN
English Meaning: driving, conduction
Spanish Sentence: La conducción del vehículo fue segura.
English Sentence: The driving of the vehicle was safe. - conducción
Pronunciation: kohn-doohk-see-OHN
English Meaning: conduction
Spanish Sentence: La conducción del calor es eficiente en este material.
English Sentence: The conduction of heat is efficient in this material. - confección
Pronunciation: kohn-fehk-see-OHN
English Meaning: making, tailoring
Spanish Sentence: La confección del vestido llevó días.
English Sentence: The tailoring of the dress took days. - confección
Pronunciation: kohn-fehk-see-OHN
English Meaning: making, preparation
Spanish Sentence: La confección del plan fue minuciosa.
English Sentence: The preparation of the plan was meticulous. - confederación
Pronunciation: kohn-feh-deh-rah-syohn
English Meaning: confederation
Spanish Sentence: La confederación de estados era poderosa.
English Sentence: The confederation of states was powerful. - configuración
Pronunciation: kohn-fee-goo-rah-syohn
English Meaning: configuration
Spanish Sentence: La configuración del sistema es compleja.
English Sentence: The configuration of the system is complex. - configuración
Pronunciation: kohn-fee-goo-rah-syohn
English Meaning: configuration
Spanish Sentence: La configuración de la red fue sencilla.
English Sentence: The configuration of the network was simple. - confirmación
Pronunciation: kohn-fee-mah-syohn
English Meaning: confirmation
Spanish Sentence: La confirmación de la reserva se realizó por correo electrónico.
English Sentence: The confirmation of the reservation was made via email. - conflagración
Pronunciation: kohn-flah-grah-syohn
English Meaning: conflagration
Spanish Sentence: La conflagración forestal fue devastadora.
English Sentence: The forest conflagration was devastating. - conflagración
Pronunciation: kohn-flah-grah-syohn
English Meaning: conflagration
Spanish Sentence: La conflagración se extendió rápidamente.
English Sentence: The conflagration spread rapidly. - conformación
Pronunciation: kohn-fohr-mah-syohn
English Meaning: shaping, formation
Spanish Sentence: La conformación del equipo fue crucial.
English Sentence: The shaping of the team was crucial. - conformación
Pronunciation: kohn-fohr-mah-syohn
English Meaning: conformation
Spanish Sentence: La conformación molecular es compleja.
English Sentence: The molecular conformation is complex. - confrontación
Pronunciation: kohn-frohn-tah-syohn
English Meaning: confrontation
Spanish Sentence: La confrontación entre las facciones fue inevitable.
English Sentence: The confrontation between the factions was inevitable. - conglomeración
Pronunciation: kohn-gloh-meh-rah-syohn
English Meaning: conglomerate
Spanish Sentence: La conglomeración de empresas es común.
English Sentence: Conglomeration of companies is common. - congregación
Pronunciation: kohn-greh-gah-syohn
English Meaning: congregation
Spanish Sentence: La congregación se reunió para el servicio.
English Sentence: The congregation gathered for the service. - conjugación
Pronunciation: kohn-hoo-gah-syohn
English Meaning: conjugation
Spanish Sentence: La conjugación del verbo es complicada.
English Sentence: Verb conjugation is complicated. - conjunción
Pronunciation: kohn-hoonk-syohn
English Meaning: conjunction
Spanish Sentence: La conjunción de elementos creó un efecto único.
English Sentence: The conjunction of elements created a unique effect. - conjunción
Pronunciation: kohn-hoonk-syohn
English Meaning: conjunction
Spanish Sentence: La conjunción de planetas fue espectacular.
English Sentence: The conjunction of planets was spectacular. - conmemoración
Pronunciation: kohn-meh-moh-rah-syohn
English Meaning: commemoration
Spanish Sentence: La conmemoración del aniversario fue emotiva.
English Sentence: The anniversary commemoration was emotional. - conmoción
Pronunciation: kohn-moh-see-ohn
English Meaning: commotion
Spanish Sentence: La conmoción en el mercado fue evidente.
English Sentence: The commotion in the market was evident. - connotación
Pronunciation: kohn-noh-tah-syohn
English Meaning: connotation
Spanish Sentence: La connotación de la palabra es positiva.
English Sentence: The connotation of the word is positive. - consagración
Pronunciation: kohn-sah-grah-syohn
English Meaning: consecration
Spanish Sentence: La consagración del templo fue solemne.
English Sentence: The consecration of the temple was solemn. - consecución
Pronunciation: kohn-seh-koo-syohn
English Meaning: achievement
Spanish Sentence: La consecución del objetivo fue un hito importante.
English Sentence: The achievement of the goal was a significant milestone. - conservación
Pronunciation: kohn-sehr-bah-syohn
English Meaning: conservation
Spanish Sentence: La conservación de la naturaleza es crucial.
English Sentence: Nature conservation is crucial. - consideración
Pronunciation: kohn-see-deh-rah-syohn
English Meaning: consideration
Spanish Sentence: La consideración de sus palabras fue apreciada.
English Sentence: Consideration of his words was appreciated. - consolación
Pronunciation: kohn-soh-lah-syohn
English Meaning: consolation
Spanish Sentence: La consolación de un amigo es reconfortante.
English Sentence: A friend’s consolation is comforting. - Consolación
Pronunciation: kohn-soh-lah-syohn
English Meaning: Consolation (name)
Spanish Sentence: Consolación es un nombre común en España.
English Sentence: Consolacion is a common name in Spain. - consolidación
Pronunciation: kohn-soh-lee-dah-syohn
English Meaning: consolidation
Spanish Sentence: La consolidación de empresas es estratégica.
English Sentence: The consolidation of companies is strategic. - conspiración
Pronunciation: kohn-spee-rah-syohn
English Meaning: conspiracy
Spanish Sentence: La conspiración fue descubierta por la policía.
English Sentence: The conspiracy was uncovered by the police. - constelación
Pronunciation: kohn-steh-lah-syohn
English Meaning: constellation
Spanish Sentence: La constelación de estrellas era hermosa.
English Sentence: The constellation of stars was beautiful. - consternación
Pronunciation: kohn-stehr-nah-syohn
English Meaning: consternation
Spanish Sentence: La consternación en su rostro era evidente.
English Sentence: The consternation on his face was evident. - constipación
Pronunciation: kohn-stee-pah-syohn
English Meaning: constipation
Spanish Sentence: La constipación puede causar molestias.
English Sentence: Constipation can cause discomfort. - constitución
Pronunciation: kohn-stee-too-see-OHN
English Meaning: constitution
Spanish Sentence: La constitución del país garantiza derechos.
English Sentence: The country’s constitution guarantees rights. - construcción
Pronunciation: kohn-strook-see-OHN
English Meaning: construction
Spanish Sentence: La construcción del edificio llevó años.
English Sentence: The construction of the building took years. - contaminación
Pronunciation: kohn-tah-mee-nah-SYOHN
English Meaning: contamination
Spanish Sentence: La contaminación del agua es preocupante.
English Sentence: Water contamination is worrying. - contemplación
Pronunciation: kohn-tehm-plah-syohn
English Meaning: contemplation
Spanish Sentence: La contemplación del paisaje era relajante.
English Sentence: Contemplation of the landscape was relaxing. - contención
Pronunciation: kohn-tehn-syon
English Meaning: containment
Spanish Sentence: La contención de la crisis fue efectiva.
English Sentence: The containment of the crisis was effective. - contención
Pronunciation: kon-tehn-SYOHN
English Meaning: containment
Spanish Sentence: La contención del virus es crucial para la salud pública.
English Sentence: The containment of the virus is crucial for public health. - contestación
Pronunciation: kohn-tehs-tah-SYOHN
English Meaning: response
Spanish Sentence: Esperamos su contestación antes del viernes.
English Sentence: We await your response before Friday. - continuación
Pronunciation: kohn-too-nah-SYOHN
English Meaning: continuation
Spanish Sentence: La continuación de la historia es emocionante.
English Sentence: The continuation of the story is exciting. - contracción
Pronunciation: kohn-trahk-SYOHN
English Meaning: contraction
Spanish Sentence: La contracción del músculo causa dolor.
English Sentence: Muscle contraction causes pain. - contradicción
Pronunciation: kohn-trah-deek-SYOHN
English Meaning: contradiction
Spanish Sentence: Hubo una contradicción en sus declaraciones.
English Sentence: There was a contradiction in his statements. - contraposición
Pronunciation: kohn-trah-poh-see-SYOHN
English Meaning: opposition
Spanish Sentence: Existe una clara contraposición entre sus ideas.
English Sentence: There is a clear opposition between their ideas. - contrastación
Pronunciation: kohn-trah-stah-SYOHN
English Meaning: contrast
Spanish Sentence: El experimento requiere la contrastación de resultados.
English Sentence: The experiment requires the contrast of results. - contratación
Pronunciation: kohn-trah-tah-SYOHN
English Meaning: hiring
Spanish Sentence: La contratación de nuevos empleados está en proceso.
English Sentence: The hiring of new employees is underway. - contribución
Pronunciation: kohn-tree-boo-SYOHN
English Meaning: contribution
Spanish Sentence: Su contribución al proyecto fue invaluable.
English Sentence: His contribution to the project was invaluable. - convención
Pronunciation: kohn-vehn-SYOHN
English Meaning: convention
Spanish Sentence: Asistiré a la convención de tecnología en Chicago.
English Sentence: I will attend the technology convention in Chicago. - conversación
Pronunciation: kohn-vehr-sah-SYOHN
English Meaning: conversation
Spanish Sentence: Tuvimos una larga conversación sobre el futuro.
English Sentence: We had a long conversation about the future. - convicción
Pronunciation: kohn-veek-SYOHN
English Meaning: conviction
Spanish Sentence: Su convicción en sus creencias es admirable.
English Sentence: His conviction in his beliefs is admirable. - cooperación
Pronunciation: koh-oh-peh-rah-SYOHN
English Meaning: cooperation
Spanish Sentence: La cooperación entre los países es esencial.
English Sentence: Cooperation between countries is essential. - coordinación
Pronunciation: koh-ohr-dee-nah-SYOHN
English Meaning: coordination
Spanish Sentence: La coordinación del equipo fue excelente.
English Sentence: The team’s coordination was excellent. - coronación
Pronunciation: koh-roh-nah-SYOHN
English Meaning: coronation
Spanish Sentence: La coronación del rey será el próximo mes.
English Sentence: The king’s coronation will be next month. - corporación
Pronunciation: kohr-poh-rah-SYOHN
English Meaning: corporation
Spanish Sentence: La corporación planea expandirse internacionalmente.
English Sentence: The corporation plans to expand internationally. - corrección
Pronunciation: koh-rehk-SYOHN
English Meaning: correction
Spanish Sentence: La corrección de errores es parte del proceso.
English Sentence: Error correction is part of the process. - corroboración
Pronunciation: koh-roh-boh-rah-SYOHN
English Meaning: corroboration
Spanish Sentence: Necesitamos corroboración de los datos antes de publicarlos.
English Sentence: We need corroboration of the data before publishing. - corrupción
Pronunciation: koh-roo p-see-OHN
English Meaning: corruption
Spanish Sentence: La corrupción en el gobierno es un problema serio.
English Sentence: Corruption in the government is a serious problem. - cosificación
Pronunciation: koh-see-fee-kah-SYOHN
English Meaning: objectification
Spanish Sentence: La cosificación de las mujeres es una forma de violencia.
English Sentence: The objectification of women is a form of violence. - cotización
Pronunciation: koh-tee-sah-SYOHN
English Meaning: quotation
Spanish Sentence: La cotización del proyecto fue más alta de lo esperado.
English Sentence: The quotation for the project was higher than expected. - creación
Pronunciation: kreh-ah-SYOHN
English Meaning: creation
Spanish Sentence: La creación del universo es un misterio.
English Sentence: The creation of the universe is a mystery. - criopreservación
Pronunciation: kree-oh-preh-sahr-vah-SYOHN
English Meaning: cryopreservation
Spanish Sentence: La criopreservación de células es una tecnología avanzada.
English Sentence: Cryopreservation of cells is an advanced technology. - cubicación
Pronunciation: koo-bee-kah-SYOHN
English Meaning: cubing
Spanish Sentence: La cubicación del terreno se realizó con precisión.
English Sentence: The cubing of the land was done accurately. - culminación
Pronunciation: kool-mee-nah-SYOHN
English Meaning: culmination
Spanish Sentence: El concierto fue la culminación de meses de preparación.
English Sentence: The concert was the culmination of months of preparation. - cultivación
Pronunciation: kool-tee-vah-SYOHN
English Meaning: cultivation
Spanish Sentence: La cultivación de la tierra es una tarea ardua.
English Sentence: Cultivation of the land is a challenging task. - culturización
Pronunciation: kool-too-ree-sah-SYOHN
English Meaning: culturalization
Spanish Sentence: La culturización de los estudiantes es importante.
English Sentence: The culturalization of students is important. - curación
Pronunciation: koo-rah-SYOHN
English Meaning: healing
Spanish Sentence: La curación de la herida llevó varias semanas.
English Sentence: The healing of the wound took several weeks.
Spanish Words Ending in “ción” & Start with D
- dación
Pronunciation: dah-see-OHN
English Meaning: giving
Spanish Sentence: La dación de premios será al final del evento.
English Sentence: The giving of awards will be at the end of the event. - decapitación
Pronunciation: deh-kah-pee-tah-SYOHN
English Meaning: decapitation
Spanish Sentence: La decapitación fue un método de ejecución en el pasado.
English Sentence: Decapitation was a method of execution in the past. - decepción
Pronunciation: deh-sehp-see-OHN
English Meaning: disappointment
Spanish Sentence: La decepción en su rostro era evidente.
English Sentence: The disappointment on her face was evident. - declaración
Pronunciation: deh-kla-rah-see-OHN
English Meaning: declaration
Spanish Sentence: La declaración de independencia fue histórica.
English Sentence: The declaration of independence was historic. - declinación
Pronunciation: deh-klee-nah-see-OHN
English Meaning: decline
Spanish Sentence: La declinación de la economía afectó a muchos.
English Sentence: The decline of the economy affected many. - decoración
Pronunciation: deh-koh-rah-see-OHN
English Meaning: decoration
Spanish Sentence: La decoración navideña estaba hermosa.
English Sentence: The Christmas decoration was beautiful. - dedicación
Pronunciation: deh-dee-kah-see-OHN
English Meaning: dedication
Spanish Sentence: Su dedicación al trabajo es admirable.
English Sentence: His dedication to work is admirable. - deducción
Pronunciation: deh-dook-see-OHN
English Meaning: deduction
Spanish Sentence: La deducción de impuestos redujo nuestros gastos.
English Sentence: Tax deduction reduced our expenses. - defecación
Pronunciation: deh-feh-kah-see-OHN
English Meaning: defecation
Spanish Sentence: La defecación es una función natural del cuerpo.
English Sentence: Defecation is a natural bodily function. - defenestración
Pronunciation: deh-fehn-ehs-trah-see-OHN
English Meaning: defenestration
Spanish Sentence: La defenestración del régimen ocurrió después de protestas.
English Sentence: The defenestration of the regime occurred after protests. - definición
Pronunciation: deh-feen-ee-see-OHN
English Meaning: definition
Spanish Sentence: La definición de la palabra es precisa.
English Sentence: The definition of the word is precise. - deflación
Pronunciation: deh-flah-see-OHN
English Meaning: deflation
Spanish Sentence: La deflación de los precios afectó la economía.
English Sentence: Price deflation affected the economy. - deflagración
Pronunciation: deh-flah-grah-SYOHN
English Meaning: deflagration
Spanish Sentence: La deflagración fue causada por un incendio.
English Sentence: The deflagration was caused by a fire. - deformación
Pronunciation: deh-fohr-mah-SYOHN
English Meaning: deformation
Spanish Sentence: La deformación del metal es evidente.
English Sentence: The deformation of the metal is evident. - defunción
Pronunciation: deh-foon-SYOHN
English Meaning: death, decease
Spanish Sentence: La defunción de su abuela fue triste.
English Sentence: His grandmother’s death was sad. - degeneración
Pronunciation: deh-heh-nehr-ah-SYOHN
English Meaning: degeneration
Spanish Sentence: La degeneración de la sociedad es preocupante.
English Sentence: The degeneration of society is concerning. - degradación
Pronunciation: deh-grah-dah-SYOHN
English Meaning: degradation
Spanish Sentence: La degradación del medio ambiente es un problema.
English Sentence: Environmental degradation is a problem. - degustación
Pronunciation: deh-goos-tah-SYOHN
English Meaning: tasting
Spanish Sentence: La degustación del vino fue exquisita.
English Sentence: The tasting of the wine was exquisite. - delación
Pronunciation: deh-lah-SYOHN
English Meaning: denunciation
Spanish Sentence: La delación del crimen ayudó a resolver el caso.
English Sentence: The denunciation of the crime helped solve the case. - delectación
Pronunciation: deh-lehk-tah-SYOHN
English Meaning: delight
Spanish Sentence: La delectación de la comida era evidente en sus rostros.
English Sentence: The delight in the food was evident on their faces. - delegación
Pronunciation: deh-leh-gah-SYOHN
English Meaning: delegation
Spanish Sentence: La delegación fue encargada de negociar el tratado.
English Sentence: The delegation was tasked with negotiating the treaty. - demarcación
Pronunciation: deh-mahr-kah-SYOHN
English Meaning: demarcation
Spanish Sentence: La demarcación de la frontera fue disputada.
English Sentence: The demarcation of the border was disputed. - demolición
Pronunciation: deh-moh-lee-SYOHN
English Meaning: demolition
Spanish Sentence: La demolición del edificio se realizó sin problemas.
English Sentence: The demolition of the building was carried out smoothly. - demostración
Pronunciation: deh-mohs-trah-SYOHN
English Meaning: demonstration
Spanish Sentence: La demostración en las calles fue pacífica.
English Sentence: The demonstration in the streets was peaceful. - denominación
Pronunciation: deh-noh-mee-nah-SYOHN
English Meaning: denomination
Spanish Sentence: La denominación del producto es clara.
English Sentence: The denomination of the product is clear. - deplección
Pronunciation: deh-plehk-SYON
English Meaning: depletion
Spanish Sentence: La deplección de recursos naturales es preocupante.
English Sentence: The depletion of natural resources is concerning. - deportación
Pronunciation: deh-pohr-tah-SYOHN
English Meaning: deportation
Spanish Sentence: La deportación de inmigrantes es controvertida.
English Sentence: Deportation of immigrants is controversial. - depredación
Pronunciation: deh-preh-dah-SYOHN
English Meaning: predation
Spanish Sentence: La depredación de la selva es un problema ambiental.
English Sentence: Predation of the jungle is an environmental problem. - depredación
Pronunciation: deh-preh-dah-SYOHN
English Meaning: looting, pillaging
Spanish Sentence: La depredación de la ciudad fue caótica.
English Sentence: The looting of the city was chaotic. - derivación
Pronunciation: deh-ree-vah-SYOHN
English Meaning: derivation, derivation
Spanish Sentence: La derivación de la palabra es latina.
English Sentence: The derivation of the word is Latin. - desaceleración
Pronunciation: deh-sah-seh-leh-rah-SYOHN
English Meaning: deceleration
Spanish Sentence: La desaceleración del vehículo fue brusca.
English Sentence: The deceleration of the vehicle was abrupt. - desambiguación
Pronunciation: deh-sahm-bee-gwah-SYOHN
English Meaning: disambiguation
Spanish Sentence: La desambiguación del término es necesaria.
English Sentence: The disambiguation of the term is necessary. - desaparición
Pronunciation: deh-sah-pah-ree-see-YOHN
English Meaning: disappearance
Spanish Sentence: La desaparición del avión sigue siendo un misterio.
English Sentence: The disappearance of the plane remains a mystery. - descarboxilación
Pronunciation: dehs-kahr-bohk-see-lah-SYOHN
English Meaning: decarboxylation
Spanish Sentence: La descarboxilación es una reacción química.
English Sentence: Decarboxylation is a chemical reaction. - descentralización
Pronunciation: deh-sehn-trah-lee-sah-syohn
English Meaning: decentralization
Spanish Sentence: La descentralización del gobierno es necesaria.
English Sentence: Decentralization of the government is necessary. - descolonización
Pronunciation: dehs-koh-loh-nee-sah-SYOHN
English Meaning: decolonization
Spanish Sentence: La descolonización del país fue un proceso largo.
English Sentence: The decolonization of the country was a lengthy process. - descomposición
Pronunciation: dehs-kohm-poh-see-SYOHN
English Meaning: decomposition
Spanish Sentence: La descomposición de la materia orgánica es natural.
English Sentence: Decomposition of organic matter is natural. - descripción
Pronunciation: dehs-kreep-syohn
English Meaning: description
Spanish Sentence: La descripción del lugar era detallada.
English Sentence: The description of the place was detailed. - deserción
Pronunciation: deh-sehr-syohn
English Meaning: desertion
Spanish Sentence: La deserción del soldado fue un acto de cobardía.
English Sentence: The desertion of the soldier was an act of cowardice. - desertificación
Pronunciation: deh-sehr-tee-fee-kah-syohn
English Meaning: desertification
Spanish Sentence: La desertificación de la región afecta a los habitantes.
English Sentence: Desertification of the region affects the inhabitants. - desertización
Pronunciation: deh-sehr-tee-sah-syohn
English Meaning: desertization
Spanish Sentence: La desertización del área fue evidente tras la sequía.
English Sentence: The desertization of the area was evident after the drought. - desesperación
Pronunciation: deh-sehs-peh-rah-syohn
English Meaning: desperation
Spanish Sentence: La desesperación ante la situación era palpable.
English Sentence: The desperation in the situation was palpable. - deshidratación
Pronunciation: deh-seed-rah-tah-syohn
English Meaning: dehydration
Spanish Sentence: La deshidratación es un peligro en climas cálidos.
English Sentence: Dehydration is a danger in hot climates. - deshidrogenación
Pronunciation: deh-see-droh-heh-nah-syohn
English Meaning: dehydrogenation
Spanish Sentence: La deshidrogenación es parte de la producción de gas.
English Sentence: Dehydrogenation is part of gas production. - designación
Pronunciation: deh-see-nyah-syohn
English Meaning: designation
Spanish Sentence: La designación del nuevo líder fue controvertida.
English Sentence: The designation of the new leader was controversial. - desintegración
Pronunciation: dehs-een-teh-grah-syohn
English Meaning: disintegration
Spanish Sentence: La desintegración del imperio fue gradual.
English Sentence: The disintegration of the empire was gradual. - desintoxicación
Pronunciation: deh-seen-toh-kee-kah-syohn
English Meaning: detoxification
Spanish Sentence: La desintoxicación del cuerpo lleva tiempo.
English Sentence: Detoxification of the body takes time. - desmovilización
Pronunciation: dehs-moh-bee-lee-sah-syohn
English Meaning: demobilization
Spanish Sentence: La desmovilización de las tropas fue un proceso largo.
English Sentence: The demobilization of the troops was a lengthy process. - desnaturalización
Pronunciation: dehs-nah-too-rah-lee-sah-syohn
English Meaning: denaturalization
Spanish Sentence: La desnaturalización del paisaje fue impactante.
English Sentence: The denaturalization of the landscape was striking. - desnutrición
Pronunciation: deh-snoo-tree-syohn
English Meaning: malnutrition
Spanish Sentence: La desnutrición infantil es un problema grave.
English Sentence: Malnutrition in children is a serious problem. - desocupación
Pronunciation: deh-soo-pah-syohn
English Meaning: vacation
Spanish Sentence: La desocupación del pueblo durante el invierno es común.
English Sentence: The vacation of the town during winter is common. - desocupación
Pronunciation: deh-soo-pah-syohn
English Meaning: unemployment
Spanish Sentence: La desocupación en la región aumentó este año.
English Sentence: Unemployment in the region increased this year. - desolación
Pronunciation: deh-soh-lah-syohn
English Meaning: desolation
Spanish Sentence: La desolación del paisaje era abrumadora.
English Sentence: The desolation of the landscape was overwhelming. - despenalización
Pronunciation: deh-speh-nah-lee-sah-syohn
English Meaning: decriminalization
Spanish Sentence: La despenalización del consumo de drogas es polémica.
English Sentence: The decriminalization of drug use is controversial. - destrucción
Pronunciation: dehs-truk-syohn
English Meaning: destruction
Spanish Sentence: La destrucción del edificio fue devastadora.
English Sentence: The destruction of the building was devastating. - desviación
Pronunciation: deh-svee-ah-syohn
English Meaning: deviation
Spanish Sentence: La desviación del camino los llevó a la montaña.
English Sentence: The deviation from the path led them to the mountain. - desviación
Pronunciation: deh-svee-ah-syohn
English Meaning: diversion
Spanish Sentence: La desviación del río causó inundaciones.
English Sentence: The diversion of the river caused floods. - desvinculación
Pronunciation: deh-sveen-koo-lah-syohn
English Meaning: disengagement
Spanish Sentence: La desvinculación del acuerdo fue inevitable.
English Sentence: Disengagement from the agreement was inevitable. - detección
Pronunciation: deh-tehk-syohn
English Meaning: detection
Spanish Sentence: La detección de movimiento activa la alarma.
English Sentence: Motion detection activates the alarm. - detención
Pronunciation: deh-tehn-syohn
English Meaning: detention
Spanish Sentence: La detención del sospechoso fue rápida.
English Sentence: The detention of the suspect was swift. - detención
Pronunciation: deh-tehn-syohn
English Meaning: stop, arrest
Spanish Sentence: La detención del flujo de agua causó problemas.
English Sentence: The stoppage of the water flow caused problems. - determinación
Pronunciation: deh-tehr-mee-nah-SYOHN
English Meaning: determination, decision
Spanish Sentence: Su determinación para alcanzar sus metas es admirable.
English Sentence: Her determination to achieve her goals is admirable. - detonación
Pronunciation: deh-toh-nah-SYOHN
English Meaning: detonation
Spanish Sentence: La detonación fue escuchada en toda la ciudad.
English Sentence: The detonation was heard throughout the city. - devoción
Pronunciation: deh-boh-SYOHN
English Meaning: devotion
Spanish Sentence: La devoción de los fieles era evidente en la iglesia.
English Sentence: The devotion of the faithful was evident in the church. - devolución
Pronunciation: deh-boh-loo-SYOHN
English Meaning: return, refund
Spanish Sentence: La devolución del producto fue rápida y sin problemas.
English Sentence: The return of the product was quick and hassle-free. - deyección
Pronunciation: deh-yehk-SYOHN
English Meaning: excretion
Spanish Sentence: Las deyecciones del animal contaminaron el agua.
English Sentence: The animal’s excretions contaminated the water. - dicción
Pronunciation: dee-SYOHN
English Meaning: diction, pronunciation
Spanish Sentence: Su dicción al hablar es muy clara.
English Sentence: Her diction when speaking is very clear. - difamación
Pronunciation: dee-fah-mah-SYOHN
English Meaning: defamation
Spanish Sentence: La difamación puede causar mucho daño a una persona.
English Sentence: Defamation can cause a lot of harm to a person. - diferenciación
Pronunciation: dee-feh-rehn-syah-SYOHN
English Meaning: differentiation
Spanish Sentence: La diferenciación entre los dos productos es clara.
English Sentence: The differentiation between the two products is clear. - difracción
Pronunciation: dee-frahk-SYOHN
English Meaning: diffraction
Spanish Sentence: La difracción de la luz es un fenómeno interesante.
English Sentence: Diffraction of light is an interesting phenomenon. - dilación
Pronunciation: dee-lah-SYOHN
English Meaning: delay
Spanish Sentence: La dilación en la entrega del proyecto fue frustrante.
English Sentence: The delay in project delivery was frustrating. - dirección
Pronunciation: dee-rehk-SYOHN
English Meaning: direction, address
Spanish Sentence: La dirección del viento cambió repentinamente.
English Sentence: The wind’s direction changed suddenly. - discreción
Pronunciation: dees-kreh-SYOHN
English Meaning: discretion
Spanish Sentence: Actuó con discreción en esa delicada situación.
English Sentence: He acted with discretion in that delicate situation. - discriminación
Pronunciation: dees-kree-mee-nah-SYOHN
English Meaning: discrimination
Spanish Sentence: La discriminación por motivos de género es injusta.
English Sentence: Discrimination based on gender is unfair. - disección
Pronunciation: dee-sehk-SYOHN
English Meaning: dissection
Spanish Sentence: La disección del cadáver reveló la causa de muerte.
English Sentence: The dissection of the corpse revealed the cause of death. - disfunción
Pronunciation: dees-foon-SYOHN
English Meaning: dysfunction
Spanish Sentence: La disfunción del sistema causó problemas graves.
English Sentence: The dysfunction of the system caused serious problems. - disminución
Pronunciation: dees-mee-noo-SYOHN
English Meaning: decrease
Spanish Sentence: Hubo una disminución en el número de empleados.
English Sentence: There was a decrease in the number of employees. - dismutación
Pronunciation: dees-moo-tah-SYOHN
English Meaning: mutation, transmutation
Spanish Sentence: La dismutación genética es un proceso natural.
English Sentence: Genetic mutation is a natural process. - disolución
Pronunciation: dees-soh-loo-SYOHN
English Meaning: dissolution
Spanish Sentence: La disolución del contrato fue inevitable.
English Sentence: The dissolution of the contract was inevitable. - disposición
Pronunciation: dees-poh-see-SYON
English Meaning: disposition, arrangement
Spanish Sentence: La disposición de los muebles era elegante.
English Sentence: The arrangement of the furniture was elegant. - distinción
Pronunciation: dees-teenk-SYOHN
English Meaning: distinction
Spanish Sentence: Se le otorgó una distinción por su servicio público.
English Sentence: He was awarded a distinction for his public service. - distracción
Pronunciation: dees-trahk-SYOHN
English Meaning: distraction
Spanish Sentence: La distracción del conductor causó un accidente.
English Sentence: The driver’s distraction caused an accident. - distribución
Pronunciation: dees-tree-boo-SYON
English Meaning: distribution
Spanish Sentence: La distribución de la riqueza es desigual.
English Sentence: The distribution of wealth is unequal. - divulgación
Pronunciation: dee-vool-gah-SYOHN
English Meaning: disclosure, divulgence
Spanish Sentence: La divulgación de información confidencial es ilegal.
English Sentence: Disclosure of confidential information is illegal. - doble penetración
Pronunciation: doh-bleh pehn-teh-rah-SYOHN
English Meaning: double penetration
Spanish Sentence: La doble penetración es una práctica sexual.
English Sentence: Double penetration is a sexual practice. - documentación
Pronunciation: dohk-oo-mehn-tah-SYOHN
English Meaning: documentation
Spanish Sentence: La documentación del proyecto está completa.
English Sentence: The project documentation is complete. - domesticación
Pronunciation: doh-mehs-tee-kah-SYOHN
English Meaning: domestication
Spanish Sentence: La domesticación de animales es antigua.
English Sentence: Animal domestication is ancient. - dominación
Pronunciation: doh-mee-nah-SYOHN
English Meaning: domination
Spanish Sentence: La dominación del mercado por una empresa es riesgosa.
English Sentence: Market domination by a company is risky. - donación
Pronunciation: doh-nah-SYOHN
English Meaning: donation
Spanish Sentence: Su donación ayudó a muchas personas necesitadas.
English Sentence: Your donation helped many people in need. - dotación
Pronunciation: doh-tah-SYON
English Meaning: endowment
Spanish Sentence: La dotación de la universidad aumentó este año.
English Sentence: The university’s endowment increased this year. - dramatización
Pronunciation: drah-mah-tee-sah-SYOHN
English Meaning: dramatization
Spanish Sentence: La dramatización de la obra fue sobresaliente.
English Sentence: The dramatization of the play was outstanding. - drogadicción
Pronunciation: droh-gah-dee-SYOHN
English Meaning: drug addiction
Spanish Sentence: La drogadicción es un problema de salud pública.
English Sentence: Drug addiction is a public health problem. - duplicación
Pronunciation: doo-plee-kah-SYOHN
English Meaning: duplication
Spanish Sentence: La duplicación de archivos ocupó mucho espacio.
English Sentence: File duplication took up a lot of space. - duración
Pronunciation: doo-rah-SYOHN
English Meaning: duration
Spanish Sentence: La duración del concierto fue de dos horas.
English Sentence: The duration of the concert was two hours.
Spanish Words Ending in “ción” & Start with E
- ebullición
Pronunciation: eh-boo-lee-SYOHN
English Meaning: boiling
Spanish Sentence: La ebullición del agua tarda unos minutos.
English Sentence: Water boiling takes a few minutes. - ecuación
Pronunciation: eh-kwah-SYOHN
English Meaning: equation
Spanish Sentence: Resolvieron la ecuación matemática juntos.
English Sentence: They solved the math equation together. - edición
Pronunciation: eh-dee-SYOHN
English Meaning: edition, editing
Spanish Sentence: La edición del libro tomó varios meses.
English Sentence: The editing of the book took several months. - edificación
Pronunciation: eh-dee-fee-kah-SYOHN
English Meaning: edification
Spanish Sentence: La edificación de la moral es importante.
English Sentence: Edification of morale is important. - educación
Pronunciation: eh-doo-kah-SYON
English Meaning: education
Spanish Sentence: La educación es clave para el desarrollo.
English Sentence: Education is key to development. - ejecución
Pronunciation: eh-heh-koo-SYON
English Meaning: execution
Spanish Sentence: La ejecución del plan fue impecable.
English Sentence: The execution of the plan was flawless. - elaboración
Pronunciation: eh-lah-boh-rah-SYON
English Meaning: elaboration
Spanish Sentence: La elaboración del informe llevó mucho tiempo.
English Sentence: The elaboration of the report took a long time. - elección
Pronunciation: eh-lehk-see-OHN
English Meaning: choice, election
Spanish Sentence: La elección del candidato fue controvertida.
English Sentence: The choice of candidate was controversial. - elevación
Pronunciation: eh-leh-bah-SYON
English Meaning: elevation
Spanish Sentence: La elevación del terreno proporciona vistas hermosas.
English Sentence: The elevation of the terrain provides beautiful views. - eliminación
Pronunciation: eh-lee-mee-nah-SYON
English Meaning: elimination
Spanish Sentence: La eliminación de los residuos es importante.
English Sentence: Waste elimination is important. - embarcación
Pronunciation: ehm-bahr-kah-SYON
English Meaning: vessel, boat
Spanish Sentence: La embarcación se preparaba para zarpar.
English Sentence: The boat was getting ready to set sail. - emigración
Pronunciation: eh-mee-grah-SYON
English Meaning: emigration
Spanish Sentence: La emigración de jóvenes es preocupante para el país.
English Sentence: Youth emigration is concerning for the country. - emoción
Pronunciation: eh-moh-see-OHN
English Meaning: emotion
Spanish Sentence: Su emoción al recibir la noticia era evidente.
English Sentence: Her emotion upon receiving the news was evident. - emulación
Pronunciation: eh-moo-lah-SYON
English Meaning: emulation
Spanish Sentence: La emulación de modelos positivos es importante.
English Sentence: Emulation of positive role models is important. - encarnación
Pronunciation: ehn-kahr-nah-SYON
English Meaning: incarnation
Spanish Sentence: La encarnación de sus ideas en el proyecto fue brillante.
English Sentence: The incarnation of his ideas in the project was brilliant. - encuadernación
Pronunciation: ehn-kwah-dehr-nah-SYON
English Meaning: binding, bookbinding
Spanish Sentence: La encuadernación del libro estaba desgastada.
English Sentence: The book’s binding was worn out. - equitación
Pronunciation: eh-kee-tah-SYON
English Meaning: horseback riding
Spanish Sentence: La equitación es uno de sus pasatiempos favoritos.
English Sentence: Horseback riding is one of her favorite hobbies. - equivocación
Pronunciation: eh-kee-boh-kah-SYON
English Meaning: mistake, error
Spanish Sentence: Cometió una equivocación al calcular los números.
English Sentence: He made a mistake when calculating the numbers. - erección
Pronunciation: eh-rehk-syohn
English Meaning: erection, building
Spanish Sentence: La erección del edificio tomó varios años.
English Sentence: The building’s erection took several years. - erradicación
Pronunciation: eh-rah-dee-kah-SYON
English Meaning: eradication
Spanish Sentence: La erradicación de la enfermedad es una prioridad.
English Sentence: Disease eradication is a priority. - erudición
Pronunciation: eh-roo-dee-SYON
English Meaning: erudition
Spanish Sentence: Su erudición en el tema es impresionante.
English Sentence: His erudition on the subject is impressive. - erupción
Pronunciation: eh-roo-pee-SYON
English Meaning: eruption
Spanish Sentence: La erupción del volcán causó evacuaciones.
English Sentence: The volcano eruption caused evacuations. - especialización
Pronunciation: eh-speh-syah-lee-sah-SYON
English Meaning: specialization
Spanish Sentence: Su especialización en medicina es reconocida.
English Sentence: Her specialization in medicine is recognized. - especificación
Pronunciation: eh-speh-seefee-kah-SYON
English Meaning: specification
Spanish Sentence: Las especificaciones del producto deben cumplirse.
English Sentence: The product specifications must be met. - especulación
Pronunciation: eh-speh-koo-lah-SYON
English Meaning: speculation
Spanish Sentence: La especulación sobre el mercado es riesgosa.
English Sentence: Speculation about the market is risky. - esquematización
Pronunciation: eh-skeh-mah-tee-sah-SYON
English Meaning: schematization
Spanish Sentence: La esquematización del proceso ayudó a entenderlo mejor.
English Sentence: Schematization of the process helped to understand it better. - estabilización
Pronunciation: ehs-tah-beelee-sah-SYON
English Meaning: stabilization
Spanish Sentence: La estabilización de la economía es crucial.
English Sentence: Stabilization of the economy is crucial. - estación
Pronunciation: ehs-tah-syohn
English Meaning: station, season
Spanish Sentence: Nos encontraremos en la estación de tren a las 3 p.m.
English Sentence: We’ll meet at the train station at 3 p.m. - estanflación
Pronunciation: ehs-tahn-flah-syohn
English Meaning: stagflation
Spanish Sentence: La estanflación puede ser difícil de controlar.
English Sentence: Stagflation can be hard to control. - esterilización
Pronunciation: ehs-teh-reelee-sah-SYON
English Meaning: sterilization
Spanish Sentence: La esterilización del equipo es necesaria para la seguridad.
English Sentence: Sterilization of equipment is necessary for safety. - estilización
Pronunciation: ehs-teelee-sah-SYON
English Meaning: stylization
Spanish Sentence: La estilización de la marca es importante para su reconocimiento.
English Sentence: Stylization of the brand is important for its recognition. - estimación
Pronunciation: ehs-tee-mah-syon
English Meaning: estimation
Spanish Sentence: La estimación del costo del proyecto fue precisa.
English Sentence: The estimation of the project cost was accurate. - estrangulación
Pronunciation: ehs-trahn-goo-lah-syon
English Meaning: strangulation
Spanish Sentence: La estrangulación del lazo causó la muerte del animal.
English Sentence: The strangulation of the noose caused the animal’s death. - estribación
Pronunciation: ehs-tree-bah-syon
English Meaning: tributary
Spanish Sentence: La estribación del río es un lugar de pesca popular.
English Sentence: The river’s tributary is a popular fishing spot. - estupefacción
Pronunciation: ehs-too-peh-fahk-syon
English Meaning: stupefaction
Spanish Sentence: Su estupefacción ante la noticia era evidente.
English Sentence: His stupefaction at the news was evident. - evacuación
Pronunciation: eh-vah-koo-ah-SYON
English Meaning: evacuation
Spanish Sentence: La evacuación de la zona costera fue ordenada.
English Sentence: Evacuation of the coastal area was ordered. - evaluación
Pronunciation: eh-vah-loo-ah-SYON
English Meaning: evaluation
Spanish Sentence: La evaluación del desempeño determinará los ascensos.
English Sentence: Performance evaluation will determine promotions. - evangelización
Pronunciation: eh-bahn-geh-lee-zah-SYON
English Meaning: evangelization
Spanish Sentence: La evangelización de las tribus indígenas fue exitosa.
English Sentence: Evangelization of indigenous tribes was successful. - evaporación
Pronunciation: eh-vah-poh-rah-SYON
English Meaning: evaporation
Spanish Sentence: La evaporación del agua dejó cristales de sal.
English Sentence: Evaporation of the water left salt crystals. - evitación
Pronunciation: eh-bee-tah-syon
English Meaning: avoidance
Spanish Sentence: La evitación del conflicto no resuelve nada.
English Sentence: Avoidance of conflict doesn’t solve anything. - evocación
Pronunciation: eh-boh-kah-syon
English Meaning: evocation
Spanish Sentence: La evocación de recuerdos dolorosos fue inevitable.
English Sentence: The evocation of painful memories was inevitable. - evolución
Pronunciation: eh-boh-loo-syon
English Meaning: evolution
Spanish Sentence: La evolución de las especies es un proceso largo.
English Sentence: Evolution of species is a lengthy process. - evolución
Pronunciation: eh-vo-loo-THYOHN
English Meaning: evolution
Spanish Sentence: La evolución de las especies es un proceso largo y complejo.
English Sentence: The evolution of species is a long and complex process. - exacerbación
Pronunciation: eh-kah-ser-bah-SYON
English Meaning: exacerbation
Spanish Sentence: La exacerbación de la enfermedad requiere tratamiento inmediato.
English Sentence: The exacerbation of the illness requires immediate treatment. - exageración
Pronunciation: eh-khah-heh-rah-SYON
English Meaning: exaggeration
Spanish Sentence: Su relato está lleno de exageraciones.
English Sentence: His story is full of exaggerations. - exaltación
Pronunciation: eh-khahl-tah-SYON
English Meaning: exaltation
Spanish Sentence: La exaltación de sus logros fue evidente en su discurso.
English Sentence: The exaltation of his achievements was evident in his speech. - exasperación
Pronunciation: eh-khah-speh-rah-SYON
English Meaning: exasperation
Spanish Sentence: Su constante tardanza provocó la exasperación de todos.
English Sentence: His constant lateness provoked exasperation in everyone. - excavación
Pronunciation: eh-kah-bah-SYON
English Meaning: excavation
Spanish Sentence: La excavación arqueológica reveló antiguos artefactos.
English Sentence: The archaeological excavation revealed ancient artifacts. - excepción
Pronunciation: eck-sep-SYON
English Meaning: exception
Spanish Sentence: Todos pueden participar, con la excepción de Juan.
English Sentence: Everyone can participate, except for Juan. - excitación
Pronunciation: ehk-see-tah-SYON
English Meaning: excitement
Spanish Sentence: La excitación por el concierto era palpable en el aire.
English Sentence: The excitement for the concert was palpable in the air. - exclamación
Pronunciation: ehk-slah-mah-SYON
English Meaning: exclamation
Spanish Sentence: Emitió una exclamación de sorpresa al ver el regalo.
English Sentence: She uttered an exclamation of surprise upon seeing the gift. - exención
Pronunciation: ehk-sehn-SYON
English Meaning: exemption
Spanish Sentence: Los estudiantes con becas tienen exención de pago.
English Sentence: Students with scholarships have exemption from payment. - exhibición
Pronunciation: ehk-see-bee-SYON
English Meaning: exhibition
Spanish Sentence: La exhibición de arte atrajo a multitudes.
English Sentence: The art exhibition attracted crowds. - exhortación
Pronunciation: ehk-sohr-tah-SYON
English Meaning: exhortation
Spanish Sentence: La exhortación del líder inspiró a la gente a actuar.
English Sentence: The exhortation of the leader inspired people to act. - expectación
Pronunciation: ehks-pek-tah-SYON
English Meaning: expectation
Spanish Sentence: La expectación por el resultado del partido era enorme.
English Sentence: The expectation for the outcome of the match was huge. - expedición
Pronunciation: ehk-speh-dee-SYON
English Meaning: expedition
Spanish Sentence: La expedición al Everest fue ardua pero emocionante.
English Sentence: The expedition to Everest was arduous but exciting. - experimentación
Pronunciation: ehk-speh-ree-men-tah-SYON
English Meaning: experimentation
Spanish Sentence: La experimentación es fundamental en la ciencia.
English Sentence: Experimentation is fundamental in science. - expiación
Pronunciation: ehk-spee-ah-SYON
English Meaning: atonement
Spanish Sentence: La expiación de sus pecados le trajo paz interior.
English Sentence: The atonement for his sins brought him inner peace. - explicación
Pronunciation: ehk-plee-kah-SYON
English Meaning: explanation
Spanish Sentence: Su explicación sobre el tema fue clara y concisa.
English Sentence: His explanation of the topic was clear and concise. - exploración
Pronunciation: ehk-ploh-rah-SYON
English Meaning: exploration
Spanish Sentence: La exploración del espacio exterior es fascinante.
English Sentence: Exploration of outer space is fascinating. - explotación
Pronunciation: ehk-ploh-tah-SYON
English Meaning: exploitation
Spanish Sentence: La explotación laboral es un problema social grave.
English Sentence: Labor exploitation is a serious social problem. - exportación
Pronunciation: ehk-spohr-tah-SYON
English Meaning: exportation
Spanish Sentence: El país depende en gran medida de la exportación de café.
English Sentence: The country heavily relies on coffee exportation. - exposición
Pronunciation: ehk-poh-see-SYON
English Meaning: exposition
Spanish Sentence: La exposición fotográfica estará abierta al público durante un mes.
English Sentence: The photographic exposition will be open to the public for a month. - expropiación
Pronunciation: ehk-sproh-pee-ah-SYON
English Meaning: expropriation
Spanish Sentence: La expropiación de tierras generó controversia.
English Sentence: The expropriation of lands generated controversy. - externalización
Pronunciation: ehk-stehr-nah-lee-sah-SYON
English Meaning: outsourcing
Spanish Sentence: La externalización de servicios puede reducir costos.
English Sentence: Outsourcing services can reduce costs. - extinción
Pronunciation: eck-steen-SYON
English Meaning: extinction
Spanish Sentence: La extinción de algunas especies es preocupante.
English Sentence: The extinction of some species is worrisome. - extracción
Pronunciation: ehk-strahk-SYON
English Meaning: extraction
Spanish Sentence: La extracción de recursos naturales debe ser sostenible.
English Sentence: Extraction of natural resources must be sustainable. - extradición
Pronunciation: ehks-trah-dee-SYON
English Meaning: extradition
Spanish Sentence: El criminal fue solicitado para extradición por otro país.
English Sentence: The criminal was requested for extradition by another country. - extricación
Pronunciation: ehk-tree-kah-SYON
English Meaning: extrication
Spanish Sentence: La extricación del vehículo accidentado tomó horas.
English Sentence: The extrication of the crashed vehicle took hours. - exudación
Pronunciation: ehk-soo-dah-SYON
English Meaning: exudation
Spanish Sentence: La exudación de líquido indica una infección.
English Sentence: The exudation of liquid indicates an infection. - exultación
Pronunciation: ehk-sool-tah-SYON
English Meaning: exultation
Spanish Sentence: Hubo exultación en las calles tras la victoria del equipo.
English Sentence: There was exultation in the streets after the team’s victory.
Spanish Words Ending in “ción” & Start with F
- fabricación
Pronunciation: fah-bree-kah-SYON
English Meaning: fabrication
Spanish Sentence: La fabricación de productos químicos requiere cuidado extremo.
English Sentence: The fabrication of chemical products requires extreme - facción
Pronunciation: fahk-SYON
English Meaning: faction
Spanish Sentence: Las facciones rivales luchaban por el control del territorio.
English Sentence: The rival factions fought for control of the territory. - factorización
Pronunciation: fahk-toh-ree-sah-SYON
English Meaning: factorization
Spanish Sentence: La factorización es importante en matemáticas.
English Sentence: Factorization is important in mathematics. - falsación
Pronunciation: fahl-sah-SYON
English Meaning: falsification
Spanish Sentence: La falsación de datos es un grave delito científico.
English Sentence: Falsification of data is a serious scientific offense. - falsificación
Pronunciation: fahl-see-fee-kah-SYON
English Meaning: falsification
Spanish Sentence: La falsificación de documentos es un crimen.
English Sentence: Falsification of documents is a crime. - fascinación
Pronunciation: fahs-see-nah-SYON
English Meaning: fascination
Spanish Sentence: La fascinación por el universo es infinita.
English Sentence: Fascination with the universe is infinite. - federación
Pronunciation: feh-deh-rah-SYON
English Meaning: federation
Spanish Sentence: La federación deportiva organiza torneos a nivel nacional.
English Sentence: The sports federation organizes tournaments at the national level. - felicitación
Pronunciation: feh-lee-thee-tah-SYON
English Meaning: congratulation
Spanish Sentence: Recibió muchas felicitaciones por su ascenso.
English Sentence: He received many congratulations for his promotion. - fermentación
Pronunciation: fehr-mehn-tah-SYON
English Meaning: fermentation
Spanish Sentence: La fermentación es un proceso importante en la producción de alimentos.
English Sentence: Fermentation is an important process in food production. - fertilización
Pronunciation: fehr-tee-lee-sah-SYON
English Meaning: fertilization
Spanish Sentence: La fertilización del suelo es esencial para el crecimiento de las plantas.
English Sentence: Soil fertilization is essential for plant growth. - fibrilación
Pronunciation: fee-bree-lah-SYON
English Meaning: fibrillation
Spanish Sentence: La fibrilación cardíaca requiere atención médica urgente.
English Sentence: Cardiac fibrillation requires urgent medical attention. - ficción
Pronunciation: feeck-see-OHN
English Meaning: fiction
Spanish Sentence: Disfruto leyendo ficción en mi tiempo libre.
English Sentence: I enjoy reading fiction in my spare time. - fijación
Pronunciation: fee-hah-SYON
English Meaning: fixation
Spanish Sentence: Tiene una fijación obsesiva con la limpieza.
English Sentence: He has an obsessive fixation with cleanliness. - filiación
Pronunciation: fee-lee-ah-SYON
English Meaning: affiliation
Spanish Sentence: La filiación política influye en nuestras creencias.
English Sentence: Political affiliation influences our beliefs. - filmación
Pronunciation: fee-mah-SYON
English Meaning: filming
Spanish Sentence: La filmación de la película tuvo lugar en varios países.
English Sentence: The filming of the movie took place in several countries. - filtración
Pronunciation: feel-trah-SYON
English Meaning: filtration
Spanish Sentence: La filtración de agua potable es fundamental para la salud.
English Sentence: Filtration of drinking water is fundamental for health. - financiación
Pronunciation: fee-nahn-syah-SYON
English Meaning: financing
Spanish Sentence: La financiación del proyecto proviene de varios donantes.
English Sentence: The financing of the project comes from various donors. - fiscalización
Pronunciation: fees-kah-lee-sah-SYON
English Meaning: oversight
Spanish Sentence: La fiscalización de los gastos es necesaria para evitar malversación.
English Sentence: Oversight of expenses is necessary to prevent embezzlement. - flexibilización
Pronunciation: fleh-ksee-bee-lee-sah-SYON
English Meaning: flexibilization
Spanish Sentence: La flexibilización laboral puede beneficiar a empleados y empleadores.
English Sentence: Labor flexibilization can benefit both employees and employers. - flotación
Pronunciation: floh-tah-SYON
English Meaning: flotation
Spanish Sentence: La flotación del barco se logró con éxito.
English Sentence: The flotation of the boat was successfully achieved. - fonación
Pronunciation: foh-nah-SYON
English Meaning: phonation
Spanish Sentence: La fonación adecuada es crucial para la producción de voz.
English Sentence: Proper phonation is crucial for voice production. - formación
Pronunciation: fohr-mah-SYON
English Meaning: formation
Spanish Sentence: La formación de las montañas es un proceso geológico largo.
English Sentence: The formation of mountains is a long geological process. - formalización
Pronunciation: fohr-mah-lee-sah-SYON
English Meaning: formalization
Spanish Sentence: La formalización del acuerdo se llevará a cabo mañana.
English Sentence: The formalization of the agreement will take place tomorrow. - fornicación
Pronunciation: for-nee-kah-SYON
English Meaning: fornication
Spanish Sentence: La fornicación está prohibida en algunas religiones.
English Sentence: Fornication is prohibited in some religions. - fortificación
Pronunciation: for-tee-fee-kah-SYON
English Meaning: fortification
Spanish Sentence: La fortificación del castillo lo hizo casi inexpugnable.
English Sentence: The fortification of the castle made it nearly impregnable. - fosforilación
Pronunciation: fohs-foh-ree-lah-SYON
English Meaning: phosphorylation
Spanish Sentence: La fosforilación de proteínas es esencial para la señalización celular.
English Sentence: Phosphorylation of proteins is essential for cellular signaling. - fotodesintegración
Pronunciation: foh-toh-deh-seen-teh-grah-SYON
English Meaning: photodisintegration
Spanish Sentence: La fotodesintegración nuclear es un proceso energético.
English Sentence: Nuclear photodisintegration is an energetic process. - fotofosforilación
Pronunciation: foh-toh-fohs-foh-ree-lah-SYON
English Meaning: photophosphorylation
Spanish Sentence: La fotofosforilación ocurre durante la fotosíntesis.
English Sentence: Photophosphorylation occurs during photosynthesis. - fracción
Pronunciation: frahk-SYON
English Meaning: fraction
Spanish Sentence: La fracción de estudiantes que aprobó el examen fue pequeña.
English Sentence: The fraction of students who passed the exam was small. - fricción
Pronunciation: freek-see-OHN
English Meaning: friction
Spanish Sentence: La fricción entre los dos equipos fue evidente desde el principio.
English Sentence: The friction between the two teams was evident from the beginning. - frustración
Pronunciation: froos-trah-SYON
English Meaning: frustration
Spanish Sentence: La frustración de no lograr sus metas lo estaba consumiendo.
English Sentence: The frustration of not achieving his goals was consuming him. - función
Pronunciation: foon-SYON
English Meaning: function
Spanish Sentence: La función del hígado es vital para el metabolismo.
English Sentence: The function of the liver is vital for metabolism. - fundación
Pronunciation: foon-dah-SYON
English Meaning: foundation
Spanish Sentence: La fundación benéfica ayuda a niños necesitados.
English Sentence: The charitable foundation helps needy children. - fundición
Pronunciation: foon-dee-SYON
English Meaning: foundry
Spanish Sentence: La fundición de metales es una actividad industrial importante.
English Sentence: Metal foundry is an important industrial activity.
Spanish Words Ending in “ción” & Start with G
- galvanización
Pronunciation: gahl-vah-nee-sah-SYON
English Meaning: galvanization
Spanish Sentence: La galvanización protege el metal contra la corrosión.
English Sentence: Galvanization protects metal against corrosion. - gasificación
Pronunciation: gah-see-fee-kah-SYON
English Meaning: gasification
Spanish Sentence: La gasificación del carbón es un proceso complejo.
English Sentence: Gasification of coal is a complex process. - gemación
Pronunciation: heh-mah-SYON
English Meaning: budding
Spanish Sentence: La gemación es un método de reproducción asexual.
English Sentence: Budding is a method of asexual reproduction. - geminación
Pronunciation: heh-mee-nah-SYON
English Meaning: gemination
Spanish Sentence: La geminación de las palabras es común en algunos idiomas.
English Sentence: Gemination of words is common in some languages. - generación
Pronunciation: heh-neh-rah-SYON
English Meaning: generation
Spanish Sentence: La generación más joven está muy involucrada en tecnología.
English Sentence: The younger generation is very involved in technology. - generalización
Pronunciation: heh-neh-rah-lee-sah-SYON
English Meaning: generalization
Spanish Sentence: La generalización de datos puede llevar a conclusiones erróneas.
English Sentence: Generalization of data can lead to erroneous conclusions. - germanización
Pronunciation: hehr-mah-nee-sah-SYON
English Meaning: germanization
Spanish Sentence: La germanización de la región ocurrió durante el siglo XIX.
English Sentence: The germanization of the region occurred during the 19th century. - germinación
Pronunciation: hehr-mee-nah-SYON
English Meaning: germination
Spanish Sentence: La germinación de las semillas es el primer paso en el crecimiento de las plantas.
English Sentence: Germination of seeds is the first step in plant growth. - gestación
Pronunciation: hehs-tah-SYON
English Meaning: gestation
Spanish Sentence: La gestación de un elefante dura casi dos años.
English Sentence: Gestation of an elephant lasts almost two years. - gesticulación
Pronunciation: hehs-tee-koo-lah-SYON
English Meaning: gesticulation
Spanish Sentence: Su gesticulación excesiva distraía a los demás durante la reunión.
English Sentence: His excessive gesticulation distracted others during the meeting. - globalización
Pronunciation: gloh-bah-lee-sah-SYON
English Meaning: globalization
Spanish Sentence: La globalización ha cambiado la forma en que interactuamos.
English Sentence: Globalization has changed the way we interact. - glorificación
Pronunciation: gloh-ree-fee-kah-SYON
English Meaning: glorification
Spanish Sentence: La glorificación de la violencia en los medios es preocupante.
English Sentence: The glorification of violence in the media is concerning. - gobernación
Pronunciation: goh-behr-nah-SYON
English Meaning: governance
Spanish Sentence: La gobernación eficaz requiere transparencia y responsabilidad.
English Sentence: Effective governance requires transparency and accountability. - grabación
Pronunciation: grah-bah-SYON
English Meaning: recording
Spanish Sentence: La grabación del concierto estará disponible en línea.
English Sentence: The recording of the concert will be available online. - gradación
Pronunciation: grah-dah-SYON
English Meaning: gradation
Spanish Sentence: La gradación de colores en el cielo al atardecer era impresionante.
English Sentence: The gradation of colors in the sunset sky was impressive. - graduación
Pronunciation: grah-doo-ah-SYON
English Meaning: graduation
Spanish Sentence: La graduación marca el fin de una etapa y el comienzo de otra.
English Sentence: Graduation marks the end of one stage and the beginning of another. - granulación
Pronunciation: grah-noo-lah-SYON
English Meaning: granulation
Spanish Sentence: La granulación de la piel es parte del proceso de curación.
English Sentence: Granulation of the skin is part of the healing process. - gratificación
Pronunciation: grah-tee-fee-kah-SYON
English Meaning: gratification
Spanish Sentence: La gratificación de ver su trabajo terminado era inmensa.
English Sentence: The gratification of seeing his work completed was immense. - gratulación
Pronunciation: grah-too-lah-SYON
English Meaning: congratulation
Spanish Sentence: Recibió muchas gratulaciones por su éxito.
English Sentence: He received many congratulations for his success. - gravitación
Pronunciation: grah-vee-tah-SYON
English Meaning: gravitation
Spanish Sentence: La gravitación es responsable de mantenernos en la Tierra.
English Sentence: Gravitation is responsible for keeping us on Earth. - guarnición
Pronunciation: gwahr-nee-SYON
English Meaning: garnish
Spanish Sentence: La guarnición de verduras complementaba el plato principal.
English Sentence: The garnish of vegetables complemented the main dish. - gustación
Pronunciation: goo-stah-SYON
English Meaning: tasting
Spanish Sentence: La gustación de vinos es una actividad popular en la región.
English Sentence: Wine tasting is a popular activity in the region.
Spanish Words Ending in “ción” & Start with H
- habitación
Pronunciation: ah-bee-tah-SYON
English Meaning: room
Spanish Sentence: La habitación del hotel era muy cómoda.
English Sentence: The hotel room was very comfortable. - helenización
Pronunciation: eh-leh-nee-sah-SYON
English Meaning: Hellenization
Spanish Sentence: La helenización del territorio tuvo un gran impacto cultural.
English Sentence: The Hellenization of the territory had a great cultural impact. - hesitación
Pronunciation: eh-see-tah-SYON
English Meaning: hesitation
Spanish Sentence: Noté su hesitación antes de responder.
English Sentence: I noticed her hesitation before answering. - hibernación
Pronunciation: ee-ber-nah-SYON
English Meaning: hibernation
Spanish Sentence: Los osos entran en hibernación durante el invierno.
English Sentence: Bears go into hibernation during winter. - hidrogenación
Pronunciation: ee-droh-heh-nah-SYON
English Meaning: hydrogenation
Spanish Sentence: La hidrogenación es un proceso químico importante en la industria.
English Sentence: Hydrogenation is an important chemical process in industry. - hiperventilación
Pronunciation: ee-per-ven-tee-lah-SYON
English Meaning: hyperventilation
Spanish Sentence: La hiperventilación puede ser causada por ansiedad o pánico.
English Sentence: Hyperventilation can be caused by anxiety or panic. - homologación
Pronunciation: oh-mo-lo-gah-SYON
English Meaning: homologation
Spanish Sentence: La homologación de productos garantiza su calidad.
English Sentence: Product homologation ensures their quality. - humillación
Pronunciation: oo-mee-yah-SYON
English Meaning: humiliation
Spanish Sentence: Su humillación fue evidente para todos.
English Sentence: His humiliation was evident to everyone.
Spanish Words Ending in “ción” & Start with I
- identificación
Pronunciation: ee-den-tee-fee-kah-SYON
English Meaning: identification
Spanish Sentence: Es necesario llevar una identificación para ingresar.
English Sentence: It’s necessary to carry identification to enter. - ignición
Pronunciation: eeg-nee-SYON
English Meaning: ignition
Spanish Sentence: La ignición del motor falló.
English Sentence: The ignition of the engine failed. - iluminación
Pronunciation: ee-loo-mee-nah-SYON
English Meaning: illumination
Spanish Sentence: La iluminación de la ciudad es impresionante por la noche.
English Sentence: The illumination of the city is impressive at night. - ilustración
Pronunciation: ee-loos-trah-SYON
English Meaning: illustration
Spanish Sentence: La ilustración del libro era muy detallada.
English Sentence: The illustration in the book was very detailed. - imaginación
Pronunciation: ee-mah-hee-nah-SYON
English Meaning: imagination
Spanish Sentence: Los niños tienen una gran imaginación.
English Sentence: Children have great imagination. - imitación
Pronunciation: ee-mee-tah-SYON
English Meaning: imitation
Spanish Sentence: Su imitación del actor fue impresionante.
English Sentence: His imitation of the actor was impressive. - imperfección
Pronunciation: eem-pehr-fehk-SYON
English Meaning: imperfection
Spanish Sentence: La belleza está en la imperfección.
English Sentence: Beauty lies in imperfection. - impermeabilización
Pronunciation: eem-pehr-meh-ah-bee-lee-sah-SYON
English Meaning: waterproofing
Spanish Sentence: La impermeabilización del techo evita filtraciones.
English Sentence: Waterproofing the roof prevents leaks. - implantación
Pronunciation: eem-plahn-tah-SYON
English Meaning: implantation
Spanish Sentence: La implantación del embrión ocurre después de la fecundación.
English Sentence: Implantation of the embryo occurs after fertilization. - implementación
Pronunciation: eem-pleh-men-tah-SYON
English Meaning: implementation
Spanish Sentence: La implementación del plan llevará tiempo.
English Sentence: The implementation of the plan will take time. - implicación
Pronunciation: eem-plee-kah-SYON
English Meaning: implication
Spanish Sentence: No comprendo todas las implicaciones de esta decisión.
English Sentence: I don’t understand all the implications of this decision. - importación
Pronunciation: eem-por-tah-SYON
English Meaning: importation
Spanish Sentence: La importación de productos extranjeros ha aumentado.
English Sentence: Importation of foreign products has increased. - impuesto de capitación
Pronunciation: eem-pwes-toh deh kah-pee-tah-SYON
English Meaning: capitation tax
Spanish Sentence: El impuesto de capitación se calcula por persona.
English Sentence: The capitation tax is calculated per person. - inanición
Pronunciation: ee-nah-nee-SYON
English Meaning: starvation
Spanish Sentence: La inanición es un problema grave en algunas partes del mundo.
English Sentence: Starvation is a serious problem in some parts of the world. - inauguración
Pronunciation: een-ah-oo-goo-rah-SYON
English Meaning: inauguration
Spanish Sentence: La inauguración del nuevo museo será el próximo mes.
English Sentence: The inauguration of the new museum will be next month. - incautación
Pronunciation: een-kah-oo-tah-SYON
English Meaning: seizure
Spanish Sentence: La incautación de drogas fue el resultado de una investigación.
English Sentence: The seizure of drugs was the result of an investigation. - incensación
Pronunciation: een-sen-sah-SYON
English Meaning: incensing
Spanish Sentence: La incensación es parte de la ceremonia religiosa.
English Sentence: Incensing is part of the religious ceremony. - incitación
Pronunciation: een-thee-tah-SYON
English Meaning: incitement
Spanish Sentence: La incitación a la violencia es inaceptable.
English Sentence: Incitement to violence is unacceptable. - inclinación
Pronunciation: een-klee-nah-SYON
English Meaning: inclination
Spanish Sentence: Su inclinación por la música clásica es evidente.
English Sentence: His inclination towards classical music is evident. - incoación
Pronunciation: een-koh-ah-SYON
English Meaning: initiation
Spanish Sentence: La incoación del proyecto fue recibida con entusiasmo.
English Sentence: The initiation of the project was received with enthusiasm. - incorporación
Pronunciation: een-kohr-poh-rah-SYON
English Meaning: incorporation
Spanish Sentence: La incorporación de nuevas tecnologías mejorará la eficiencia.
English Sentence: The incorporation of new technologies will improve efficiency. - incrustación
Pronunciation: een-kroos-tah-SYON
English Meaning: embedding
Spanish Sentence: La incrustación de piedras preciosas en el collar lo hace único.
English Sentence: The embedding of gemstones in the necklace makes it unique. - indagación
Pronunciation: een-dah-gah-SYON
English Meaning: inquiry
Spanish Sentence: La indagación sobre el accidente está en curso.
English Sentence: The inquiry into the accident is ongoing. - indemnización
Pronunciation: een-dehm-nee-sah-SYON
English Meaning: indemnification
Spanish Sentence: La indemnización por daños será pagada por la compañía de seguros.
English Sentence: The indemnification for damages will be paid by the insurance company. - indicación
Pronunciation: een-dee-kah-SYON
English Meaning: indication
Spanish Sentence: Las indicaciones para llegar al lugar son claras.
English Sentence: The directions to get to the place are clear. - indignación
Pronunciation: een-deeg-nah-SYON
English Meaning: indignation
Spanish Sentence: Su discurso provocó indignación entre los presentes.
English Sentence: His speech provoked indignation among those present. - inducción
Pronunciation: een-dook-syon
English Meaning: induction
Spanish Sentence: La inducción del nuevo empleado se llevará a cabo mañana.
English Sentence: The induction of the new employee will take place tomorrow. - infección
Pronunciation: een-fehk-syon
English Meaning: infection
Spanish Sentence: La infección se propagó rápidamente.
English Sentence: The infection spread rapidly. - inflación
Pronunciation: een-flah-SYON
English Meaning: inflation
Spanish Sentence: La inflación está afectando los precios de los productos básicos.
English Sentence: Inflation is affecting the prices of basic goods. - inflamación
Pronunciation: een-flah-mah-SYON
English Meaning: inflammation
Spanish Sentence: La inflamación en su rodilla es evidente.
English Sentence: The inflammation in his knee is evident. - información
Pronunciation: een-fohr-mah-SYON
English Meaning: information
Spanish Sentence: La información está disponible en el sitio web oficial.
English Sentence: Information is available on the official website. - infracción
Pronunciation: een-frahk-SYON
English Meaning: infraction
Spanish Sentence: La infracción de las reglas conlleva una multa.
English Sentence: Infraction of the rules carries a fine. - inhalación
Pronunciation: een-ah-lah-SYON
English Meaning: inhalation
Spanish Sentence: La inhalación de humo puede ser peligrosa para la salud.
English Sentence: Inhalation of smoke can be dangerous to health. - inhibición
Pronunciation: een-ee-bee-see-YON
English Meaning: inhibition
Spanish Sentence: La inhibición de ciertas enzimas puede tener consecuencias negativas.
English Sentence: Inhibition of certain enzymes can have negative consequences. - iniciación
Pronunciation: een-ee-thee-ah-SYON
English Meaning: initiation
Spanish Sentence: La iniciación en la universidad marca el comienzo de una nueva etapa.
English Sentence: Initiation at the university marks the beginning of a new stage. - inmigración
Pronunciation: een-mee-grah-SYON
English Meaning: immigration
Spanish Sentence: La inmigración puede ser una experiencia difícil.
English Sentence: Immigration can be a challenging experience. - innovación
Pronunciation: een-noh-bah-SYON
English Meaning: innovation
Spanish Sentence: La innovación tecnológica es clave para el progreso.
English Sentence: Technological innovation is key to progress. - inquisición
Pronunciation: een-kee-see-see-YON
English Meaning: inquisition
Spanish Sentence: La inquisición fue una época oscura de la historia.
English Sentence: The inquisition was a dark period in history. - inscripción
Pronunciation: een-skreep-SYON
English Meaning: inscription
Spanish Sentence: La inscripción en el monumento conmemorativo dice
English Sentence: The inscription on the memorial monument reads - insinuación
Pronunciation: een-see-noo-ah-SYON
English Meaning: insinuation
Spanish Sentence: Su insinuación sobre mis intenciones me molestó.
English Sentence: His insinuation about my intentions bothered me. - insolación
Pronunciation: een-soh-lah-SYON
English Meaning: sunstroke
Spanish Sentence: La insolación puede ser peligrosa si no se trata adecuadamente.
English Sentence: Sunstroke can be dangerous if not treated properly. - inspección
Pronunciation: een-spehk-SYON
English Meaning: inspection
Spanish Sentence: La inspección reveló varios problemas de seguridad.
English Sentence: The inspection revealed several safety issues. - inspiración
Pronunciation: een-spee-rah-SYON
English Meaning: inspiration
Spanish Sentence: Su viaje a la montaña fue una gran inspiración para su arte.
English Sentence: His trip to the mountains was a great inspiration for his art. - instalación
Pronunciation: een-stah-lah-SYON
English Meaning: installation
Spanish Sentence: La instalación del sistema de seguridad se completó ayer.
English Sentence: The installation of the security system was completed yesterday. - institución
Pronunciation: een-stee-too-SYON
English Meaning: institution
Spanish Sentence: La institución está comprometida con la educación de calidad.
English Sentence: The institution is committed to quality education. - institucionalización
Pronunciation: een-stee-too-thee-oh-nah-lee-sah-SYON
English Meaning: institutionalization
Spanish Sentence: La institucionalización de la corrupción es un problema grave.
English Sentence: The institutionalization of corruption is a serious problem. - instrucción
Pronunciation: een-strook-SYON
English Meaning: instruction
Spanish Sentence: Las instrucciones para ensamblar el mueble están incluidas.
English Sentence: Assembly instructions for the furniture are included. - integración
Pronunciation: een-teh-grah-SYON
English Meaning: integration
Spanish Sentence: La integración de diferentes culturas enriquece nuestra sociedad.
English Sentence: The integration of different cultures enriches our society. - intención
Pronunciation: een-tehn-see-YON
English Meaning: intention
Spanish Sentence: Mi intención es ayudarte en lo que necesites.
English Sentence: My intention is to help you in whatever you need. - intensificación
Pronunciation: een-tehn-see-fee-kah-SYON
English Meaning: intensification
Spanish Sentence: La intensificación de la competencia puede llevar a mejores resultados.
English Sentence: Intensification of competition can lead to better results. - interacción
Pronunciation: een-teh-rahk-SYON
English Meaning: interaction
Spanish Sentence: La interacción entre los personajes es fundamental en la trama.
English Sentence: Interaction between characters is fundamental to the plot. - intercepción
Pronunciation: een-tehr-sehp-SYON
English Meaning: interception
Spanish Sentence: La intercepción de la comunicación telefónica fue ilegal.
English Sentence: The interception of telephone communication was illegal. - interjección
Pronunciation: een-tehr-hehk-SYON
English Meaning: interjection
Spanish Sentence: La interjección “¡Ay!” expresa dolor o sorpresa.
English Sentence: The interjection “Ouch!” expresses pain or surprise. - interpretación
Pronunciation: een-tehr-preh-tah-SYON
English Meaning: interpretation
Spanish Sentence: Su interpretación del poema fue conmovedora.
English Sentence: His interpretation of the poem was moving. - interrogación
Pronunciation: een-tehr-roh-gah-SYON
English Meaning: interrogation
Spanish Sentence: La interrogación del sospechoso duró varias horas.
English Sentence: The interrogation of the suspect lasted several hours. - interrupción
Pronunciation: een-teh-roop-SYON
English Meaning: interruption
Spanish Sentence: La interrupción constante está afectando nuestra productividad.
English Sentence: Constant interruption is affecting our productivity. - intersección
Pronunciation: een-tehr-sehk-SYON
English Meaning: intersection
Spanish Sentence: La intersección está controlada por semáforos.
English Sentence: The intersection is controlled by traffic lights. - intervención
Pronunciation: een-tehr-vehn-SYON
English Meaning: intervention
Spanish Sentence: La intervención del gobierno fue necesaria para resolver el conflicto.
English Sentence: Government intervention was necessary to resolve the conflict. - intimidación
Pronunciation: een-tee-mee-dah-SYON
English Meaning: intimidation
Spanish Sentence: La intimidación en el lugar de trabajo no será tolerada.
English Sentence: Intimidation in the workplace will not be tolerated. - intoxicación
Pronunciation: een-toh-ksee-kah-SYON
English Meaning: intoxication
Spanish Sentence: La intoxicación por alimentos en mal estado puede ser peligrosa.
English Sentence: Food intoxication can be dangerous. - introducción
Pronunciation: een-troh-dook-SYON
English Meaning: introduction
Spanish Sentence: La introducción del libro ofrece una visión general del tema.
English Sentence: The introduction of the book provides an overview of the topic. - intubación
Pronunciation: een-too-bah-SYON
English Meaning: intubation
Spanish Sentence: La intubación del paciente fue necesaria durante la cirugía.
English Sentence: Intubation of the patient was necessary during surgery. - intuición
Pronunciation: een-too-ee-SYON
English Meaning: intuition
Spanish Sentence: Confío en mi intuición para tomar decisiones importantes.
English Sentence: I trust my intuition to make important decisions. - inundación
Pronunciation: een-oon-dah-SYON
English Meaning: flood
Spanish Sentence: La inundación provocó daños en muchas casas.
English Sentence: The flood caused damage to many houses. - invención
Pronunciation: een-behn-SYON
English Meaning: invention
Spanish Sentence: La invención del teléfono revolucionó las comunicaciones.
English Sentence: The invention of the telephone revolutionized communication. - investigación
Pronunciation: een-vehstee-gah-SYON
English Meaning: investigation
Spanish Sentence: La investigación del crimen continúa en curso.
English Sentence: The investigation of the crime is ongoing. - invitación
Pronunciation: een-vee-tah-SYON
English Meaning: invitation
Spanish Sentence: Recibí una invitación para la fiesta de cumpleaños.
English Sentence: I received an invitation to the birthday party. - inyección
Pronunciation: een-yehk-SYON
English Meaning: injection
Spanish Sentence: La inyección de insulina es necesaria para controlar la diabetes.
English Sentence: Insulin injection is necessary to control diabetes. - ionización
Pronunciation: ee-oh-nee-sah-SYON
English Meaning: ionization
Spanish Sentence: La ionización del aire puede tener efectos sobre la salud.
English Sentence: Ionization of the air can have effects on health. - irritación
Pronunciation: ee-rree-tah-SYON
English Meaning: irritation
Spanish Sentence: La irritación en la piel puede ser causada por alergias.
English Sentence: Irritation on the skin can be caused by allergies. - iteración
Pronunciation: ee-teh-rah-SYON
English Meaning: iteration
Spanish Sentence: La iteración del proceso permitió mejorar su eficiencia.
English Sentence: Iteration of the process allowed for improved efficiency.
Spanish Words Ending in “ción” & Start with J
- jubilación
Pronunciation: hoo-bee-la-SYON
English Meaning: retirement
Spanish Sentence: La jubilación es un momento importante en la vida laboral.
English Sentence: Retirement is an important moment in one’s working life. - jurisdicción
Pronunciation: hoo-rees-deek-SYON
English Meaning: jurisdiction
Spanish Sentence: El juez tiene jurisdicción sobre este caso.
English Sentence: The judge has jurisdiction over this case. - justificación
Pronunciation: hoos-tee-fee-kah-SYON
English Meaning: justification
Spanish Sentence: Necesitamos una justificación para tomar esa decisión.
English Sentence: We need a justification to make that decision.
Spanish Words Ending in “ción” & Start with L
- laceración
Pronunciation: lah-seh-rah-SYON
English Meaning: laceration
Spanish Sentence: La laceración en su pierna requiere puntos de sutura.
English Sentence: The laceration on his leg requires stitches. - lección
Pronunciation: lehk-SYON
English Meaning: lesson
Spanish Sentence: Hoy aprenderemos una lección importante.
English Sentence: Today we will learn an important lesson. - legislación
Pronunciation: leh-jis-lah-SYON
English Meaning: legislation
Spanish Sentence: La legislación vigente prohíbe esa práctica.
English Sentence: Current legislation prohibits that practice. - lenguaje de programación
Pronunciation: len-gwah-HEH deh proh-grah-mah-SYON
English Meaning: programming language
Spanish Sentence: Java es un lenguaje de programación muy popular.
English Sentence: Java is a very popular programming language. - levitación
Pronunciation: leh-vee-tah-SYON
English Meaning: levitation
Spanish Sentence: La levitación es un fenómeno poco común.
English Sentence: Levitation is an uncommon phenomenon. - liberación
Pronunciation: lee-beh-rah-SYON
English Meaning: liberation
Spanish Sentence: La liberación de los prisioneros fue celebrada.
English Sentence: The liberation of the prisoners was celebrated. - liberalización
Pronunciation: lee-beh-rah-lee-sah-SYON
English Meaning: liberalization
Spanish Sentence: La liberalización del mercado trajo cambios significativos.
English Sentence: The liberalization of the market brought significant changes. - licitación
Pronunciation: lee-see-tah-SYON
English Meaning: tender
Spanish Sentence: La licitación para la construcción del puente se abrirá mañana.
English Sentence: The tender for the bridge construction will open tomorrow. - licuefacción
Pronunciation: lee-kweh-fahk-SYON
English Meaning: liquefaction
Spanish Sentence: La licuefacción del hielo ocurre al aumentar la temperatura.
English Sentence: Liquefaction of ice occurs with an increase in temperature. - ligación
Pronunciation: lee-gah-SYON
English Meaning: ligation
Spanish Sentence: La ligación de las trompas es un método anticonceptivo.
English Sentence: Tubal ligation is a contraceptive method. - lignificación
Pronunciation: leeg-nee-fee-kah-SYON
English Meaning: lignification
Spanish Sentence: La lignificación del árbol lo hace resistente.
English Sentence: Lignification of the tree makes it resistant. - limitación
Pronunciation: lee-mee-tah-SYON
English Meaning: limitation
Spanish Sentence: La limitación de recursos afecta nuestro trabajo.
English Sentence: The limitation of resources affects our work. - liposucción
Pronunciation: lee-poh-sook-SYON
English Meaning: liposuction
Spanish Sentence: Se sometió a una liposucción para eliminar grasa.
English Sentence: She underwent liposuction to remove fat. - liquidación
Pronunciation: lee-kee-dah-SYON
English Meaning: settlement
Spanish Sentence: La liquidación del contrato se realizará esta semana.
English Sentence: The settlement of the contract will take place this week. - llamada a la oración
Pronunciation: yah-mah-dah ah lah oh-rah-SYON
English Meaning: call to prayer
Spanish Sentence: La llamada a la oración se escucha desde la mezquita.
English Sentence: The call to prayer can be heard from the mosque. - locación
Pronunciation: loh-kah-SYON
English Meaning: location
Spanish Sentence: La locación de la película fue en París.
English Sentence: The location of the movie was in Paris. - localización
Pronunciation: loh-kah-lee-sah-SYON
English Meaning: localization
Spanish Sentence: La localización del restaurante es muy conveniente.
English Sentence: The localization of the restaurant is very convenient. - localización
Pronunciation: loh-kah-lee-sah-SYON
English Meaning: location
Spanish Sentence: La localización de la fábrica es estratégica.
English Sentence: The location of the factory is strategic. - loción
Pronunciation: loh-SYON
English Meaning: lotion
Spanish Sentence: Usa esta loción para hidratar tu piel.
English Sentence: Use this lotion to moisturize your skin. - locomoción
Pronunciation: loh-koh-moh-see-ON
English Meaning: locomotion
Spanish Sentence: La locomoción en los mamíferos puede ser muy variada.
English Sentence: Locomotion in mammals can be very varied. - locomoción
Pronunciation: loh-koh-moh-see-ON
English Meaning: locomotion
Spanish Sentence: El desarrollo de la locomoción en los niños es crucial.
English Sentence: The development of locomotion in children is crucial. - locución
Pronunciation: loh-koo-SYON
English Meaning: phrase
Spanish Sentence: Esta locución se utiliza comúnmente en la región.
English Sentence: This phrase is commonly used in the region. - lotificación
Pronunciation: loh-tee-fee-kah-SYON
English Meaning: land subdivision
Spanish Sentence: La lotificación de la zona ha generado controversia.
English Sentence: The land subdivision of the area has generated controversy. - lubricación
Pronunciation: loo-bree-kah-SYON
English Meaning: lubrication
Spanish Sentence: La lubricación adecuada es esencial para el funcionamiento del motor.
English Sentence: Proper lubrication is essential for the engine to function. - lubrificación
Pronunciation: loo-bree-fee-kah-SYON
English Meaning: lubrication
Spanish Sentence: La lubrificación de las articulaciones previene la fricción.
English Sentence: Lubrication of the joints prevents friction. - lución
Pronunciation: loo-SYON
English Meaning: solution
Spanish Sentence: La lución del problema requiere un enfoque creativo.
English Sentence: The solution to the problem requires a creative approach.
Spanish Words Ending in “ción” & Start with M
- maceración
Pronunciation: mah-seh-rah-SYON
English Meaning: maceration
Spanish Sentence: La maceración de la uva es el primer paso en la producción de vino.
English Sentence: Maceration of the grape is the first step in wine production. - maduración
Pronunciation: mah-doo-rah-SYON
English Meaning: maturation
Spanish Sentence: La maduración del fruto se produce lentamente.
English Sentence: Maturation of the fruit occurs slowly. - maduración
Pronunciation: mah-doo-rah-SYON
English Meaning: maturity
Spanish Sentence: La maduración es un proceso natural.
English Sentence: Maturity is a natural process. - maldición
Pronunciation: mahl-dee-SYON
English Meaning: curse
Spanish Sentence: La maldición del anciano cayó sobre el pueblo.
English Sentence: The curse of the old man fell upon the village. - malformación
Pronunciation: mahl-fohr-mah-SYON
English Meaning: malformation
Spanish Sentence: La malformación congénita afecta el desarrollo del bebé.
English Sentence: Congenital malformation affects the baby’s development. - malnutrición
Pronunciation: mahl-noo-tree-SYON
English Meaning: malnutrition
Spanish Sentence: La malnutrición infantil es un problema grave.
English Sentence: Child malnutrition is a serious problem. - manifestación
Pronunciation: mahn-ee-fehs-tah-SYON
English Meaning: manifestation
Spanish Sentence: La manifestación de su enfermedad fue inesperada.
English Sentence: The manifestation of his illness was unexpected. - manipulación
Pronunciation: mah-nee-poo-lah-SYON
English Meaning: manipulation
Spanish Sentence: La manipulación de la información distorsiona la verdad.
English Sentence: Manipulation of information distorts the truth. - maquinación
Pronunciation: mah-kee-nah-SYON
English Meaning: machination
Spanish Sentence: Las maquinaciones del villano fueron descubiertas.
English Sentence: The villain’s machinations were discovered. - masificación
Pronunciation: mah-see-fee-kah-SYON
English Meaning: massification
Spanish Sentence: La masificación del turismo puede tener efectos negativos.
English Sentence: The massification of tourism can have negative effects. - masturbación
Pronunciation: mahs-tooR-bah-SYON
English Meaning: masturbation
Spanish Sentence: La masturbación es una práctica común pero privada.
English Sentence: Masturbation is a common but private practice. - materialización
Pronunciation: mah-teh-ree-ah-lee-sah-SYON
English Meaning: materialization
Spanish Sentence: La materialización de sus sueños requiere esfuerzo.
English Sentence: The materialization of their dreams requires effort. - maximización
Pronunciation: mahk-see-mee-sah-SYON
English Meaning: maximization
Spanish Sentence: La maximización de recursos es fundamental para el éxito.
English Sentence: Maximization of resources is crucial for success. - mecanización
Pronunciation: meh-kah-nee-sah-SYON
English Meaning: mechanization
Spanish Sentence: La mecanización de la industria ha aumentado la eficiencia.
English Sentence: Mechanization of the industry has increased efficiency. - medicación
Pronunciation: meh-dee-kah-SYON
English Meaning: medication
Spanish Sentence: La medicación ayudará a controlar los síntomas.
English Sentence: The medication will help control the symptoms. - medición
Pronunciation: meh-dee-see-ON
English Meaning: measurement
Spanish Sentence: La medición precisa es clave en experimentos científicos.
English Sentence: Precise measurement is key in scientific experiments. - meditación
Pronunciation: meh-dee-tah-SYON
English Meaning: meditation
Spanish Sentence: La meditación puede ayudar a reducir el estrés.
English Sentence: Meditation can help reduce stress. - mención
Pronunciation: mehn-see-ON
English Meaning: mention
Spanish Sentence: Su mención en el discurso fue breve pero significativa.
English Sentence: His mention in the speech was brief but significant. - menstruación
Pronunciation: men-stroo-ah-SYON
English Meaning: menstruation
Spanish Sentence: La menstruación es un proceso natural en las mujeres.
English Sentence: Menstruation is a natural process in women. - metal de transición
Pronunciation: meh-tahl deh trahn-see-SYON
English Meaning: transition metal
Spanish Sentence: El hierro es un metal de transición común.
English Sentence: Iron is a common transition metal. - migración
Pronunciation: mee-grah-SYON
English Meaning: migration
Spanish Sentence: La migración de aves es un espectáculo impresionante.
English Sentence: Bird migration is an impressive spectacle. - mistificación
Pronunciation: mees-tee-fee-kah-SYON
English Meaning: mystification
Spanish Sentence: La mistificación de ese fenómeno llevó a mitos.
English Sentence: The mystification of that phenomenon led to myths. - moción
Pronunciation: moh-see-ON
English Meaning: motion
Spanish Sentence: Se presentó una moción para aprobar el proyecto.
English Sentence: A motion was made to approve the project. - moderación
Pronunciation: moh-deh-rah-SYON
English Meaning: moderation
Spanish Sentence: La moderación en el consumo de alcohol es importante.
English Sentence: Moderation in alcohol consumption is important. - modernización
Pronunciation: moh-dehr-nee-sah-SYON
English Meaning: modernization
Spanish Sentence: La modernización de la infraestructura es necesaria.
English Sentence: Modernization of the infrastructure is necessary. - modificación
Pronunciation: moh-dee-fee-kah-SYON
English Meaning: modification
Spanish Sentence: La modificación del plan requiere aprobación.
English Sentence: Modification of the plan requires approval. - moralización
Pronunciation: moh-rah-lee-sah-SYON
English Meaning: moralization
Spanish Sentence: La moralización de la sociedad es un objetivo difícil.
English Sentence: The moralization of society is a challenging goal. - mortificación
Pronunciation: mohr-tee-fee-kah-SYON
English Meaning: mortification
Spanish Sentence: La mortificación en su rostro era evidente.
English Sentence: The mortification on his face was evident. - motivación
Pronunciation: moh-tee-bah-SYON
English Meaning: motivation
Spanish Sentence: La motivación es clave para alcanzar nuestras metas.
English Sentence: Motivation is key to reaching our goals. - movilización
Pronunciation: moh-vee-lee-sah-SYON
English Meaning: mobilization
Spanish Sentence: La movilización de tropas es una medida extrema.
English Sentence: Mobilization of troops is an extreme measure. - multiplicación
Pronunciation: moo-tee-plee-kah-SYON
English Meaning: multiplication
Spanish Sentence: La multiplicación de números enteros es básica en matemáticas.
English Sentence: Multiplication of whole numbers is fundamental in mathematics. - munición
Pronunciation: moo-nee-see-ON
English Meaning: ammunition
Spanish Sentence: La munición estaba agotada después del combate.
English Sentence: Ammunition was depleted after the battle. - musculación
Pronunciation: moos-koo-lah-SYON
English Meaning: muscle building
Spanish Sentence: La musculación requiere constancia y dedicación.
English Sentence: Muscle building requires consistency and dedication. - mutación
Pronunciation: moo-tah-SYON
English Meaning: mutation
Spanish Sentence: La mutación genética puede tener consecuencias graves.
English Sentence: Genetic mutation can have serious consequences. - mutarrotación
Pronunciation: moo-tahr-roh-tah-SYON
English Meaning: mutarotation
Spanish Sentence: La mutarrotación es un fenómeno químico.
English Sentence: Mutarotation is a chemical phenomenon. - mutilación
Pronunciation: moo-tee-lah-SYON
English Meaning: mutilation
Spanish Sentence: La mutilación de documentos es un delito grave.
English Sentence: Mutilation of documents is a serious crime.
Spanish Words Ending in “ción” & Start with N
- nación
Pronunciation: nah-SYON
English Meaning: nation
Spanish Sentence: Cada nación tiene su propia cultura.
English Sentence: Every nation has its own culture. - nacionalización
Pronunciation: nah-syo-nahl-ee-sah-SYON
English Meaning: nationalization
Spanish Sentence: La nacionalización de la industria fue controvertida.
English Sentence: The nationalization of the industry was controversial. - narración
Pronunciation: nah-rah-SYON
English Meaning: narration
Spanish Sentence: La narración del cuento fue emocionante.
English Sentence: The narration of the story was exciting. - nasalización
Pronunciation: nah-sah-lee-sah-SYON
English Meaning: nasalization
Spanish Sentence: La nasalización de ciertos sonidos es común en algunos idiomas.
English Sentence: Nasalization of certain sounds is common in some languages. - natación
Pronunciation: nah-tah-see-ON
English Meaning: swimming
Spanish Sentence: La natación es un deporte muy completo.
English Sentence: Swimming is a very complete sport. - naturalización
Pronunciation: nah-too-rah-lee-sah-SYON
English Meaning: naturalization
Spanish Sentence: La naturalización es el proceso para obtener la ciudadanía.
English Sentence: Naturalization is the process of obtaining citizenship. - navegación
Pronunciation: nah-veh-gah-SYON
English Meaning: navigation
Spanish Sentence: La navegación por GPS facilita los viajes.
English Sentence: GPS navigation makes travel easier. - navegación
Pronunciation: nah-veh-gah-SYON
English Meaning: sailing
Spanish Sentence: La navegación a vela es una actividad relajante.
English Sentence: Sailing is a relaxing activity. - negación
Pronunciation: neh-gah-SYON
English Meaning: denial
Spanish Sentence: Su negación de los hechos fue evidente.
English Sentence: His denial of the facts was evident. - negociación
Pronunciation: neh-goh-see-ah-SYON
English Meaning: negotiation
Spanish Sentence: La negociación entre los sindicatos y la empresa continúa.
English Sentence: Negotiation between the unions and the company continues. - neutralización
Pronunciation: neh-oo-trah-lee-sah-SYON
English Meaning: neutralization
Spanish Sentence: La neutralización del ácido se logra con una base.
English Sentence: Acid neutralization is achieved with a base. - neutronización
Pronunciation: noo-troh-nee-sah-SYON
English Meaning: neutronization
Spanish Sentence: La neutronización es un proceso nuclear.
English Sentence: Neutronization is a nuclear process. - nixtamalización
Pronunciation: neeks-tah-mah-lee-sah-SYON
English Meaning: nixtamalization
Spanish Sentence: La nixtamalización del maíz es importante en la cocina mexicana.
English Sentence: Nixtamalization of corn is important in Mexican cuisine. - noción
Pronunciation: noh-see-ON
English Meaning: notion
Spanish Sentence: Tienes una noción clara de lo que quieres.
English Sentence: You have a clear notion of what you want. - nominación
Pronunciation: noh-mee-nah-SYON
English Meaning: nomination
Spanish Sentence: Su nominación al premio fue una gran sorpresa.
English Sentence: His nomination for the award was a big surprise. - normalización
Pronunciation: nohr-mah-lee-sah-SYON
English Meaning: normalization
Spanish Sentence: La normalización de las relaciones diplomáticas llevó años.
English Sentence: The normalization of diplomatic relations took years. - normalización
Pronunciation: nohr-mah-lee-sah-SYON
English Meaning: standardization
Spanish Sentence: La normalización de procesos mejora la eficiencia.
English Sentence: Standardization of processes improves efficiency. - notación
Pronunciation: noh-tah-see-ON
English Meaning: notation
Spanish Sentence: La notación musical es fundamental para los músicos.
English Sentence: Musical notation is fundamental for musicians. - notificación
Pronunciation: noh-tee-fee-kah-SYON
English Meaning: notification
Spanish Sentence: La notificación del aumento de precios fue recibida con descontento.
English Sentence: Notification of the price increase was received with discontent. - nutrición
Pronunciation: noo-tree-SYON
English Meaning: nutrition
Spanish Sentence: Una buena nutrición es esencial para la salud.
English Sentence: Good nutrition is essential for health.
Spanish Words Ending in “ción” & Start with O
- objeción
Pronunciation: ohb-hehk-SYON
English Meaning: objection
Spanish Sentence: Su objeción al plan fue escuchada pero rechazada.
English Sentence: His objection to the plan was heard but rejected. - obligación
Pronunciation: oh-blee-gah-SYON
English Meaning: obligation
Spanish Sentence: Cumplir con tu obligación es importante.
English Sentence: Fulfilling your obligation is important. - observación
Pronunciation: ohb-sehr-bah-SYON
English Meaning: observation
Spanish Sentence: La observación cuidadosa reveló detalles importantes.
English Sentence: Careful observation revealed important details. - obstinación
Pronunciation: ohs-tee-nah-SYON
English Meaning: obstinacy
Spanish Sentence: Su obstinación en seguir ese camino lo llevó al fracaso.
English Sentence: His obstinacy in following that path led to failure. - obstrucción
Pronunciation: ohs-trook-SYON
English Meaning: obstruction
Spanish Sentence: La obstrucción del camino nos impidió avanzar.
English Sentence: The obstruction of the path prevented us from moving forward. - occidentalización
Pronunciation: ohk-see-den-tah-lee-sah-SYON
English Meaning: westernization
Spanish Sentence: La occidentalización de la cultura cambió muchas tradiciones.
English Sentence: Westernization of the culture changed many traditions. - ocultación
Pronunciation: oh-kool-tah-SYON
English Meaning: concealment
Spanish Sentence: La ocultación de pruebas es un delito grave.
English Sentence: Concealment of evidence is a serious crime. - ocupación
Pronunciation: oh-koo-pah-see-ON
English Meaning: occupation
Spanish Sentence: Su ocupación principal es la enseñanza.
English Sentence: His main occupation is teaching. - ofuscación
Pronunciation: oh-foos-kah-SYON
English Meaning: confusion
Spanish Sentence: La ofuscación en sus palabras dificultó la comprensión.
English Sentence: Confusion in his words made understanding difficult. - ofuscación
Pronunciation: oh-foos-kah-SYON
English Meaning: obfuscation
Spanish Sentence: La ofuscación de datos complica el análisis.
English Sentence: Obfuscation of data complicates analysis. - ofuscación
Pronunciation: oh-foos-kah-SYON
English Meaning: blurring
Spanish Sentence: La ofuscación de la imagen dificulta la identificación.
English Sentence: Blurring of the image makes identification difficult. - okupación
Pronunciation: oh-koo-pah-see-ON
English Meaning: squatting
Spanish Sentence: La okupación ilegal de edificios es un problema en algunas ciudades.
English Sentence: Illegal squatting in buildings is a problem in some cities. - opción
Pronunciation: ohp-see-ON
English Meaning: option
Spanish Sentence: Tienes la opción de elegir entre varias alternativas.
English Sentence: You have the option to choose from several alternatives. - operación
Pronunciation: oh-peh-rah-SYON
English Meaning: operation
Spanish Sentence: La operación fue un éxito.
English Sentence: The operation was a success.
Spanish Words Ending in “ción” & Start with P
- palpitación
Pronunciation: pahl-pee-tah-SYON
English Meaning: palpitation
Spanish Sentence: Sufro de palpitación cuando me pongo nervioso.
English Sentence: I suffer from palpitations when I get nervous. - partición
Pronunciation: pahr-tee-SYON
English Meaning: partition
Spanish Sentence: La partición del disco duro se realizó correctamente.
English Sentence: The partition of the hard drive was done correctly. - participación
Pronunciation: pahr-tee-pah-SYON
English Meaning: participation
Spanish Sentence: La participación de los estudiantes en clase es importante.
English Sentence: The participation of students in class is important. - penalización
Pronunciation: peh-nah-lee-sah-SYON
English Meaning: penalization
Spanish Sentence: La penalización por incumplir las normas es severa.
English Sentence: The penalization for breaking the rules is severe. - penetración
Pronunciation: peh-neh-trah-SYON
English Meaning: penetration
Spanish Sentence: La penetración del mercado es crucial para el éxito de la empresa.
English Sentence: Market penetration is crucial for the company’s success. - percepción
Pronunciation: pehr-sehp-SYON
English Meaning: perception
Spanish Sentence: Mi percepción del problema es diferente a la tuya.
English Sentence: My perception of the problem is different from yours. - perdición
Pronunciation: pehr-dee-SYON
English Meaning: perdition
Spanish Sentence: El camino hacia la perdición está lleno de tentaciones.
English Sentence: The path to perdition is filled with temptations. - peregrinación
Pronunciation: peh-reh-gree-nah-SYON
English Meaning: pilgrimage
Spanish Sentence: Realizamos una peregrinación al santuario cada año.
English Sentence: We make a pilgrimage to the sanctuary every year. - perfección
Pronunciation: pehr-fehk-SYON
English Meaning: perfection
Spanish Sentence: Buscamos la perfección en cada detalle.
English Sentence: We seek perfection in every detail. - perforación
Pronunciation: pehr-foh-rah-SYON
English Meaning: perforation
Spanish Sentence: La perforación en el papel facilita su separación.
English Sentence: Perforation in the paper makes it easier to tear. - permutación
Pronunciation: pehr-moo-tah-SYON
English Meaning: permutation
Spanish Sentence: Estudiaremos las permutaciones en la clase de matemáticas.
English Sentence: We will study permutations in math class. - pernoctación
Pronunciation: pehr-nok-tah-SYON
English Meaning: overnight stay
Spanish Sentence: Necesitamos una pernoctación en el hotel para descansar.
English Sentence: We need an overnight stay at the hotel to rest. - persecución
Pronunciation: pehr-seh-koo-SYON
English Meaning: persecution
Spanish Sentence: La persecución política es un problema en algunos países.
English Sentence: Political persecution is a problem in some countries. - personificación
Pronunciation: pehr-soh-nee-fee-kah-SYON
English Meaning: personification
Spanish Sentence: La personificación del mal en la obra es impactante.
English Sentence: The personification of evil in the play is striking. - perturbación
Pronunciation: pehr-too-bah-SYON
English Meaning: disturbance
Spanish Sentence: La perturbación del sueño afecta la salud.
English Sentence: Sleep disturbance affects health. - petición
Pronunciation: peh-tee-SYON
English Meaning: petition
Spanish Sentence: Firmaron una petición para mejorar las condiciones laborales.
English Sentence: They signed a petition to improve working conditions. - planificación
Pronunciation: plah-nee-fee-kah-SYON
English Meaning: planning
Spanish Sentence: La planificación es clave para el éxito del proyecto.
English Sentence: Planning is key to the success of the project. - plantación
Pronunciation: plahn-tah-SYON
English Meaning: plantation
Spanish Sentence: Visitamos una plantación de café en el viaje.
English Sentence: We visited a coffee plantation on the trip. - población
Pronunciation: poh-blah-SYON
English Meaning: population
Spanish Sentence: La población mundial sigue creciendo.
English Sentence: The world population continues to grow. - poción
Pronunciation: poh-see-ON
English Meaning: potion
Spanish Sentence: La bruja preparó una poción mágica.
English Sentence: The witch brewed a magic potion. - polarización
Pronunciation: poh-lah-ree-sah-SYON
English Meaning: polarization
Spanish Sentence: La polarización política divide al país.
English Sentence: Political polarization divides the country. - politicización
Pronunciation: poh-lee-tee-thee-sah-SYON
English Meaning: politicization
Spanish Sentence: La politicización de los medios de comunicación es evidente.
English Sentence: The politicization of the media is evident. - polución
Pronunciation: poh-loo-SYON
English Meaning: pollution
Spanish Sentence: La polución del aire es un problema grave en las ciudades.
English Sentence: Air pollution is a serious problem in cities. - ponderación
Pronunciation: pohn-deh-rah-SYON
English Meaning: weighting
Spanish Sentence: La ponderación de las respuestas fue justa.
English Sentence: The weighting of the responses was fair. - popularización
Pronunciation: poh-poo-lah-ree-sah-SYON
English Meaning: popularization
Spanish Sentence: La popularización de la música latina es evidente.
English Sentence: The popularization of Latin music is evident. - porción
Pronunciation: pohr-see-ON
English Meaning: portion
Spanish Sentence: Sirvieron una generosa porción de pastel.
English Sentence: They served a generous portion of cake. - posición
Pronunciation: poh-see-SYON
English Meaning: position
Spanish Sentence: Mi posición en la empresa es de gerente.
English Sentence: My position in the company is as a manager. - postración
Pronunciation: pohs-trah-SYON
English Meaning: prostration
Spanish Sentence: La postración es un síntoma de la enfermedad.
English Sentence: Prostration is a symptom of the illness. - potabilización
Pronunciation: poh-tah-bee-lee-sah-SYON
English Meaning: potabilization
Spanish Sentence: La potabilización del agua es fundamental para la salud pública.
English Sentence: Water potabilization is crucial for public health. - precaución
Pronunciation: preh-kaw-SYON
English Meaning: caution
Spanish Sentence: Conduce con precaución en la carretera mojada.
English Sentence: Drive with caution on the wet road. - precipitación
Pronunciation: preh-see-pee-tah-SYON
English Meaning: precipitation
Spanish Sentence: La precipitación en forma de nieve cubrió el suelo.
English Sentence: The precipitation in the form of snow covered the ground. - predicción
Pronunciation: preh-deek-SYON
English Meaning: prediction
Spanish Sentence: La predicción del tiempo indica lluvias para mañana. - English
- predilección
Pronunciation: preh-dee-lek-SYON
English Meaning: predilection
Spanish Sentence: Tiene una predilección por la comida picante.
English Sentence: He has a predilection for spicy food. - predisposición
Pronunciation: preh-dees-poh-see-SYON
English Meaning: predisposition
Spanish Sentence: La predisposición genética puede influir en ciertas enfermedades.
English Sentence: Genetic predisposition can influence certain illnesses. - prefabricación
Pronunciation: preh-fah-bree-kah-SYON
English Meaning: prefabrication
Spanish Sentence: La prefabricación de las casas acelera el proceso de construcción.
English Sentence: Prefabrication of houses speeds up the construction process. - prefijación
Pronunciation: preh-fee-hah-SYON
English Meaning: prefixation
Spanish Sentence: La prefijación de los números nos ayuda a entender su significado.
English Sentence: Prefixation of numbers helps us understand their meaning. - premonición
Pronunciation: preh-moh-nee-see-ON
English Meaning: premonition
Spanish Sentence: Tuvo una premonición de que algo malo iba a suceder.
English Sentence: He had a premonition that something bad was going to happen. - preocupación
Pronunciation: preh-oh-koo-pah-see-ON
English Meaning: concern
Spanish Sentence: La preocupación por el medio ambiente está en aumento.
English Sentence: Concern for the environment is on the rise. - preparación
Pronunciation: preh-pah-rah-SYON
English Meaning: preparation
Spanish Sentence: Necesitamos más tiempo para la preparación del proyecto.
English Sentence: We need more time for project preparation. - preposición
Pronunciation: preh-poh-see-SYON
English Meaning: preposition
Spanish Sentence: Las preposiciones indican la relación entre palabras en una oración.
English Sentence: Prepositions indicate the relationship between words in a sentence. - prescripción
Pronunciation: prehs-kreep-SYON
English Meaning: prescription
Spanish Sentence: El médico me dio una prescripción para los antibióticos.
English Sentence: The doctor gave me a prescription for antibiotics. - presentación
Pronunciation: preh-sehn-tah-SYON
English Meaning: presentation
Spanish Sentence: La presentación del informe será mañana.
English Sentence: The presentation of the report will be tomorrow. - preservación
Pronunciation: preh-sehr-bah-SYON
English Meaning: preservation
Spanish Sentence: La preservación de la naturaleza es responsabilidad de todos.
English Sentence: Preservation of nature is everyone’s responsibility. - prestidigitación
Pronunciation: prehs-tee-dee-hee-tah-SYON
English Meaning: prestidigitation
Spanish Sentence: La prestidigitación es un arte de habilidad manual.
English Sentence: Prestidigitation is an art of manual dexterity. - presunción
Pronunciation: preh-soon-see-ON
English Meaning: presumption
Spanish Sentence: No deberías hacer una presunción sin pruebas.
English Sentence: You shouldn’t make a presumption without evidence. - prevención
Pronunciation: preh-ben-see-ON
English Meaning: prevention
Spanish Sentence: La prevención de enfermedades es fundamental para la salud pública.
English Sentence: Disease prevention is fundamental for public health. - privación
Pronunciation: preh-bah-see-ON
English Meaning: deprivation
Spanish Sentence: La privación de sueño puede afectar la salud mental.
English Sentence: Sleep deprivation can affect mental health. - proclamación
Pronunciation: proh-klah-mah-SYON
English Meaning: proclamation
Spanish Sentence: La proclamación del nuevo presidente fue emocionante.
English Sentence: The proclamation of the new president was exciting. - procrastinación
Pronunciation: proh-krah-stee-nah-SYON
English Meaning: procrastination
Spanish Sentence: La procrastinación puede ser un obstáculo para el éxito.
English Sentence: Procrastination can be a barrier to success. - procreación
Pronunciation: proh-kreh-ah-SYON
English Meaning: procreation
Spanish Sentence: La procreación es fundamental para la supervivencia de la especie.
English Sentence: Procreation is fundamental for the survival of the species. - producción
Pronunciation: proh-doohk-SYON
English Meaning: production
Spanish Sentence: La producción de alimentos aumentó este año.
English Sentence: Food production increased this year. - profanación
Pronunciation: proh-fah-nah-SYON
English Meaning: desecration
Spanish Sentence: La profanación del templo causó indignación en la comunidad.
English Sentence: The desecration of the temple caused outrage in the community. - programación
Pronunciation: proh-grah-mah-SYON
English Meaning: programming
Spanish Sentence: La programación del software llevó meses.
English Sentence: Programming the software took months. - prohibición
Pronunciation: proh-ee-bee-SYON
English Meaning: prohibition
Spanish Sentence: La prohibición de fumar en lugares públicos es común.
English Sentence: Prohibition of smoking in public places is common. - proliferación
Pronunciation: proh-lee-feh-rah-SYON
English Meaning: proliferation
Spanish Sentence: La proliferación de armas nucleares es una preocupación global.
English Sentence: The proliferation of nuclear weapons is a global concern. - prolongación
Pronunciation: proh-lohn-gah-SYON
English Meaning: prolongation
Spanish Sentence: La prolongación del contrato fue negociada con éxito.
English Sentence: The prolongation of the contract was successfully negotiated. - promoción
Pronunciation: proh-moh-see-ON
English Meaning: promotion
Spanish Sentence: La promoción del evento atrajo a muchos asistentes.
English Sentence: The promotion of the event attracted many attendees. - pronunciación
Pronunciation: proh-noon-syah-SYON
English Meaning: pronunciation
Spanish Sentence: La pronunciación correcta es importante para la comunicación.
English Sentence: Correct pronunciation is important for communication. - propagación
Pronunciation: proh-pah-gah-SYON
English Meaning: propagation
Spanish Sentence: La propagación del virus debe ser controlada.
English Sentence: The propagation of the virus must be controlled. - proporción
Pronunciation: proh-por-syon
English Meaning: proportion
Spanish Sentence: La proporción de hombres a mujeres es casi igual.
English Sentence: The proportion of men to women is nearly equal. - proposición
Pronunciation: proh-poh-see-SYON
English Meaning: proposition
Spanish Sentence: La proposición de negocios fue bien recibida.
English Sentence: The business proposition was well received. - prostitución
Pronunciation: proh-stee-too-see-ON
English Meaning: prostitution
Spanish Sentence: La prostitución es ilegal en muchos países.
English Sentence: Prostitution is illegal in many countries. - protección
Pronunciation: proh-tehk-SYON
English Meaning: protection
Spanish Sentence: La protección del medio ambiente es responsabilidad de todos.
English Sentence: Protecting the environment is everyone’s responsibility. - provocación
Pronunciation: proh-boh-kah-SYON
English Meaning: provocation
Spanish Sentence: No caigas en la provocación, mantén la calma.
English Sentence: Don’t fall for the provocation, stay calm. - proyección
Pronunciation: proh-yehk-SYON
English Meaning: projection
Spanish Sentence: La proyección de la película comenzará a las ocho.
English Sentence: The projection of the movie will start at eight. - publicación
Pronunciation: poo-blee-kah-SYON
English Meaning: publication
Spanish Sentence: La publicación del libro fue un éxito.
English Sentence: The publication of the book was a success. - pudelación
Pronunciation: poo-deh-lah-SYON
English Meaning: puddling
Spanish Sentence: La pudelación es un proceso importante en la fabricación del acero.
English Sentence: Puddling is an important process in steel manufacturing. - punción
Pronunciation: poon-SYON
English Meaning: puncture
Spanish Sentence: La punción en la llanta causó un pinchazo.
English Sentence: The puncture in the tire caused a flat. - punto de condensación
Pronunciation: POON-toh deh kohn-dehn-sah-SYON
English Meaning: condensation point
Spanish Sentence: El punto de condensación marca el inicio de la formación de gotas.
English Sentence: The condensation point marks the beginning of droplet formation. - punto de ebullición
Pronunciation: POON-toh deh eh-bool-lee-SYON
English Meaning: boiling point
Spanish Sentence: El agua hierve a su punto de ebullición.
English Sentence: Water boils at its boiling point. - puntuación
Pronunciation: poon-twa-SYON
English Meaning: punctuation
Spanish Sentence: La puntuación correcta mejora la comprensión del texto.
English Sentence: Correct punctuation enhances text comprehension. - purificación
Pronunciation: poo-ree-fee-kah-SYON
English Meaning: purification
Spanish Sentence: La purificación del agua elimina las impurezas.
English Sentence: Water purification removes impurities. - Purificación
Pronunciation: poo-ree-fee-kah-SYON
English Meaning: Purification (proper noun)
Spanish Sentence: La Virgen de la Purificación es venerada en la región.
English Sentence: The Virgin of Purification is venerated in the region. - putrefacción
Pronunciation: poo-treh-fahk-SYON
English Meaning: putrefaction
Spanish Sentence: La putrefacción de la carne produce mal olor.
English Sentence: Putrefaction of meat produces a foul odor.
Spanish Words Ending in “ción” & Start with Q
In Spanish, words that end with ‘cion and start with Q are sporadic! As you can see, there is just one word listed below. However, if you about any word that starts with Q and ends with ‘cion’, let us know in the comment section or you can contact us!
- quelación
Pronunciation: keh-lah-SYON
English Meaning: chelation
Spanish Sentence: La quelación es un proceso utilizado en la eliminación de metales pesados.
English Sentence: Chelation is a process used in heavy metal removal.
Spanish Words Ending in “ción” & Start with R
- ración
Pronunciation: rah-SYON
English Meaning: ration
Spanish Sentence: Recibieron una ración de comida para dos días.
English Sentence: They received a ration of food for two days. - radiación
Pronunciation: rah-dee-ah-SYON
English Meaning: radiation
Spanish Sentence: La radiación del sol puede causar quemaduras.
English Sentence: Radiation from the sun can cause burns. - radicalización
Pronunciation: rah-dee-kah-lee-sah-SYON
English Meaning: radicalization
Spanish Sentence: La radicalización de ciertos grupos es preocupante.
English Sentence: The radicalization of certain groups is concerning. - ralentización
Pronunciation: rah-lehn-tee-sah-SYON
English Meaning: slowdown
Spanish Sentence: La ralentización de la economía afectó a muchas empresas.
English Sentence: The slowdown in the economy affected many companies. - refrigeración
Pronunciation: ree-free-heh-ra-SYON
English Meaning: refrigeration
Spanish Sentence: La refrigeración es necesaria para mantener los alimentos frescos.
English Sentence: Refrigeration is necessary to keep food fresh. - refutación
Pronunciation: reh-foo-tah-SYON
English Meaning: refutation
Spanish Sentence: El científico presentó una refutación sólida de la teoría anterior.
English Sentence: The scientist presented a solid refutation of the previous theory. - regasificación
Pronunciation: reh-gah-see-fee-kah-SYON
English Meaning: regasification
Spanish Sentence: La regasificación del gas natural es un proceso importante en la industria energética.
English Sentence: Regasification of natural gas is an important process in the energy industry. - regeneración
Pronunciation: reh-heh-nehr-ah-SYON
English Meaning: regeneration
Spanish Sentence: La regeneración del tejido dañado es crucial para la recuperación del paciente.
English Sentence: Regeneration of damaged tissue is crucial for the patient’s recovery. - registración
Pronunciation: reh-hees-trah-SYON
English Meaning: registration
Spanish Sentence: La registración para el curso cierra mañana.
English Sentence: Registration for the course closes tomorrow. - regulación
Pronunciation: reh-goo-lah-SYON
English Meaning: regulation
Spanish Sentence: La regulación del tráfico es necesaria para mantener la seguridad en las carreteras.
English Sentence: Traffic regulation is necessary to maintain safety on the roads. - rehabilitación
Pronunciation: reh-ah-bee-lee-tah-SYON
English Meaning: rehabilitation
Spanish Sentence: El paciente se someterá a un programa de rehabilitación después de la cirugía.
English Sentence: The patient will undergo a rehabilitation program after surgery. - reiteración
Pronunciation: reh-ee-teh-rah-SYON
English Meaning: reiteration
Spanish Sentence: La reiteración de sus argumentos no convenció al jurado.
English Sentence: The reiteration of his arguments did not convince the jury. - reivindicación
Pronunciation: reh-ee-been-dee-kah-SYON
English Meaning: vindication
Spanish Sentence: La reivindicación de sus derechos fue un paso importante para la igualdad.
English Sentence: The vindication of their rights was an important step towards equality. - relación
Pronunciation: reh-lah-SYON
English Meaning: relationship
Spanish Sentence: La relación entre el clima y la agricultura es compleja.
English Sentence: The relationship between climate and agriculture is complex. - relajación
Pronunciation: reh-lah-hah-SYON
English Meaning: relaxation
Spanish Sentence: La relajación es importante para reducir el estrés.
English Sentence: Relaxation is important for reducing stress. - remediación
Pronunciation: reh-meh-dee-ah-SYON
English Meaning: remediation
Spanish Sentence: La remediación del suelo contaminado es un proceso costoso.
English Sentence: Remediation of contaminated soil is a costly process. - remodelación
Pronunciation: reh-moh-deh-lah-SYON
English Meaning: remodeling
Spanish Sentence: La remodelación de la casa comenzará el próximo mes.
English Sentence: Remodeling of the house will begin next month. - rendición
Pronunciation: rehn-dee-SYON
English Meaning: surrender
Spanish Sentence: La rendición del ejército marcó el fin de la guerra.
English Sentence: The surrender of the army marked the end of the war. - renovación
Pronunciation: reh-noh-bah-SYON
English Meaning: renovation
Spanish Sentence: La renovación del edificio histórico rescató su belleza original.
English Sentence: The renovation of the historical building restored its original beauty. - reorganización
Pronunciation: reh-ohr-gah-nee-sah-SYON
English Meaning: reorganization
Spanish Sentence: La reorganización de la empresa mejoró la eficiencia de los procesos.
English Sentence: The reorganization of the company improved process efficiency. - reparación
Pronunciation: reh-pah-rah-SYON
English Meaning: repair
Spanish Sentence: La reparación del coche tomará unos días.
English Sentence: The repair of the car will take a few days. - repetición
Pronunciation: reh-peh-tee-SYON
English Meaning: repetition
Spanish Sentence: La repetición de la música fue reconfortante.
English Sentence: The repetition of the music was comforting. - replicación
Pronunciation: reh-plee-kah-SYON
English Meaning: replication
Spanish Sentence: La replicación del experimento confirmó los resultados.
English Sentence: The replication of the experiment confirmed the results. - reposición
Pronunciation: reh-poh-see-SYON
English Meaning: replacement
Spanish Sentence: La reposición del producto dañado será gratuita.
English Sentence: The replacement of the damaged product will be free of charge. - representación
Pronunciation: reh-preh-sehn-tah-SYON
English Meaning: representation
Spanish Sentence: La representación gráfica facilita la comprensión de los datos.
English Sentence: Graphic representation facilitates the understanding of data. - reprobación
Pronunciation: reh-proh-bah-SYON
English Meaning: disapproval
Spanish Sentence: La reprobación de su conducta fue evidente en las miradas de los demás.
English Sentence: Disapproval of his behavior was evident in the looks of others. - reproducción
Pronunciation: reh-proh-doohk-SYON
English Meaning: reproduction
Spanish Sentence: La reproducción de las plantas es un proceso fundamental en la naturaleza.
English Sentence: Reproduction of plants is a fundamental process in nature. - reputación
Pronunciation: reh-poo-tah-SYON
English Meaning: reputation
Spanish Sentence: La reputación de la empresa se vio afectada por el escándalo.
English Sentence: The reputation of the company was affected by the scandal. - reservación
Pronunciation: reh-sehr-bah-SYON
English Meaning: reservation
Spanish Sentence: La reservación del hotel está confirmada para esta noche.
English Sentence: The hotel reservation is confirmed for tonight. - resignación
Pronunciation: reh-seeg-nah-SYON
English Meaning: resignation
Spanish Sentence: Aceptó su destino con resignación.
English Sentence: He accepted his fate with resignation. - resolución
Pronunciation: reh-soh-loo-see-ohn
English Meaning: resolution
Spanish Sentence: La resolución del conflicto tomó meses de negociaciones.
English Sentence: The resolution of the conflict took months of negotiations. - respiración
Pronunciation: reh-spee-rah-SYON
English Meaning: respiration
Spanish Sentence: La respiración es un proceso vital para los seres vivos.
English Sentence: Respiration is a vital process for living beings. - restauración
Pronunciation: rehs-tow-rah-SYON
English Meaning: restoration
Spanish Sentence: La restauración del cuadro reveló detalles antes ocultos.
English Sentence: The restoration of the painting revealed previously hidden details. - restricción
Pronunciation: reh-streek-see-OHN
English Meaning: restriction
Spanish Sentence: La restricción de ciertas actividades es necesaria por razones de seguridad.
English Sentence: Restriction of certain activities is necessary for safety reasons. - restructuración
Pronunciation: reh-strook-too-rah-SYON
English Meaning: restructuring
Spanish Sentence: La restructuración de la empresa conllevó la pérdida de algunos puestos de trabajo.
English Sentence: The restructuring of the company led to the loss of some jobs. - resurrección
Pronunciation: reh-soo-rehk-see-OHN
English Meaning: resurrection
Spanish Sentence: La resurrección de la planta después del invierno fue sorprendente.
English Sentence: The resurrection of the plant after winter was surprising. - retención
Pronunciation: reh-tehn-see-OHN
English Meaning: retention
Spanish Sentence: La retención de líquidos puede ser un síntoma de problemas de salud.
English Sentence: Retention of fluids can be a symptom of health problems. - retribución
Pronunciation: reh-tree-boo-see-OHN
English Meaning: remuneration
Spanish Sentence: La retribución por horas extras será pagada al final del mes.
English Sentence: Remuneration for overtime will be paid at the end of the month. - retroacción
Pronunciation: reh-troh-ak-see-OHN
English Meaning: feedback
Spanish Sentence: La retroacción del cliente fue positiva en cuanto al servicio recibido.
English Sentence: The feedback from the customer was positive regarding the service received. - retroalimentación
Pronunciation: reh-troh-ah-lee-mehn-tah-SYON
English Meaning: feedback
Spanish Sentence: La retroalimentación del profesor ayudó a los estudiantes a mejorar.
English Sentence: The feedback from the teacher helped the students improve. - reunificación
Pronunciation: reh-oo-nee-fee-kah-SYON
English Meaning: reunification
Spanish Sentence: La reunificación de la familia fue un momento emotivo.
English Sentence: The reunification of the family was an emotional moment. - revelación
Pronunciation: reh-veh-lah-SYON
English Meaning: revelation
Spanish Sentence: La revelación de la verdad causó conmoción en la comunidad.
English Sentence: The revelation of the truth caused shock in the community. - reverberación
Pronunciation: reh-vehr-beh-rah-SYON
English Meaning: reverberation
Spanish Sentence: La reverberación del sonido en la cueva creaba un efecto extraño.
English Sentence: The reverberation of sound in the cave created a strange effect. - revolución
Pronunciation: reh-boo-loo-SYON
English Meaning: revolution
Spanish Sentence: La revolución industrial transformó la sociedad en el siglo XIX.
English Sentence: The industrial revolution transformed society in the 19th century. - romanización
Pronunciation: roh-mah-nee-sah-SYON
English Meaning: romanization
Spanish Sentence: La romanización del alfabeto facilitó la expansión del imperio.
English Sentence: The romanization of the alphabet facilitated the expansion of the empire. - rotación
Pronunciation: roh-tah-SYON
English Meaning: rotation
Spanish Sentence: La rotación de cultivos es importante para mantener la fertilidad del suelo.
English Sentence: Crop rotation is important to maintain soil fertility.
Spanish Words Ending in “ción” & Start with S
- salvación
Pronunciation: sahl-vah-SYON
English Meaning: salvation
Spanish Sentence: La salvación del naufragio fue un milagro.
English Sentence: Salvation from the shipwreck was a miracle. - sanción
Pronunciation: sahn-see-OHN
English Meaning: sanction
Spanish Sentence: La sanción por incumplimiento de las normas puede ser severa.
English Sentence: The sanction for non-compliance with the rules can be severe. - saponificación
Pronunciation: sah-poh-nee-fee-kah-SYON
English Meaning: saponification
Spanish Sentence: La saponificación es un proceso químico para hacer jabón.
English Sentence: Saponification is a chemical process for making soap. - satisfacción
Pronunciation: sah-tees-fahk-see-OHN
English Meaning: satisfaction
Spanish Sentence: La satisfacción del cliente es nuestra prioridad.
English Sentence: Customer satisfaction is our priority. - saturación
Pronunciation: sah-too-rah-SYON
English Meaning: saturation
Spanish Sentence: La saturación del mercado afecta los precios.
English Sentence: Market saturation affects prices. - señalización
Pronunciation: seh-nyah-lee-sah-SYON
English Meaning: signaling
Spanish Sentence: La señalización en la carretera indica los límites de velocidad.
English Sentence: Signaling on the road indicates speed limits. - sección
Pronunciation: sehk-see-OHN
English Meaning: section
Spanish Sentence: La sección de deportes en el periódico cubre los últimos eventos.
English Sentence: The sports section in the newspaper covers the latest events. - secreción
Pronunciation: seh-kreh-see-OHN
English Meaning: secretion
Spanish Sentence: La secreción de hormonas regula muchas funciones en el cuerpo.
English Sentence: Hormone secretion regulates many functions in the body. - sedición
Pronunciation: seh-dee-see-OHN
English Meaning: sedition
Spanish Sentence: La sedición fue castigada con penas severas.
English Sentence: Sedition was punished with severe penalties. - seducción
Pronunciation: seh-doo-ksee-OHN
English Meaning: seduction
Spanish Sentence: La seducción es parte de la trama en muchas novelas románticas.
English Sentence: Seduction is part of the plot in many romantic novels. - segunda intención
Pronunciation: seh-goon-dah een-ten-see-OHN
English Meaning: ulterior motive
Spanish Sentence: Su amabilidad tenía una segunda intención que no podía ignorar.
English Sentence: His kindness had an ulterior motive that she couldn’t ignore. - selección
Pronunciation: seh-lehk-see-OHN
English Meaning: selection
Spanish Sentence: La selección de personal es un proceso riguroso en esta empresa.
English Sentence: Personnel selection is a rigorous process in this company. - sensación
Pronunciation: sen-sah-SYON
English Meaning: sensation
Spanish Sentence: La sensación de frío se intensificó con el viento.
English Sentence: The sensation of cold intensified with the wind. - separación
Pronunciation: seh-pah-rah-SYON
English Meaning: separation
Spanish Sentence: La separación de los dos países fue amistosa.
English Sentence: The separation of the two countries was amicable. - signo de exclamación
Pronunciation: see-nyo deh eks-kla-mah-SYON
English Meaning: exclamation mark
Spanish Sentence: Siempre debes usar un signo de exclamación al final de una exclamación.
English Sentence: You should always use an exclamation mark at the end of an exclamation. - signo de interrogación
Pronunciation: see-nyo deh een-ter-roh-gah-SYON
English Meaning: question mark
Spanish Sentence: ¿Puedes poner un signo de interrogación al final de esa pregunta?
English Sentence: Can you put a question mark at the end of that question? - simplificación
Pronunciation: seem-plee-fee-kah-SYON
English Meaning: simplification
Spanish Sentence: La simplificación del proceso hizo que fuera más fácil de entender.
English Sentence: The simplification of the process made it easier to understand. - simulación
Pronunciation: see-moo-lah-SYON
English Meaning: simulation
Spanish Sentence: La simulación del experimento reveló posibles resultados.
English Sentence: The simulation of the experiment revealed potential outcomes. - sincronización
Pronunciation: seen-kroh-nee-sah-SYON
English Meaning: synchronization
Spanish Sentence: La sincronización de los relojes era crucial para la operación.
English Sentence: Synchronization of the clocks was crucial for the operation. - situación
Pronunciation: see-too-ah-SYON
English Meaning: situation
Spanish Sentence: La situación económica del país es preocupante.
English Sentence: The economic situation of the country is worrying. - sofisticación
Pronunciation: soh-fees-tee-kah-SYON
English Meaning: sophistication
Spanish Sentence: La sofisticación del diseño atrajo a clientes de alto nivel.
English Sentence: The sophistication of the design attracted high-level clients.
Spanish Words Ending in “ción” & Start with T
- traición
Pronunciation: trah-ee-SYON
English Meaning: betrayal
Spanish Sentence: La traición de su amigo lo dejó herido.
English Sentence: His friend’s betrayal left him wounded. - transacción
Pronunciation: trahn-sak-SYON
English Meaning: transaction
Spanish Sentence: La transacción se completó sin problemas.
English Sentence: The transaction was completed smoothly. - transcripción
Pronunciation: trahns-krip-SYON
English Meaning: transcription
Spanish Sentence: La transcripción del documento llevó horas.
English Sentence: The transcription of the document took hours. - transformación
Pronunciation: trahn-sfor-mah-SYON
English Meaning: transformation
Spanish Sentence: La transformación del paisaje fue impresionante.
English Sentence: The transformation of the landscape was impressive. - transición
Pronunciation: trahn-see-SYON
English Meaning: transition
Spanish Sentence: Estamos en medio de una transición importante.
English Sentence: We are in the midst of an important transition. - transliteración
Pronunciation: trahns-lee-teh-ra-SYON
English Meaning: transliteration
Spanish Sentence: La transliteración del texto es necesaria para entenderlo.
English Sentence: Transliteration of the text is necessary to understand it. - translocación
Pronunciation: trahns-loh-kah-SYON
English Meaning: translocation
Spanish Sentence: La translocación de la empresa implicará cambios significativos.
English Sentence: The translocation of the company will involve significant changes. - transmutación
Pronunciation: trahns-moo-tah-SYON
English Meaning: transmutation
Spanish Sentence: La transmutación de elementos es un proceso complejo.
English Sentence: Transmutation of elements is a complex process. - transportación
Pronunciation: trahns-por-tah-SYON
English Meaning: transportation
Spanish Sentence: La transportación de mercancías es eficiente en este país.
English Sentence: Transportation of goods is efficient in this country. - trascripción
Pronunciation: trahs-krip-SYON
English Meaning: transcription
Spanish Sentence: Necesitamos la trascripción de la entrevista lo antes posible.
English Sentence: We need the transcription of the interview as soon as possible. - trasformación
Pronunciation: trahs-for-mah-SYON
English Meaning: transformation
Spanish Sentence: La trasformación de la sociedad requiere esfuerzo colectivo.
English Sentence: The transformation of society requires collective effort. - traslación
Pronunciation: trahs-la-SYON
English Meaning: translation (motion)
Spanish Sentence: La traslación de la Tierra alrededor del Sol causa las estaciones.
English Sentence: The Earth’s translation around the Sun causes the seasons. - trasmutación
Pronunciation: trahs-moo-tah-SYON
English Meaning: transmutation
Spanish Sentence: La trasmutación de metales es un tema de interés en alquimia.
English Sentence: Transmutation of metals is a topic of interest in alchemy. - trasportación
Pronunciation: trahs-por-tah-SYON
English Meaning: transportation
Spanish Sentence: La trasportación de pasajeros se realiza principalmente por tren.
English Sentence: Transportation of passengers is mainly done by train. - trepanación
Pronunciation: treh-pah-nah-SYON
English Meaning: trepanation
Spanish Sentence: La trepanación craneal era una práctica médica antigua.
English Sentence: Cranial trepanation was an ancient medical practice. - tripulación
Pronunciation: tree-poo-lah-SYON
English Meaning: crew
Spanish Sentence: La tripulación del barco estaba lista para zarpar.
English Sentence: The crew of the ship was ready to set sail. - trisección
Pronunciation: tree-sek-SYON
English Meaning: trisection
Spanish Sentence: La trisección del ángulo es un problema geométrico clásico.
English Sentence: Trisection of the angle is a classic geometric problem.
Spanish Words Ending in “ción” & Start with U
- ubicación
Pronunciation: oo-bee-kah-SYON
English Meaning: location
Spanish Sentence: La ubicación del hotel era perfecta, cerca de todo.
English Sentence: The location of the hotel was perfect, close to everything. - ubiquitinación
Pronunciation: oo-bee-kee-tee-nah-SYON
English Meaning: ubiquitination
Spanish Sentence: La ubiquitinación es importante en el proceso de degradación celular.
English Sentence: Ubiquitination is important in the process of cellular degradation. - ulceración
Pronunciation: ul-seh-rah-SYON
English Meaning: ulceration
Spanish Sentence: La ulceración de la piel requería atención médica urgente.
English Sentence: The ulceration of the skin required urgent medical attention. - unción
Pronunciation: oon-see-ON
English Meaning: anointing
Spanish Sentence: La unción con óleo es un ritual religioso.
English Sentence: Anointing with oil is a religious ritual. - unificación
Pronunciation: oo-nee-fee-kah-SYON
English Meaning: unification
Spanish Sentence: La unificación de los equipos mejoró la eficiencia.
English Sentence: The unification of the teams improved efficiency. - urbanización
Pronunciation: oor-bah-nee-sah-SYON
English Meaning: urbanization
Spanish Sentence: La urbanización rápida trae consigo desafíos sociales.
English Sentence: Rapid urbanization brings along social challenges. - usurpación
Pronunciation: oo-soor-pah-SYON
English Meaning: usurpation
Spanish Sentence: La usurpación del trono desató una guerra civil.
English Sentence: The usurpation of the throne unleashed a civil war. - utilización
Pronunciation: oo-tee-lee-sah-SYON
English Meaning: utilization
Spanish Sentence: La utilización de recursos naturales debe ser sostenible.
English Sentence: The utilization of natural resources must be sustainable.
Spanish Words Ending in “ción” & Start with V
- vacación
Pronunciation: bah-kah-SYON
English Meaning: vacation
Spanish Sentence: Estoy planeando mis vacaciones para el próximo verano.
English Sentence: I am planning my vacation for next summer. - vacilación
Pronunciation: bah-see-lah-SYON
English Meaning: hesitation
Spanish Sentence: Su vacilación revelaba su inseguridad.
English Sentence: His hesitation revealed his insecurity. - vacunación
Pronunciation: bah-koo-nah-SYON
English Meaning: vaccination
Spanish Sentence: La vacunación es fundamental para prevenir enfermedades.
English Sentence: Vaccination is crucial for preventing diseases. - validación
Pronunciation: bah-lee-dah-SYON
English Meaning: validation
Spanish Sentence: La validación de datos es parte del proceso de investigación.
English Sentence: Data validation is part of the research process. - valoración
Pronunciation: bah-loh-rah-SYON
English Meaning: valuation
Spanish Sentence: La valoración de la empresa determinará su precio en el mercado.
English Sentence: The valuation of the company will determine its price in the market. - variación
Pronunciation: bah-ree-ah-SYON
English Meaning: variation
Spanish Sentence: La variación en los resultados fue mínima.
English Sentence: The variation in the results was minimal. - vegetación
Pronunciation: veh-heh-tah-SYON
English Meaning: vegetation
Spanish Sentence: La vegetación en esta región es exuberante.
English Sentence: The vegetation in this region is lush. - vejación
Pronunciation: veh-hah-SYON
English Meaning: harassment
Spanish Sentence: Ella sufrió vejación en su lugar de trabajo.
English Sentence: She suffered harassment in her workplace. - ventilación
Pronunciation: ben-tee-lah-SYON
English Meaning: ventilation
Spanish Sentence: La ventilación adecuada es crucial en un edificio.
English Sentence: Proper ventilation is crucial in a building. - verificación
Pronunciation: veh-ree-fee-kah-SYON
English Meaning: verification
Spanish Sentence: La verificación de identidad es necesaria para acceder al sistema.
English Sentence: Identity verification is necessary to access the system. - vibración
Pronunciation: bee-brah-SYON
English Meaning: vibration
Spanish Sentence: La vibración del teléfono indicaba una llamada entrante.
English Sentence: The vibration of the phone indicated an incoming call. - victimización
Pronunciation: veek-tee-mah-tee-sah-SYON
English Meaning: victimization
Spanish Sentence: La victimización de los más vulnerables es inaceptable.
English Sentence: Victimization of the most vulnerable is unacceptable. - vinculación
Pronunciation: veen-koo-lah-SYON
English Meaning: linkage
Spanish Sentence: Existe una clara vinculación entre la salud mental y el bienestar.
English Sentence: There is a clear linkage between mental health and well-being. - violación
Pronunciation: vee-oh-lah-SYON
English Meaning: violation
Spanish Sentence: La violación de los derechos humanos no puede ser tolerada.
English Sentence: Violation of human rights cannot be tolerated. - visitación
Pronunciation: bee-see-tah-SYON
English Meaning: visitation
Spanish Sentence: La visitación al museo aumentó después de la renovación.
English Sentence: Visitation to the museum increased after the renovation. - visualización
Pronunciation: bee-soo-ah-lee-sah-SYON
English Meaning: visualization
Spanish Sentence: La visualización de datos facilita la comprensión.
English Sentence: Data visualization facilitates understanding. - vivisección
Pronunciation: bee-bee-sek-SYON
English Meaning: vivisection
Spanish Sentence: La vivisección en animales ha generado controversia.
English Sentence: Vivisection in animals has generated controversy. - vocación
Pronunciation: boh-kah-SYON
English Meaning: vocation
Spanish Sentence: La vocación de servicio la llevó a ser voluntaria.
English Sentence: Her vocation for service led her to volunteer. - vocalización
Pronunciation: boh-kah-lee-sah-SYON
English Meaning: vocalization
Spanish Sentence: La vocalización clara es esencial para una buena comunicación.
English Sentence: Clear vocalization is essential for good communication. - volición
Pronunciation: boh-lee-SYON
English Meaning: volition
Spanish Sentence: Actuó según su propia volición, sin presiones externas.
English Sentence: He acted according to his own volition, without external pressures. - votación
Pronunciation: boh-tah-SYON
English Meaning: voting
Spanish Sentence: La votación se llevará a cabo mañana por la mañana.
English Sentence: The voting will take place tomorrow morning.
Spanish Words Ending in “ción” & Start with W,X,Y, and Z
Along with the K, in Spanish, there is a scarcity of words that end with ‘cion’ and stats with w,x, and z. Although we have found a word that meets our criteria, and it’s none other than the “yuxtaposición”.
- yuxtaposición
Pronunciation: yoo-stah-poh-see-SYON
English Meaning: juxtaposition
Spanish Sentence: La yuxtaposición de colores crea un efecto visual interesante.
English Sentence: The juxtaposition of colors creates an interesting visual effect.
Final Line
So that’s all about the topic of Spanish words that end with “cion”. Here we tried to cover all the words with the hacks of determining the nouns from the word that ended in ‘cion’.
I hope this resource will benefit you in your journey to learn the Spanish language.
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